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  • MacQuest
    Oct 18, 06:26 PM
    so what will we see in 2007?

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  • FX4568
    Apr 17, 08:49 PM
    Are you talking about this article (;msg5118115) from back in February that has been discussed ad infinitum on here?

    Are you referring to a newer cnet story? Do you have a link? Thanks, I am personally holding off and really hoping its true... we'll see!

    Also clock rate is not the only factor for determining chip speed... in fact it is a very small factor. The new processor is not just .17 hz faster, its a whole new architecture. Its why the 2.0 Ghz i7 in the 2011 MBPs are faster than the a 3.2 Ghz Pentium 4 Prescott from 2004.

    It was a video released on 4/8/2011.
    I cant link it since CNET doesnt actually show URL for videos.
    Go to Cnet, Videos, Apple Byte, and it will be the second video on the list.

    Yea, I have been corrected in that, but the argument on GPU still stands.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 04:52 PM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.
    This is unique to a large number of Apple users that must have small hands.

    My 4.3" HTC incredible is only 4mm wider than iPhone .

    25.4mm = 1.0" so how can a measly 4mm be such a big deal?

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  • Corban987
    Apr 26, 07:27 AM
    I agree more vertical space and matte option. I'm really not a fan of these cinema screens. I find them annoying when just plain web surfing. I'd rather buy a old used 24" iMac with a matte screen. Come on Apple I've got $1,800 ready for you don't let me down.

    I love the larger screens, You do realise you can resize your browser window so its the size of the 24inch screen, the 27 inch has higher resolution when you resize the window to 24 inch it will be the same reslution as it would be on the 24 inch and the same size!
    I don't understand why so many complain that the 27 inch is so big when resizing is so simple. I can have 2 things open side by side!

    I think Matte would be good, but you can just go buy a film and apply it quite easily so thats not a show stopper for me, however I have read it can lose some clarity so a factory applied option would be better.

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  • einmusiker
    Dec 30, 10:08 PM
    I used to think that too and I was completely wrong. I used 'being busy with work' as a poor excuse. I absolutely regret it.

    He's right - it's a simple formula and one that really takes some discipline...that's all. Just a touch of strength.

    I'll also add, some knowledge too. Talking to a trainer with a nutritionist background was critical to my success. Understanding what the body needs based on your activity level, rather than what your MIND believes your body wants, is a small, but massively important factor.

    ie. on days I work out, I'll have my protein drink and a massive bowl of oatmeal - topped with a scoop of jam and/or peanut butter and some brown sugar. 1. it's got all the glucose I need after working out and 2. it satiates me until mid-afternoon and then I have a normal lunch. I could go on, but I don't want to drag it.

    My point is this: I hear you, I was you, but it's wrong. plain and simple. I normally don't tell people they're wrong so pls don't take offense :)

    i'm in my late 30s, 2 kids, the stay at home Dad running his own business and I'm in the best shape of my life. My wife is a financial planner running her own brokerage and she's in fantastic shape. If anything, being in better shape, eating right etc... has made my wife EVEN more successful. She has the energy, her mind is sharp and I believe it's because her 'engine' is running tip top. It's like having an old beat up car vs a new super engine cooled kick butt car - which one is going to go further and more efficiently? :)

    That's not to toot my own horn, but to say, it is possible. It has to be a lifestyle change.

    And hey, it's 2011 - time to make that change :)


    sounds great. But I assume you don't work from 7 am until 9 pm 3 days per week :p

    look. I'm not trying to make excuses. I'm not THAT out of shape. I do bikram yoga 4 times per week and walk a lot. I just can't be as extensive about it as I was in my youthful years. I'm very healthy but I do need to drop 20ish lbs. per doctors orders. I've completely cut out any sugar drinks other than water and a few organic smoothies and an occaional glass of wine here and there. But at my age and with my busy schedule it's just not as easy as it was when I was 25. Not an excuse, just a simple fact.

    now what this woman is doing is downright absurd. She is probably not intelligent enough to even completely comprehend the damage she is doing, or just doesn't care, which is worse.

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  • NaMMeR
    Jun 6, 06:02 AM
    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    15 minutes?

    45 Seconds is all it took to get the facts...

    Google search: "android market return policy"

    First result:

    For those too lazy to click...

    "Returns: You have 24 hours from the time of purchase (not download) to return any applications purchased from Android Market for a full refund of any applicable fees."

    Summary: 24 Hours, not 15 minutes.

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  • charlituna
    Apr 29, 06:03 PM
    Exactly. Apple says they will pay 70% to the music companies. They worked out their deals with them at that rate. If another company wants to sell music, they by no means have to get the same deal as every other company selling music. It�s just nuts to think that way.

    Yep. And they agreed to let the labels decide the price in exchange for the whole no DRM thing. Plus at the time they didn't apparently think to put that whole "same or better" rule in the mix.

    so basically Apple gets what they deserve on this one. But I suspect they will weather the storm. THeir money is in hardware anyway

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  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 14, 10:24 AM
    Besides the arguments about this not really making sense from a business perspective, I'm not sure how it would work from a set-up perspective.

    So you have the Apple TV built-in. Great. So you get your programs direct to your TV. Great. Except that you don't want the audio there. You want the audio in your receiver, so you can power your surround system. So now you're running a wire out of the TV and into your receiver. God, how clunky.

    This is why a set-top box makes MUCH more sense. One wire out of the box goes into either your TV directly (if it's a small system, bedroom set, etc.), or direct into your receiver, where the audio and video can be handled correctly.

