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  • RecycledRaj
    09-18 01:17 PM
    i had interview at mumbai consulate on friday morning 9.30.

    EVERYONE please take time to read and reply...

    the officer was very rude... i said good morning upon entering and she did not reply.... then she said she is getting strange people since morning and no one is following her instructions....
    she asked me the name of company, my job title etc..i replied ...
    and then she asked me for my old passport and wrote CWOP on expired visa.....
    she asked my wife if she has old passport and i said no and there it started..."SHE got angry and said did i asked you? let her speak... " "women can speak for herself etc..." she did utter some few words slowly so i said "excuse me" and that's it..she told me people like me should not be in usa..etc...etc........."

    here is the deal...she did not gave me any slip or anything and said we can go now.....


    will i get my passport with stamp? or do they send Pink/Yellow/White slip through courier?

    expert any advise?
    i tracked the passport on VFS site on Saturday morning and VFS says they have not received passport from the embassy. is this normal? should i wait till monday evening before jump on any conclusion?

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  • injrav
    03-25 01:51 PM
    gap between your company A exit date and the date they withdrew your I140?
    As per law,, they should not do it for 6 months old approved I140 ?

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  • raysaikat
    05-07 09:27 AM
    I am holding J-1 student visa (academic training) from 8/2007 and will be expired on 7/31/2010, sponsor by U of Colorado. I am working as a postdoc for a project funded by NIH until 2013 at VCU. My advisor want to change my visa category from J-1 student to J-1 scholar, sponsor by VCU, to continue the project.

    According to an international advisor at VCU where I am applying J-1 scholar, I cannot change from J-1 student to J-1 scholar due to 12-month bar:

    [Time spent in the United States in any J status (including J-2 status) during the 12-month period preceding the prospective professor or research scholar's program begin date may affect the alien's eligibility for participation as a Professor or Research Scholar.

    22 C.F.R. � 62.20(d)(2) establishes what is referred to as the "12-month bar." The general proposition of the 12-month bar is that an alien is not eligible to begin an exchange program as a Professor or Research Scholar based on a DS-2019 issued "to begin a new program" if he or she was physically present in any J status (including J-2 status) for "all or part of" the "twelve month period immediately preceding the date of program commencement set forth on his or her Form DS-2019." ]

    But according to an international advisor at University of Colorado (my current sponsor for J1 student) that the 12-month bar is not applicable for me due to exception:
    [(A) J-1 transfers. The 12 month bar is not applicable to those who will begin a program by transferring to a new program sponsor under the transfer procedures of 22 C.F.R. � 62.42 ;
    22 C.F.R. � 62.20(d)(2)(i) ]

    Who is right? What should I do? :confused:

    I appreciate any help !!!

    Looks like the determining point is whether it is a "transfer" of a "new program". Since you are going from "student" to "post-doc", the safer interpretation is that it is a "new program". But you may try to argue that it a "transfer". Read the corresponding CFR's -- they are reasonably clear (google will give you the texts). For instance, this is what is "transfer":



    PART 514--EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM--Table of Contents

    Subpart C--Status of Exchange Visitors

    Sec. 514.42 Transfer of program.

    (a) Program sponsors may, pursuant to the provisions set forth in
    this section, permit an exchange visitor to transfer from one designated
    program to another designated program.
    (b) The responsible officer of the program to which the exchange
    visitor is transferring:
    (1) Shall verify the exchange visitor's visa status and program
    (2) Execute the Form IAP-66; and
    (3) Secure the written release of the current sponsor.
    (c) Upon return of the completed Form IAP-66, the responsible
    officer of the program to which the exchange visitor has transferred
    shall provide:
    (1) The exchange visitor his or her copy of the Form IAP-66; and
    (2) A notification copy of such form to the Agency.

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  • Administrator2
    03-28 01:41 PM
    As needhelp! clarified, we will fix all these issues over the weekend. Kindly keep updating this thread with any tracker related issue you would like to report.

    Also, kindly input processing information in your profile so that the tracker is more efficiently used by you and all other IV members.


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  • Saralayar
    07-31 05:53 PM
    Hi All,

    We are planning to goto canada for our H1 visa extension (actually i changed my job to new employer also). My H1 visa expires on Sept 31st 2007.
    We are planning to go in August 2007 itself.

