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  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:31 AM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Oh really? Show me where PCs can do 18 billion floating point calculations a second!
    Haven't we been over this before?

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  • photoshop fails. secret

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 03:24 PM
    It decompressed the zip file and executes code to launch an installer. This is considered a safe action because the user still has to continue to run the installer.

    Installation of MacDefender via the installer requires password authentication by the user.

    So Safari auto-downloads, unarchives and auto-executes something, but you think it is safe because it's an installer ? :confused:

    I'm sorry, but I'm still curious about the "auto-execute" part. Why would it run the installer automatically after decompressing it. That sounds quite "unsafe" to me. Even without administrator privilege, that means code can still run that can affect the current user's account.

    like there's no such thing as a virus for Mac...

    Link to Mac OS X virus please. Anything, a name, a description of what it does, something.

    Viruses and malware are not the same thing.

    I'll just leave this right here...http://www.clamxav.com/

    What's your point with ClamAV ? It's the defacto Unix anti-virus scanner that's used to scan for Windows viruses in e-mail servers usually.

    worst photoshop fails. Photoshop Fail
  • Photoshop Fail

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 01:17 PM
    What are you a comedian? Give me a break. I expected this sort of reaction. It's very easy to say that when you're not the one being effected by this.

    What are you, an adolescent? Did you not read my reasoning?

    And of course it's easier to say it since I'm in the U.S. but I've never bought TV content from the iTS. It doesn't mean that much to me. Thus I'm an unbiased source.


    worst photoshop fails. Photoshop Fail
  • Photoshop Fail

  • Drewnrupe
    Sep 12, 04:00 PM
    Please excuse me if I am missing something totally obvious here as I am a relatively new convert to Apple.

    This looks like a nice little solution but I am not sure its anything revoloutionary. I currently have an airport express in the bedroom connected to an eyehome unit that does the same job as far as i can see.

    Granted it cannot handle Purchased itunes songs ( which i can stream out of the airport directly though) and I guess therfore wont play itunes movies - but that is an apple restriction on ElGato.

    As far as TV goes though, this setup with an EyeTV 200 attached to the computer is effectively the Tivo Killer I keep hearing talk of - I certainly chose this route after discovering that the tivo lifetime licenses were not available any more and not wanting another bill every month.

    The apple box also would not work for me (as far as I could see) as I use a regular old TV in the bedroom without component inputs - just rca and s video.

    Plus I get the benefit of the airport express extending my wireless network into the bedroom so laptop access is great throughout the house now.

    Seems that downloaded movies arent going to be big in this house if i need to replace current hardware with something so similar that wont drive my TV (and who knows if it will pick up eyeTV programs either ) just to watch the purchased movies.

    So can someone enlighten me what was so different about the Eyehome and airport express combo that makes this new box so great ? ( I am really open to being convinced - dont usually have a problem talking myself ito new toys)

    Current setup Will be even better when this 700 G4 gets replaced by the new 24" imac arriving Friday ....... wasnt supposed to ship until the 18th !!!! Im Stoked


    worst photoshop fails. The Biggest Photoshop Fails
  • The Biggest Photoshop Fails

  • hanpa
    Oct 7, 10:39 AM
    Probably, unless Apple recognizes the competition and responds by:
    - Removal of 3g cellular restrictions not technically motivated at least outside of the US
    - Allowing at least music apps like Spotify to run in the background
    - Improving the app approval process to become more like the Android process
    - Flash support in Safari (with an option to disable this)
    - SDK that can execute on other platforms like Windows or Linux and that uses a more user-friendly and intuitive language than Objective-C

    worst photoshop fails. Images via photoshopdisasters.
  • Images via photoshopdisasters.

  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:26 AM
    Errr. Yes I do. :confused:
    That's why I called him out on it.
    He supressed the part that really matters.

    Sorry, getting tough to keep track of who I'm quoting here. ;)

    worst photoshop fails. (image via: Photoshop Mistakes
  • (image via: Photoshop Mistakes

  • Number 41
    Apr 15, 09:45 AM
    no matter how you feel, people shouldn't be bullied.

    You could make the argument that a certain amount of bullying is actually a good thing because it forces kids to develop a thick skin and learn how to deal with aggressive and negative people. Life isn't a nice place -- and it's not like you can rat to a teacher or your parents if your boss is a d-bag who makes your life miserable every day because he is charge.

