will kopelman imdb

will kopelman imdb. matthew settle imdb
  • matthew settle imdb

  • rdowns
    May 6, 11:57 AM
    If you told the average American male that his 5 inch penis was 13 centimeters, we'd be on the metric system a week from Thursday.

    will kopelman imdb. matthew settle imdb
  • matthew settle imdb

  • Rad99004
    May 7, 08:10 PM
    I'd say if you own any Apple product the service should be free.

    I rarely ever use it and wish they added more features and data storage.

    I suspect this will also be the site of the Web based I-tunes of the future.

    will kopelman imdb. vincent cassel imdb.
  • vincent cassel imdb.

  • Eidorian
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Whatever is cheaper. Steam sales have coddled me.

    If they are using the App Store for distribution then I'd assume a new feature of Lion is "Build a Recovery DVD". That means you can write your own install DVD to be used after a crash.One would hope.

    will kopelman imdb. aisha tyler imdb. anita ekberg
  • aisha tyler imdb. anita ekberg

  • coder12
    Mar 26, 11:45 PM
    So how is that much different from them releasing new iPads 11 months later... like they just did? All the iPads in use didn't suddenly stop working.

    Like I said earlier... If they are released right away in the school year, the other students and staff would be in an uproar because they would say we should have seen this coming and blah blah blah, we should have waited until the start of the year :V

    11 months later gives us a greater reason to have bought them this year. I know they won't stop working, but they (staff and other students) only want the newest and best..

    will kopelman imdb. aisha tyler imdb. imdb fairuza
  • aisha tyler imdb. imdb fairuza

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 11:09 AM
    Yes, but a la Google works. MobileMe is crap. So if they make it free then you'd either get free crap without ads, or free stuff that works with ads. Seems fair.

    I use Mobileme every day and it comes through for me every time. I also use it knowing that when i'm reading my email it's just me reading it not some automatic data mining program watching my every move.

    Think about this. Your life, your privacy and ability to communicate without someone watching was sold down the river for a pittance. It's seems fair to you because your are the one that gets capitalized on in a capitalist society.

    will kopelman imdb. aisha tyler imdb.
  • aisha tyler imdb.

  • DavidCar
    Jul 29, 09:24 PM
    Haven't we heard before from this "tech-unsavvy friend, who is regularly hired by Apple to do marketing photo shoots", maybe sometime in the past year or two? The line sounds familiar. I don't recall if the previous bit of information from that source was true or not.

    will kopelman imdb. Sela ward imdb [sela ward
  • Sela ward imdb [sela ward

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 11, 09:44 AM
    I look at it this way, the iMac, MacMini, Macbook, and Macbook pro can use Merom as is. No changes except firmware. In the iMac's case, why mess with a good thing and spend millions on another reengineering job when you already have a machine that is fast and dead quiet right now? Conroe in an iMac only makes sense it you think of it as a prosumer Mac instead of a family machine. Then again the idea of the iMac as a prosumer machine doesn�t make sense to me at all.

    will kopelman imdb. elizabeth banks imdb.
  • elizabeth banks imdb.

  • nanofrog
    Apr 27, 10:33 PM
    The heat alone would melt that case in a couple months:)
    Nah... The chip would go way before the aluminum melts (~108C or so max for any semiconductor to die <quick/instant death>, and aluminum melts at 660C :eek). :D :p

    will kopelman imdb. elizabeth banks imdb.
  • elizabeth banks imdb.

  • The Norman
    Mar 28, 11:04 AM
    I waited for the white iPhone 4. Then it was too late to switch to black but still fall within AT&T's 1 year policy if the 5 comes out on time. Apple and the phone companies need to figure out some sort of deal for these upgrade timeframes AND keep us all informed.

    will kopelman imdb. sarah roemer imdb.
  • sarah roemer imdb.

  • EricNau
    May 3, 01:34 AM
    I don't think so, and I'm not being sarcastic.

    Temperature is a great example. Celsius and Kelvin are fantastic for science and engineering for obvious reasons, but when it comes to everyday uses, Fahrenheit makes more sense. It's very intuitive to think of numbers on a 100 scale. That's why when you're looking at the weather or taking someone's body temperature, it's easier to get a grasp of what is "high" or "low." Fahrenheit is also more accurate for casual uses because it can express smaller changes more easily than Celsius.
    I think I have to disagree. It may be easier for Americans to grasp the "highs" and "lows" of the Fahrenheit scale, but any European would have a different concept of high and low. Also, the difference in Celsius units is rather insignificant. For example, the difference between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly a noticeable difference when it comes to weather forecasts.

