jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen

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  • archer75
    Apr 26, 01:44 PM
    Love the 27". I'd love a 30" more. And I really like the glossy screen.

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  • fly75
    Jan 30, 03:05 PM
    Liberal banter = common sense and simple logic for the intelligent.... Too many people are so caught up in their lives that they forget the trauma of the past. History repeats itself and the market is like a roller coaster... remember the 1980's? Or even worse the 1930's.... Tech Stock is not going to hold. I am betting on Gold to hit at least 1500.00 in the next coming months and then upwards to the 2000.00 range.

    I remember the Hunt brothers being pretty bullish on silver in the 80's.

    Only cost them a few billion:eek:

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 21, 11:03 PM
    Samsung spends all the money they make from Apple suing them.

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  • mattster16
    Sep 30, 09:49 AM
    so it is normal. this does not mean that anyone, technician or CEO, said it is acceptable. the technicians notes, imho, seem to merely state that the phone works as expected, normally, regardless of the networks issues.

    Thanks for saying it before I had to. Normal does not mean acceptable. Just like it's normal to be overweight in the U.S., this does not make it acceptable (although many seem to think so and take pride in it).

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez – actress
  • Jennifer Lopez – actress

  • smugDrew
    Apr 14, 03:51 AM
    I heard the iphone 5 is delayed because the HTC Sensation has sent Apple back to the drawing board.

    Spamming Fandroid.

    I'm happier with a late 2011 release for iPhone 5.

    Will be out of cash after buying MBA'11 and overseas holidays anyway ;)

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez wallpapers
  • Jennifer Lopez wallpapers

  • playaj82
    Jul 28, 10:04 AM
    In think the main point of view of many people here is that when Microsoft makes long-term plans, it's because they're planning to drive the competition to the ground with the help of a big pile of cash instead of innovation and good products.

    The fact that they started this whole new thing by dropping their own PlaysForSure DRM isn't a good indicator (for the users AND commercial partners - they have to switch hardware again).

    Apple, on the other hand, has switched three times (68K->PPC, OS 9->OS X, PPC->Intel) and has always tried to keep compatibility with the previous system. A first generation iPod can play iTMS-bought tunes, too (unless I'm mistaken).

    I tend to agree with you, but that is just business, and Microsoft is good at it.
    If we want to point fingers, point them at the consumers.
    The only reason Microsoft still pours money into things is because people will still buy their products.

    Competition is just as much about monopoly as it is about necessity. People could say that Apple is using their marketshare to push around accessory makers and by emphasizing their "Made for iPod" label to rake in some extra cash solely because of their position.

    Microsoft also uses their position of having a large amount of disposable cash. If their product sucks, people won't buy it, and Microsoft suffers.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez wallpapers
  • Jennifer Lopez wallpapers

  • johnntd
    Apr 21, 10:56 PM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    The only stupid thing Apple did was to not realize that other companies are copying their designs left and right. Samsung has always been the worst of all. They copy everything. It is in their nature to do so. Look at everything they make. It is all a copycat in one form or another.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez Wallpaper
  • Jennifer Lopez Wallpaper

  • Skoal
    Apr 13, 03:28 PM
    GLEE! Ugh! 'Nuff said!

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  • jennifer lopez wallpaper get

  • ucfgrad93
    Feb 28, 01:48 PM
    It is sad, but he is just having a total mental meltdown. He is clearly delusional if he believes any of the crap he has been spewing lately.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 14, 12:07 PM
    Halo: Reach Legendary Edition
    Halo: Reach Limited Edition Xbox 360 S

    Replacing my old Xbox 360 Elite. Can't wait to get all this set up and play.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • MacFly123
    Sep 29, 11:54 PM
    ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC AT&T!!! :eek: :rolleyes:

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez wallpapers
  • Jennifer Lopez wallpapers

  • Krafty
    Jan 26, 09:13 AM
    Ha sound like me...typical college student. I've been selling stuff and have returned about 4 things in the past week because they all sucked!
    Agreed. I had some cash left over and been meaning to look into remote earbuds since my stock apple ones died and I didn't want to purchase those again. Fell into the marketing scheme a little bit by the Dre's, but I wanted buds that wrapped around the ears since in ears are difficult for me to keep steady.

    Found some Phillips for $50, so I'm going to get my $162 back in a few hours.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • iamthedudeman
    May 3, 08:50 AM
    Really good to see the update (finally)... but I am disappointed they didn't bring the 24" back :(

    The 27" is too big, and the resolution on the 21.5 is laughable for an upgrade of this magnitude.

    Still, quad core across the range is nice.

    The biggest thing with the 27 is the yellow hue. Fonts. Glossy. And I like to change out my display and own the latest and greatest quite often, say every two years, or every year due to work at home.

    Solution for me was I got a HP brightview 25.5. It is a MVA panel not quite as good viewing angles as the imac 27 IPS but with better black levels, deeper black levels, whiter whites, no yellow hue to speak of. Much better for graphical design work. Brightview technology has me hooked. All the benefits of a glossy and some of the benefits of a matte, less glare than the imac 27.

    I have my 21.5 as a extra display and use the 25.5 as my main display in dual mode. Fantastic setup.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 30, 03:29 PM
    good job everyone, including plutonius and appleguy

    now it is basically one spanking new 6-villagers game, starting tonight, with one wolf, one seer and likely one hunter.
    with a twist: both the seer and the hunter could also be the wolf.
    everyone is suspect.

    make it a short night guys, see you all tomorrowUmmm, I'm not sure this game is over yet... there's still an infected Villager out there...

