poems for love

poems for love. Tech Tags: love poems poems
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  • rubberduck007
    Oct 31, 10:36 AM
    There's a 2GB Shuffle? ermmmmm.... cool!

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 20, 07:47 PM
    Life meaning life imprisonment has to be one of the things that make US prisons much more dangerous than UK prisons.

    Oh ok, so now we're moving on from the death penalty, to life in prison, to "ok well maybe life in prison might be a bit too harsh as well". See how this goes? What a frickin joke.

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  • WillEH
    Mar 20, 09:07 AM
    There have been countless miscarriages of justice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_miscarriage_of_justice_cases#United_Kingdom) proved since the death penalty was banned in the UK and probably many others which have not yet been successfully appealed.

    Many of these innocent people would have faced the death penalty, does that not concern you?

    Extremely good point. Indeed it does concern me. :eek:

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  • wjlee91
    Feb 11, 01:19 PM
    Oh really..... 550 family plan works fine lol.


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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 19, 03:18 AM
    For that matter, why not Madoff? The effects of his mischief harmed far more people than even Manning. Why should he be spared the chair?

    Harmed them financially, not physically. Not death penalty worthy. Again, i support the death penalty only for the most heinous of crimes. It should be used sparingly.

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  • edesignuk
    Feb 13, 05:37 AM
    Well, I may be the first. I've been devising a plan to counter strike edesigns Keira renegade. The only thing holding me back is a decision of whom I will use to attack. Call it Battle of the Hottest Avatars.
    Let the battle commence!
    Actually I have seen a kinder and gentler edesign since the mini-mod topic was brought up.

    Congrats and best wishes to all!
    Well you know, everyones got to do a little bit of kissing up now and then :eek: ;) :D


    poems for love. love poems photos. love poems
  • love poems photos. love poems

  • -SD-
    Oct 15, 09:46 AM
    Meanwhile, us poor souls in Blighty will finally be getting LoveFilm on our PlayStation 3s in November. (http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/13/ps3-and-lovefilm-make-it-official-streaming-movies-to-consoles/) I'm sure it's nowhere near as good as Netflix but at least it's something.


    poems for love. poems about love
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  • mBox
    Nov 12, 12:54 PM
    WRONG! FCP is definitely not the industry standard. It gained a lot of traction in market share from Avid but has since regressed its gains over the last several years.I agree even though I loathe Avid and its Technical support :P
    Were stuck with Avid and we do what we can without their support.
    We also use FCP but presently at a lower stage in the production pipeline.
    However, our RED One delivery is trickling in (worse delivery ever) and now in the process of testing a the Red Rocket in a Mac Pro loaded with FCP3.
    Hope it all goes well.


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  • Catfish_Man
    Oct 8, 06:38 PM
    Features for the sake of features does not impress me.

    Uh.. except these are features for the sake of usability.

    poems for love. Love Poem Quote
  • Love Poem Quote

  • tag
    Dec 23, 10:41 AM
    Activity monitor with an apple beat.


    poems for love. love you poems
  • love you poems

  • MaxBurn
    May 5, 02:34 PM
    Restore as new and if it still does it take it in to apple to replace the phone.

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  • Best Collection of Love Poems

  • asif786
    Sep 17, 11:47 AM

    so i don't know if this has been posted before or anything, but you should take a look at this site: http://postsecret.blogspot.com/

    everyone sends in a secret on the back of a postcard - some of these are really interesting..and some are just too damned funny! :D


    poems for love. Happy Birthday, my Love
  • Happy Birthday, my Love

  • abc123
    Nov 4, 04:42 AM
    i love these threads, i always find so many useful things.
    aps that i use everyday are:
    sidetrack: i don't know what i'd do without it. i hear that next revision we will start having to pay for it though.
    adium: the only way i've managed to get both aim and msn file transfers to work + it looks amazing
    menu calendar: i believe that while it is not free for full features you can still use the basic ones without paying. i've somehow managed to anyway. i really like having the date number in my menubar.
    clear dock: not really needed but i like it
    quicksilver: i can imagine not having this program, it makes life so much easier.
    bytecontroller: control itunes from your menubar
    gcount: gmail notifier
    firefox: i find that it is faster than safari and i've just generally taken a liking to it.

