brown hair with caramel highlights

brown hair with caramel highlights. dark rown hair and caramel
  • dark rown hair and caramel

  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:22 AM
    I find it so damn funny that thousands were crying over not having Verizon. Now there's hardly anything positive from those whiners.

    They are still expecting to sell 5 million.

    brown hair with caramel highlights. caramel highlights blended
  • caramel highlights blended

  • zwida
    Sep 26, 08:37 PM
    That's GREAT news. I've been stuck using web mail since my IT folks locked down all the ports on our system. Can't wait to have reasonable functionality again.

    brown hair with caramel highlights. Brown Hair Caramel Highlights
  • Brown Hair Caramel Highlights

  • dolphin842
    Feb 11, 02:36 PM
    Quake engine games such as Nexuiz run pretty well with the settings turned down.

    brown hair with caramel highlights. dark rown hair and caramel highlights. Brown Hair Caramel Highlights
  • dark rown hair and caramel highlights. Brown Hair Caramel Highlights

  • SidBala
    Mar 27, 02:35 PM
    I wish that just for a second we could turn back time and have it like the middle ages.

    This guy would have been dragged onto the streets and the mob would beat the **** out of him.

    I guess the best we can do today is to report this guy to 4chan/anonymous :D


    brown hair with caramel highlights. rown hair highlights, rown
  • rown hair highlights, rown

  • VSMacOne
    Oct 9, 08:25 PM
    Ok so I was having some timeline issues with TweetDeck for iPhone (just weird times for posts) so I decided to go ahead and give Tweetie 2 a shot.
    WOW... what an app! It's smooth, fast, responsive and easy to use. LOVE the offline capabilities. Couldn't care less about PUSH - it would kill my battery.
    So far, best Twitter app i've ever used!

    brown hair with caramel highlights. dark rown hair and caramel
  • dark rown hair and caramel

  • ReanimationLP
    Sep 17, 10:17 PM
    I'm collecting them too. :D

    I want a 360 so badly.


    brown hair with caramel highlights. Highlights Ideas for Blonde
  • Highlights Ideas for Blonde

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 15, 04:56 PM
    We can hope!

    I wonder if there will be a critical point where enough states get rid of it so the rest follow?

    brown hair with caramel highlights. rown hair with caramel
  • rown hair with caramel

  • iCaleb
    Sep 1, 01:13 AM
    Wallpapers found here (


    brown hair with caramel highlights. Brittney has long rown hair
  • Brittney has long rown hair

  • wordoflife
    Apr 1, 05:28 PM
    The Post Your Mac Set-up thread has all the links to the previous threads.. How about we do the same for here? Just incase you want it. It's interesting to see the desktops throughout the years. I'm such a geek.

    Man, Mac OS looked horrible back then. Even below 10.4:eek:

    brown hair with caramel highlights. Brown Hair And Caramel
  • Brown Hair And Caramel

  • iphonecrazyful
    Oct 9, 03:15 PM
    hmm... laggy?

    i think it must have been my phone its ok now :(


    brown hair with caramel highlights. dark rown hair and caramel
  • dark rown hair and caramel

  • monke
    Oct 17, 09:18 PM

    brown hair with caramel highlights. international hair color
  • international hair color

  • Prof.
    Apr 1, 01:03 PM


    brown hair with caramel highlights. Brown hair with caramel
  • Brown hair with caramel

  • samiwas
    Mar 3, 04:37 PM
    I know you WANT to give your solution... you're so close... c'mon... say it: "I think we should drastically increase taxation on wealthy Americans to fix this problem."
    What I want to know is how exactly you expect businesses to grow jobs, expand operations, etc. in this type of situation. It seems fairly clear based on the facts that A) this wouldn't be near enough money to solve the problem B)that the end result in the long run will almost certainly be less growth, fewer jobs, and less government 'revenue' than before. C) that you'd kill what chance we have left at regaining a strong economy as large businesses would do whatever they could to get their assets in locations of lower tax burden.

    Can you point me to a time in history where lower taxes led to more growth? Can you point me to the time when high taxes meant things were not progressing? As I seem to recall from the history classes I mostly failed, the mid-20th century was quite a boom for this country, right? Since I'm not so good at history, I looked up tax rates.