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • puckhead193
    Jan 30, 08:51 PM
    And here is a picture of the iMacQuarium all set up!

    ... freaking awesome, if I do say so myself.

    too awesome! Have you named your fish?

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer-lopez-wallpaper-
  • jennifer-lopez-wallpaper-

  • doctor-don
    Apr 29, 07:31 PM
    While looking up album info, I received a notice that some songs were now priced at $.69. None of the songs in the albums I was researching was priced that low.

    Yep! Select songs. Not especially any big deal.

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez wallpapers
  • Jennifer Lopez wallpapers

  • ericshu
    Sep 30, 10:15 AM
    Here in Phoenix I have not had too many issues. i get full strength signal most of the time and almost always 3g. however there are a few places i have that and still cannot get data, luckily its not often, and usually its in the evening which is probably heavy usage times.

    East side of the Phoenix and the outlying areas are terrible. This thing is a brick often! I actually keep old reliable verizon around in case of emergency. Still, the iPhone rocks and I'll just keep it till they open it up to Verizon too!

    AT&T sucks!

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. jennifer lopez wallpaper
  • jennifer lopez wallpaper

  • trule
    Jan 30, 02:18 AM
    Chartists come to absurd conclusions, such as AAPL having support at 60. This means a trailing P/E based on current earnings (without growth) of around 15. At 40, we're talking a P/E of ten. This assumes that AAPL's growth days are over, as of now. Does anything we know about the company, including its historical growth and product offerings comport with the idea of Apple turning into Dow Chemical? I don't think so.

    PE's historically range between 7(bear lows) and 18 (bull highs) so 10 would be about the point where the weekly P&F chart (54) turns bearish.

    However you must consider that AAPL is 100% discretionary consumer spending so when recession hits consumers will cut back in favour of things like food and oil. Want another negative, here is one, 18 billion in cash...held in a fast depreciating currency (lost half its value over the past 6 years). Or how about this, DRM free music, sure to result in more file sharing and less iTunes sales. And on the topic of iTunes, another negative, all that new of them is sure to break the AAPL hold on that market.

    That weekly P&F chart is the worst I have seen in the past 5 years :eek:

    jennifer lopez wallpaper widescreen. Jennifer Lopez Widescreen 47
  • Jennifer Lopez Widescreen 47

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 26, 06:08 PM
    Just touching it is not tactile feedback. That would be like saying a piece of paper provides feedback if you touch it. Feedback means a signal is sent back to the user to acknowledge the the pressing of the control. The 3G iPod buttons gave an audio click - that is aural feedback. They also showed things on the screen - that is visual feedback. But they didn't spring, or have a physical barrier that you push through, so there was no tactile feedback (i.e. nothing that can be physically felt) to let you know that you pressed the button.

    tactile |?taktl; ?tak?t?l|
    � of or connected with the sense of touch
    � perceptible by touch or apparently so; tangible
    � designed to be perceived by touch

    Tactile means that you touch it! If you touch something you get a tactile feedback from it, unless your finger is numb. Thus, if you're waving you hand over control, you get no tactile feedback. Whereas, even if the control doesn't push in, the simple act of touching a control does give tactile feedback. (Perhaps less tactile feedback than a control that does push in, but it still gives tactile feedback.)

    When you press a button on a dead iPod, it does nothing, and it feels exactly the same as pressing a button on a working iPod - no tactile feedback.

    Irrelevant. If you push a key on the keyboard of a dead computer it behaves the same as pressing the key on the keyboard of a working computer. So, by your logic, these keys that press down give no tactile feedback.

    Who said it was revolutionary? And it could consitute a none-touch interface. It depends on if the patent is describing the control or the entire iPod. If there is a cover, you are not touching the control (the screen underneath), but the cover over it - hence none-touch.

    My point was not to say that your suggestion was not possible, just that it was a small step above what already exists, as opposed to a revolutionary leap forward based on the description in the patent. Of course, for anyone who knows a little bit about patent writing and patent law, what's written in the patent is probably the broadest possible applications that Apple can think of to include in their patent.

    A better (i.e. more scratch-proof) cover would be better. Who cares about fingerprints? You can clean those off. I don't want to hover my finger over something to control it - I'd always have to be careful not to touch the screen (unless it was durable). Not very good when on a bus, train etc., where the vehicle is shaking.

    And if a better material were easily available, don't you think they'd be using it? :rolleyes:

    Mar 10, 09:03 PM
    Charlie Sheens new cooking show!

    @charliesheen has #winning recipes

    See post #190 :D

    Lloyd Christmas
    Nov 25, 04:55 PM
    gonna be getting this for myself
    Is this your first rc car? i clicked on the link and thinking about buying something. seems like a decent car but im not to sure about it. Thanks Lloyd

    Jul 26, 02:02 PM
    Have you see the "gestures" video? It would be done by physically touching the iPod. No camera needed.

    Do you have a link? I have not seen them.

    Oct 23, 03:30 PM
    why the hell would I but Vista anyway?

    You know things are bad when even the fanboys are making similar arguments...

    Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World (


    Apr 14, 12:21 PM
    BGR seems to be getting pretty good at this. I wonder how they made such an accurate connection inside Apple....

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