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  • spaceballl
    Jun 14, 09:05 PM
    I lined up for the iPhone 3G last year! And I lined up with my girlfriend for the Palm Pre last weekend (http://www.crazyhawt.com/2009/06/06/palm-pre-waiting-in-line-first-impressions/). This year, i'm doing this by mail :). My 3GS should arrive on the 19th.

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  • hopejr
    Apr 10, 07:53 PM
    And yet another one (2 in five minutes!!). Links to http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/au/en/cloud_computing/ideas/

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  • GammaPoint
    Sep 22, 03:18 PM
    4th Gen iPod Touch skins now available at Best Skins Ever. I have their skin on my 1st gen iPhone as well as 80GB iPod classic, no issues at all. Cost is $6.99 for the full body skin. Going to order mine so hopefully the skin is here by the time Apple finally get's around to shipping out my 64GB touch.


    How do these compare to Zagg's InvisibleShield?

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  • Thisis
    May 5, 10:00 AM
    Can anyone confirm/deny that 4.3.3/4.2.8 brings AirPlay to the verizon iPhone?


    future, iOS 5 please :cool:


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  • homerjward
    Oct 16, 06:11 PM
    couldn't you just keep your pc for the pc-only app(s) you have?

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  • sammy2066
    Apr 19, 11:09 AM
    I used to fold for #1714 ABXZone.com. Back then I had every machine in the house folding, till I fried a $2000 Vaio and my parents asked me to stop. I complied.


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  • OPTiK
    Mar 13, 12:05 PM

    sn0wbreeze is pro... after trying to get pwnagetool to work for hours yesterday, i used the new sn0wbreeze release and got my ipad to tethered 4.3 JB in about 10 minutes! :)

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  • mrathee
    Jul 27, 11:27 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/06/30/mobileme-gallery-updated-for-iphone-4s-retina-display/)

    http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/06/30/104943-mobileme_gallery_1.jpg http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/06/30/104943-mobileme_gallery_2.jpg

    Apple's MobileMe Gallery (http://appshopper.com/photography/mobileme-gallery) application has received a minor update today, fixing a few bugs while delivering new support for iPhone 4. With the update, the application can now download higher-resolution versions of images hosted on MobileMe when used on an iPhone 4 and connecting over Wi-Fi. The change allows users to take advantage of iPhone 4's 960 x 640 "Retina" display to view images in crisper detail.

    Unfortunately, the update does not yet bring native iPad compatibility to the application, a feature which would seem to be a logical addition to allow users to browse their MobileMe image galleries on the device's larger screen.

    Article Link: 'MobileMe Gallery' Updated for iPhone 4's Retina Display (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/06/30/mobileme-gallery-updated-for-iphone-4s-retina-display/)

    Not going to lie - this may make me actually use that portion of mobile me. It has been dormant in my account for the last year+


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  • rgarjr
    Apr 29, 01:23 AM
    Yep, but I always keep it on.

    which carrier do u have? have data plan?

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  • philipma1957
    Apr 7, 09:31 PM
    use super duper and clone a bootable copy to the external hdd.

    free mac clone program below



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  • bedifferent
    Mar 16, 11:48 AM
    It could mean that, or it could mean they just haven't updated the graphite versions of the buttons/loading bars/etc yet. I would love to see them offer more color options, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being just blue and graphite again. :o

    I hope they offer more color options, especially for the sidebar icons. I'm not loving the iTunes 10 UI.

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  • Broc27
    Apr 26, 05:58 PM
    Basically the Mac Pro comes in two different fundamental configurations: a single CPU version and a dual CPU version. These are two different chipsets and unless you reeeally like overspending it is not wise to change this later.

    Consider your needs and first of all determine if the software you'll be using can take advantage of a high number of cores. If you don't know a google or forums search can help, you can also ask about specific software here.

