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  • Mr. Gates
    Apr 5, 11:53 AM
    Can't they just improve the button itself?
    I know this is is a prototype so I'm now worried about this nonsense, but it does bring up an important issue.

    The button on the iOS devices has never been updated or improved.

    Its too small, it is easily damaged, and the clicking action is pretty weak.

    There is a lot of room for improvement

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  • zwida
    Sep 1, 06:21 AM
    they don't lose the secret features due to NDAs.

    Well, sort of. The NDAs would hardly stop someone from surreptitiously releasing info about features on a forum. The NDAs certainly haven't stopped screen shots from being posted.... These concealed features are, as has been noted, coming in later builds, probably after they are revealed at MWSF.

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  • sand0s
    Jun 10, 04:51 PM
    it is strange that they added a fourth band (VIII - 900 frequency) which is for more of europe, asia and also vodaNZ but doesn't open up anything in the US... even stranger is that i was just in NZ and my 3G[S] (which doesn't support VIII / 900 apparently) was on the vodaNZ 3G network the whole time. anyone with knowledge of this whole UMTS / HSDPA band and frequency thing, please tell me how this worked then?

    answer this myself... apparently they use I / 2100 as well.

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  • Huntn
    May 3, 04:27 PM
    Not all lives are "equal". One life of an important financial worker who perished at WTC might be worth more than 1000 soldiers. That's the order of society. A soldier's life is meant to be sacrificed to protect the worker. Some "warriors" are born to be this way, like army ants. The worker is more important because he makes guns to put into the hands of new soldiers. And of course, as you may have noticed, many of the front line (infantry) consists of would be rejects of society that have been conditioned and given a chance to serve a greater purpose than to become delinquents or menial workers that they would have been. "Unimportant Lives" in the big picture despite what their own families think of them. That's the unwritten rule.

    In history, war is the driver of innovation...from the measly dart, to the nuclear warhead. Whether we will sustain through it to reap the benefits ourselves may be another Nazi Germany where we stole all their world changing innovations after we collapsed them. Although it may bring disgust to some ppl today, Nazi Germany was one of the greatest economic, technological, and war machines ever devised and Adolf Hitler was one of the most influential and greatest men who ever lived...for his people. He just lost so we don't believe in what he tried to establish.

    If there is no war, we would build more capitalistic indulgence crap to make eachother happy and lazy. But in war, we build things that help us survive. Advanced in bomb detection leads to better sensors for medical diagnosis.
    Advances in robots leads to better prosthetics and automating.
    Advances in field portable displays leads to large LED screens for remote surgery.
    Advances in nanotech will potentially change everything we know of as "technology" today.

    Many of the above will assist the "cure for cancer", or whatever it is that scares you to death. If you think that during "peacetime", everyone and their mom will devote their lives to "finding the cure", you are sadly mistaken. Humans are lazy...until their life is immediately threatened. War is why we evolved so far past the next "animal".

    I can see your description of the "order of society". There is some truth there, but due to the perceived value of humans and the efficiency of robots, I believe robots will replace humans on the force end of policy.

    We've had this discussion before but every time you equate human advances to man's selfishness and tendency to kill each other to gain advantage it is thoroughly depressing. No matter how much we enrich ourselves and advance tecnically, we'll be losers until we can realize other motivators to reach a higher level of existence.

    For Your Reference: It was just reported on MSNBC that the U.S.budget has been cut $38B which equals 19 weeks in Afghanistan. Think about what this war is costing us. We can just hand over our social programs to keep the fighting going, no biggy, right?


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  • DirtySocks85
    Mar 28, 03:12 PM
    you realise you contradicted yourself?

    "I hope iOS 5 is good enough that ill unjailbreak"

    "I hope once iOS 5 is out there is a jailbreak soon after"


    Let me attempt to translate the intention there:
    If iOS 5 has enough new features, it will be worth giving up some of these jailbreak features that I really like. That being said, I hope that I don't have to make a choice between iOS 5, and a jailbreak for too long.

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  • Dreadnought
    Nov 14, 12:04 PM
    Are you interested in taking over the project? There is a position available! :D


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  • macfan881
    Aug 19, 02:59 PM
    Ok still having log in issues removed Bite SMS reinstalled rebooted still having issues thankfully i still having synced my iPhone to my computer yet.

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  • soulreaver99
    Mar 16, 11:43 PM
    Sucks to be in California!!!


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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 19, 10:02 AM
    Wouldn't it be lovely if the new iPhones ship with 32 gb (as the base phone) and 64 gb (as the higher capacity phone)?

    One could hope...

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  • samh004
    Nov 14, 10:24 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    It will happen.

    That's true, it will, and so I wonder what will be done about it when it does happen. Can airline staff confiscate your iPod till the end of the flight, will an air marshall urge you to choose something more appropriate ?

