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  • smokingtrout
    Sep 12, 01:37 AM
    Apple already did that design. It's called the Apple G4 Cube.


    Yes, Apple did "do" that design, and it was a thing of beauty. But my stupid idea would be a projector in the same form factor. Add in the latest and greatest I/O, Superdrive, and HiFi speakers tastefully added to either side (or maybe the bottom) and you have a truly portable, hi-def media sharing device.

    After lugging around an older Hitachi projector and my PowerBook to share slideshows and the like, I'd use something like this!

    cool tattoos. some cool tattoo designs.
  • some cool tattoo designs.

  • Illuminated
    Apr 7, 04:32 PM
    Just got a bamboo plant for my desk...not the vase/pebbles...

    also a red velvet whoopie pie, and a vanilla cake whoopie pie..

    Both things from Reading Terminal Market in Philly...:D

    cool tattoos. cool tattoos ideas.
  • cool tattoos ideas.

  • lorductape
    Nov 16, 02:33 PM
    i think it would be a great idea for apple to merge with AMD

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoo Portraits
  • Cool Tattoo Portraits

  • ciTiger
    May 3, 03:22 PM
    This is a major setback IMHO...
    I know it is illegal but carriers make tons of cash with their inflated prices... Who protects us from that?

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos
  • Cool Tattoos

  • InsanelyApple
    Apr 15, 04:51 PM
    It's more.... FABULOUS!

    Bravo, good sir/madam. Bravo. You made me laugh. *applause*

    cool tattoos. dreamcatcher tattoo cool
  • dreamcatcher tattoo cool

  • vnle
    Apr 10, 06:56 PM
    Similar tastes...I have the 23" and M10's as well. But where did you find black Swans?...unless it's painted after the fact

    Not the OP but here ya go! (

    cool tattoos. cool tattoo
  • cool tattoo

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 05:04 PM
    To stay ahead of the 6 in 10.6. When the XBOX 2 was released, the rumor was that it was called the 360, as to put it on equal naming as the Playstation 3. Microsoft did not want to be '2' and them '3', so they added a number that started with 3.

    And at the time the Wii was known as the Revolution, which is 360 degrees. So they tackled the PS3 with the 3, and the "Revolution" with 360. Kind of funny.

    Anyways, I really hope they bring back the sliders. They are/were one of my favorite parts of Lion! It was funny to press a button while holding shift to see it move very slllllooooowwwwllly!

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos.
  • Cool Tattoos.

  • goobot
    May 2, 09:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    We need a better update system, I do not enjoy downloading and installing a 600mb update everyother week, any way im have not updated in a while due to jailbreaking.

    cool tattoos. cool tattoo pictures.
  • cool tattoo pictures.

  • Links
    Aug 15, 01:17 AM
    I went into my local Apple store yesterday and they denied that there were even upgrades? WTF? I guess they want to sell off there current stock?

    New stock old stock?
    From all the reports I've seen so far, no one at Apple knows for sure what they are selling.
    Here's another report posted at Apple's Monitor forum dated August 10.

    I spoke with Apple today to determine what the deal was with the recently upgraded brightness and contrast specs for the 20" and 23" Cinema Displays. They indicated that the change was actually (quietly?) made back in April and that any monitor recently sold directly by Apple should be one of the newer models.

    cool tattoos. Tattoos - Cool Tattoos
  • Tattoos - Cool Tattoos

  • apfhex
    Jan 7, 07:00 PM
    We're incorporating near-real time photos in this year's MacRumors coverage... so it shuold be pretty enjoyable.... barring any unforseen circumstances. :)
    Sounds AWESOME. I usually follow MR plus one or two other popular news or blog sites. I think I recall last year Engadget or one of them has some photos online before the end of the keynote, which was nice.

    Well, there are some benefits to being in California where the event is happening.
    Still, when the keynote stream first goes online it can be very difficult to watch, probably even if you live in SF. I usually don't end up getting to see the whole thing until later in the afternoon.

    Is it possible to download the entire keynote file (.avi) to my hard disk instead of viewing it streamed? Is it possible at all with Safari, or do I need Firefox and some extension/plugin?
    No (and it's not an AVI, it's a H.264 encoded MOV). You're going to have to wait for someone to capture the stream and post it somewhere as a downloadable file.

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoo Designs
  • Cool Tattoo Designs

  • kdarling
    Oct 7, 08:44 AM
    Surprised this hasn't been noted here yet...

    USAToday interviewed ( Verizon Wireless CEO about their new Android partnership, and got an extra comment:

    Meantime, (the CEO) says, the carrier is continuing to talk with Apple about bringing the iPhone to Verizon. McAdam says Verizon would love to have the device, anytime Apple is ready. "It's up to them to decide."

    Until then, he says, the two companies are having "lots of discussions" about Verizon's network and how it might affect Apple.

    Real, or just pushing ATT's buttons so they have to pay Apple more? Who knows.

    cool tattoos. cool tattoo, cool tattoos,
  • cool tattoo, cool tattoos,

  • rkahl
    Mar 17, 12:24 PM
    He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)

    "Uh yeah, if you want to work 40 HOURS A WEEK!"

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos on Side
  • Cool Tattoos on Side

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 10:01 PM
    That is reading too much into it. It's a game. Unlike Black Ops, it's storyline was linear. You had an idea of what was going on and why. Sure not everything made sense, but I repeat it is a game. For the sake of the storyline some things that don't make sense in real life will happen. There are tons of movies, tv shows, etc that have the same exact illogical things happening, but it isn't held against them unless it does get ridiculous which I didn't think MW2 did.