    As a society, we're becoming obsessed with raising kids to never experience negativity in their lives -- from these aggressive "anti-bullying" campaigns to school programs designed to make sure kids never fail a class to sports leagues that give everyone a trophies even if they came in last palce. Youth is supposed to teach you the skills to deal with failure; learning to pick yourself up and move on after a bad game or how to make yourself feel better when people make fun of you. It also gives lessons on "fitting in" -- and contrary to popualr belief, "fitting in" is a pretty important skill if you want to survive. There's nothing wrong with loving who you are, but it's naive to expect everyone else will -- if you're fat, you have to accept that people are going to make fun of you and learn to deal with it (because no amount of PSAs will ever stop everyone for making judgments about fat people), if you're a nerd you just have to own it and move on (or, like most people, bring it up in appropriate social situations and keep it on the back burner other times). Those are skills that kids need to learn if they're going to be happy beyond the walled sanctuary of parents and school.

    We can try to shield kids from these things, but all we'll succeed in doing is raising a generation of people who don't understand how to deal with adversity and who go running to their parents or a shrink because someone made fun of their shirt at work or because they don't understand why everyone doesn't accept them for being addicted to japanese cartoon girls.


    worst photoshop fails. Worst Photoshop Mistakes
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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 23, 04:24 PM
    You have to step back, in order to see the big picture.

    He could be standing in the middle of the Andromeda galaxy, and it would be of no value.

    So, all biblical days are Solar days?

    Perhaps God goes by a much longer passage of time for His days. ;)
    The point is that the word "day" is vague. Time measures change. But St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, and Boethius believe that God is unchanging and unchangeable. Say they're right. Then the Bible is brimming with metaphors about him that many scientific atheists misinterpret when they take literally. Bible interpretation is much harder than many people think.

    worst photoshop fails. in worst photoshop mistakes
  • in worst photoshop mistakes

  • jamespa66
    Mar 18, 09:33 AM
    They can detect in a lot of way, for instance since you can't use flash on an iphone or iPad, if they see lots of flash stuff they you are probably tethering, also certain popular sites detect mobile devices and send the mobile version of the site if you are loading the full versions of those sites they could detect tethering, these are only a couple of simple things but there are plenty more, so I don't think this is going to be limited to the latest iOS.

    Just my thought on the matter.

    Easiest way is for them to sniff the network traffic and look at the packets, the origination machines MAC address is listed. If the MAC address is not in the Apple iPhone list of MAC addresses then it is obviously coming from a tethered machine.

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  • Justin Bieber Photoshop Best

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:10 AM
    These gay kids need examples of hope and success.

    Um, they're everywhere. Statistics show gays have higher incomes. Gays are 3% of the population, yet you can't name a single new show on TV in the past few years that doesn't have at least one gay character.

    They're doing fine, and I find it hard to believe kids aren't already seeing examples of that on the internet.

    worst photoshop fails. worst photoshop canaug
  • worst photoshop canaug

  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 10:24 AM
    Agreed. But you know what, some people deserve not one ounce of respect. The minute one crosses that line with me, and takes the liberty to label me as a self-hater, guess what, you've successfully lit a fire under my *** and I'm gonna talk back at you in a fitting way. Point blank.

    You can go ahead and read thru all my posts in MacRumors and you'll see that I'm not a negative whiner, or one quick to disrespect others. But I have zero tolerance for people that are quick to label or judge me for my views.

    Sorry dude, cant agree. Were ALL messed up folks in this world, and need constant grace. I definitely want to get as much as I can...cause I need it:) Stay well.

    worst photoshop fails. Return to Photoshop fails (35
  • Return to Photoshop fails (35

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 02:09 PM
    But how do you proponents of nuclear power discount the very real risks it poses to mankind itself? War and terrorism especially. HUGE accident(s) waiting to happen.

    If you choose not to have nuclear power, you're choosing to have oil - and all the problems that brings with it.

    I can't recall a war fought over nuclear power, but we're living through one driven by our need to access cheap oil (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article2461214.ece).

