steven tyler is hot

steven tyler is hot. -Steven-Tyler-American-Idol-
  • -Steven-Tyler-American-Idol-

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 24, 04:35 PM
    True, but its a wait for the overzealot AMD CPU fan base. AMD is very well behind Intel right now in CPUs. Their 6-core offerings barely match the processing power of a i7-870; which is a 4-core, 1156 socket! They can't even match the 1366 socket yet... not to mention the monster of a CPU that is the i7-980X.

    Shhh... don't tell him that. He insists that it will only be a "small performance edge". �AMD

    steven tyler is hot. Maybe J.Lo or Steven Tyler
  • Maybe J.Lo or Steven Tyler

  • leekohler
    Mar 19, 07:03 PM
    It's disgusting and Exodus International has done a lot of harm to people. I'm on the fence on this. I think it's absolutely like offering illegal drugs online, and I can't believe that group is even allowed to do what they do, but hey- if people want to screw themselves up, I guess that their business.

    steven tyler is hot. Can#39;t speak for Steve although
  • Can#39;t speak for Steve although

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 24, 01:36 PM
    Unless Apple gets clever and uses ThunderBolt for connecting external graphics cards, after all it is a PCI-E based connector.

    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

    steven tyler is hot. Panel – Steven Tyler
  • Panel – Steven Tyler

  • ipedro
    Jan 3, 07:18 PM
    I don't read too much into the Apple home page image. I think it only means that the transition to Intel is over and now Apple can concentrate on other efforts.
    I think the keynote will yield few surprises. I foresee a lengthy demonstration of Leopard, giving the consumer POV, and how great it will be. Maybe a few more features will be leaked out, but probably the focus will be on the consumer-level stuff like stationary in Also, iChat will take up a lot of time.
    I think we'll see some upgrades to the MacPro line. Maybe more cores or processors or something, but what you might expect. Likely Blu-ray BTO option.
    iLife will get an update, with most of the changes in iWeb, which will support multiple site construction. It will be more robust and Steve will make a couple of sites with it. iWork will see some more templates and transitions, but no spreadsheet app will be shown. They may offer further integration with iApps and address book/mail (Leopard-only)
    iTV (whatever it's called) will make a minor appearance, and some more details will emerge, but other than front row integration, it won't be a big deal.
    No phone of any kind will be presented. Steve will publicly quash the rumor saying that Apple has looked at the existing market and can't find a value-add there. After that, a bluetooth iPod/cell phone interface will be presented that allows your iPod to show caller ID and shut off when a call comes in. It also allows for initiating calls from the iPod address book.
    iPods will get a HD bump to 100Gb & 60Gb at the same price point, Nano & Shuffles may also get larger storage, but not likely.
    No wide screen iPod will be shown. Steve will say it saps too much battery life, and will point to the Zune as the example of "what not to do". Steve will note that most cars sold in the US have iPod integration and how 2007 will be a banner year for iPod integration in home & car.
    A Mighty Mouse MKII will debut in both wired and BT form, with a better track ball (non-analog) and industry-leading battery life on the BT version.

    I think that'll be about it.

    How depressing :( ... what a pessimistic member.

    Remember, this is the premier event of the year, a date Apple is working hard towards during most of the year. It's a high profile event and has become even more so in the past years.
    Apple will want to make a splash and will indeed do so, at the very least with their next big device: iTV.

    Mowogg doesn't seem to take into account that Steve Jobs hypes everything to the highest degree... and yes, we buy it. iTV is Apple's next big thing and I fully expect this and Leopard to be the BIG THING @ MWSF2007. This is Macworld after all.

