queen elizabeth wedding

queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding photo.
  • queen elizabeth wedding photo.

  • aliensporebomb
    Apr 27, 09:47 AM
    This is a lie

    Keeping a database of our general location is logging our location. :mad: Does Apple really think this double talk, where they say they keep a database of location but don't log the location is going to fly?

    At least our overlord will now, I hope, stop collecting location data when location services are turned off. It's a disgrace that it took a media storm to shame them into action.

    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.

    It tracks that your phone contacted "AT&T Cellular Site 601-2L" which might be within line of sight of such a business or it might be in the surrounding neighborhood or somewhat nearby.

    My own phone shows that I travel all over the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul since I am an IT staffer who journeys between 25 different offices all of the time that are dispersed all over town - and I think you would be hard pressed to find out ANYTHING from looking at that picture, it's a giant mess of dots all over town and one satellite facility southeast of town:


    Anyway. Yes, an enterprising thief with access to your phone could use it potentially. But as it is, collating that data would require some smarts and effort.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen-elizabeth-wedding.jpg
  • queen-elizabeth-wedding.jpg

  • hexor
    Mar 26, 08:24 AM
    People may not realize that Mac OS X Server will be INCLUDED with the client version of OS X Lion. This in itself was a several hundred dollar product. Not only does it make running your own server even easier for non-techies it simplifies the OS X product version choices from 2 down to 1. And licensing for that broken up into single or family pack.

    How many different versions of Windows does MS sell? :p I can't even figure out the number of versions of Windows MS makes, it is at least a couple dozen while Apple provides the same equivalent functionality in only 2 (single/family pack). The overhead in managing all those different versions is mind-bongling.

    queen elizabeth wedding. wore on her wedding day.
  • wore on her wedding day.

  • ugp
    Jun 23, 05:13 PM
    I confirmed today that my store will not have any for release day tomorrow, i got the district managers phone number and left a message about wanting my 184 dollar gift card put on my debit card instead due to false advertising that they would be doing Pre-orders instead of reservations which led me to believe that i would get a phone on release day, as a result i am forced to go camp out at the apple store overnight in 91 degree heat in a few hours with my fingers crossed that i get one. All of this could have been avoided if they didn't post on their twitter on June 9th that they were taking part in release day.

    Good luck with that one as that is not going to happen. They did not advertise Pre-Orders. They said reserves only. They told no money from you nor did they hold credit card information on file like Apple does.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding tiara. The Royal Wedding: Britain#39;s; The Royal Wedding: Britain#39;s. shawnce. Aug 6, 02:28 PM
  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara. The Royal Wedding: Britain#39;s; The Royal Wedding: Britain#39;s. shawnce. Aug 6, 02:28 PM

  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 09:41 AM
    I don't know how many times we have to go round and round with this here. I've been on MacRumors since '01 and it's always the same-old, same-old. It's not legitimate. It's "I-wantism." You have no basis to believe that a Rev B would be more "stabled and refined." That's a hope, backed by nothing -- and nothing Apple ever comments on, either. The bottom line is that you can hope if you want, and you can wait if you want, but to bash Apple for being slow on the trigger, and to make the argument that Meroms are amazing and Yonahs are crap is, frankly, horse manure. Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    Well, I've been on MacRumors since last week and I'm already tired of posts telling me what I really need. I don't recall seeing posts saying Yonah was crap. Most people just want to feel like they are making a good investment on an expensive piece of equipment that may be around for 3-4+ years. I would like a laptop with a 64-bit processor. Period. I don't care what you think I need. The problem with posts like this are that they waste my time, and the time of other users who are looking for information on the release of the new MBP models.

    Edit: I should add, however, that if anyone is willing to donate the money for me to purchase a new MBP, I will gladly accept all advice on said purchase.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding dress.
  • queen elizabeth wedding dress.

  • Steamboatwillie
    Aug 6, 09:53 AM
    It was all the rave to dream of PowerBook G5's next Tuesday! Alas, they never came :(

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding tiara.
  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara.

