Nov 22, 03:35 PM
im pretty sure thats what steevie boy has in mind ;)
I never buy "locked" phones anymore. Yeah, unlocked ones cost more because they're not subsidized by the cell phone companies, but if service sucks or I go overseas (which I frequently do), I can get another company's SIM and put it in my phone. Voila! It works!
I have a Sony/Ericsson W810i with 2GB memory card. Its tiny screen only allows 176x144 video (MPEG-4 or 3GP at 30 frames per second), but that also becomes an advantage. Full-length movies at that screen resolution only take up 150-200MB. I use FFMpegX to compress movies for my phone.
The phone also has a 2 megapixel camera with true autofocus and macro, and plays MP3 and AAC/MP4 audio files with its built-in speaker or outstanding earphones. It has a FM radio with RDS, plays Java games, has Bluetooth and can be used as a Bluetooth controller/mouse or modem on Macs and PCs, it supports EDGE high-speed Internet, it can run the Java version of Opera but it also has a decent built-in browser, and is fully supported by iSync. And it's tiny.
Okay, Apple... that's your yardstick. Come up with somethings significantly better. I know you can do it.
I never buy "locked" phones anymore. Yeah, unlocked ones cost more because they're not subsidized by the cell phone companies, but if service sucks or I go overseas (which I frequently do), I can get another company's SIM and put it in my phone. Voila! It works!
I have a Sony/Ericsson W810i with 2GB memory card. Its tiny screen only allows 176x144 video (MPEG-4 or 3GP at 30 frames per second), but that also becomes an advantage. Full-length movies at that screen resolution only take up 150-200MB. I use FFMpegX to compress movies for my phone.
The phone also has a 2 megapixel camera with true autofocus and macro, and plays MP3 and AAC/MP4 audio files with its built-in speaker or outstanding earphones. It has a FM radio with RDS, plays Java games, has Bluetooth and can be used as a Bluetooth controller/mouse or modem on Macs and PCs, it supports EDGE high-speed Internet, it can run the Java version of Opera but it also has a decent built-in browser, and is fully supported by iSync. And it's tiny.
Okay, Apple... that's your yardstick. Come up with somethings significantly better. I know you can do it.
Don't panic
May 3, 04:34 PM
i took the liberty to re-write the rules AS I UNDERSTANND THEM, which incorporate all the Q&A
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by random.org, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (random.org)
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
Mar 26, 09:56 PM
Perhaps in the same way that Apple previously pulled OSX software engineers to help polish iOS, they're now focusing on getting Lion out the door?
Either that or a decent notification solution is still eluding them :P
Either that or a decent notification solution is still eluding them :P

Jul 22, 05:49 AM
I suppose we are all relying on Apple to do what they do best: To give us what we want, to not skimp on performance regardless of cost, and to provide us with the best hardware in the world. Don't let us down.
Aug 7, 06:36 PM
Just ordered with the X1900 upgrade, memory upgrade, and Bluetooth. Says three to five weeks to ship.
If I check the order status twice a day, will that make my system ship faster? :)Two 1 GB Sticks are only $386 from Third Parties. (http://www.wiredzone.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=32003196&source=froogle)
2x1 = 2GB = $386 vs Apples 4x 512 NOT 6x 512 = + $386 Plus the One GB from Apple for total of 3GB.
4x1 = 4GB = $772 vs. Apple's $990 Plus the One GB you get base from Apple for total of 5GB.
I think you really should change your order to base ram and add TWO 1GB sticks for only $386 for a total of 3GB to begin with for only $116 more than the cost of TWO from Apple taking up only 4 slots. :)
When you buy 2 GB (4 x 512) from Apple you are paying Apple $270 for ONE GB (because you get ONE GB Base anyway) Instead of $193 per ONE GB from Third Parties plus the ONE it comes with no matter what.
$386 MINUS $270 = $116 for that first GB it comes with. See?
If I check the order status twice a day, will that make my system ship faster? :)Two 1 GB Sticks are only $386 from Third Parties. (http://www.wiredzone.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=32003196&source=froogle)
2x1 = 2GB = $386 vs Apples 4x 512 NOT 6x 512 = + $386 Plus the One GB from Apple for total of 3GB.
4x1 = 4GB = $772 vs. Apple's $990 Plus the One GB you get base from Apple for total of 5GB.
I think you really should change your order to base ram and add TWO 1GB sticks for only $386 for a total of 3GB to begin with for only $116 more than the cost of TWO from Apple taking up only 4 slots. :)
When you buy 2 GB (4 x 512) from Apple you are paying Apple $270 for ONE GB (because you get ONE GB Base anyway) Instead of $193 per ONE GB from Third Parties plus the ONE it comes with no matter what.