    This would point to iPods being a footnote in the keynote, but the original iPod's end of cycle status (it hasn't been updated for quite some time, by iPod standards) and the fact that Zune was released earlier, I have a feeling Steve Jobs will want to one up Microsoft in the music player department after doing so with a demonstration of Leopard in the OS department.

    iPhone is iffy... I think it could wait for its own special event a month or so after MWSF... but Steve Jobs may want to reveal it when he talks about Leopard and its new orientation towards communication via iChat and the Apple Phone. I have no doubt it is in development as SONY's walkman phones are becoming increasingly popular and playing a part in pop culture just as the iPod itself did when it was new.

    Apple didn't buy a communications center for nothing. Something's going on and I have a feeling we're gonna get some information about where Apple is going @ MWSF.

    steven tyler is hot. steven tyler when he was
  • steven tyler when he was

  • iMikeT
    Nov 28, 05:00 PM
    How much money can Microsoft possibly dump into trying to destroy Apple?

    steven tyler is hot. 12 Steven Tyler
  • 12 Steven Tyler

  • rdowns
    Mar 22, 01:03 PM
    At my base they picket outside of the entrance gates every thursday. And all military members are to take a different entrance to avoid getting hurt. They have signs saying horrible comments and they attack you and your vehicle. Yes they get arrested if they attack anything, but at least 1 gets hurt a week. As for funerals somehow they find out where they are and play music, throw a party, cause a nascence basically to ruin the moment of memory and putting someone to rest.

    How about a link?

    Busted. The IT company owner who happens to serve in the military at the same time. Busy life.

    His profile says he's the Director of IT. Who am I to question that?

    So two questions (I will try to write out as best as I can, hopefully it's understandable).
    1: Is it possible that while I am on a business trip with my laptop that if I needed to access my network at work that I can remotely access it to view computers on the network with abilities to grab files from a computer, check things / alter things, and maintain. If so how?

    2: If someone is on my network is it possible to see what traffic they are bringing in or out of my network without installing a file on their pc / mac to know the site they entered, file download, etc.

    Thanks team.

    steven tyler is hot. He#39;s STEVEN TYLER!
  • He#39;s STEVEN TYLER!

  • carmenodie
    Apr 3, 12:04 AM
    Marketing geniuses :)
    You got that right.
    People also forget that Apple is, at its core, an engineering company.
    I can't wait to get my ipad 2 64 gig only . I'll get the wifi because I ain't paying no body for tethering and I'm too chicken to jailbreak my iphone 4.

    steven tyler is hot. steven tyler is hot
  • steven tyler is hot

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 18, 07:56 AM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    How very humanitarian (and dramatic) of you.

    Can you please provide a chart of how many "slaughtered" we are required to acknowledge before we take military action? I would like to know what the threshold is.

    ...Because I have a hard time believing this is the only aggressive dictator in existence at this moment. If I have to choose between Libyans being slaughtered/not slaughtered, I want you to choose which atrocities in the world to respond to, and which to ignore. Be prepared to to explain why you did not depose Dictator "X" who was violating human rights as opposed to Libya's Dictator "Y." Or, in the odd chance you would choose to involve the USA in every single non-democratic nation with an unloved and power-hungry misanthropic leader, you may demonstrate how such a widespread show of American force might affect world opinions of our foreign policy, particularly in regions of the world where we may already be viewed as imperialist heathens.

    For extra credit, you may describe in 100 words or less how either selective or across-the-board military responses benefit economic or social problems within the United States itself.

    steven tyler is hot. feathers3 Has Steven Tyler
  • feathers3 Has Steven Tyler

  • OwlsAndApples
    Nov 27, 01:10 PM
    Or get an iMac...:p

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler was on quot;Today,quot;
  • Steven Tyler was on quot;Today,quot;

  • MarcelV
    Sep 7, 02:19 AM
    Apple was offering 14.50 wholesale for the 14.99 movies and the studio's don't agree. That's more than they receive wholesale from Wal-Mart and Best Buy. Also, collectively it looks like they are not agreeing with those prices. Looks to me as price fixing. The studio's want to set the individual prices for movies to consumers, and to me it looks like they are forcing same prices on Amazon, MovieLink, CinemaNow and iTunes. That's dangerous waters for them......

