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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Oct 10, 04:10 PM
    What theme are those traffic lights from? I cant remember but i really want to switch to something new right now.

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  • cute love quotes from songs.

  • macridah
    Oct 26, 07:27 PM
    The new interface is now available. It's sweet!!!

    And check out the new address book.

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  • cute love quotes and sayings

  • guydude193
    Jul 22, 09:02 PM
    I like it. The effects are really snazzy! :)

    love quotes banner. love quotes and sayings
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  • andi242
    May 1, 08:05 AM
    I was getting so much spam and crap

    one more thing Apple should learn from google (or any other running mail hosting).
    Spamfilters should be in place these days.


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  • love quotes from songs 2010.

  • jrko
    Apr 26, 06:43 AM
    Unfortunately the heat sink/fan has become detached.

    Can I use the MX-2 paste I used on the CPU's?

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  • bigrobb
    Feb 4, 06:45 PM
    here is mine


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  • scotty96LSC
    Oct 1, 07:09 AM
    Link (
    •Dock icons from Deviant Art
    •Geektool Scripts for Computer, Weather and Music Info

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  • ZaSheR
    Dec 5, 08:50 AM
    Something I did up to fill in the void behind this huge screen!




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  • Bern
    Sep 24, 06:02 PM
    If you're 18 and living under your parent's roof then you are obliged to follow their rules. Ok so you're legally an adult at 18, then quit leaching from your parents, reaping the rewards of living in their house, enjoying their hospitality and get your own place. But as long as you continue to take advantage of the good will of your parents hospitality then you follow the rules of their home.


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  • MattSepeta
    Jul 15, 02:28 PM
    I wonder if Nuclear Marbles will run on Snow Leopard :p

    I bet its a fun play!


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  • I Love You

  • wordoflife
    Oct 2, 04:35 PM
    I can never get these attachments to work ... :o

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  • I3eXa
    Dec 1, 10:46 AM
    just a little view of the New York Skyline and the new Duc 848EVO (2nd monitor) with my 2011 calendars of motogp and wrc :D


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  • Missjenna
    May 2, 05:04 PM
    I'm looking for a recipe box app where I can add my own recipes, delete the ones that come pre-installed and preferably has a shopping list. A clean UI is a huge plus. Can anyone recommend one? The apps I've found so far haven't been what I am looking for.

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  • Myspace Girly Quotes banners

  • PhantomPumpkin
    Apr 21, 11:02 AM
    The only people who want to compare it that way are apple fans. The rest of the world rightfully compare it according to device. Smartphone OS to smartphone OS.

    If the situation were reversed Fandroids would be saying the same thing. Don't try and take the high road when it isn't one of your choices.


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  • Travisimo
    Feb 9, 05:14 PM
    I have text messaging blocked on my account, so this would not be a good deal for me. Why would I want to pay $20/mo for text messaging when I can use Google Voice and pay nothing? The unlimited mobile to mobile would be nice, but not when it requires the text messaging plan. For those who DO have the texting plan already, then this is a very nice addition.

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  • TheOnlyJon
    Oct 1, 02:18 PM

    GREAT album.


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  • louisusm
    Apr 19, 02:33 PM
    Overnight my sirius app stops working once the screen fades out or I hit the button on the bottom or top of the ipad.

    any ideas?

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  • short love quotes for him in

  • Lifequest
    Apr 29, 07:16 AM
    Apple should really diversify their suppliers anyway, which is what they look like they are doing. Cut Samsung supply by 50%, and threaten all of it if they don't get their act together. Surely Samsung doesn't think that that they can bring in this kind of revenue on their own merit. Outside of LCD televisions, Samsung has an image problem, and even that has only improved in the last few years.

    Only 4% of Samsung Revenue are believed to be from Apple.
    While Samsung supplies at least half of Apple's iPad displays and a big portion of iPhone.

    Why does everyone think Samsung needs Apple more? It looks the other way to me. Regardless, it's business, personal issues don't get in the way of big contracts. They'll still work with each other blah blah. Apple's just trying to get a better contract which will be part of the "out-of-court" settlement.

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  • short love quotes for him in

  • Grade
    Dec 12, 08:13 AM

    That is awsome. Can you give me the link?

    Apr 27, 04:02 PM
    yawn. how many more stories about this stupid "location tracking".

    Yeah, it's such a yawn and stupid that you bothered to click on it and reply. :confused:

    Mar 24, 11:45 AM
    There seems to be a lot of confusion between morality and reality in this thread. Let me give a real life experience as example and comparison.

    This past week my children's DVD players were stolen from our vehicle. You know, the kind that attach to the back of the head rest in the automobile. We bought them for long trips, but recently my wife put them in for an extended day of driving with the kids. We had a conversation in which I told her, "honey, we need to take those out of the car now because they can clearly be seen through the windows and that could be all the 'invitation' needed for someone to take them". Guess what happened a few days later, they were stolen.

    It disgusts, angers, and frustrates me that someone would steal from my children. I feel violated that someone feels it is okay for them to take something that they have no right to.

    Nov 20, 12:11 PM
    I think Apple will incorporate this type of functionality into their first phone. Why the heck else would people buy it, because it's pretty?! It has to have enough sweet features to convince people to drop their current phone and maybe even contract, otherwise it's going to be a huge and very very well publicized flop. They've gotten a lot of free press lately on the iPhone so they can't screw this up or the general public (not just us mac geeks) will hear about it.

    May 5, 11:07 AM
    BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.

    The first big fish they got after 9/11, Abu Zubaida (also in a stellar takedown op), told his CIA interrogators that AQ were trained to resist only as long as they personally could and, once they had reached their personal breaking point, they were free to sing like canaries with a clear conscience. The reasoning behind this was that Allah would always be victorious, so they'd not be compromising the larger mission and would have done their religious duty by offering as much resistance as they could.

    Once the CIA knew this, the enhanced interrogation techniques were personalized to let each detainee know that it would never stop until they agreed to cooperate and things would get better as soon as they did. KSM was the toughest one of the bunch and, when he reached his breaking point, he asked for a pad and paper and was willing to write down everything they needed.

    Nov 20, 12:20 PM

    even the first phone is not out yet and we already have rumors of a 2nd version!

    way to go! :D

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