    Well, the only airline I remember which had seat-back displays for all passengers was WestJet.

    Sweet, I just booked a flight with them for an upcoming trip to Canada, it's good to know they were a good choice.

    Most airlines that fly trans-atlantic and pacific have individual displays for everybody. In coach, most of them play the same movies and series over and over, but in business/first, most of the time you can choose what to watch, and even pause/stop the movies.

    AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) is becoming increasingly popular on international airlines, however normally only in first and business as you point out.

    Hopefully iPod integration will be incorporated throughout all the classes in the airlines which employ it, that way everyone will have their own AVOD for stuff they own. I see no reason to lock out more than half the passengers, when it could drive sales, touting it as a feature on that airline as oppose to another airline - without paying a premium for a higher class.

    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

    And most importantly for me, Cathay Pacific, who are partners with both of them... and I much prefer Cathay to Qantas.

    Anyway, I fly a mixture of KLM / Northwest Airlines, Continental or British Airways, it would be pretty cool, though most of the time I use my ipod whilst sat in the lounge then when on board I watch their movies, they offer like 6 of them and some good comedy channels.

    Generally airlines offer movies showing in the cinema at the time, your getting a movie ticket, or a few, included as a bonus with your travel, sometimes that will beat out movies stored on your Ipod that you can see at any time.

    I know it would for me.


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  • queshy
    Nov 13, 12:15 AM
    Why did they replace Justin Long in these ads? ...I could have sworn he spoke Japanese. ;) :p

    Ya! remember the camera one when he talks to the japanese camera!

    The first time I watched I couldnt even tell which one was the Mac lol....I still liked it.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 11:18 AM
    See the previous posts. A number of Fuji cameras that were not supported now are.

    Alright, I didn't read it that way the first time, but went back over them and see how I should have read it that way. :o


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  • spazzcat
    Aug 19, 08:49 PM
    It's working here in Cleveland, Ohio

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  • j_maddison
    Mar 19, 04:53 PM
    what kind of school would need the ipad over a mac or pc?

    It's a companion device

    Personally I would have found it very handy during my studying years, purely due to the form factor and diary/ notepad functions.

    I was as disappointed as most people when it was released, I'm still disappointed in it as a home device, but for work I can see it being very handy. I don't need to multi task in work, but it would just sit there gathering dust in the house, for me at least anyway


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  • macaddict3
    Apr 28, 09:53 AM
    sandy bridge processor
    3g/4g card available input (just incase needed if no wifi in the area for traveling)
    usb 3.0 maybe... in ivy bridge rofl..
    better graphics card not going to get crippled with the intel HD3000
    more ram
    more battery life

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  • JDDavis
    Mar 4, 05:12 AM
    Ooo, I'm gonna be first. I took this during the Fernbank Museum (in Atlanta) visit that I'm posting my mythical creatures photos. I was rather self conscious taking this photo, and I wanted to make sure I was not seen doing it. When I saw this scene I was struck by more than one contrast going on. The one I didn't include was with the kids that were also with the couple, but I didn't feel comfortable getting a shot with the kids, too. (

    Very interesting shot to look at. There is a lot going on but it makes you want to look. I'd agree with maybe cropping some off the top.


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  • puckhead193
    Apr 5, 10:48 AM
    looks fake, you would think if they did get their paws on the new touch they would have you know at least focused the camera... just a thought :rolleyes:

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  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jan 6, 11:37 PM
    I updated...but the app store is still telling me I have a facebook app update....anyone else have this issue?

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  • Dreadnought
    Jun 7, 12:51 PM
    read the first post of this thread, this explains how to use it and find your number. I got a bit confused at first too...

    May 2, 12:45 PM
    Yeah I never understood why the phones would have different thicknesses. The cameras are probably the same too.

    Lloyd Christmas
    Apr 18, 01:09 PM
    I just paid $4.11 for a regular gallon of gas in New York. $49 for about half a tank gonna be a rough summer. Lloyd

    Mar 19, 03:06 AM
    You don't need a fancy camera to take pretty pictures ;)

    Apr 16, 12:59 AM
    Nobody is saying you can't discriminate against someone who's shoved a gun in your face and asked for all the money in your cash register.

    However, what's your rationale for discriminating against someone who has sat down at a table and wants to order a hamburger and fries?

    Males are far more likely to commit violent crimes than females. If you were worried about statistics, then it would make sense to open an "ladies only" establishment.

    I'm pointing out just how ridiculous discrimination is ;)

    Apr 19, 10:50 AM
    There is something nice about being surprised. I love the rumors, but when we see the real thing ahead of time, it sort of spoils it. (Like the iPhone 4 leak.) I love a good "one more thing." Hope there will still be some surprises left by the time it releases this winter or fall or summer (whichever it is).

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