    As for picture quality and HD, the market doesn't seem to be there at all. VOD on cable and satellite has become a huge market, and those aren't HD either. In addition DirecTV and DishNetwork use 'HD-Lite' (1080x1280 in stead of 1080x1920) on most if not all of their HD channels. And SD channels are heavily compressed in the digital line-up on both cable and satellite. Most consumers just don't care....

    And every single person asking for 1080p, you maybe out of touch with reality. Official HD standard does not even include 1080p. 720p and 1080i are the only official HD recognized resolutions within the broadcast standards. Broadcasters don't even distribute their signal that high!

    Would I love it in HD, of course :D Do I see it happen, nope.

    And an additional thought just occured. Currently FrontRow already allows you to watch trailers. What if you have the same interface but you can purchase the movies that way and it will add the purchased movie into Itunes for iPod sync. (Of course, you will be able to buy it dircetly thru iTunes if you like). It would be a very nice integration, with a high degree of simplicity.... Just a thought.

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler picture gallery
  • Steven Tyler picture gallery

  • Vegasman
    May 2, 07:29 PM
    Dialogs are not read top-to-bottom, left-to-right. You read the buttons first, then the title bar (if easily visible), then you'll scan the text, then if you absolutely must you'll waste seconds of your valuable life actually reading the whole text in sentence form. Since the "Delete file" text is nearly invisible in that screenshot, that dialog will be read like this:

    Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Recycle Bin?
    Bla bla bla bla bla
    Bla bla bla bla bla
    Bla bla bla bla bla

    Which is fine if you meant to bring up the dialog, but what if you brought it up accidentally? Many users get in the habit of always clicking Yes and OK. Buttons that will have destructive actions should be labeled clearly with what will happen.

    I'll buy that. :)

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler turns 60 today.
  • Steven Tyler turns 60 today.

  • BRLawyer
    Mar 24, 01:54 PM
    Would definitely be great if they would just support off-the-shelf graphics cards. I'd be a little surprised, but I've given up saying that Apple will or won't do something just because of their prior decisions.


    Well, it seems like the fabled xMac is finally coming for some... :rolleyes:

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler broke his
  • Steven Tyler broke his

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 24, 06:57 PM
    how do you drive a monitor like that? I tought that both HDMI and DVI has respectivetly 1920*1080 and 1920*1200 as max res. ! am I wrong?

    a) I have an older-school MBP (though not the one in my sig, that never actually existed), the DVI port of which is capable of driving up to 2560x1600.

    b) My monitor is 1920x1200. I really wanted 16:10, aaand... this is what was available :p My next monitor, once I get some $$$, will be a used 30" Cinema Display, but that's a couple years out.

    steven tyler is hot. Aerosmith members Steven Tyler
  • Aerosmith members Steven Tyler

  • xi mezmerize ix
    Feb 20, 06:13 AM
    Do you go to UMD by any chance? :confused: Because that looks almost exactly like my dorm down to the tiny desk they give you.

    Yes I do.

    steven tyler is hot. How did rocker Steven Tyler
  • How did rocker Steven Tyler

  • kugino
    Aug 6, 11:05 PM
    will apple be broadcasting this at the union square store? i don't think they've done so in the past, but since i'm in the city this week i thought i'd mosey on down to the store at around 10 and see what's playing in the theater ;)

    steven tyler is hot. Aerosmith Steven Tyler
  • Aerosmith Steven Tyler

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 10:25 AM (

    Think Secret claims ( to have information on the rumored revision ( to the Mac Mini. According to the site, Apple will replace the existing Core Solo model with the existing 1.66 GHz Core Duo model, and add a 1.83 GHz Core Duo model, effectively eliminating all single-core CPUs from Apple's computer product line.

