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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Aug 2, 10:52 AM
    Mac Pro + Cinema Display (iSight), Leopard demo, Core 2 Duo iMac & MacBook Pro. New Nano's too (more storage + bluetooth)

    Long shot, iPhone + iChat 4.0 (VoiP), Mac & Windows.

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 4, 03:00 AM
    MBP Merom anyone? Appleinsider has always been this may happen. This WWDC is gonna be great!

    This is not a question of Appleinsider being reliable, more a matter of rumor sites making a guess that is absolutely obvious. There is no way that Apple could _not_ use Merom in the future, since Intel will sell it at exactly the same price that it charges for Yonah today.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 02:34 PM

    It would be great if there was an even smaller one, now that Thunderbolt allows high speed expansion outside the box.

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  • TheRealTVGuy
    Apr 5, 02:22 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

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  • wd89
    Apr 23, 04:24 PM
    I hope this means an increase in resolution of iTunes artwork. I know it's unrelated to the OS but one can hope!

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  • EDH667
    Dec 13, 09:39 AM
    That makes sense ... thanks for sharing!

    If Magellan handles bluetooth a bit more logical, and Magellan supports all Apple devices (iPhone & iPod Touch) and Magellan can handle covers/skins ... it's worth the $10 more ... too bad they (or Apples approval process) missed the Xmas rush ... TomTom may see some exchanges in early Jan for Magellan.

    I agree! I'm on my second TomTom car kit and continue to have problems with the Bluetooth speaker phone cutting in and out so you cannot hear the other person's conversation. I raised the issue with TomTom support and their reply was;

    "I have forwarded the information that you provided to our product development team for review. We often use customer feedback as initiative to add or change the features of our products. Thank you for your feedback relating to this issue. We hope to have this issue resolved with a future update to the TomTom application."

    I have a Magellan Premium car kit on order and will take my second TomTom car kit back to Apple for a refund!

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  • Tones2
    Apr 26, 03:58 PM
    What makes a product "Best" in its category is defined by different people differently. For some people "best" is a free phone because they can't afford anything else. Some people pour over the specs and select the "best".

    For me, "best" is the phone that operates the most intuitively to my way of thinking. I want something that I don't need to refer back to the manual to use its features. My Android Incredible came with a 8" x 11", 73 page manual that I need to use to operate the phone... that fact speaks volumes to what separates the Android from the "best."

    Oh come on. :rolleyes: If you can't figure out how to use an Android phone in less than a minute then you have some issues. It's the same friggin thing. The reason it comes with a manual is just a reference document. Apple doesn't include one because they are too cheap to put it in the package as a printout. If you want it, here it is. All 274 pages of it!


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  • Meandmunch
    Mar 28, 10:51 AM
    You people can't wait an additional three months (July, Aug, Sept)?


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  • BenRoethig
    May 6, 07:23 AM
    Makes sense in that apple could control their own destiny in chipsets and CPUs, but it just seems like the PowerPC days all over again.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 02:49 PM
    I can say CONFIDENTLY that the war is NOT over. It's been what 2 years? No way. Apple may have the upper hand in the battle but has NOT won the war.

    I agree, things have just begun... the iPad just came out about 12 months ago.


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  • MovieCutter
    Aug 4, 11:35 AM
    How many people plan to dump their Core Duo Macs for Core 2 Duo Macs?

    Already sold my MBP 17" and my 20" iMac and are shipping them out this weekend...he he he.

    Then again, I have two reasons to have the latest and greatest shiny new thing.
    1) I have a terrible disease that causes me to do this.
    2) I edit everything from 30 second commercial spots to feature length documentaries and I need to have all the speed I can get.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    Most phone consumers do not get a new phone on the day their contracts expire. That's yet another geek misconception about how the world works.

    I'd be shocked if Apple loses "many" of their customers to Android in 2011. Why on earth would they switch when they already have an iPhone that they love?

    I'll give you that. I should have said "some." In any case, I still think it's something to consider.

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  • xPismo
    Jul 29, 10:40 PM
    one problem, that will never happen...

    Nor, methinks this iPhone shall ever happen. What would Apple gain in becoming a cell phone provider? Its a nasty market with no concensus between camps.

    Sorry, its vaporware.

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  • Chads61
    Nov 7, 08:04 AM
    I downloaded and installed the Sophos AV - but both times I ran a full scan, it locked up my machine - MacBook Pro 13" 2010 model. Both times I found badly corrupted directories on my BootCamp partition (Windows XP SP3).

    I have now uninstalled it and no more issues with my Windows partition.

    It appears that, on my configuration anyway, that this does not cope with a Windows XP partition.

    Hopefully no-one else has had any problems - I think it is great that Sophos has done this, but it appears it can't cope with a windows partition.

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  • Peace
    Sep 11, 01:37 PM
    Why couldn't apple mail a movie to you via USPS? Pop it into your <insert favorite Mac flavor> and have it automaticly import into iTunes library. There is no way I would download a 2g file to watch a movie. 2g is way too big to download. Compare that to music, 5mb on the high end. 2g is 400 times the size. I don't see downloading as a viable option, atleast not at the resolution that makes it competitive with DVD.