    The last time tax rates were as low as they are now started in about 1925. What followed 5 years later? The Great Depression and massive unemployment. Shortly after 1930, tax rates skyrocketed. You know what else happened around that time? Massive growth and employment. Then, since 1981 when taxes started getting much lower, the economy slowly started to go downhill. Many people were still making gobs of money, but the middle class started to see things going away. There must be some huge factor I'm missing. Maybe you can fill me, and everyone else here, in.

    And as for me wanting to "drastically increase taxes on wealthy Americans", you can stop right there. I want to get rid of the TAX BREAKS, the TAX CUTS...for everyone, and especially for excessively wealthy people.

    'turned into' a a profit machine? As opposed to... when?
    Providing health services and goods has always been a for-profit enterprise. This is exactly what has lead to the amazing growth in medical technology in the past 100 years.

    While the advances in medical technology are great, let's not for one second think that the massive profit machine known as the health care industry is not as corrupt as can be. You take a service that by it's very definition is essential for life, and turn it into a profit operation...nothing good can come from that. That's why a Tylenol in a hospital costs $14 and you go in for a bad cough and walk out with a $21,000 bill. Ludicrous.

    I tend to agree. Cut programs until our expenses match our current 'revenues.' When the two are equal or are in the black, let's immediately pass an balanged-budget amendment so this problem never happens again.

    I think we definitely need to include in the cuts the health care and pensions for all senators, congressmen, house members, and any other "lawmaker" types.

    For the record, they are paying their fair share. The top 50% of wage earners pay over 95% of the income tax.

    And as pointed out above, they also make and have the vast majority of the money in this country.

    If 90 people make $1,000 each, and 10 people make $50,000 each and they were evenly taxed on income, you'd still have 10% of the people paying 84.7% of the taxes. Is that unfair? No, it's not. Not in the slightest. And once you take out even a basic cost-of-living exemption, which should be the start of any tax system, that number would increase dramatically. Like, just over 95% maybe?

    In this free market, you have the choice to make more money. And if you want to make metric ass-tons of money, you can pay the taxes that go along with that. Free market capitalism.

    I agree. I would start with a MASSIVE simplification of the tax code, and virtual elimination of all government subsidies over the next 5-10 years.

    Probably the only thing I agree with you on. Individual tax returns should require a post card and nothing else. Corporate taxes, well...I don't know enough about them to know how to simplify them, but I'm sure they are ridiculously complex.

    I tend to agree. Reduce the budget by half, let them become more efficient and more reliant on technology. Take a more defensive posture around the globe and avoid entangling alliances, etc. abroad. That being said, I believe its important for us to maintain a strong national DEFENSE. We do have enemies... and defense is one of the primary constitutional roles of the federal government.

    OK, two things.

    If the top 50% are declaring earnings equivalent to 88% of the total, it seems entirely proportionate that they should be paying 95% of the total tax. Their true earnings are probably vastly more in percentage terms, anyway.


    brown hair with caramel highlights. dark rown hair and caramel
  • dark rown hair and caramel

  • Silas1066
    Dec 28, 03:58 PM
    I have been working with Windows in a networked environment since the Lan Manager days (before NT 3.51)

    Back in the 1990s, NT was a good choice for small to medium-sized businesses. It was easy to deploy, supported a lot of software, and was less expensive than Novell (generally). Apple back then was proprietary, difficult to deploy in large environments, and few apps ran on Macs.

    Things have changed ...

    If you are using GPOs to deploy legacy or proprietary applications to your users, you better get with the times. This is and EVERYTHING in the enterprise should be web-enabled (database portals, CRM software, etc.). GPOs, as I have said earlier, are generally used to lock down users and to plug the many security holes in Windows networks, or they are used to deploy old crappy apps that can't be reached through a browser.

    I am sitting in front of a Mac right now at work. I have MS Office loaded on it for convenience, and I use a number of web enabled applications: Cisco utilities (UCM Manager, ASDM) SolarWinds, Norton Security Suite, and I reach my databases through a SSL proxy and specific web servers on the back-end.

    My Mac is connected to AD throught the Directory Utility. My Mac can do native SMB file sharing if needed.

    I could use a Ubuntu box if I wanted! Where in this environment (which is a pretty big one) am I REQUIRED to use a Windows machine? Why not get rid of the GPOs, the security sweeps, the login scripts, etc. altogether? This is 1990s crap!

