beautiful quotes on hope

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  • jared1988
    Apr 11, 07:06 PM
    That car no longer exists (in that form) as of Friday, the 8th. The guy's garage burned down with the car in it.!5790896/rusty-slammington-destroyed-in-fire

    i know :( Mike will come back...

    beautiful quotes on hope. eautiful quotes on hope.
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  • Schizoid
    Mar 23, 09:54 AM
    Damn.... Sir Serlet had a best accent ever.


    Craig has no accent! Get an accent, Craig.

    "Disk Defragmentation! No end user should ever haff to know about zat!"

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  • Markleshark
    Oct 18, 09:47 AM
    hehehehe, just needs a font match and its sorted. Nice one tho Stuart.

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  • Max on Macs
    Oct 5, 05:18 PM
    Why do you need to disable something you don't want to use? Can't you just not use it?

    Are you afraid you might accidentally change your mind someday and need to prevent yourself from doing this in the future?

    Also, many BBS's that I use offer me the chance to change the text-reply field size in my personal preferences. The window can be any size and the page looks just fine. Pretty much ANY text entry field has to be built into a page in such a way that changing the size just pushes things below it lower, just in case a browser draws it larger than planned. I can't think of any sites that don't work that way. This box I'm using on Macrumors right now follows that rule. If I were to drag it large nothing would "break." The stuff below it would just move down.

    Can you give any examples of a page that fails this test? I can't think of any offhand.
    I think he's talking about making it so people who use the web pages he designs can't resize the textareas (supposedly ruining his designs). IMHO this is a non-issue since when the user first sees the page they will se it as it should be, if they want to make a textarea bigger so they can type in it comfortably then it's their own choice.


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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Dec 18, 06:46 PM
    He-he... that is slightly disturbing...

    ...and very cool... :D

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  • kalsta
    Mar 20, 10:58 AM
    I paid $100 for a logo design.

    $100 for an original logo design is absurdly cheap. If you got a good design for that price, you got really lucky.


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  • iLog.Genius
    Apr 20, 02:42 PM
    You can just move them. By default they're installed to the Applications folder. Hopefully in future updates, App Store will allow the option where to install apps.

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  • Hope you#39;re having a eautiful

  • lukenorris
    Jan 12, 01:23 AM
    What video projector(s) do they use for the keynote at Macworld this year? Is it front or rear projection?



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  • Hermes Monster
    Feb 28, 04:20 PM
    I think you need to look in to what software you would like or what you can afford. Also, what sort of graphics are you wanting to create? Illustrations or photo based images?

    Photoshop and Illustrator are the standards but are very expensive �4-600. Try GIMP in the meantime, it's a decent free app.

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  • Radex
    Apr 28, 10:25 PM
    Samsung makes good cellphones. All the cellphones I've owned in my life have been Samsung ones :D

    I own a Samsung Mythic, and I suffer lag input problems :\. $100 with contract at the time I bought it and my brother's Samsung Impression which is $75 with contract is faster than mine. A simple OTA update could have easily fixed this lag problem.

    Undoubtedly though Samsung makes great TVs.


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  • MacTech68
    Sep 19, 06:26 AM
    Never heard of this but I can only find references to it on the Apple II:\

    There appears to be a ".DSK" disk image of it here:
    Chrysler Crossfire (

    beautiful quotes on hope. quotes on life is eautiful.
  • quotes on life is eautiful.

  • Steven1621
    Jul 1, 11:50 AM
    i initilized my drive and cleaned everything off including the os. when i startup, the lilttle mac folder comes up and blinks a question mark. when i put in my os 9 cd it attempts to boot. most of the time, it just doesn't work. others, it will start to load stuff, then just freezes. i am starting to think that my disk is flawed. what do you think? what should i do?


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  • rkmac
    Feb 6, 04:56 AM
    My current one.
    Image can be found here (

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  • thatisme
    Mar 31, 10:25 AM
    It's cool, but totally pointless other than being used as a tech demo.

    I fully expect that the control will not be fine enough on the layers / brushes, etc to be acceptable for commercial or even personal use. It's hard enough to select and erase layer parts when using a WACOM tablet on a PC or Mac... Now we do the same thing with fingerpaint precision....


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  • FloatingBones
    Apr 30, 08:47 PM ( went digging in the latest Mac OS X Lion build to see what they could find [...]

    Aren't these guys in violation of their developer agreement?

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  • Dunbar
    Mar 27, 01:14 PM

    Ha ha, I was thinking of this exact same Jude Judy case :) I can't believe people here are saying there's nothing wrong with this listing. It is absolutely in Ebay's interest to make sure these scammer ads are done away with.


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  • jsw
    Feb 14, 12:13 PM
    How much lower can one go than mini-mod?

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  • chibianh
    Apr 24, 10:51 PM
    again, dang PS3 folders!! lol. The office I run has most of the computers folding now.. i think i've reached my limit until we decide to expand and get more computers :P

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  • quotes on life is eautiful.

  • imacintel
    Oct 21, 02:25 PM

    Apr 23, 11:23 AM
    The CPUs running bigadv especially are much more efficient (better ppd/watt) than GPUs...

    May 5, 07:11 PM
    And... umm... sorry... *what* does BTO stand for?!

    Jun 18, 04:19 PM

    Mar 3, 11:02 PM
    (getting on soapbox)

    In my opinion, it all comes down to this: we need to drastically overhaul taxation on the national and state level to make it very easy to comply with and also have minimum burden on residents and businesses.

    This is why I am a fan of the Steve Forbes flat income tax plan, which works this way:

    1) A generous income exemption per household for the personal income tax, up to US$42,000 for a family of four.
    2) 17% flat-rate income tax with NO other deductions for income above that exemption I described.
    3) Corporate income tax rate is now fixed at 17% also with very few other deductions available, perhaps only a simple depreciation schedule for plant and equipment.
    4) No more taxation on bank account interest, capital gains and stock dividend payments.

    By eliminating most of those undecipherable mountain of exemptions, credits and deductions, income tax compliance costs drop drastically. Indeed, for the personal income tax the tax form will be simpler than the 1040-EZ form, possibly reduced to not much more than a postcard! :D Even corporate income tax filings will require far less paperwork because corporations no longer need to deal with that mountain of rules from now on.

    #4 I mentioned above is very important, since it will allow Americans to keep their savings and investments in the USA essentially tax-free. This has another advantage: American residents can now create their own retirement "nest eggs" and/or put money away to pay for future medical bills with no income tax implications, which would end up reducing the need for Social Security and Medicare.

    In short, it is WAY past due for a massive overhaul of our income tax system. Put the Forbes tax plan into place as early as the 2011 tax year and all those TRILLIONS in American-owned liquid assets either participating in the cash-only underground economy or sitting in various financial institutions beyond US borders (care to explain all those "banks" in various Caribbean island nations?) as a means of income tax avoidance return to the USA to make full banks, businesses and even government again and also gives all the financial incentive for American businesses to keep as many jobs, factories and even corporate headquarters in the USA, which would go a long way in lowering the unemployment rate.

    (getting off soapbox)

    Mar 21, 06:23 PM

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