    Lets say if our h1 extension is rejected or some issue what will be our status?
    Can we come back to US and plan for our india travel or we have to leave to india from there itself?

    I heard that mexico has different rules?

    Thanks for your help.
    You can not enter back into US if ther visa gets rejected. You have to go to your country from Canada itself. Mexico also has the same rules and not different. Consult your attorney too.

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  • wallpaper allah. allah wallpaper desktop 3d. allah wallpaper desktop 3d. Gamdoan. Jan 9, 09:54 AM

  • h1bnogc
    08-30 06:51 AM
    The officer can only look at the current I-797, cannot give an i-94 as per the future I-797. The other posters were correct last action rule does apply, however in my interpretation of the last action rule since your I-797 is not effective until November 2009 and your entry was before that, your last action in this case will be the latest I-797 and it will therefore be valid. In my opinion the Officer was correct in informing you that their is no problem for you to use your latest I-797 once the old one expires. Make sure you don't have a gap in the dates between the expiry of the old I-797 and start date of the new one.

    Thanks for taking time in responding to our queries.I understand this is old thread, still questions are same It looks like in this travel scenario, extension of stay makes thing more complicated than h1b transfer because of start and end date of extension and travel date.

    It appears that if POE officers gives new I94 based on future I797 or old I797, as far as there is no gap, it is ok.

    How about there is overlap? let say new I94 issued by POE officer expires Oct 10 (current H1B expires sep 30 + courtesy= 10), one attached with extension of stay approval start Oct 1. Is this a problem (last action rule or anything else)?

    thanks for your response...


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  • NNReddy
    08-26 03:24 PM
    Thanks for the reply. So we don't need to disclose to employer that we are on EAD.

    Also can employer discrimnate EAD, for ex: they won't hire people on EAD, can they do that legally?

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  • techbuyer77
    06-20 03:18 PM
    if they revoke the petition after 180 days that you filed i-485 nothing will happen you can invoke ac21, if before you can not


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  • acecupid
    08-21 03:17 PM
    I am almost there and expecting green card approval anytime. But now I am having second thoughts now. The desi consulting company I work for had eight people a year ago and two of them now going back (and one more is negotiating) at salaries 20-35 lacs. Has anyone explored Indian job market, if yes then what is hot?

    Does 25-30 lacs sound like a good deal to you ?

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  • unseenguy
    02-23 12:11 PM
    Right. I am not going to resign in haste. But I am confident I can find my current salary in 2-3 months. Question is , should I go for it or accept the paycut and stick it out as long as I can?


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  • Islamic Wallpaper - Allah

  • desighee
    10-28 12:21 AM
    Happy diwali to everybody.
    IV Folks,on this occassion I would like to quote a famous shloka from Geeta spoken by none other than the supreme personality of God head, the omni present lord Krishna:
    "Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,
    Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani"

    the gist of which is "keep doing your good deed and do not worry about the results,the lord shall bestow you with what you deserve"
    Folks, a lot of GC aspirants (like myself) are some of the best and the brightest people in the world,yet we are struggling in our lives due to this immigration mess created by an immigration system which is downright archaic and discriminatory.
    Our only fault is that we are ambitious and we want to succeed in the land of opportunities .We have this almost uncanny optimism to see light at the end of this immigration tunnel that seems to have no end.Yet everday we login to IV and other immigration websites to see if our fate has changed overnight,if the prority numbers became current,if the priority dates moved up by 6 months(and God forbids down by 3 years),if the HR5882 passed or it didn't because the senate decided to take the "horse rights" bill .Yet, we talk about flower campaigns to somehow make our voices heard, to somehow defend ourselves from the media assault launched by people like lou dobbs who constantly equate us with the illegals.We somehow try to do a failed attempt to distinguish our selves from the those guys who jump over from mexico border and work as labourers.We want to shout at the top of our lungs that we are not illegals, we are pefectly legal people who came to this great country of opportunities upon the invitation of US employers,we are doctors,engineers,scientists and phDs who probably pay more social security taxes then average population and who may never get that money back.All we want in return is a way for us and our spouses to work and live a decent life and live out the American dream without being exploited by the employers who is hell bent upon screwing us.This country is greatest in the world but somebody needs to hear the genuine voices coming from this strata of society.I have full faith that this country has the basic values of equality ingrained in system and we need to do our part to make sure those values are upheld when it comes to legal immigrants.