    Content in a "living room" TV just doesn't make sense to me. It's one of the reasons (IMO) why you don't see integrated DVD players on big tvs (where they'll be used with a full surround system), but you do see them on small "bedroom" TVs.

    Dunno... am I the only one thinking this?

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  • sparkomatic
    Mar 11, 08:43 PM
    UGh. What a mess. Waited in line for 8 hours and they are sold out. So angry right now.

    Oh man, that totally sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. I know at the Spectrum they kept coming by and counting the line and I'm sure they had a pretty good idea of what quantities they had but they wouldn't tell anyone.

    I was going to get a 3G but by the time I got close and 3 hours later, they were sold out. So, I went with a 64GB wifi (which is what I was originally gonna get anyway). But, at that point, you wanna walk away with something after spending your afternoon waiting in line.

    I really wish they would have done pre-orders for this.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 09:17 AM

    We are so going to sue you!

    Fine! Sue Me!

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  • Keleko
    Apr 3, 09:48 PM
    It is little known that the Greeks made it all the way over to Kentucky. But, here is the proof from Hopkinsville, KY. (

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  • eRondeau
    Jan 29, 10:14 AM
    It seems everybody's had completely unreasonable expectations of Apple's performance recently. They're doing fantastically well, obviously. But I've heard people saying their stock will hit $1000 (from $130/$200), Apple will become the world's first TRILLION dollar company, etc etc etc. When your expectations are unreasonably high, you're bound to be disappointed. But remember, Apple is investing heavily in R&D and engineering, buying-up half of Cupertino. They're not doing all this to keep building the same old iPod's. Whatever top-secret projects their skunkworks are developing right now will hit the market in 2-3 years. Who knows what they're doing now, and what will happen when it finally goes on sale. :apple:

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  • alexf
    Oct 18, 04:42 PM
    Pity you didn't read the figures before commenting:

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  • dan5.5
    Sep 15, 05:48 PM
    I got myself a used Canon XSi with a 18-55 IS Lens

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  • boursin
    Sep 12, 08:22 PM
    Got this shirt this morning...

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  • The advantage of a Fish tattoo

  • jessica.
    Dec 29, 03:05 PM
    I am an FA myself, and have turned my head in admiration towards women that would make most men say "Daaaaaaaaaamn!", but I wouldn't pay to see this. I'm not into feederism; there's usually a control/codependency issue at play, and I prefer more equity in my relationships.

    What is "FA"?

    In this lady's case it is not just fat, she has an actual goal to make it to total immobility. FFS, I'm huge but I walk and can even jog quite a distance just fine.

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  • baryon
    Apr 15, 02:24 PM
    App Sandboxing? Since when does Lion do that??

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  • AcesHigh87
    Apr 27, 11:38 AM
    I don't feel like reading through 6 pages of comments but, I can attest that most retail stores will tell you to call the cops but not get involved. I've never worked fast food but have been told that from working in a drug store for several years.

    At the same time, however, some common sense is needed. I'm pretty sure if I was in this situation, policy or not, I'd be stopping them. This isn't like one little slap and some yelling, this is a brutal assault. For that matter, I get the feeling that the person taking the video isn't an employee, just a hunch. If so, why the hell didn't they think to do anything but pull out their damn cell phone and video tape it? For that matter, they were laughing at one point which is just downright heartless.

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 29, 08:17 PM

    And that is why you are my favorite God.

    Apr 26, 09:32 AM
    I have the last model of 24" iMac that had an anti-glare screen. I just had to make the first repair, replaced the hard drive.

    My fear is that I will be forced to build a Hackintosh or get an iMac with one of these new cheaper screens.

    I stopped buying iMacs the day they went gloss. I now have a bunch of minis with the older Matte Cinema Displays. As simple as that � I put my money where my mouth is. If I couldn't get these, I would buy other branded displays.

    When Steve Jobs made a comment a couple of years ago about Apple's customers saying they preferred gloss (or something like that) I wrote to Apple to say that at least one customer doesn't prefer gloss and why, and there is a pretty vocal group of Apple customers who share my sentiments. At least we were given the option on the MacBook Pros. I hate having to pay extra on an already expensive machine, but that's what I've done with my new just-ordered MBP. It's one small and expensive vote for usability to prevail over eye-candy. Sigh.

    Jul 25, 09:21 AM
    ordered mine, the regular mm will go to another computer in the house.

    Should be here around aug 8th :)

    Apr 12, 09:24 AM
    Am i the only person who is relieved that the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 aren't coming out anytime soon? I feel like i've lucked out buying an iPhone that isn't revised in a year of me buying it! I would be devastated if an iPad 3 came out in september, i don't like being constantly last generation. Plus the IP4 and iPad2 are pretty great as they are

    Mar 15, 10:12 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Apparently South Coast Plaza is selling none today

    Still waiting here at Fashion Island - crossing fingers!

    How do you know? I don't want to waste a trip.


    Jul 22, 01:53 PM
    is'nt that because apple loads all the stuff you need to run it already? i know an windows formated ipod will work on either mac or pc, but mac formated wont wonk on windows. is this just some player hate'n by windows or is there a way to run a mac formated ipod on a pc? also i've experienced my ipods (windows formated for versitility) format get corrupted on my pc. i'll be using it one day and then booom! "this ipod is not formated for blah blah blah" never ever had this happen on my mac's. is this an apple issue with the correct windows format or with windows being windows? :confused:

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