    PS I think downloadable movies sounds great, but I don't think it is practicle.

    Apple wouldn't do that because NetFlix already does.

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  • shaolindave
    May 4, 06:12 PM
    I said it in the other thread : All for a download version of OS X Lion, but it should not be through the app store like the current DP. Checkout should provide you with a disc image that you burn to your own DVD/USB Thumb drive.

    It's how Linux distributions have been doing it for the last 10 years.

    Or if it really must be through the app store, provide a small disc image download that when booted off of, just provides an interface to sign-in to the App Store and install Lion, like RedHat was doing in 1996 with its "NetInstall" floppies that were just an installer than fetched its media over FTP or NFS.

    i'll have no problem with it being in the App store, so long as disc backups will be allowed (and easy to accomplish).

    Currently, 0% of app store products come with the option to make a physical backup. sure there's ways to do it, pretty easily in fact, but no apps are sold with this in mind because there's never been an app that'd need this feature before.

    I personally wouldn't buy Lion from the App Store with the current store's setup, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else either.

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  • Sexy Comments | Skull Checks

  • appleguy123
    May 3, 06:36 PM
    There's a few mis-stated rules in Don't panic's rules that I will address shortly.

    But one is that a trap activates as soon as you attempt to leave the room. The only way to avoid a trap is to explore the room, which will discover, and disarm, the trap.

    With that said, there are currently nothing placed on the map by the villain. He will make his first move after you slow-pokes are done ;)

    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

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  • Josias
    Aug 5, 01:42 PM
    I'd kill for this!!! I hate osx msn messenger :(!

    True, and if you wanna use your iSight for other than PhotoBooth, and have videochat over MSN, you will need something even worse called aMSN, found it in a MR guide...:p

    Can Adium do videchat to MSN? (with audio! There's no audio on the videochat's in aMSN:mad: :p )

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 01:36 PM
    Are you willing to pay more for your Mac gadgets so they can be made here?

    I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.

    Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.

    Mar 27, 09:16 AM
    I didnt realize a release date was set:cool:

    It wasn't. This is just a made up story.

    In fact, I have it on good authority that there most definitely will not be an iPad 3 released until next year. It comes from the same person that makes this other stuff up.

    Actually, given the supply constraints of just display parts (which impact all manufacturers), the popularity of the existing iPad 2 and the indications that Apple may start paying its suppliers more for parts to insure it can manufacture existing product, there is no reason for Apple to come out with an iPad 3 this year. That's just made up BS.

    Apr 24, 04:48 AM
    Retina is clearly defined by minimum 300 px/in resolution, so distance from monitor there is nothing to do with. Sitting 10 meters from monitor don't transform your monitor to hiperRetina. Please...

    Hum, no it's not. Read the article I linked to and go back to the intro of the iPhone 4. It's 300 PPI at a normal viewing distance for a phone (12 inches). Otherwise it makes no sense. The size of a pixel is relative to its distance from your eye. The further away something it is, the smaller it becomes relatively and thus your eye has more trouble seeing it. Sitting further from your monitor can make the pixels iPhone 4 size in no time at all.

    Aug 3, 10:24 PM (

    Appleinsider reports ( that according to their sources, Apple is expected to quickly adopt Intel's newest line of processors - the mobile Core 2 Duo - which was announced last week (

    According to a source familiar with the Mac maker's plans, the company is slated to receive mass shipments of the new Merom Core 2 Duo processors by the first week of September and plans to be amongst the first PC manufacturers to introduce systems based on the new chips.

    Apple's current iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro and Mac mini use the original Core Duo/Solo chips which were introduced earlier this year. Early unconfirmed rumors hinted that Apple was very interested ( in getting the Merom chips as early as possible. This rumor indicates that Apple will remain aggressive with their product line upgrades.

    The first Core 2 Duo (Merom) benchmarks ( have already been making the rounds:

    Mar 29, 04:49 PM
    Do you two have any hard data to suggest this is actually true in this case? Considering this company is planning to expand to the US and China, what evidence do you have suggest that its dangerous?

    I am sure I could find some, but really you do not believe that battery production has some nasty byproducts? For instance it does more environmental damage to make Hybrid car batteries and get them into the vehicle than the car would ever save on energy usage through its life.

    May 3, 08:53 PM
    i second this motion. we could also split and move to and search two rooms, but it's probably best to wait for at least one up-level before we split.
    which room is irrelevant.

    another option, since from the GM's words the first round seems to be safe, would be to split in three groups: one goes to each of the adjacent rooms and then we all explore the thre next rooms. the next round we can converge back to the start room, explore it and be a single group again
    the positive is that we find any treasure in the first 3 rooms, we expand the map, we also give less hint on where we can go next to mscriv.
    the negative is that any treasure only applies to some of the people, and that we have to come back here to rejoin.

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