    i think that is about it on the free stuff

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  • Ashmanspice
    Jun 22, 10:26 AM


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  • Small White Car
    Mar 23, 09:22 AM
    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    I'm guessing that you're not someone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Allen)who's been in that position (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates), though. How does your opinion account for those guys?

    poems for love. Love Poems
  • Love Poems

  • jdminpdx
    Mar 6, 06:46 PM
    Greetings all. I saw this YouTube video the other day at my friends house and I cant seem to find it again. Nevermind the actual video, it was what I saw that I thought was pretty neat. The iPad was clearly jailbroken and had what looked like a realtime weather wallpaper. It was pretty cool and I wanted to check it out. Do you know what this was?


    poems for love. i love you poems. cute i love
  • i love you poems. cute i love

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Sep 27, 12:56 AM
    VersionTracker.com is indispensable for, personally.. With most software phoning for updates though, it's a bit overkill for VTP, so you're right on that one.

    The "member" "freebies" on .Mac are the toaster over give away of the intarweb land. Lame x 3

    i don't think getting a free versiontracker is enough. I never understood why versiontracker is such a big deal because most of softwares get automatic updates anyway. unless i am missing something, i never use versiontracker.

    poems for love. Marathi Love Poems: Marathi
  • Marathi Love Poems: Marathi

  • mafia hacker
    May 5, 07:43 PM
    hello am mahmoud from egypt

    i wanna help with apps

    hope u know programe called your-freedom on pc

    it use to bypass http proxy

    hope there is one for iphone

    can any one help me to know name of an app able me to bypass https proxy

    thanx in advance

    am new user hope to find replaies i will check every 5 min to c how fast user help others


    poems for love. love poems. love poems
  • love poems. love poems

  • MacRumorUser
    Jul 30, 09:03 AM
    None available in Kerry.

    So i had the choice of Vodafone PrePay 32GB for �689 (but get it by Tuesday 3'rd August( , or Apple Sim Free for �699 (But ships in 3 weeks)......

    I chose Apple in the hope that it ships sooner :(

    Westside guy
    Nov 7, 12:02 AM
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lacie's SilverKeeper (http://www.lacie.com/silverkeeper/). It works very well for backups; basically syncing your folders with the backup version (on your iPod, or your FireWire drive, or wherever). Unlike CarbonCopyCloner it removes files from the backup that are no longer on the source, and it only copies the files that have changed. Also it'll let you keep multiple copies of the backups.

    Apr 20, 07:30 AM
    ok, still waiting on graphics card. Wiring is neater now.

    But I'm still having an issue with running video feeds from the internet. The MDD is ethernet wired rather than airport. Its really choppy with maybe 2 or 3 frames per second but perfect sound.

    Could this be the video card? I've got 2Gb of ram now so that sorts that end of things. Will the ATi 9700 128mb DDR solve the issue?

    Apr 17, 05:46 PM
    That's funny, because the ice team I started playing with (all straight guys except for me) recently kicked a guy off the team for using the F word repeatedly, and that was before I joined. I don't feel the need to use slurs when I play, and neither do they. They think it's cheap, immature and they won't tolerate it.

    That's actually very surprising (in a good way). People usually aren't as sensitive to that word as they are with the N word, especially straight people.

    Feb 6, 07:21 PM
    Why did did you make two threads?

    Apr 27, 01:24 PM
    I'm simply stating the point that I don't understand how people can keep debating this "issue" when there are CLEARLY more important things to talk about. I think because Apple is so successful they get picked on by the media and other Company's seem to get a free pass.

    ...And just because I have "newbie" next to my name doesn't mean I don't know how forums work buddy.

    "Buddy" I didn't even notice your join date nor do I care.

    There are more important things to talk about than a white iPhone - yet there are threads upon threads.

    For one - this is an Apple community - not a Sony one.

    Second - Starting to deflect the issue by comparing it to Sony is taking the thread off topic.

    No one's getting a free pass.

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