vegas strip map

vegas strip map. Las Vegas Levels: General Map
  • Las Vegas Levels: General Map

  • Jimmy James
    May 4, 09:14 AM
    If I could only find a personal use beyond web browsing.

    I know what you could do. You could play videos with it, such as mkv's, either streamed or synced with your device.

    Since I am the local technology guru...

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

    Capital idea! There's more than one piece of software that will do this for you. You know, not even my computer(s) can play mkv's out of the box. I had to install software to play mkv's. Just like with the ipad.

    None of the above.

    The commercials are cringe worthy when the potential you have is limited to web browsing.

    No, really, you can play mkv's. It's no longer a deal killer. You can now happily buy one. There's so many other things, other than playing mkv's, that you can do with it. It's a terribly long list so I won't bore you with that here.

    What would I playback? I do not waste the drive space on it either. I grew out of my media hoarding phase nearly a decade ago.

    I have not paid for any of my media since I just get it on DVD from the library. Why would I pay for shovel media?

    I thought you wanted to play mkv's? Oh well, I guess you could still convert them from your library videos. Your myth has been debunked. Go buy one.

    vegas strip map. map of The Strip in Las Vegas
  • map of The Strip in Las Vegas

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:05 PM
    What is the hole above the ear piece?

    Secret location tracker.

    vegas strip map. las vegas strip map of casinos
  • las vegas strip map of casinos

  • iansilv
    Apr 15, 01:39 PM
    LOL at the perspective on the text in the 3rd photo. :D


    Oh- yeah- you're right. I see that now- yeah I agree it's fake. I still like it though.

    vegas strip map. las vegas strip map of hotels.
  • las vegas strip map of hotels.

  • marksman
    Mar 29, 04:53 PM
    This will be a real boon the Mac Developers... First it makes it easy for Apple to determine who is eligible, if you are in the App Store, you are in.

    Secondly when they announce the awards, the benefit to the developers will be more significant as people will be able to link right to them in the Apple App Store and download/install them.

    I think it will end up being a real good thing for those developers partake in it.

    I don't have much confidence in developers who eschew the App Store for their applications anyways, as in almost all cases it is a bad business move. I appreciate the business savvy of developers and companies who realize what a real advantage the app store model is, especially if you have a strong product.

    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down... Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store. Again though with your own words you used to capture a lot of volume off google adwords. Which means you were likely much more successful at marketing than your competitors because being successful on PPC is not easy for any product. I would focus on your product and its features and place in the market and see what you can do to improve your offering. Feedback from the users and the rest.

    Someone else is getting the sales you are not getting and the new sales as well. Figure out how and why.


    vegas strip map. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • Avatar74
    Jan 16, 10:31 AM
    Well, then try to run Aperture on your PB. Good luck.

    No money from me until MBP is state of the art. I'm not going to pay nearly $ 3.000 in January 2008 for a notebook without SSE4 and Blue-Ray.
    I just sold my shares.


    My point was to ask the guy what exactly he does that demands that kind of firepower. Computers these days are overpowered for what 90% of the population does. However, Aperture is a perfect example of an application that needs more firepower... Thanks for pointing that out. It is a professional application that is useful, almost necessary, to professional photographers but a complete luxury for anyone else.

    If you can justify the purchase of Aperture to manage images from your $10,000 mega-res SLR, then you can probably afford a desktop workstation to handle it... and write it off as a business expense.

    But otherwise, I'm asking why does the poster in particular to whom I responded need more than that in a MacBook Air? Not because I want him to buy one. Clearly he could buy a MacBook or a MacBook Pro that better suits him. But you have to understand I see way too many people complaining every year that Apple hasn't produced the gadget to snatch up the money burning a hole in their pockets since... oh, a year ago when they bought that year's latest and greatest.

    People say "I'm ready for a new computer" six months to a year after they just bought one... and I find that patently absurd when 90% of the time, the person speaking uses said computer for: internet, email, word processing, music and consumer photo/video.

    vegas strip map. Imperial Palace, Las Vegas
  • Imperial Palace, Las Vegas

  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 11:25 AM
    Chevrolet announced the Volt will be priced at $41,000 before tax credits. You can choose to lease it for $350/month.


    vegas strip map. map of The Strip
  • map of The Strip

  • destroyboredom
    Mar 24, 04:35 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X! You're growing up so fast. :)

    vegas strip map. vegas-convention. Vegas Strip
  • vegas-convention. Vegas Strip

  • dsnort
    Jul 24, 11:52 PM

    Wait for it, it's a nag strip, but sooo worth it.

    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.


    vegas strip map. Map of the Las Vegas Strip
  • Map of the Las Vegas Strip

  • Ugg
    May 4, 03:05 PM
    Not sure what's medically relevant about owning or not owning a gun, but still, why penalize a doctor for asking and not, say, a teacher, clergyman, mechanic, dry cleaner, etc.? It doesn't make any sense.

    I think the Florida legislature is out to show how stupid and paranoid they are.

    vegas strip map. Using our map of Las Vegas
  • Using our map of Las Vegas

  • Abstract
    Apr 9, 06:57 AM
    Other than keeping applications in self-contained folders, I don't see any of this as copying. Even so, having applications run as self-contained folders isn't even an Apple idea.

    Different Microsoft IE versions for mobile phones, and computers? OH NOES!! :eek:

    Built-in PDF reader?! OMG!! What next, will Windows let you resize windows from all 4 corners rather than.......oh wait, it already does.


    vegas strip map. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • shawnce
    Aug 1, 10:00 AM
    I get all my music from the local library... :cool:
    Cool screw the artist!