$386 MINUS $270 = $116 for that first GB it comes with. See?
Apr 14, 09:44 AM
Long and very interesting article on taxes. Very good read. (http://www.wweek.com/portland/article-17350-9_things_the_rich_dont_want_you_to_know_about_taxes.html)
As millions of Americans prepare to file their annual taxes, they do so in an environment of media-perpetuated tax myths. Here are a few points about taxes and the economy that you may not know, to consider as you prepare to file your taxes. (All figures are inflation-adjusted.)
The Internal Revenue Service issues an annual report on the 400 highest income-tax payers. In 1961, there were 398 taxpayers who made $1 million or more, so I compared their income tax burdens from that year to 2007.
Despite skyrocketing incomes, the federal tax burden on the richest 400 has been slashed, thanks to a variety of loopholes, allowable deductions and other tools. The actual share of their income paid in taxes, according to the IRS, is 16.6 percent. Adding payroll taxes barely nudges that number.
Compare that to the vast majority of Americans, whose share of their income going to federal taxes increased from 13.1 percent in 1961 to 22.5 percent in 2007.
(By the way, during seven of the eight George W. Bush years, the IRS report on the top 400 taxpayers was labeled a state secret, a policy that the Obama administration overturned almost instantly after his inauguration.)
A corporate tax rate that is too low actually destroys jobs. That�s because a higher tax rate encourages businesses (who don�t want to pay taxes) to keep the profits in the business and reinvest, rather than pull them out as profits and have to pay high taxes.
The 2004 American Jobs Creation Act, which passed with bipartisan support, allowed more than 800 companies to bring profits that were untaxed but overseas back to the United States. Instead of paying the usual 35 percent tax, the companies paid just 5.25 percent.
The companies said bringing the money home��repatriating� it, they called it�would mean lots of jobs. Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican, put the figure at 660,000 new jobs.
Pfizer, the drug company, was the biggest beneficiary. It brought home $37 billion, saving $11 billion in taxes. Almost immediately it started firing people. Since the law took effect, Pfizer has let 40,000 workers go. In all, it appears that at least 100,000 jobs were destroyed.
As millions of Americans prepare to file their annual taxes, they do so in an environment of media-perpetuated tax myths. Here are a few points about taxes and the economy that you may not know, to consider as you prepare to file your taxes. (All figures are inflation-adjusted.)
The Internal Revenue Service issues an annual report on the 400 highest income-tax payers. In 1961, there were 398 taxpayers who made $1 million or more, so I compared their income tax burdens from that year to 2007.
Despite skyrocketing incomes, the federal tax burden on the richest 400 has been slashed, thanks to a variety of loopholes, allowable deductions and other tools. The actual share of their income paid in taxes, according to the IRS, is 16.6 percent. Adding payroll taxes barely nudges that number.
Compare that to the vast majority of Americans, whose share of their income going to federal taxes increased from 13.1 percent in 1961 to 22.5 percent in 2007.
(By the way, during seven of the eight George W. Bush years, the IRS report on the top 400 taxpayers was labeled a state secret, a policy that the Obama administration overturned almost instantly after his inauguration.)
A corporate tax rate that is too low actually destroys jobs. That�s because a higher tax rate encourages businesses (who don�t want to pay taxes) to keep the profits in the business and reinvest, rather than pull them out as profits and have to pay high taxes.
The 2004 American Jobs Creation Act, which passed with bipartisan support, allowed more than 800 companies to bring profits that were untaxed but overseas back to the United States. Instead of paying the usual 35 percent tax, the companies paid just 5.25 percent.
The companies said bringing the money home��repatriating� it, they called it�would mean lots of jobs. Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican, put the figure at 660,000 new jobs.
Pfizer, the drug company, was the biggest beneficiary. It brought home $37 billion, saving $11 billion in taxes. Almost immediately it started firing people. Since the law took effect, Pfizer has let 40,000 workers go. In all, it appears that at least 100,000 jobs were destroyed.
Aug 11, 11:05 AM
I'm holding off for the new MBP because from what I've seen, the current ones still have issues. It was Apple's first Mac to go to Intel, and although they've made some changes, it's still "first generation". I'm hoping the next revision will have more than just a processor upgrade.
Dude, they have made numerous fixes under the hood and revisions.
just not changes to the configuration.
Dude, they have made numerous fixes under the hood and revisions.
just not changes to the configuration.