    Do you think that our heavy handed approach to Persian Gulf politics increases or decreases the threat of terrorism? Although we've been keen to see regime change in Egypt and Libya, there's no way we'll assist any sort of change in Saudi - since we need the oil. Yet most of the 9/11 hijackers were disaffected Saudi men! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks)

    So I think your argument that nuclear power increases the threat of terrorism and war is naive, given that the only other option is oil - which most definitely does!

    worst photoshop fails. Photo of 100 Photoshop Fails
  • Photo of 100 Photoshop Fails

  • SimD
    Apr 12, 10:45 PM
    This is not really true. You need to know the software to make it do what you want to do. You don't need to be an expert certified user, but you need to know your way around.

    Of course you do. I agree completely. Obviously the poster is exaggerating. I assume he means that the editors he speaks of aren't techno geeks like a lot of us here on MacRumors.

    I seem to have misspoken. I meant they don't need to know the acute technical details of their software.

    worst photoshop fails. Worst Photoshop Mistake
  • Worst Photoshop Mistake

  • rhuber
    Apr 20, 09:30 PM
    Look, I have used several android phones due to changing networks a few times over the last year. And I will say this, an Android phone cannot last 2 days even on sleep mode. U put ur phone on ur desk unplugged at night with 100% battery, and by the morning, it will mysteriously go down to 60-70%. And trust me, I know everything about android from rooting, to roms, to kernals, so I know I am not doing anything dumb like leaving bunch of apps open and running.

    I can't speak for your experiences, but to say that an android cannot last 2 days is just not accurate. My wife uses a DroidX (the one with the giant bright screen), and yes... she gets two days of use on a charge. And she texts constantly.

    worst photoshop fails. We#39;re definitely looking
  • We#39;re definitely looking

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 09:41 AM
    Ehh...I agree with you that bullying period, causes alot of pain. The only difference is, you can do situps to "fit in"...these kids are who they are. Kinda Apples and Oranges

    It's not that easy to fit in. Sophomore year I lost a lot of weight and kept it off for about a year. Looking at pictures now, I wasn't fat during that time. But I still got picked on for being fat. I got called fat by guys who actually WERE fat.

    The calculus isn't so simple to figure out. Why were there big fat popular bullies that didn't get picked on? Probably something to do with a degree of violence and intimidation or perhaps some sort of charm or leadership quality they expressed. Who knows.

    But trust me, if you get made fun of for your clothes, then go out and get some cool clothes to "fit in", you will be laughed at even more for trying, and they will not relent until you stop wearing those new clothes and go back to your old ways so the kids can go back to bullying you the way they wanted to.

    worst photoshop fails. Link - Extreme Photoshop Fail
  • Link - Extreme Photoshop Fail

  • kazmac
    Apr 28, 07:50 AM
    No surprise the iPad is just a fad and people are starting to realize how limited it is. Its frustrating on a lot of cool websites and no file system makes it very limited.

    I used to think like you until I bought an iPad last week.

    > I don't miss many sites as I hate flash so no agreement there.

    the file system > hope that will be sorted out eventually, but it's not so much of an annoyance for me to worry about it. I'm enjoying my iPad, not forgetting it will cut my phone bill down $60 since it killed my interest in the iPhone. :)

    As far as the article 188% is impressive.

    As far as Mac sales, hey millions are being sold every quarter. That's insane. I don't ever remember Mac sales like this when I first turned to Macs in the mid 90s.

    worst photoshop fails. /04/para-photoshop-master-
  • /04/para-photoshop-master-

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 11:33 AM
    Yes there are limitations - the greatest at the moment being that i cannot use the eyehome to watch iTunes pyrchased Movies ( hence the need for the iTV/Teleport).

    Yes... "TelePort."

    My ingenious title is catching on... I realize this post is off topic but we're on page 9. how much more relevant conversation can be had on this topic?

    Anyway, I think it would be totally sweet if there were a cult folowing of people who wanted to call it TelePort. Then Apple would have no choice but to call it that...

    ...well I mean they would have a choice...

    ...and they'd probably choose not to call it that...

    ...but it'd still be sweet...

    ...right, guys?



    worst photoshop fails. Photoshop FAIL
  • Photoshop FAIL

  • Heilage
    Apr 15, 09:48 AM
    yeah that is kind of been my issue with this at well. They focus on the LGBT community but complete side track what I am willing to be is a larger group of striaght kids who get bullied and have long term emotional problems from bullies. That be the fact kids, kids with random disability or just easy targets for one reason or another but they are straight so they do not get focuses on by the media..