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos 3d lion tattoo
  • Cool Tattoos 3d lion tattoo

  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 12:08 PM
    I clicked on a post rated 0 and it went to -2. I clicked on another post rated 0, and it went to -2. I clicked - again and it went to -1.

    Can you give your browser details in case that is part of the problem?

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  • cool tattoos. of my fav cool

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 26, 08:59 AM
    This guy was more than capable of defending himself...

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos For A Girl. cool
  • Cool Tattoos For A Girl. cool

  • jz1492
    Dec 13, 03:37 PM
    There are two powerful reasons for Verizon to push for an LTE/CDMA iPhone at this time:

    1) Fear of the iPhone data hogs. What better way to avoid saturation in large cities than to channel iPhone users to their highest-BW unused spectrum.

    2) Voice + Data. After so much pressure from AT&T and Apple's marketing in this regard, there is no way the new Verizon's iPhone could be introduced successfully without top notch V+D functionality. CDMA is a no go, even with the latest upgrade.

    On the other hand, this could be a false rumor slipped by the competition to hurt Christmas time sales of the iPhone 4.

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoos Designs.
  • Cool Tattoos Designs.

  • MonkeyClaw
    Oct 12, 08:37 AM
    Nice try, SavMan. But I'm not buying your interesting yet psuedoscientific explanation for why 5G iPods only 'appear' to scratch more easily.

    White 5G iPods are just as easily scratched as the black ones, as any disappointed owner will tell you. I've had a 4G iPod for 2 years, carrying it back and forth to work in my pocket. I take it out of a Belkin case to recharge it, then put it back in for transport. The thing still looks practically new. I know someone else who purchased a new white 5G iPod. Within moments of gentle handling, the thing is covered with light scratches.

    It seems to me that a softer grade of acrylic is being used on these latest iPods. I'm not the only one who's noticed this problem. I don't believe that it's the result of some optical coincidence. Everyone knows that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of complaints to be found on the net.

    Whatever the reason is, a manufacturer who doesn't care what their customers have to say about their expensive products will soon find those customers flocking to other companies' products. Hellooooo Zune!

    And no amount of fanboy cheerleading will stop it.

    No its not really fanboy cheerleading, its called physics. He hit the nail on the head with that post, the acrylic is the same, its just the shape. Thats not psudoscience, its elementary high school physics :rolleyes:

    But if a couple of scratches rub you the wrong way, then go ahead and get a zune, no one will really care ;)

    cool tattoos. Tagged: cool tattoos, meme
  • Tagged: cool tattoos, meme

  • chrmjenkins
    Dec 13, 12:33 PM
    Not that I believe the rumor, but the phone being LTE only will simply mean that there's one version between the AT&T and verizon phones that supports CDMA and GSM networks. Instead, there will be a CDMA/LTE phone and a GSM 3G phone. Thus, AT&T's LTE network being infantile/non-existent throws a wrench in that.

    That being said, I highly doubt an early 2011 verizon iphone. LTE, doubly so. If it's coming for Verizon, it will be unveiled/launch the same time as the AT&T iphone 5.

    cool tattoos. Cool Tattoo Club
  • Cool Tattoo Club

  • Dagless
    Apr 23, 06:12 PM
    Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.

    Don't you mean "Oh yay, another rip off of Steam, XBLA store, Impulse, Gamersgate, PSN, WiiWare or [insert any of the other app download stores that existed years before any of Apple's download stores]."


    Apr 12, 11:09 PM
    The Windows task bar is now by far much better with the addition of aero peek
    Networking, its easier, faster and generally better then dealing with OSX.

    I have to say that Networking has definitely improved from XP to Win 7, but when I switched over to OS X, one of the first things I noticed was how much *easier* and *simple* networking was on the Mac side.

    And if simple isn't for you, you can always dig down and go into Terminal to *manually* set up your network. I've done that with Linux in the past, and believe me, Mac *AND* Windows are simpler than manually configuring eth0 ;)

    Aero Peek looked pretty cool, but I just don't use that feature at all - I like having a quick launch bar to run most of my software in Windows (probably why I took to the Dock so quickly in OS X.)

    Sep 12, 07:57 AM
    hate to ask a stupid, perhaps already answered a gagillion times, question but

    is there a live feed of today's proceedings?

    No, we will be able to watch it from Apple's website later in the day. Macrumorslive will be providing live text updates.

    Oct 19, 10:26 AM
    1.5% woo hoo!! Thats quite a climb!

    Indeed. If you look at it a different way, it is a 33% increase year over year for Apple's market share numbers.

    How I got to 33%:

    % increase_________1.5
    ---------------- = ---- = 32.6%
    old market share____4.6

    May 14, 04:28 PM
    the temps haven't been that high (70C or under). i have changed the voltages, but maybe not enough. that's one of those things you have to play with.

    but it looks like 2 of my rigs are down now. i might be driving back to fix them tomorrow night i guess. i'll put both of them back to 3.5 ghz and hopefully they'll stay stable.

    my asus has been rock solid compared to the other 2 though. staying at 3.5-3.6 ghz

    so i'm back at my apartment now, and i was wrong. the home built rig is still going! it's the asus and alienware that both restarted for some reason (probably a crash of some sort).

    so that's somewhat good news. i've got the other 2 running again now, but we'll see how long it lasts this time.

    i haven't messed with the asus in a long time, so i'm not sure what's going on with it. i might need to change some settings on the alienware though.

    anyone want to recommend me a good remote desktop solution for windows?

    Oct 2, 03:39 PM
    "Unnamed company"

    We all know who that is....Real.

    Or microsoft

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