chris brown new tattoo

chris brown new tattoo. abuser Chris Brown has not
  • abuser Chris Brown has not

  • eawmp1
    May 4, 05:54 PM
    Sorry, but whether I have guns in my house with my kids is not anyones business but my own.

    But when you have guns in your house with my kids it's your pediatrician's job to ask. Whether you choose to answer is your choice.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Breezy posted this photo
  • Chris Breezy posted this photo

  • Slix
    May 3, 09:40 PM
    Nice ad Apple!

    chris brown new tattoo. Posted in Chris Brown,
  • Posted in Chris Brown,

  • PurrBall
    May 3, 06:30 PM
    Apparently you've never been to Calgary...

    Or Maine.

    chris brown new tattoo. Tattoo artist Bang Bang posted
  • Tattoo artist Bang Bang posted

  • vincenz
    Apr 15, 05:18 PM
    How is "gay history" different than regular history? lol

    One has "gay" and the other doesn't? :p

    chris brown new tattoo. Is This Chris Brown#39;s New Girl
  • Is This Chris Brown#39;s New Girl

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 08:35 AM
    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs ***** on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    As a genuine music producer I have more than enough devices to listen to music on. I actually, don't like the quality of mp3s/aacs.. whatever. You do realize how slim the phone is right? Oh.. yes, its an ipod, and a phone.. and a fully functional internet device.

    The point here is not that people can question something.. it's that people automatically attack a product without even realizing that it's the best out there. And I don't automatically praise every Apple product there is. If something is worth the praise, then yes, it's called for.. and rightly so.

    Rather, the people who post 'what? its only got 8 gb? pffft.. its only got safari? pfft.. photo management? bah humbug.. quad gsm? crap.. 2 megapixel cam? not impressed'

    I want YOU to come up with the phone of your dreams, keep it slim so it looks like a phone and not a Palm Treo piece of rock.. and make it priced comparable to other phones.. or rather, a little lower than the other high-end phones out there. I swear, everyone here obviously has the skills to manufacture a high-end phone out of their a$$.

    COMPARE this phone to the other high-end phones.. and THEN talk. I did buy fancy phones.. Palm Treos were a nightmare. I hate Motorola's UI.. Sony Ericsson and Nokia were the only functional phones. But I saw the iPhone's UI.. features, etc.. and the price is right. I'm not buying the iphone simply because it's an apple product. If sony had made a phone like this.. I would have bought it as well.

    With every popular product.. or creative company.. comes along a bunch of retards who think every other brand out there is better. I will forever be grateful to OS X simply because of the productivity it provides, which is good for me and my career. A phone with OS X and features comparable to other top notch phones (and better)? I'm sold.

    And by the way.. this is MACrumors. Yes, we mac addicts do share the love. I'm getting the feeling that people who can't afford this stuff.. seem to do the most whining and bit@ching, and find every possible flaw there is.

    I prefer that technology to be made larger and turned into... anti crash aircraft, aircraft that flies on anti gravity and by definition will never crash.

    A bunch of floating speakers, who cares! Noise pollution man!

    Um, my point in the first place was that people would say "Wow.. how the hell did they manage to make speakers that float in the air" .. as in a physical feat that is impossible to achieve. I'm sure if I saw something levitate.. for e.g. speakers.. or for your sake.. anti-crash aircraft.. I wouldn't say 'EW'

    This is a discussion related to phones.. and the ipod combo.. and hence that example.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown middot; Rihanna middot; Tattoo
  • Chris Brown middot; Rihanna middot; Tattoo

  • zenntench_oni
    Dec 14, 05:03 AM
    my friend told me that LTE is not that "mature" yet. i had to LOL when he told me that. of course LTE is not "mature" yet.. verizon is just full of themselves

    chris brown new tattoo. More Chris Brown tattoo#39;s
  • More Chris Brown tattoo#39;s

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 01:44 PM
    Steve Jobs says "iRetire" and walks off.


    That's classic!


    chris brown new tattoo. Sample the teen#39;s new release
  • Sample the teen#39;s new release

  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 12:50 PM
    Let's see....

    They're FINALLY going to some sort of UNIX thing.... Like Apple did.
    Theyre FINALLY getting some sort of responsible backup system.... Like Apple did...
    They're FINALLY going to self-contained applications, like Apple...
    They're FINALLY building in PDF support like Apple
    Etc, etc....

    Why not just skip 8 and 9 and call it Windows 10? Or WINDOWS X.... Just like SURPRISE! Apple did! :p

    All of which are necessary and seriously overdue. But how can anyone say it's not just another cheap ripoff of Apple yet again?