  • fivepoint
    Mar 23, 02:20 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    "Lying" implies intent. Are you accusing them of lying, or getting it wrong?
    Yes, there were many reasons to be critical.
    Is it your position that Libya represents a larger danger to American assets/security than Iraq? If not, is it your suggestion that America should be involved in every humanitarian crisis with brutal dictators worldwide, or at least those comparable to Libya? If so, why aren't we in North Korea? Why aren't we in any number of African nations?

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

    Part of what you say is true, in that I should EXPECT people to be more critical of the other side. This is true. But I also think it's important (especially in this forum) to point out hypocrisy stemming from the left so that the Macrumors Echo Chamber doesn't keep you all in denial. What I personally expect is people to stand on principles, and not on parties. What I expect is that people live their lives in a honorable way and present a consistent philosophy. This is the same reason I rip on neo-con Republicans for talking about fiscal conservatism when history has shown us that their real world actions when in power are very different from their rhetoric... even if they still aren't as bad as the Democrats... it's not good enough. Both parties are bad at it, too many people simply tow the party line and don't think for themselves.

    It sure is easy to peg me isn't it? Too bad if you go back over my posts you will find more than enough denouncing involvement in Iraq / Afghanistan.

    It's much easier than actually addressing your real views... it's a defense mechanism which she uses to avoid serious debate.

    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    Being a 'non-interventionist' does not mean that you NEVER support war, it means that you avoid it whenever possible. It means that you are far less prone to military intervention than someone who does not care about the values of non-interventionism.

    Nonintervention or non-interventionism is a foreign policy which holds that political rulers should avoid alliances with other nations, but still retain diplomacy, and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding ring.
  • queen elizabeth wedding ring.

  • caspersoong
    Apr 7, 07:14 AM
    I might get it if it gets better graphics...

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth delivers a; Queen Elizabeth delivers a. davidcmc. Mar 22, 03:01 PM. Come: present tense. See: iPad2
  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara. Queen Elizabeth delivers a; Queen Elizabeth delivers a. davidcmc. Mar 22, 03:01 PM. Come: present tense. See: iPad2

  • nilk
    Apr 6, 03:41 PM
    Once you have it, you don't want it without.

    ps:I type fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    sent from swipe keyboard :D

    I've never liked backlit keys and have it turned off on my MBPs. I find it annoying, personally, but I do touch type so I'm never looking at the keys. I totally understand those who do want that feature (and Apple should add it to the MBA because it appears to be important for a enough people), but personally I don't care for it and am glad I can turn it off.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding ring.
  • queen elizabeth wedding ring.

  • Major Majors
    Aug 7, 08:45 PM
    I had no idea what the "open in dashboard" image was for, but I called it out on the Apple Discussion board 9 months ago. Apparently this has been in the works for Safari for QUITE some time


    queen elizabeth wedding. HRH Queen Elizabeth II and
  • HRH Queen Elizabeth II and

  • rufwork
    Apr 8, 12:05 AM
    Screwing around is how they lost Macs in the first place. They wanted to only sell certain iMac Colors and Apple said you can sell what we send or not at all, that's why Apple left them in the first place years ago. Then they cam back with the "store in a store" concept.

    I think the deal was that they had to sell the same number of each color, so if they got a shipment of 10 of each and had 5 limeys left over, they couldn't order 10 more of, say, blue until limey was gone.

    Right? (And I owned a lime iMac, so quit your whinin'! :D)

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding tiara. The tiara was a 18th birthday; The tiara was a 18th birthday. Bill Gates. Aug 6, 01:53 PM. Domain Name: MAC-PRO.COM
  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara. The tiara was a 18th birthday; The tiara was a 18th birthday. Bill Gates. Aug 6, 01:53 PM. Domain Name: MAC-PRO.COM

  • wnurse
    Nov 29, 12:41 AM
    I can't wait until Steve laughs in their faces. Who the hell do these guys think they are?

    Hmm, the people that can tell apple to go screw themselves and take their music of itunes, that's who. One studio threatening to ask for a piece of ipods is not as threatening if they all do... what you gonna do, not buy music at all?.. of course you will buy music. You'll curse the studios but you'll buy music (and if not you, mom and pop will still buy music even if not available on itunes).