    (you can find many artists that you can purchase music from directly... including on iTMS)

    vegas strip map. las vegas strip map 2011. las
  • las vegas strip map 2011. las

  • JoeG4
    Mar 14, 04:42 AM
    Seconded, there are those of us that prefer not to fry our wrists/nads every time we decide to work/play crysis. :D

    That, and for some reason looking inside a tower gets me all giddy in a way that powerful laptop hardware doesn't. Case in point: I have a quad i7 laptop that absolutely spanks my desktop, and I love using it, but I still get a huge kick out of popping the G5 open and checking out the massive heatsinks and all that. :D

    That, and it's nice to have multiple drives/monitors/whatever without a bunch of bricks and cables all over the *@#% table.


    vegas strip map. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • cayley
    Apr 4, 02:29 PM
    I doubt MS is being a dick just to get him to buy another xbox. It's standard procedure, just like ISPs won't give out their customer information to the RIAA unless they have a court order.

    I'm on rtd's side like everyone else here, but do you really want MS to give out that kind of information without a court order?

    vegas strip map. Las Vegas Strip Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Map

  • Blakjack
    Apr 25, 12:41 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    No u havn't been holding out. You just didnt give a s***!

    1st gen?!! WOW! LOL


    vegas strip map. Las Vegas Strip Restaurant Map
  • Las Vegas Strip Restaurant Map

  • holycat
    Oct 3, 06:12 PM
    I expect is a series of product that interrelated in their functions.

    first for sure iTV

    then wireless 3.5 inch iPod video that can linked to iTV (might be earlier even b4 Christmas)

    iPhone that will bring us some special functions

    MBP nano....


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  • if you already have a good mouse get the trackpad,you won#39;t regret it. printable las vegas strip map 2011. las vegas strip map. of the

  • TheMonarch
    Sep 7, 10:14 PM
    Maroon 5 sucks, though. Its so boring. Not on the same level as Keane, but still quite a snoozer.

    Funny thing is that Kanye is a Maroon 5 fan, and has the lead singer from Maroon 5 on the 2nd track of his new album, Late Registration. Good song, too. :)

    I think maroon 5 is OK, not the best, but good.

    SO he's a big fan of them, but bitc*es about them when they beat him. Damn. Now I really don't like him. childish of him.


    vegas strip map. Parlor Suite: Wet bar, strip
  • Parlor Suite: Wet bar, strip

  • kdarling
    Oct 7, 08:44 AM
    Surprised this hasn't been noted here yet...

    USAToday interviewed ( Verizon Wireless CEO about their new Android partnership, and got an extra comment:

    Meantime, (the CEO) says, the carrier is continuing to talk with Apple about bringing the iPhone to Verizon. McAdam says Verizon would love to have the device, anytime Apple is ready. "It's up to them to decide."

    Until then, he says, the two companies are having "lots of discussions" about Verizon's network and how it might affect Apple.

    Real, or just pushing ATT's buttons so they have to pay Apple more? Who knows.

    vegas strip map. printable las vegas strip map
  • printable las vegas strip map

  • JAT
    Apr 16, 09:07 AM
    When Apple releases their new HD TV the networks will have complete control on pricing with Apple getting it's cut. Apple will provide a complete hardware delivery system for them that operates seamlessly with a click, and has a magical (could not resist) effect on the end user.

    No needing to try all this crap streaming through Amazon and such BS. Could even give Netflix a run.

    Tivo already did this, over a decade ago. And look at the mess that has existed for them. First with DirecTV, and now Comcast. Uh, and now with DirecTV again.

    vegas strip map. Downtown Las Vegas Map
  • Downtown Las Vegas Map

  • Bigskygangsta
    May 3, 10:42 PM
    Pity I can't buy the product.

    Why are Apple spending so much money on advertising when they can't even keep up with demand? Makes no sense.

    Since the 9 year old Asians can't work more than 85 hours a week now, they can't keep up with demand.

    May 4, 07:11 AM
    Wait, what, a CD? Do you come from the 90s? Why do you need to put it on a CD? Do you even know how this works? Do you know how heavy a laptop is compared to an iPad 2? Do you know how much it sucks to "just hand over" a laptop?

    I didn't use the CD. The poster said they got the CD from the hospital with the scans on it, and then reviewed the images on the iPad.

    And here lies the problem, when you REALLY need to do something, you need to have the flexibility to handle things that are thrown at you.

    Nov 16, 07:16 PM
    Is EFI supported on AMD based systems? If not, then this would be a problem, as Mac OS X currently requires it.

    Nov 16, 03:22 PM
    i think this is just speculation. Maybe in 5 years... WHo knows.

    May 4, 01:24 AM
    Ummmm incorrect. I have a major surgery coming up and the only way me and my doctor could sit down together and review the CT Scan was with my iPad 2 since all CT Scans are done on digital now instead of film. I simply stopped by the hospital and snagged the cd the night before my appointment and loaded it before I left the next day.

    My doctor said this was on his wish list, but he couldn't find anywhere in stock.

    The "Only way" ?

    What, you could not use a laptop?

    And how would an iPad only owner read the CD in the 1st place?

    Yes the iPad made a nice easy to use picture viewer once you had put the images on it from your real computer at home is what you are saying.

    You could just of easy taken a laptop which read the CD images off directly onto the screen and no needed this new device whatsoever.

    Sep 12, 08:13 AM
    I dunno. I would think they'd wait to revise to iTunes 7.0 for Leopard. It would just make more sense to start with the new number with the new OS. After all, it's only a short time away, why start on like a 7.1.3 when you can start on good ol 7.0?

    Doesn't mean squat to Apple what version of iTunes ships with Leopard. iTunes is pretty much it's own entity now within the OS. It's not necessary to update version numbers with the OS. And anyway, it's cross-platform.

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