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  • rdowns
    Jan 26, 08:38 AM
    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    You poor boy. Will this leave a lasting scar? It wasn't 100 pages for me anyway as I view more threads per page. So there. :p

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 06:50 PM
    It's obvious that at this point in time sales of any one phone model is going to be quite a bit less than iPhone sales. Model for model, nothing is close.

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  • fblack
    Oct 23, 12:52 PM
    The bottom line is that this is just one more EULA violation that people will ignore on a daily basis, unless MS implements some way of enforcing it.

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  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 27, 12:53 AM
    Should be for all limits

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  • jlyanks85
    Sep 14, 11:08 PM
    Halo: Reach Legendary Edition
    Halo: Reach Limited Edition Xbox 360 S

    Replacing my old Xbox 360 Elite. Can't wait to get all this set up and play.

    How is the statue of the noble team that comes with the legendary edition? Is it cheap looking or actually worth it?

    Looks cool from pictures.

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  • parapup
    Apr 28, 12:54 PM
    How about the expression, "A rising tide lifts all boats."

    All boats except Symbian (it's too huge a s[t]inking ship to be lifted by any tide) and Windows Phone 7 ( they made a paper boat in the hope of getting lifted but sadly it looks like the tide is too big for it to ride)

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  • iCrizzo
    Apr 15, 02:39 PM
    Is there an option to make iCal look normal?

    It does look normal.

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  • crees!
    Jul 26, 02:50 PM
    Did ye all not read the report. The whole point is that it is a "Proximity sensor" . That it can detect your gestures while "spaced away" from the ipod. This would be no big deal if it required rubbing your greasy fingers all over the display!! Yes and it states "a touch screen display" "For multifunctional handheld devices".

    "The method includes sensing an object spaced away and in close proximity to the electronic device. The method also includes performing an action in the electronic device when an object is sensed." Meaning when I'm close to touching the darn thing do/show this when this is happening on screen.

    Did you read it?

    EDIT: Still not "touchless" either....
    "For example, when using a touch sensing device along with a proximity detection system, advanced gestures may be performed that combine proximity gestures along with touch gestures."

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  • ann713
    Apr 14, 12:01 AM
    Anyone have any idea which OS firmware it'll come with?

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 13, 07:28 PM
    What are they gonna call it? Apple TV?

    Sheep tv would be more like it. What's next, a supermarket?

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  • bman1209
    Mar 31, 11:10 AM
    Can someone confirm there isn't going to be a to-do list in Lion? This is ridiculous!

    So how about a to-do list, hey Apple?

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  • stevegmu
    Jan 30, 02:07 PM
    Now here's some interesting theories. The dollar started its decline long before the Fed began lowering interest rates. In fact it has stabilized and gained back some since. Actually, the president submits budgets to Congress. Finally, when the market swings wildly as it has recently, look to the behavior of large institutional investors. They are the controllers of large blocks of shares. What they decide moves markets, not small-time investors. They're just along for the ride, for the most part.

    The Dollar's largest losses have come as a result of the previous 3 rate cuts.
    The budget the President submits, and what Congress approves, are not the same, after pork-barrel spending is added in.
    I'm not quite sure you have a grasp of the markets...

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  • ChrisTX
    Apr 22, 08:04 PM
    If the next iPhone looks anything like that, I'll be keeping my iPhone 4 a little bit longer. :eek:

    Is a 3.7" screen big enough?

    What size screen are the new Android phones using?

    I hope the new home button has a LED that will blink in standby if messages are pending.

    Keep in mind that not everyone want's an oversized phone.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 25, 08:27 PM
    After this post, I can�t even think straight.

    I agree. Gay lapdances are looking pretty aPpealing when the alternative is that overpriced.

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  • Eduardo1971
    Mar 31, 10:44 AM
    WOW! It looks like wIndows 3.1! :eek:

    Ha. That's funny. Who knows maybe Apple will release something like this...

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  • Chris Blount
    May 3, 07:52 AM
    Still only 500GB hard drive on the low end. Ug! Hasn't apple realized it's 2011 and 1TB should now be the minimum?

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  • pchan0
    Apr 28, 05:07 PM


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  • Pez555
    May 4, 07:45 AM
    disappointing if true.

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  • kjs862
    Apr 28, 07:32 PM
    pretty amazing someone noticed a 0.2mm difference from just picking the darn thing up :eek:

    Oct 20, 07:29 PM
    I searched and shockingly couldn't find a thread like this. I don't know about anyone else but this is when I start my Christmas shopping. So, what do you want [realistically] this year for Christmas? Don't forget to include your pictures! And no, it doesn't have to be limited to Apple products.

    All I want is this beautiful piece of engineering:

    May 2, 12:48 AM
    I think we should preserve his body and burn it at the site of ground zero this 9/11! How's that for a 10 year anniversary celebration?

    If you want to go that route, milk it for all it's worth. Preserve him, decorate him as a pi�ata, and have anyone who wants take three whacks on primetime worldwide TV. Families of 9/11 victims get to be first in line.

    Jan 26, 10:49 AM
    Haha, I don't care, but it would have been nice to keep it going since I did the last 2 and put some work in tracking down old threads and adding up posts etc etc. Whatever.

    Really? So even after I PM you and apologize for stepping on toes that I did not know were there you're still going to give me crap? I don't get it. Now, on the note of tracking down old threads, I will add them since it is apparently SOP to have them there. I will likely do it in a while though, I hope that is acceptable to you.

    What I truly love is when I take the time to apologize for creating a thread, which is absurd, then that very person continues to brow beat me over the content, format, and apparent creation. If using your logic then you creating the last two stepped on the toes of the one who created the one just before yours. Again, this seems absurd and quite childish.

    If this is going to ruin your day then please PM me and ask me to have a mod delete this thread to leave it open for you to create a new one. I don't gain anything by creating a new thread, I just saw the other exceeded 2k posts. Again, this was as innocent as I could possibly get and yet I'm still being **** on by people who apparently have issues with me.

    Apr 14, 03:38 AM
    You guys don't have one?

    I've been tweeting from my ix.Mac.MarketingName 4 for months

    Apr 21, 10:03 AM
    Since -aggie- is playing, I'll also play.

    i figure it can�t be worse than last game.;)

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