    Wil universal get what they want?.. Apple is not totally powerless in this potential negotiation but i doubt steve has the power to laugh in their faces. Apple does not make music, it sells it. A seller can hardly laugh in the face of the producer of goods (or the gatekeeper of those goods). Want proof?.. walmart vs apple. Apple makes ipods.. Walmart refused to deal with apple the way apple wanted.. guess who lost in that battle.. walmart of course.. they are merely a seller, apple is the gatekeeper of ipods. The same is with the music studios.. apple is a seller, music companies are the gatekeepers. They can dictate who can and can't sell their music and while every corporation is motivated by profits.. they can always take their music and go home. Sure they lose but so does apple or they can make their music exclusively available only on microsoft service. You might not buy the music but you aren't 300 miliion americans. I gurantee apple does not want to be sitting by idly watching microsoft steal a market they grew. Naw, steve is not laughing in anyone's face.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding
  • queen elizabeth wedding

  • Reach
    Sep 19, 12:05 PM
    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market.

    The video game market is completely different, the analogy is just a stupid attempt at making people that think Apple should realease up-to-date hardware look stupid. Have fun at that, it didnt do much in convincing me that I should buy a CD when a C2D is just around the corner.

    All you people trying to make us feel like complete morons for waiting and wanting a new (AND BETTER) chip, what's wrong with you?! Did you just buy a MBP and feel the need to piss on everyone that is about to get a beter machine than you? Or is it just PMS or some other hormonal condition?

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding. queen
  • queen elizabeth wedding. queen

  • darkplanets
    Apr 27, 09:53 AM
    I understand people's concern for privacy, but cell tower location and wifi spot location =/= actual location, at least specifically. Yes, someone could know your location if they accessed your computer and gained entry (flaw 1), then looked at said files (flaw 2), and then proceeded to attempt to triangulate your position based off of your relative locations (keep in mind you travel, thus flaw 3). I'm not saying it can't be done, just that it takes a lot of work and even more guesswork, as well as a whole host of security flaws.

    This whole thing is generally over-hyped, per usual, just like with Google. Releasing the "update" however will pretty much quash this dead in it's tracks.
    EDIT: Someone above mentioned Sony and PSN... Now THAT'S a security flaw. "Your credit card details may have been compromised"... as well as your address, history, billing details, etc. Not trying to defend any of the companies mentioned here, but let's get a little perspective, no? ;)

    Also, do you people know how cell phones and Internet data works? I swear by some people's responses they don't. Here's a hint -- your cellular provider knows what towers you're accessing at all times, and probably even logs this. Here's another hint: data through your provider is all logged and monitored. Here's another: that wifi spot you're using? Yeah, that's all monitored and logged too by the ISP that provides to that router.

    The Internet (and thus by connection cellphones via "3G" and other broadband) is NOT private nor ever will be. It's the very nature of connecting to something else that can ultimately expose everything. It's the fundamental flaw in security. Even VPN's aren't entirely secure, as the person running the VPN can monitor traffic in the concentrator, or even more amusing, your ISP or someone else can sniff packets from you->VPN server.

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding
  • queen elizabeth wedding

  • joe8232
    Aug 26, 05:01 PM
    I have just ordered a mbp :( It wasn't supposed to ship until Monday but it shipped early :( If the rumors are true will I be able to send it back and get the new one? Has anyone had any experience in returning unwanted stuff to apple as time is not on my side (leave for uni on the 16th Sept)

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding
  • queen elizabeth wedding

  • JAT
    Mar 23, 12:19 AM
    Oh, look. woot! has a tablet today. Spiffy!

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding. queen
  • queen elizabeth wedding. queen

  • bibbz
    Jun 8, 10:25 PM
    How would I be eligible for the early upgrade? The ATT wireless site tells me.. .

    iPhone Upgrade
    You can take advantage of our no commitment pricing at a participating retail sales location. You may qualify for a full discount on a standard iPhone upgrade on 01/16/2011

    Based off of that, I would think I am NOT eligible for early upgrade pricing..

    I'm not sure how it looks on ATT's website. when we log into att and check eligibility it will say..

    No, customer is not eligible for an upgrade. Yes customer is eligible for an early iPhone upgrade.