    Please keep doing your part and one day we'll see the light at the end of this tunnel.The rights of legal immigrants will certainly one day find preference over the rights of horses.

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  • katrina
    05-31 01:05 PM
    You should look at it from the point of view of the immigration officer, that person was 50% immigrant and because of that needs to apply for a Green Card, on the mean time one visit a year for less than 90 days or one visit every two years for 6 months will make them a 25% of the time or less resident of USA, which doesn't raise any flag, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the immigration officer.

    Yup and for that reason people try to sponsor their family and their relative (sister and brother ) for Green Card. Because whenever you try to follow the system they try to make hard on you. When you try honest way telling the truth that you just want to visit your friends or family here they suspect you want to immigrate here. Older people from other country tend not to come over here and stay cause they will fully depend on their kid to get around
    in unfamiliar place but I guess the immigration officer don't think like that.


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  • kdprasad
    07-08 07:19 PM
    Any Drive in Minneapolis???

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  • ski_dude12
    01-07 10:08 PM
    lol @ Bangalored
    the existing jobs have been bangalored...


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  • Subhan Allah Wallpaper

  • chapsi29
    06-27 11:13 AM
    I started work on 11/27 and that has been reported as the official start date. We will be talking to the lawyers next week to clarify all these issues. To my knowledge, I should not get a W2 as I did not get paid in 2007. Those wages should appear on my 2008 W2.

    Outside of this topic, I have a question. Will I be eligible for the economic stimulus for 2007 if I did not get my W2 ? My husband will be filing the tax return (as joint) but he will not be able to enter my W2 information.


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  • gc28262
    09-10 02:58 PM
    I had a similar issue when I applied for AP from TSC.
    Online status said approved, but never received it for a couple of months.

    You probably will have to wait for 30 days if you haven't received it. If the address is incorrect and AP returns undeliverable you can request them to resend it.

    Please follow the following threads:



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  • cfan666666
    06-28 09:20 PM
    Both of them will work, I believe.

    Good luck to all of us!

    wallpaper allah. wallpaper allah. ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001; ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001. Adidas Addict. Apr 28, 04:24 PM. Phone cases are for wimps anyway :Dwallpaper allah. wallpaper allah. ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001; ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001. Adidas Addict. Apr 28, 04:24 PM. Phone cases are for wimps anyway :D
  • wallpaper allah. ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001; ALLAH Name Wallpaper 0001. Adidas Addict. Apr 28, 04:24 PM. Phone cases are for wimps anyway :D

  • saimrathi
    07-12 02:40 PM
    Famous Indian americans...

    1. Are they influential Indian Americans?
    2. If someone can post their mailing address and phone number, I can mail them like I did Rep/Senators of my area...


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  • asterix
    02-22 05:45 PM
    Not sure if people understood the question. Based on this data it shows India got much more then what was in the quota and there were more GC given than the yearly total limit. If this is true, why do I keep hearing that in forums that there were 250K visa's over the last 5 years that were lost because they GC's were not processed in time? If anything there were more visa's given and a disproportionately higher # for India.

    08-14 12:26 PM
    This is just my theory. When you don't have much information, you get to think of many theories and here is mine. I believe USCIS is approving direct employees of an organization. For example, they may be giving preference to Microsoft employee, rather than an employee of Patel and Patel INC. I know I may be wrong, but I am just pondering. How can someone explain a person with PD 05/03/2006 with RD 08/01/2007 has much preference over a person with PD 05/03/2006 with RD 07/20/2007? Provided that everything is approved(I-140, Name check etc) Am I missing something here? :confused::confused:

    People may post their answers, proving that I am wrong.

    09-15 12:26 PM
    Any ideas? (My wife and son are in india now).
    Anyway, I will support IV wholeheartedly going forward. Of course, I got benefitted from it. I am a long timer, 2001, EB3.

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