    The metric system also lacks easy naming schemes for everyday sizes. Recipes, for example, would have to be written out in ml rather than cups or spoons. In such a situation, base 10 is not helpful at all because recipes are rarely divided or multiplied by 10. The metric system could in fact be worse for such applications because cutting 473 ml in half is more of a pain than cutting 2 cups in half (and yes, while recipes could theoretically be modified to be in flat metric ratios, the fact is that there are far too many recipes in existence already for that to be realistic in the short-medium term).
    I'm not so sure. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, is it not just as easy to measure out 30ml? Might using one graduated measuring "cup" be easier than a series of various-sized spoons and cups? For dry goods, grams are easily measured on a scale. With practice and experience, it's quicker and more precise than measuring exactly three cups of leveled flour: you can just sift the flour into your mixing bowl until the scale reads 375 grams. Indeed this method uses less dishes, too.

    Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to? And if the latter is the case, why make American students learn two systems of units when one fulfills all needs?

    will kopelman imdb. sarah roemer imdb.
  • sarah roemer imdb.

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 23, 05:31 PM
    That volcano pic is very telling... considering all the heat issues with the new MBP's.

    Coincidence? I think not! :eek:

    will kopelman imdb. sarah roemer imdb.
  • sarah roemer imdb.

  • emotion
    Nov 25, 05:11 AM
    I am positive that Apple will bring a twist into the mobile telephony market, something revolutionary nobody could think that it will work.

    And in 2 years from now everybody will state: Yes, Apple did it again.

    I bet they do the following:

    - Follow the KISS (Keep it stupit simple) concept and build on there current iPOD success!

    The new iPhone will be a WIFI iPOD with Skype (or something alike) build in. A high quality camera and Bluetooth Stereo Wireless will complete the hardware.
    The software will allow "on the go" chat, blogging, videocasts, RSS and a mobile safari browser.

    Strategy: Replace the need for an iPOD�s and provide the best personal communication tool

    - Eliminate traditional phone contracts with MobilePhone operators.

    Apple will aquire "FON" and build the largest hotspot community in the world where every iPhone user can communicate for free.

    Y'know as far fetched as some might say a lot of that is there's something that makes a lot of sense there too.

    If so I'm not surprised Steve keeps seaying that he has something cool coming soon in interviews!

    will kopelman imdb. will sasso twitter.
  • will sasso twitter.

  • tonywalker23
    Aug 7, 06:52 PM
    this may be a dumb ? but . . .

    as far as the empty drive bay, i already have a pionner 109 superdrive i bought for my old powermac g4. would that be compatible?

    will kopelman imdb. will sasso curly.
  • will sasso curly.

  • Moyank24
    May 5, 05:53 PM
    And leave out the, uhhh, nether regions. No Mordor Mountain Oysters for me.

    What do you think you've been eating for dinner every night for the last 10 years? You love those Mordor Mountain Oysters. :D

    will kopelman imdb. IMDb Pro : Nathan Kress
  • IMDb Pro : Nathan Kress

  • logandzwon
    Mar 29, 09:46 AM
    I seem to remember the "backing up your library" to the "cloud" was tried by someone before. They had software that scanned the CD in your drive and then either ripped it to their servers, or just unlocked access to that album in your account. RIAA brought them down. This seems a little different, and highly wasteful of space. If 500 people upload a copy of "whatever," Amazon has to store 500x the space of "whatever," rather then just unlocking one copy for 500x people. Keep in mind 1 meg of cloud space is easily over 10 megs of physical storage. (RAID, redundancy, geographical peers, backups, etc...)

    Amazon... not sure what to make them. They seem to be doing things which obviously will get them sued. I guess they figure if any ONE takes off they will make bank. Either way, I'm excited about this because Apple is great at being the best. The better the competition, the better the Apple product.

    will kopelman imdb. will arnett twitter.
  • will arnett twitter.

  • LordTyroxx
    Apr 5, 03:04 PM
    Right. At the end of the day, customers chose with their wallets, and as of this year, more customers are choosing Android than iPhone (throw out Android tablet and iOS tablet as those are different categories and distort reality).

    Where did that come from? Are more people buying android phones because they offer more freedom or are generally cheaper and have a bigger screen? I think if it came down to JUST freedom of choice inside the os, the app store is pretty huge. I don't think the vast majority of people buy a phone for what it can do after you hack into it.

    will kopelman imdb. will arnett twitter.
  • will arnett twitter.