    Every account we log into says that if they are not eligible for a full upgrade. If they are eligible for a full upgrade, then it says...

    Yes, customer is eligible for an upgrade.

    Literally, if i upgrade you in my store right now bc you are eligible, log out, and log back in, it will say whats in the 1st quote.

    Check in your local store tomorrow, or shoot me a pm with your cell and your billing zip code and i can tell you... If you're not comfortable with that i understand, check your local store and when they check it, ask them specifically about the "Early iPhone upgrade"

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding. queen
  • queen elizabeth wedding. queen

  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 09:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    It's nice that this month's "Apple-gate" story will start to die. I can't wait to see what the media generates next month in the "Apple-gate" saga.


    C'mon, Apple competitors, think up your next outrage.

    Who cares about all this overblown nonsense. I just want my damn iPad 2. Those bloody things sell out as soon as anyone gets any amount of stock.

    queen elizabeth wedding. of Queen Elizabeth II 1953
  • of Queen Elizabeth II 1953

  • neko girl
    Mar 7, 07:56 PM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (http://www.tfp.org/images/books/Defending_A_Higher_Law.pdf).
    We may disagree on philosophical or moral levels, but I'm not here to involve you in anything you find to be unpleasant. We're on an internet forum, a tech gadget forum of all things, and we're all here to have a good time. If the discussion agitates you (and it's legitimate to feel that way, you are human), then I would not want you to respond.

    I'd rather that whatever you're participating in makes you a happy person.

    I haven't read the pdf. I will do so now..

    queen elizabeth wedding. queen elizabeth wedding tiara.
  • queen elizabeth wedding tiara.

  • Peterkro
    May 1, 07:11 AM
    Originally Posted by fivepoint
    "I wonder what it would be like to go through life looking for racism around every corner? Constantly seeing the world in these glasses would have to be very tiresome and frustrating. Pretty sad really. People need to stop thinking about themselves and others as being members of groups, and start thinking of everyone as individuals. We're a society of individuals, we get our rights and our liberties as individuals, not because we're part of group A or group B.

    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence."

    I wonder what it's like to go through life blinded to the racism that occurs right through the entire U.S. social and governmental systems. I also note that most of those spouting "individualism" tend to be the very ones who rely on the "but we are Americans" argument how can you be individualist and a nationalist at the same time?
    (this is not to say racism isn't rampant in most countries including the U.K. but maybe not to the same extent)

    P.S. I am not nor ever will be a bloody "liberal".

    Jul 27, 10:14 PM
    (I hate P4s)

    you can't make a statement like that. that's like saying "i hate general electric air conditioners." what the heck? all CPU's (and air conditioners) do the same thing.

    Jun 9, 12:43 PM
    Regarding RadioShack preorder(if it works like before)

    Is it possible to preorder from one store and pickup at another store? The reason I ask is that I will be out of town on launch day and would like to pick up at a different radioshack then I have access to...


    Hey, this is not possible because based on the number of preorders from each store is what determines how many get sent to each store. and if you order from store #1, a phone will be sent to store#1 specifically for you.


    Sep 13, 10:57 AM
    Would it be smart to wait for these 8 core mac pros or are they still a long ways away?

    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Would not excluding capture from tape be quite dumb?

    Maybe I'm the stone age man using XH A1...

    Jun 10, 08:17 PM
    Without any adapters and just the phone this is what Radio Shack says...
    My phone was just replaced by Apple a few weeks ago. I am curious to see if the value drops as each day goes on. I don't want to be without a phone right now but that isn't a bad value being the value of them on eBay right now. Making $30-40 isn't worth the trouble on eBay. I will be trading mine in for sure.

    http://i50.tinypic.com/1z9nbd.jpgThey're using different quote systems in the store. My pristine 16GB 3G with charger came in on the web @ $185.94 while the in store quote is only $141 and dropping daily according to the manager here. So I'm doing the FedEx pre-paid shipping to CEXCHANGE for the higher amount. Might have to wait for the gift card past the 24th but I'd rather get the higher amount. Plus my store manager says he'll hold my reserved iPhone until the gift card comes back if it doesn't arrive back in 2 weeks. :)

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