Don't panic
May 5, 07:48 AM
BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.
as long as we remember to search a room before we move in the next turn, it shouldn't make much of a difference
as long as we remember to search a room before we move in the next turn, it shouldn't make much of a difference
Apr 26, 03:58 PM
What makes a product "Best" in its category is defined by different people differently. For some people "best" is a free phone because they can't afford anything else. Some people pour over the specs and select the "best".
For me, "best" is the phone that operates the most intuitively to my way of thinking. I want something that I don't need to refer back to the manual to use its features. My Android Incredible came with a 8" x 11", 73 page manual that I need to use to operate the phone... that fact speaks volumes to what separates the Android from the "best."
Oh come on. :rolleyes: If you can't figure out how to use an Android phone in less than a minute then you have some issues. It's the same friggin thing. The reason it comes with a manual is just a reference document. Apple doesn't include one because they are too cheap to put it in the package as a printout. If you want it, here it is. All 274 pages of it!
For me, "best" is the phone that operates the most intuitively to my way of thinking. I want something that I don't need to refer back to the manual to use its features. My Android Incredible came with a 8" x 11", 73 page manual that I need to use to operate the phone... that fact speaks volumes to what separates the Android from the "best."
Oh come on. :rolleyes: If you can't figure out how to use an Android phone in less than a minute then you have some issues. It's the same friggin thing. The reason it comes with a manual is just a reference document. Apple doesn't include one because they are too cheap to put it in the package as a printout. If you want it, here it is. All 274 pages of it!

Aug 4, 12:19 PM
Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.
A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.
A chip update has NOTHING to do with any outstanding issues, sorry...Apple is fully capable of fixing those (if any) with a better design AND a better chip.

Sep 15, 07:31 PM
This (http://switchtoamac.com/site/apple-will-soon-announce-a-macbook-pro-revison-heres-why.html) an a good read on why we may see a MacBook Pro revision very soon.
Makes sense to me
Nice explanation with evidence on current and past updates. I'm now convinced that there will be a MacBook Pro update this year. Photokina sounds like the ideal venue.
Makes sense to me
Nice explanation with evidence on current and past updates. I'm now convinced that there will be a MacBook Pro update this year. Photokina sounds like the ideal venue.
Mar 28, 09:33 AM
I'm not so sure about that interpretation.
Not introducing the new iPhone would be a serious break from Apple practice.
But I guess it's possible. My iPhone 4 still feels "magical" to me. Maybe Apple will hold pat with iPhone 4 - what with the CDMA version and the white model being "new" this year.
It would be a serious break from past practice.
And on Macs...
"Now that we've shown you Lion, with all these great features from iOS that we're bringing Back to the Mac, here's a look at our newest iMac that takes fullest advantage, yada, yada, yada."
Not introducing the new iPhone would be a serious break from Apple practice.
But I guess it's possible. My iPhone 4 still feels "magical" to me. Maybe Apple will hold pat with iPhone 4 - what with the CDMA version and the white model being "new" this year.
It would be a serious break from past practice.
And on Macs...
"Now that we've shown you Lion, with all these great features from iOS that we're bringing Back to the Mac, here's a look at our newest iMac that takes fullest advantage, yada, yada, yada."
Apr 25, 11:18 AM
So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
Apple are only tracking their users if they're using this data to, uh, track their users.
AFAIK, the information is not even sent to Apple.
Database of locations on a device != tracking their users with this database.
For tracking to happen, you need software in place to make use of that information...
For tracking to happen by Apple, you need this info sent to Apple as a start...
This could just as well be a remnant from some app that never happened, or an app that is planned to happen...
Apple are only tracking their users if they're using this data to, uh, track their users.
AFAIK, the information is not even sent to Apple.
Database of locations on a device != tracking their users with this database.
For tracking to happen, you need software in place to make use of that information...
For tracking to happen by Apple, you need this info sent to Apple as a start...
This could just as well be a remnant from some app that never happened, or an app that is planned to happen...
Nov 4, 10:30 PM
Huh. This is really cool, but I'm not familiar with the brand...don't know if it's good, or even legitimate for that matter.
Still, it's cool to see someone finally offer it free. Windows has had multiple choices for a few years, so this is good news for OS X fans!
Still, it's cool to see someone finally offer it free. Windows has had multiple choices for a few years, so this is good news for OS X fans!
Mar 28, 09:58 AM
Why because it doesn't have a dual core processor, 1GB of RAM ?
Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.
With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.
While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.
Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.
With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.
While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.