    The new systems are said to be "ready for production." Think Secret believes the models will be introduced in a few weeks time with little fanfare, although not totally under the radar like the last Mac Mini update ( Core 2 Duo??!! :eek: :confused: :( I can't beleive they are not going to go Core 2 Duo in the mini before Thanksgiving.Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.And Apple would be losing money with every sale. :rolleyes:

    And for all you Yonah FanBoys out there I say you are completely out of touch with reality living in some sort of parallel dimension where old obsolete stopgap technology prevails beyond it's short useful lifespan. :) It makes no sense to me why would a laptop be more powerful than a desktop. If you're gonna stay with core duo why not just make the mini a 1.83 & 2.00 GHz Core Duo machine like the macbooks. 1.66 & 1.83 on a core duo is pathetic in my opinions and solidifies my believe that the mini and i will never get least for now. Thats just too much crippling to handle.Here here. I totally agree. Staying with Core Duo is insane, rude and greedy.

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler
  • Steven Tyler

  • critter13
    Mar 25, 05:01 PM
    I think this is a glimpse of what will be achievable with AirPlay technology. visible controls on the device, and maps like in this case, with the gameplay pushed to big screen thru :apple:tv2

    steven tyler is hot. steven tyler horror face
  • steven tyler horror face

  • Glideslope
    Sep 15, 09:45 AM
    When will it stop??

    Jan 2011. :apple:

    steven tyler is hot. Steven Tyler Auditions for
  • Steven Tyler Auditions for

  • X-Z
    Feb 22, 05:33 AM

    Nov 29, 09:50 PM
    I question the validity of a 17" stand-alone widescreen. Doesn't make sense, IMO. A 20" is already fairly compact and provides little more area and takes up no more room than a 17" 4:3 display.

    As for pricing, I agree on some of what you posted -- the prices definitely need to go DOWN. What I don't agree with are the prices you posted -- even if Apple keeps a 20% premium over brands like Samsung, the prices should look more like:

    17" - $269
    20" - $349
    24" - $629
    30" - $1,699

    ...Like I said, those would be premium prices and are a good 10 to 20% higher than the going rate for good monitors with current panels (Samsung/Dell). Also with the next monitor revision, you can expect Apple to dump the 23" in favor of a 24" panel.

    Or since Apple likes prices sort of clean make it

    17" $299
    20" $499
    24" $899
    30" $1699

    Apple would still be completely ripping everyone off, it would just be close enough to reality where people might be inclined to bite.

    Apr 16, 05:17 PM
    I can drive a 18 wheeler but I haven't tried a manual car or pickup yet. I think its different. LOL

    Apr 22, 09:51 AM
    Why would Apple release an iMac refresh a couple of months before a new OS debuts? Also, this would be the FASTEST REFRESH IN APPLE HISTORY at 9 months.

    You all fell for the hype and made Bri@n T0ng (eat that SEO) and Sea-NET advertising revenue. :rolleyes:

    Not correct. Since the launch of Intel iMacs there have been three occasions when refreshes are shorter than 9 months so it's not unprecedented. What would be unprecedented would be simultaneous release of hw and sw so that is unlikely.

    Aug 6, 10:51 PM
    It's like hoping you get a red shiny new bike from santa on christmas morning!!

    I really hope they come out with a phone. I don't care about anything else!:rolleyes:

    How many people think that they actually will come out with a phone?:D

    The only reason they would announce a phone at WWDC is if it had OS X on it. Otherwise you won't see it till MWSF

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 03:31 PM
    I don't think there will be any conditions: at some point, effective authority will simply be seen to reside with them, rather than Daffy the Duck, and at that point, they will become the de facto recognised representatives.

    That is my thinking as well. I wonder what the Arab League's stance on this will be. They certainly have little love for Gaddafi, but they dread revolutions of any kind. The Libyan opposition seem committed to a parlimentary democracy that would be popularly supported, and that is heartening. There is a real opportunity here for a reasonably good outcome from a political standpoint.

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