    Once you have determined how many cores you need (or want) you can go straight to the model you need (stock or customized at the apple online store) or, if you are feeling adventurous, you can, as you are proposing, buy a single cpu or dual cpu model and upgrade it with very specific processors. If you want a dual CPU model you CAN'T mix different processors; they have to be identical. If you buy a single CPU model you CAN'T add another CPU later unless you also change the chipset, which is, as I said, very expensive.

    I'd say more here about which CPUs you can upgrade to but I think you first need to determine your actual needs and your budget.


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  • ColeSear
    Oct 31, 05:38 AM
    All DVDs.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 04:21 PM
    Big deal. Where's iPhone 5?


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  • wjlafrance
    Jan 8, 11:34 AM
    At my college we're upgrading an Xserve G5 (RackMac3,1) to be a file server for some courses. Currently it has one sled with a 75GB drive. Obviously, this isn't enough.

    I've tried some Googling on this matter and I'm hearing a ton of different stuff - custom firmware, size issues, etc. So, for anyone who knows, what's the actual lowdown on this machine. We want to put in three 2TB drives using three standard sleds, replaced with third-party drives. Is this possible?

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  • lewis82
    Oct 16, 11:20 AM
    The best is to create a Wallpapers folder anywhere you want (preferably in the Images folder, situated in your User folder).

    Then, just add it to the list in the preference pane (see attached pic).



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  • Dale Sorel
    Jan 20, 11:45 AM
    Originally posted by Abstract
    What does Spymac offer, exactly?


    Your account includes:

    25 MB e-mail account
    250 MB of space to upload pictures in the Spymac Gallery
    100 MB free space on Spymac Hosting with WebDAV access*
    Free iCal Hosting (both public and private)*
    Access to the Spymac Forums and Shoutbox
    Your very own Spymac Blog*
    Access to the Spymac Auctions
    The ability to create your very own personal Gallery and Forum

    *Mail, Blog, iCal and Free Hosting Details

    Pretty coo, IMO :D

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  • bousozoku
    Jan 13, 12:12 PM
    I'm sure they are dying to hear your plan.

    I say may the best man (company) win. To be honest, and this is just opinion, I think Cisco threw the "iPhone" out there because they knew the real iPhone was coming (as did we all) and wanted to bank on it somehow, just like I'm sure iPhone-related email addresses were swiped up recently too.

    I could be wrong, but prove it.

    I was thinking that, but Linksys/Cisco filed for the trademark in 1999.

    Cisco have owned this trademark for years. Apple were in negotiations to buy it, but for whatever reason they couldn't close the deal in time. Apple should therefore have not announced that the product was going to be called iPhone at the keynote.

    Doing so before the deal was done was a big mistake. Cisco can now triple the price for the name and Apple either have to pay or look humiliated.

    Apple can throw as many lawyers as they like at it now, but that name is still Cisco's property. Last time I looked, Cisco could afford a big legal team of their own. They can't be bullied here.

    EDIT : Although whether the situation worldwide is quite so clear cut is debatable. Article from The Register. (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/01/12/cisco_apple_iphone_trademark_spat/)

    Yes, it looks like there is more to it, namely expiration of the trademark without usage in time.

    Personally i think that they both should just play nice.

    I mean why doesn't Apple just do what they did with the Apple TV. Throw the Apple Logo in front of it. Then Linksys should do the same.

    Digg this:

    Cisco lost rights to iPhone trademark last year, experts say. (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Burnette/?p=236)

    Cisco claims Apple created phony company to sidestep iPhone trademark. (http://money.canoe.ca/News/TopPhoto/2007/01/10/3279889-ap.html)

    Interesting links. The iPhone is dead, long live the iPhone.

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  • Newfiebill
    Feb 18, 10:38 AM
    Hi Guys & Gals,

    I'm going to make the jump to an Intel SSD this weekend to replace my stock 320GB (5400 RPM) Drive in the 2010 Mac Mini.