    My big question is... How is MS going to maintain strict control and ownership of a UNIX core?
    Isn't that why they've been sticking with their inferior, outdated and disasterously defective proprietary MS technology up until now?

    Have Fun,

    chris brown new tattoo. chris brown new tattoo.
  • chris brown new tattoo.

  • kayno
    Apr 16, 01:02 PM

    Agree its a fake.. but its also my prediction of what the new phone would look like.. however its missing the black plastic peice as seen in the 3G iPad..

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown Star Tattoo.
  • Chris Brown Star Tattoo.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 29, 07:24 PM
    Read my post. I didn't say he was right about them being the same kernal. I simply said he was right about the naming conventions.

    The version in question isn't simply the gui version number, but the code base version as a whole.

    Windows 95/98 don't share a code base with Windows NT. You are aware that the NT line is a complete rewrite, 32 bit from the ground-up and a completely different kernel/system architecture ?

    It's like saying OS X and classic are the same code base...

    The Win32 sub-system (which is only 1 sub-system in NT) might share some code, that's about it.

    The only way it makes sense is by using the actual version numbers that MS gave us, which are quite easily found. ;) Not only in Windows but in several sources through the net. I'll believe the info MS gives us vs someone from macrumors.

    No, because then as pointed out by your MS friend, it would be Windows NT 6.1 ;) Your blog post even says it doesn't make sense, so I don't see how "MS gave you info" when your "source" says it doesn't make any sense.

    Again, only way it actually makes sense is from a marketing perspective and as being the 7th release in the Windows NT line-up.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown Feat Lil Wayne
  • Chris Brown Feat Lil Wayne

  • arn
    Apr 21, 09:51 PM
    I don't see the ability to vote down posts ending well. I think that a "Thanks" system would be much, much better.

    So same system but without the down vote button at all?


    chris brown new tattoo. friend Chris Brown,
  • friend Chris Brown,

  • Winni
    Mar 25, 07:33 AM
    [SIZE=1]I seem to remember Mac OS X was touted as Apple's platform "for the next 20 years" when it was introduced. So it's only halfway finished!

    I think Jobs said that it is "the software platform for the next one and a half decades". But whatever. I don't think that there will be another OS X after "Lion" - there must be a reason why they named it after the "king of the animals".

    They will either merge iOS and OS X into something new or they will simply drop OS X altogether in favor of iOS. Since iOS is much more successful than OS X ever was and since it is getting more and more features and we are currently being trained - or better: conditioned - to even obtain our development tools through the AppStore, an "open" platform like OS X will very soon become obsolete for Apple.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown was spotted
  • Chris Brown was spotted

  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:30 PM
    I accidentally just went on BBC News... spoilt one surprise for myself :(

    Yeah, i don't think the internet is a safe place until after weve seen the QT vid ourselves.

    Meanwhile, the whole world is going nuts about a 300Gb iPod with built in Sat-Nav and Intel Quad-Core processors and we're sitting here nervously going at the alcohol, refusing to be tempted.

    I love every minute :D


    Oh, and in reply to the guy who is going to give up at 8, please don't put spoilers on here if you do take a look. That would not make me happy after all this waiting! :)

    chris brown new tattoo. NEW TATTOO!!! Ramp;B SINGER CHRIS

  • thworple
    Oct 19, 09:49 AM
    I would love to know what the worldwide figure is for Apple market percentage. I know it says here that its not in the top 5, hence no available data, but it would be interesting to see, particularly here in the UK, as the amount of people I know who have switched in the last year has been huge!!

    chris brown new tattoo. Come on chris!
  • Come on chris!

  • steelfist
    Oct 19, 11:24 AM
    and then there will be numerous viruses for the mac that will be unleashed into the wild.

    and then norton will have numerous profits from mac viruses, along with windows viruses.

    the two bad news i'm worried most from this.

    aside from that, means more games , and software support along with hardware support should be increasing as well which are good.

    it seems that most of the profits came from college students and travelers, as hh has noted. i thought the imac had strong sales, but it's easy to see why the notebook familly has such good sales.

    oh, and i hope the laptops won't get any thinner. apple's having a big problem with cooling their laptops already. it's not worth having so much problems by cutting a few mms off the height.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown Photos
  • Chris Brown Photos

  • Yakuza
    Apr 18, 07:51 AM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    what??? On this one you can change the battery? lol

    iiii don't know, hard to tell. even though it's a full assembled mobile, it just doesn't has that Apple touch!

    I like most of the first early photos

    chris brown new tattoo. We saw Chris Brown leaving a
  • We saw Chris Brown leaving a

  • Bonte
    Oct 29, 02:24 PM
    They will take "because it'll kill Apple's hardware business, which is where Apple makes most of their money" as an answer, however.