    Apple completely overhauled their OS when they went to OSX: this is 21st century technology. Microsoft stuck with the old 32bit architecture that included a registry and lots of legacy code. Windows 7 is a bunch of ginger-bread running on old code. Even Linux blows it away.

    The days of the old tower running Windows sitting on the office desk are going away. We are moving to cloud computing, intelligent tablets (i.e. the iPad) and integrated communications (voice, video, and data).

    Now Apple's support of enterprise customers is another issue, and it does concern me that they discontinued the Xserve. I guess we will have to see how that all plays out.

    But this idea of "can't be done! the world only runs on windows!" is nonsense.


    brown hair with caramel highlights. Long Dark Brown Curly-Wavy
  • Long Dark Brown Curly-Wavy

  • bogeybro
    Apr 24, 11:41 PM
    I recently installed Bootcamp. I split up my hard drive in half. I have now decided I don't want to do it anymore. How do i reverse it back to normal so I get my full memory back?

    brown hair with caramel highlights. Whoorl#39;s Magical Hair Color
  • Whoorl#39;s Magical Hair Color

  • The Gary
    Feb 9, 03:25 PM
    If you change your plan, you WILL lose any rollover minutes you have accumulated over the past year. Remember too that rollover minutes are only good for a year. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
    when you change your plan the roll over minutes go with you if you move up in plans. They carry over to the max if you move down in plans. If you have 1000's of roll over minutes you are paying too much per month all ready.


    brown hair with caramel highlights. rown hair with caramel
  • rown hair with caramel

  • neut
    Feb 14, 04:36 PM
    Thank you. I'm glad someone followed up on it. :D

    ... to be funnier i should have said, <CLICK!>. though, i haven't been using my camera much lately. :p

    peace | neut

    brown hair with caramel highlights. Hair Color: Dark Caramel Brown
  • Hair Color: Dark Caramel Brown

  • lukefinch
    Jun 2, 11:33 AM
    Here it is. The original images were created on Adobe Photoshop and the Gif was compiled on Adobe Fireworks.

    No Macs were harmed by Adobe Flash in the making of this avatar. You're welcome Steve Jobs!;)


    brown hair with caramel highlights. caramel brown hair. of light
  • caramel brown hair. of light

  • tigress666
    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    And I'll just admit I'm not upset cause this doesn't affect me, I don't do early upgrades. Talk to me when they increase the price of the regular upgrade fee.

    And honestly, there is such thing called inflation which sadly is happening a lot here. They're costs are going up so it's going to reflect in their prices. Right now they're apparently trying to mitigate it with costs to people who are doing what most people consider a luxury upgrade (being able to break contract early with no penalty and an incentive by having a slighty cheaper phone).

    I notice they're not affecting those who are no longer under contract (probably cause they still want to encourage that where as they have less incentive to encourage people to re-sign after a year since they still have them in a contract for a year).

    It's called running a business, realizing your prices are going up so you need to reflect that on to the customers (They're not a charity), and deciding where best to do price increases that won't chase off their customers.

    And for those pissed off and leaving for Verizon, from what I understand Verizon doesn't even allow early upgrades. So I fail to see if you are upset about early upgrade pricing going up, how Verizon will fix that. Cause with them your "early upgrade" will be the full price of the phone.

    Feb 10, 10:27 AM
    As a possible new ATT iPhone customer, now there are only two choices for text plans......

    Unlimited or None, how's that for an upsell

    Apr 25, 09:47 AM
    Looks really sweet ;)

    Feb 11, 03:09 PM
    I simply want to keep my voice plan the same and choose the new M2M. The M2M feature shows up under our family unlimited messaging thus I was assuming and hoping the voice plan rollover mins would remain unchanged.

    I didn't lose any of my roll-over minutes. I have ~1200 and am on the 450 individual plan.

    Mar 27, 03:06 PM
    I agree ... he should be reported ... he is taking advantage of people

    ive reported his auction and as a member.

    Apr 9, 11:07 AM
    I'm a 3D Artist and while waiting for a render to finish I made this for fun... If anyone wants me to make another one or one with your logo in it let me know! I have time to kill this weekend while I render.


    What kind of objects/scenes do you render, if i may ask? I am only a hobbyist and interested in virtual reality.

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