    Those of you that have actually done this, did you find that the Logic Board really needed to be shifted at all? I've been looking at the OWC installation Video and it would seem to me that the drive will lift out over the Logic Board without moving the board at all. It would mean that I would only have to detach the first SATA and two heat connectors. The least amount of connectors I have to pull the better I would assume. Also, I'm thinking that the black vinyl covering wrapped around the 320GB drive is there to protect the moving/electrical drive components on the bottom of the drive, which I would not need on the SSD. I know that I need/should replace the piece of tape to hold the heat sensor wire on the new SSD.

    Any help would be great.....:)

    2010 Mac Mini (2.4MHz - 8GB RAM Intel 80GB SSD(pending)) Air Port Extreme, 2TB Mini Stack External Dive, 16GB WiFi iPad, 32GB iPhone 3GS.

    Apr 1, 10:05 PM
    I can't figure this one out. I successfully jailbroke my 1st gen iPad after using pwnage tool and tetheredboot.

    However when I open cydia and do the required updates it asks me to reboot, so I do so but it keeps on going through a boot loop.
    I then put it in DFU and do the tetheredboot command in terminal but it fails every time saying:

    Macintosh-6:~ Eddy$ /Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/tetheredboot -i/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/iBSS.k48ap.RELEASE.dfu -k/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/kernelcache.release.k48
    Initializing libpois0n
    Waiting for device to enter DFU mode
    opening device 05ac:1227...
    Found device in DFU mode
    Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
    Checking the device type
    Identified device as iPad1,1
    Preparing to upload limera1n exploit
    Resetting device counters
    Sending chunk headers
    Sending exploit payload
    Sending fake data
    libusb:error [darwin_transfer_status] transfer error: timed out
    libusb:error [darwin_reset_device] ResetDevice: device not responding
    Exploit sent
    Reconnecting to device
    libusb:error [darwin_close] USBDeviceClose: no connection to an IOService
    Waiting 2 seconds for the device to pop up...
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Command completed successfully
    Unable to reconnect
    Unable to upload exploit data
    Exploit injection failed!

    So then my only option is to restore again through itunes and rejailbreak which means I loose the updates I install. I've done this about 5 times now and it's really pissing me off.

    Is snowbreeze more reliable then the method I'm using? If so I may have to boot in bootcamp and try.

    I'm not a Mac user but I believe your issue is with libusb If you google on this you'll see it is a common error, I believe you'll also find info on how to correct the issue...

    Hope that helps to get you started...

    Feb 3, 08:49 AM
    No thanks guys, really want a 4G iphone unlocked.....

    Nov 25, 10:06 AM
    I'm not a web developer by trade so I can't begin to comment on the methods being used; I took the decision to do it this way (with my limited knowledge!) as it seemed the simplest option, as I would have otherwise used Flash - which I didn't do for obvious reasons...

    If I'd have created the page as a single image (say at 900x800px), with an all over blue background and a full colour image (for argument's sake, let's say a it's of a car) sitting in the middle third of it, the background colour would be consistent across the whole page;
    if I split the image into thirds (300px across apiece), so that the outer two images are plain blue, with the middle image containing the car on the same colour background, that blue is a different hue in the middle panel compared to the two outers.

    Is this because of some sort of optimisation process, where the number of colours on that image is being cut back somehow? I'm using 'Save for web and devices' and I've tried 'convert to sRGB' and 'Use Document Color Profile' but it doesn't seem to make a difference. all the relevant RGB/CMYK/LAB/Hex colours are all consistent... this is driving me nuts.

    I'd post the page in question, but it's sensitive material so I can't...

    Jan 12, 09:53 AM
    What is your opinion on Cisco and Apple's dispute?

    iDontcare about this dispute.

    Mar 13, 08:09 PM
    Just to put my exrierence out there i had, yours look like an exact picture of mine and then i when i sent mine in to get the screen fixed they would not do it due to the fact that the damage could be down in the logic board. So i ended up paying the 250 for the replacement.
    Thanks Brian

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