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:44 AM
    I would welcome this. I enjoyed the features during the free trial period, but couldn't justify $99 per year for it. Since then they've added Back to My Mac, the Find my iPhone feature, and improved its reliability, so I would love to have access to it again, minus the cost. On top of what I pay for cellular service, another 9 bucks a month just seemed inconvenient.

    Uh $9 a month is $108 a year.

    People routinely get Mobileme for roughly $70 through Amazon or less through other places like eBay.

    Amazon Mobileme (http://www.amazon.com/MobileMe-Individual-Updated-2009-Version/dp/B001AMLRU4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1273246907&sr=8-1)

    Hell even Apple doesn't make people pay that much.


    $30 MiR or you get Mobileme for $69 with the purchase of a new Mac.

    will kopelman imdb. will arnett twitter. will
  • will arnett twitter. will

  • rubberduck007
    Nov 23, 08:56 AM
    The industry will change. MS will release the "Pune" in 3 years to kill iPhone. In brown.

    Should that not be PRUNE?


    will kopelman imdb. For instance poison oak will
  • For instance poison oak will

  • Prom1
    Aug 4, 03:55 PM
    I got a question ... is the MacBook & MBP batteries Li-Ion or Li-Polymer? If the former then what i want MOST in the MBP is Li-Polymer and really fold the polymers and compress them to get a higher density of energy for longer battery life.

    > The next generation of the MBP I'd really like to see the Intel technology for sub display (not unlike that on flip cellphones) to display AudioCD or running app information on the display or AirPort Ex hotspots within range (SSID, Signal Strength, VoIP signals etc). I'd also like to see a higher resolution - that maintains the same or much higher focus and zoom+Auto Focus - iSight thats built in and somewhat rotable (maybe somehow in the sell without external finger control).

    > Magnesium or some kind of Metal Polymer combination that is very resistance or displaces heat efficiently but absorbing enough heat for hours of DVD, Video editing on our laps without burning them. Something thats much like ceramic tiles and how they displace heat efficiently.

    > Me ... I'll settle for minimum 256MB video memory for ALL MBP and the built to order 512; and built to order 128MB on the Mac Books.

    Question why do the old G4 powermacs of 933mhz or lower STILL selling highly used for such a high price - their almost obsolute in their abilities compared to new hardware. as an example on another forum sight someone is trying to sell a Dual 1Ghz QuickSilver for $1000 1.5GB total memory capacity (not that its filled with that much). Isnt this ridiculous?

    Mar 30, 09:25 PM
    in Lion - in the user's home folder is the library hidden? according to some people on the photoshop forums - Apple has decided to make things simpler for new users. I hope thats not true. Can anyone confirm this?
    Yes, it is hidden. Use the "Go to Folder" menu instead.

    Mar 28, 10:23 AM
    Well, that's just great. The one year I finally decide I'm going to switch to an iPhone, and it's not coming. :eek:

    In all seriousness, I've been on the iPhone fence ever since the first day it came out here in Canada. If it weren't for the 3-year contracts here, I'd have one already. I'm just about ready to finally jump aboard, but so far what has been "saving" me was that every time I go to the local Fido kiosk, they've been sold out. I've been telling myself that since the iPhone 4's been out for quite a while now, the best thing to do is wait for the iPhone 5.

    Aug 7, 05:25 PM
    About the cube pro or headless iMac

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. (although the Mac Pro is VERY tempting right now.)

    Yes, but quiet. Without fans, if possible.

    For those of you hoping for a mid-range tower, you're looking at it. Take the processor down from dual 2.66Ghz to dual 2.0 and the HD down from 250GB to 160, and you're looking at a $2124 machine.

    I sincerely doubt Apple will introduce any new model to its current lineup of mini/pro, macbook/macbook pro. Your best hope is a supermini.

    Whatever. But WITHOUT fans (quiet). Please!

    Jul 21, 03:12 PM
    i think the macbook should get the chips with 2 MB of shared L2 cache,

    and the pro's get the chips with 4 MB of shared L2 cache

    There will be then a difference between the two models (is having 4mb of shared L2 cache a lot better than 2mb? i have no idea but i presume it is)

    or perhaps just let the blackbook have the 2.0ghz chip with 4mb of shared l2 cache to compensate for them charging for colour

    some review of the core2duo (don't remeber the site but it was very reputable) showed that with current software the 4MB cache gives you only 5-7% over the 2MB cache. the 2MB cache chips are much cheaper so that would be a good alternative for the macbooks. i'd buy one.

    Apr 9, 07:24 PM
    Definitely 288.

    And no, it doesn't depend on how you read it. Actually, I suppose that's not true. Anyone who looked at the equation and figured out it was 288 was right, and everyone else who sees it otherwise was wrong. :p

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