Aug 2, 02:45 PM
As soon as the new macpro's are out for shipping im getting one. Im like on edge cuz I want it now. cant wait. haha
Apr 4, 03:42 PM
Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.
Not if you buy your music from Amazon and have it saved to your cloud storage be default. All mp3 purchases from Amazon (so long as cloud storage is set as your default when purchasing) are stored free in the cloud and don't count against your storage limit. You can download it to your Mac/PC later (while leaving it in the Amazon cloud) and add it into your iTunes library on your local storage if you'd like.
This is actually a much better thing for me, as if I'm away from my home computer, I can still buy music, have it go to the cloud by default, and immediately have it available to both any computer that runs the cloud player and my phone without having to wait to go home and purchase through iTunes and sync a device.
Not if you buy your music from Amazon and have it saved to your cloud storage be default. All mp3 purchases from Amazon (so long as cloud storage is set as your default when purchasing) are stored free in the cloud and don't count against your storage limit. You can download it to your Mac/PC later (while leaving it in the Amazon cloud) and add it into your iTunes library on your local storage if you'd like.
This is actually a much better thing for me, as if I'm away from my home computer, I can still buy music, have it go to the cloud by default, and immediately have it available to both any computer that runs the cloud player and my phone without having to wait to go home and purchase through iTunes and sync a device.
Aug 7, 07:37 PM
Is this whole heat sinked ram issue for real?
I just ordered the top o line, Macpro. but with base ram as usual onoly to see the FB- blah blah heat sinked, get nothing else or your computer will become the wind tunnel of hell, Is this true.
Should I get a 2gig base and try to work up from there?
OMG estimated shipping date Sept 12th, they gotta be kidding!
Their estimated shipping date is on the safe side that it's how long it'll take if it has to be shipped from Mars. I ordered two BT mighty mice the day it came out and the shipping date was said to be some time late Auguest, but it arrived two days later ( late July).
I just ordered the top o line, Macpro. but with base ram as usual onoly to see the FB- blah blah heat sinked, get nothing else or your computer will become the wind tunnel of hell, Is this true.
Should I get a 2gig base and try to work up from there?
OMG estimated shipping date Sept 12th, they gotta be kidding!
Their estimated shipping date is on the safe side that it's how long it'll take if it has to be shipped from Mars. I ordered two BT mighty mice the day it came out and the shipping date was said to be some time late Auguest, but it arrived two days later ( late July).
Dec 11, 03:49 PM
ticman, thanks for all the info!
Question: You obviously used the included disk to mount the car kit to. Does that disk hold onto your dash really securely with the adhesive they supply?
Also, when you are using Voice Control, do you have to reach around the back of the car kit to press the button to activate it, or can you just press the Home button on the iPhone?
Lastly, I have to use an FM transmitter in my car so I was going to plug it into the jack on the car kit and transmit music to my radio. It sounds like the Navigon instructions will come out my radio speakers not the little speaker on the car kit, but when I make a phone call it will use the car kit speaker. Right? Hope so, as I don't really want my phone calls blasted through my speakers.
The included disk is holding very very well to the area i used which was on plastic near the radio. IT WOULD NOT HOLD TO MY DASH AT ALL as the dash had a grainy leather and not a smooth surface.
Voice control is done by pressing the HOME button.
I have MADE a call by using Voice Control and talk was through the iPhone speakers. I have NOT tried using ipod music and navigon and tried making a call but would suspect that again talk would come out of the iphone and not car speakers. What would be interesting is what happens to Navigon directions and volume of ipod music. I'll check that out and leave another post.
Hope that helps.
The only slight issue i have is that when i place the phone in landscape mode I have to do it in such a way that the 2 input cords are on TOP of the iphone dock. It i hit a bump it sometimes cause the iphone to swing down a bit towards Portrait mode. Must be the weight of the two plugs.
Question: You obviously used the included disk to mount the car kit to. Does that disk hold onto your dash really securely with the adhesive they supply?
Also, when you are using Voice Control, do you have to reach around the back of the car kit to press the button to activate it, or can you just press the Home button on the iPhone?
Lastly, I have to use an FM transmitter in my car so I was going to plug it into the jack on the car kit and transmit music to my radio. It sounds like the Navigon instructions will come out my radio speakers not the little speaker on the car kit, but when I make a phone call it will use the car kit speaker. Right? Hope so, as I don't really want my phone calls blasted through my speakers.
The included disk is holding very very well to the area i used which was on plastic near the radio. IT WOULD NOT HOLD TO MY DASH AT ALL as the dash had a grainy leather and not a smooth surface.