    Apple's interests lie in selling high-margin solutions, not bottom-of-the-market extremely low margin PCs.

    Think of Dell as Ford, and Apple as BMW.

    The computer - car analogy has to stop, it makes no sense at all. The most reliable car is the Toyota Corolla because it is the longest in production and has the errors worked out a long time ago, worst reliable cars are short production but expensive models like the Ferrari. Ford has less luxury options but may well be more reliable than BMW, price and luxury isn't the key factor here.

    As for the "high-margin solutions" Apple has a good position at the moment, price is competitive and high standard. It looks like Apple wants to keep a firm grip on the top end models but losing it on the low end, there is no sub $500 Mac! (except maybe the "iTV") Licensing an OS has a typical $80 price point and that is more than they make on a Mac Mini (hard- and software together) so it makes sense to me.

    A few years back Steve said that Apple would focus more on software than on hardware (and brought the iPod on the market :) ), the release of 10.5 may well be the turning point for the OS. If Mac sales go the way of the iPod then i agree there is no need to license but if not i see no other option. Its not if but when.

    chris brown new tattoo. Chris Brown
  • Chris Brown

  • Dagless
    Mar 26, 06:16 PM
    Well, they did steal over $1000 worth of stuff. Thats a big deal in my book when I only make $10,000 a year and that I'm in college. I know what you are saying but its still crappy for someone to even steal $100 worth of stuff from you.

    It's crappy that someone would steal anything from you. The feeling of having something taken from you is an unmeasurable price in itself.
    Back in our old house we had a bike stolen, my grandfather (who was about 70 at the time) fought off some Spanish muggers whilst on holiday too. That really shook him up and nothing was taken from him!

    chris brown new tattoo. a picture of Chris Brown
  • a picture of Chris Brown

  • mac-er
    Oct 2, 07:08 PM
    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company

    Well, that has to be the funniest thing I ever heard.

    Jan 12, 07:45 PM
    It is a difficult to create a reputation as a blogger then they do this...

    If one headless guy chose to do that, then it was GIZMODOs responsability to deal with him, not to endorse him by exposing this stupidity on their site.

    This is news media after all, not the Borat show.

    Ziger Woods
    Apr 25, 11:46 AM
    I hope this is tha new 4S or whatever they call it!? It will b a nice upgrade from my almost unbearable 3G!!!

    Apr 5, 05:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    and I'm surprised at the angry people like yourself being so angry at another grown ups choice of words!who are you to tell me what i can and can't say?do yourself a favor and don't reply i don't suffer fools. think il quit this forum to many ignorant people

    Well then, I'll do brogers a favor and reply on his behalf. I think you've again misinterpreted another persons emotions. I don't see that brogers is angry, he's simply disappointed at the number of forum members who resort to name calling and labeling when they don't agree with another's opinion. (Something I've been vehemently opposed to as well my entire life) Also, he is not trying to tell you what you can and can't say. The beginning of his post clearly states you can say whatever you want. Again, he's simply disappointed that ones right to freedom of speech on this forum usually ends with name calling. I find it highly ironic that YOU want to leave this forum because of too many ignorant people.

    Mar 3, 10:00 PM
    Lee, my wife is a teacher. I'm quite aware of how much they make. For the record, they aren't required to have masters degrees (where do you get this stuff?). Most importantly, without thuggish unions, good teachers like my wife would make far more money than they do today, while the bad ones would make less or be fired. Good riddance. Our students deserve better. If you can't hack it, get another job.

    My mistake about the masters, I was thinking of a friend of mine who wanted to teach college. I can admit my mistakes fivepoint, can you? And you honestly believe that teachers who strike should be jailed? REALLY? And you claim to believe in freedom. I can only assume that since you support this bill that you also support the antigay measure attached to it. And if you think Republicans in government will pay your wife more, you're fooling yourself. Watch what happens to teachers pay if this goes through.

    Have you seen the movie 'Waiting for Superman' by chance, Lee?

    Bill Gates accurately pointed out the failure of allowing the unionization of public employees and the incredible damage it's causing our state budgets. Thankfully, people like him are willing to look at the facts and report honestly on the situation instead of pretending like the government can produce miracles out of thin air or that money grows on trees.

    Then find the Bill Gates quote, fivepoint. Should be easy if it exists. And I couldn't care less what he thinks anyway. BTW- if we had universal health care, these problems would largely disappear.

    Oct 10, 10:29 PM
    yes, I hope it's true...<snip>

    As for ThinkSecret, who cares what they say...they go back and forth because they just have no clue and if this indeed happen or not they will say they were right. What a joke.

    Right now the most reliable site is Appleinsider.

    Actually right now the most reliable site is Apple -- once they announce and update their webpage :D :D :D

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