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  • petvas
    May 6, 08:22 AM
    When I initially installed Lion I was very impressed by the new features. Now, and after I have been using it for a week now, I not that impressed anymore. I think there is room for improvements:

    * Launchpad: The idea is good but the implementation could be much better. You should make launchpad behave like a computer application and not like an iPad one! Right click should offer context menu to create new folders, rename and delete folders. Right clicking on an app should offer options to move it to an existing folder, or create a new one. Launchpad should also have the option not to run in full screen mode! In its current incarnation I am not going to be using it. I still prefer Spotlight for running apps. For organizing them I still prefer the apps folder on the dock.
    * Full screen mode: A good idea that works very well if you have small screens or/and resolution. On my ACD I have so much space that for most apps, full screen mode is an overkill. I don't see me using it a lot. Maybe when Aperture gets it I will use it.
    * Mission Control: This one I like. It combines spaces and expose very nice.
    * The new layout is nice but I would like to see some new features regarding Exchange Server. More compatibility to Exchange would be nice. Support for Out of Office messages, categories and Exchange tasks are essential.
    * Saving the state of apps: It does take a while to get used to the fact that the state of all apps is always being saved on exit. I would prefer to have the option (without using the Alt key) to not save the state of an app by default. There are situations you don't want to have an app resume its state. Imagine showing a video to someone. You close quicktime and then after a while you need quicktime again. You open it and the video resumes...Not very good!
    * Finder: I prefer to have the devices on top on the left side of Finder and not on the bottom. There should be an option to change that.

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  • stainlessliquid
    Mar 15, 11:25 AM
    Its also the buggiest thing on the OS, it disables typing after a few minutes, doesnt want to load web pages some times, and everytime you skip around in a flash video it starts it as a new download without killing the old one meaning youll end up with a bunch of FLV's being downloaded at the same time killing your bandwidth and having your video stopped on sites that dont allow multiple connections.

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  • Leareth
    Nov 29, 12:17 AM
    Plextor is crap, does not like Mac apps at all and eats discs
    go with the La Cie Drive

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  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 9, 08:03 PM
    I don't want to be the repost police, but sorry, repost...

    Yeah, but it's kinda funny and some people may have not seen it before. :)

    That being said, I NEED SOME!! :p :p :p


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  • MacNut
    Feb 8, 04:01 PM
    I would have choked that chicken to death.It would probably be a long hard struggle

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  • mac.rumors
    Oct 20, 10:30 PM


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  • 2002cbr600f4i
    Jun 27, 07:13 PM
    Well, there may be lines, but unless apple manages to get enough to AT&T to cover all the pre-orders and then some, it might all be for naught...

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  • LeeTom
    Oct 16, 01:35 PM
    Yeah, what programs are you going to need that you can't run in OS X?

    Lee Tom


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  • Rudyrew
    Mar 31, 03:08 AM
    I jailbreak my iPod 2 gen 4.2.1 with greenpois0n and it won't install cydia because it's not enough disk space and I restore and it say have 6.5 gb how can I get all 8 gb back and will iOS 4.1 work on greenpois0n if so can someone let me now... Thank

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  • taylorwilsdon
    Mar 12, 11:29 PM
    I'll put $200 on the table. I know its not what you wanted but its an offer :)


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  • zebell1
    Jun 13, 01:32 PM
    kinda funny, now when I use a pc I expect it to crash, its like I'm waiting on it to, I was at a friends house with windows 98 and he was trying to copy a cd, so he did the usual stuff with nero and called me when it didn't work, after an hour of crashing I finally got it to work, made me want to use my iBook that much more when I got back home. I should have switched much sooner, my blood pressure would have dropped faster lol!

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  • dvdhsu
    May 2, 10:07 PM
    I heard you just wasted 5 minutes of my life. Had to respond to even make that time worth it.

    Yeah. Same, instead of actually wasting my time, I'm going to say no.
    There will be no red iPhone Pro released anytime soon. Certainly not this year.


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  • chrono1081
    Apr 23, 08:06 AM
    Technically you can't return a digital download so they would in effect be giving it to you free hence the lack of refunds.

    It is the same reason retailers don't have to offer refunds on CDs, DVDs or Games (at least in the UK). You can quite easily buy the CD or whatever, rip it and then return it and get it for free.

    +1. In the U.S. its actually illegal (for the business) to return an opened copy of a software or CD and exchange it for something else (I understand the OPs situation is different). I used to work at Circuit City and Best Buy about 12 years ago (and before that KB Toys) and we used to have training on this. Any exception that is made results in the store taking the full hit.

    Digital downloads obviously can't be refunded because who's to say someone didn't keep the file on their computer?

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  • djbahdow01
    Apr 4, 06:52 PM
    The idea is a nice one but when you actually click on that article they say G4. It is great to hope and wait as i am doing for the PM G5 update. Lets hope they come soon.


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  • Heilage
    Mar 17, 04:28 PM
    Actually, it would be, "I stills gots me nine mores," because 3 others are also estranged.

    I also think he refuses to acknowledge that the "estranged" exist, if I remember the Louis Theroux documentary correctly.

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  • j-a-x
    Jun 23, 05:52 PM
    Fair enough, I can understand those reasons. Thanks for explaining it to me.


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  • vincenz
    Apr 10, 03:22 PM
    I used cases for the first few weeks after getting the phone. Since then, it's been naked.

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  • ~Shard~
    Dec 14, 08:44 PM
    Very creative and well done - this one will be near the top of my voting list when the time comes! :cool:

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  • xFU3Lx
    Dec 15, 06:06 PM
    Although it's over a year old I would speak to Apple as this would appear to be a manufacturing defect.
    I'll prolly end up doin that.

    May 19, 12:50 PM
    again if you actaully have read the past articles you wont have to this is just a bonus type of deal good lord.:rolleyes:

    So you pay some money to Sony and you get access to bonus things? That sounds an awful lot like paying for a service.

    Jan 14, 12:33 PM
    y dont they feed it live??

    the "watch it later" is now unavailable for a couple o days due to busy servers these days!! where were they all when the 1st imacs came out??? or the horrible 1st ipod?? :rolleyes:

    Apr 25, 10:37 AM
    With your help
    I got it to work --
    Much thanks!

    Sep 8, 08:57 PM
    I am leaving the mac world :( I just got a HP computer with a slow celeron and 256 memory. My parents though need a more powerful computer, their 233 mhz beige isn't cutting it. So i am giving them my eMac and using the HP still macs hit intel. This is not going to be fun.

    Why don't you give them the HP and you keep the eMac? Just a thought... or couldn't you have bought a MacMini for the low cost of what you paid for an HP?

    May 1, 11:05 AM
    I've recently noticed- some iLife apps are not working. The biggest concern is iPhoto - I've opened up iPhoto '11 (iLife 11) but it says:
    Image (
    However, and here's the catch - iDVD, iMovie, working. Just a couple apps are not working (I can't check every single one for compatibility). Is this a universal problem? How do I fix it? I have iLife '10 and '09 if that helps but I haven't checked if they work. Either way, I would like to use iLife '11 over either older versions... Thanks!
    So I'm not seeing a problem here. Are you saying when you click software update nothing happens? What exactly is the problem?
    I'm running 9.1.2 with no problems.

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