Voice control is done by pressing the HOME button.
I have MADE a call by using Voice Control and talk was through the iPhone speakers. I have NOT tried using ipod music and navigon and tried making a call but would suspect that again talk would come out of the iphone and not car speakers. What would be interesting is what happens to Navigon directions and volume of ipod music. I'll check that out and leave another post.
Hope that helps.
The only slight issue i have is that when i place the phone in landscape mode I have to do it in such a way that the 2 input cords are on TOP of the iphone dock. It i hit a bump it sometimes cause the iphone to swing down a bit towards Portrait mode. Must be the weight of the two plugs.
Apr 10, 10:10 AM
1. (of language) Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
2. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
The problem may be confusing to some; it certainly is not ambiguous. There are rules in math, if you follow them, there is only one answer. Period.
i agree and disagree!
I believe the problem stated was ambiguous since he/she did not express the equation with parentheses that would have helped to expound the problem in a more accurate manner!
The equation should of been expressed as: (48/2) x (9+3)
Mathematics do have rules, and thus will almost certainly yield one answer, this only holds true if there was clear presentation of the facts stated, rather than the reader making inferences from the initial question: which in this case was poorly numbered (worded)
1. (of language) Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
2. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
The problem may be confusing to some; it certainly is not ambiguous. There are rules in math, if you follow them, there is only one answer. Period.
i agree and disagree!
I believe the problem stated was ambiguous since he/she did not express the equation with parentheses that would have helped to expound the problem in a more accurate manner!
The equation should of been expressed as: (48/2) x (9+3)
Mathematics do have rules, and thus will almost certainly yield one answer, this only holds true if there was clear presentation of the facts stated, rather than the reader making inferences from the initial question: which in this case was poorly numbered (worded)
Apr 22, 05:09 PM
The server market is the backbone of the business market. Macs will be niche in enterprise as long as the backbone isn't there, and stronger than last time.
I'm going to have to disagree with that. Apple can be a great contender in the enterprise market without even touching server space.
There's plenty of client side areas Apple can compete in. God knows any of the current "Enterprise" companies aren't going to deliver a well polished client side, especially in the Mobile space.
If you need a "Certified Engineer" and $10k worth of training to set up your software, you're doing something wrong.
I'm going to have to disagree with that. Apple can be a great contender in the enterprise market without even touching server space.
There's plenty of client side areas Apple can compete in. God knows any of the current "Enterprise" companies aren't going to deliver a well polished client side, especially in the Mobile space.
If you need a "Certified Engineer" and $10k worth of training to set up your software, you're doing something wrong.
Aug 3, 07:23 AM
It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)
intel employees don't lie? please tell me you didn't just say that
intel employees don't lie? please tell me you didn't just say that
Apr 25, 09:00 AM
I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .
I love the mac OS , I love the mac design , I hate the "last years tech with a shiney shell" we seem to have to put up with , super high res screens and faster I/O ports are all well and good , but put a decent GPU in now the mac is becoming a contender as a home gaming platform .
Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:
Nightarchaon, youre my hero. All the conjecture about future hi res displays aside...the current iMac is almost crippled with its current GPU options. At 2560x1440...it should have something equivalent to an HD 6950/GTX 570. Given that those cards would blow past any thermal limits Apple has set...iMac owners are in a bit of a graphical quandary. It's an utterly gorgeous machine, superb display, great CPU, decent RAM, sufficient HDD options. But those graphics? :eek: SP cores and clock rates aside...it should have 2GB of VRAM(frame buffer) at that res.
I love the mac OS , I love the mac design , I hate the "last years tech with a shiney shell" we seem to have to put up with , super high res screens and faster I/O ports are all well and good , but put a decent GPU in now the mac is becoming a contender as a home gaming platform .
Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:
Nightarchaon, youre my hero. All the conjecture about future hi res displays aside...the current iMac is almost crippled with its current GPU options. At 2560x1440...it should have something equivalent to an HD 6950/GTX 570. Given that those cards would blow past any thermal limits Apple has set...iMac owners are in a bit of a graphical quandary. It's an utterly gorgeous machine, superb display, great CPU, decent RAM, sufficient HDD options. But those graphics? :eek: SP cores and clock rates aside...it should have 2GB of VRAM(frame buffer) at that res.
May 3, 06:38 PM
Let's keep moving. I suggest taking a door then search the location. For two scooby snacks :D, my brother and I will open the door that the group wants open.
From what you were showing us in the rules, it looked like movement then searching is the way to go.
From what you were showing us in the rules, it looked like movement then searching is the way to go.
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