    I'm a straight, white, middle class kid. And even I felt that was relevant to my own life and experiences. While they specifically talk about being gay, the message of how to deal with hardships when you grow up is still relevant.

    worst photoshop fails. from Worst photoshop fails
  • from Worst photoshop fails

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 12:43 PM
    I think we'd all agree it'd be nice for Apple to have more of a worldwide presence. As for emerging technologies, global efforts require a lot more research and funding than if Apple were to just stay in the U.S. That's why Apple's technologies always start here.

    Think about it: Apple started iTunes nationally. It took a little time to get going but eventually it took off and Apple had the confidence that it would work world-wide... so they started expanding.

    But imagine instead that Apple unleashed iTunes worldwide from day one. The investment required for something like that would have been MUCH too high for the risk of the project.

    The same goes for TV content. TV content on the iTS is still relatively new and now that Apple has seen the success of it in the US, they will start expanding world-wide. In fact, Apple has seen the success of the iTS as a whole and knows that its reputation is favorable. This will allow them to expand their new content globally in a shorter amount of time (since it's less of a risk now).

    It's more than just reputation, though. Different places around the world have different licensing requirements, so it's not as simple as flicking a switch and allowing other countries to connect to the iTS. There's a lot of bureaucracy and negotiations involved.

    So if you, and everyone else will have a bit of patience, Apple will work their way out to you. Apple is a U.S. company. If you're not in the U.S., you can't expect Apple's merchandise and services immediately upon release. It just doesn't work that way.


    Oct 27, 05:43 PM
    That is simply false. The schedular in Mac OS X handles 8 cores just fine... what Applications do with them in a different story.
    Scaling isn't really a product of your scheduler, it's a product of eliminating bottlenecks to multiple threads of execution. I'm glad that Apple is working on this. I didn't come up with this from whole cloth or animosity towards Apple, I saw several benchmarks showing how poorly OSX scaled, which I hope are now out of date.

    I mentioned SGI several times here because I used to do kernel work for them, so I have a real good idea what it takes to scale performance on large (256-1024 CPU) systems. Btw, that's not a cluster, that's a single kernel being shared by all processors.

    Mar 12, 04:24 AM
    I think that the key is not to get ahead of ourselves.

    IMHO, it's best to rely upon information provided from a variety of news sources and government sources and then decide for ourselves. It's too easy to jump the gun right now with regards to the nuclear plants.

    Again, just my opinion.

    Jul 12, 07:29 AM
    Hmmm, I hope they change the moniker XEON just brings up old conotations. Though I hope the Xserve waits for Kentsfield or at least for SOSSA MAN.

    Aug 29, 01:40 PM
    There seems to be plenty of people who appear not to care about the environment, which is an extremely sad point of view.

    In the last 200 years we've cut down vast amounts of trees ( the Lungs of the earth ), polluted the seas, the atmosphere , killed off many species of animals, etc. Over all that, all you people are saying "SO WHAT?".

    Get a ****ing life.

    If this planet dies, we die. This planet is a sick one, and we have to stop polluting - what ever happens to this planet, happens to us. We pollute this planet and that has consequences on every living thing on this planet like a domino affect.

    I suppose you don't care about your children. This is not OUR planet to do what we want, its our future childrens planet. The way we are going - we will royally **** this planet up for them and they will have to live with it. There will be plenty of wars over scarce resources such as Food, water, farming land etc. This will make todays problems with terrorism a walk in the park.
    I couldnt agree more, but...
    Statements like that of Greenpeace take the focus from the big issues. Our extreme use of fossile fuel or cutting down the rain forest is a much MUCH more urgent problem.
    From an enviromental impact perspective, the your choice of computer is pretty much as a fart in hurricane. We can make a much bigger difference by e.g. get more fuel efficient car.

    May 2, 09:18 AM
    As I understand it, Safari will open the zip file since it's a "safe" download. But that doesn't mean it'll execute the code within that zip file, so how is this malware executing without user permission?

    malware doesn't execute without user permission.

    it relies on tricking the user into giving it permission to run, striking at what is typically the weakest link in any computer's security: the user.

    any argument that XX isn't a threat, because it requires users to take an action in order to be truly dangerous, is a flawed argument, because in general, users are stupid, or at the very least, careless.

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