paisajes naturales hermosos

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  • balamw
    Nov 27, 01:04 AM
    The iBook is a close also ran IMHO. Given the comments here there is a desire for something the size of the 10" Sony sub-notebook that would give users the option of a touch screen and keyboard. In particular, if it were very near or under the $1000 price point.
    Perhaps it helps to think of the tablet as an iPod video with optional KB & mouse? Or a mini iMac with a battery. Or maybe even iTV to go! :p

    I think the market for a well-executed device like this is much larger than one might think, particularly after the last time I flew long distance in coach and saw lots of folks trying to watch DVDs on their 15" Windows notebooks and trying to balance them on their laps partially open to as to not interfere with the seatback in front of them.


    paisajes naturales hermosos. PAISAJES NATURALES HERMOSOS

  • combatcolin
    Aug 7, 04:30 PM
    Just got home from work and went on line as fast as my slow PC would boot.

    Lots of power, loads of expansion and 2 optical drive slots! (:p )

    But still way way too expensive.

    Still going to build a Core Duo 2 2.13Ghz PC, and still wishing Apple would create a computer that i want to buy.

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  • Eldiablojoe
    May 4, 08:44 PM
    Can you give the non-storybook reason for why he died and what actually happened?

    I get that we encountered a monster, and via a assignment, the monster took his 1HP/1AP and took out Wilmer. Rhon then attacked the 1 HP/0AP monster and vanquished the goblin into eternity.

    Anyhow, that's how I understand this just went down. FWIW.


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  • KREX725
    Jul 29, 10:33 PM
    While I'm sure if it is true, it'd be a cool phone, but it just seems like one of those rumours that comes up occasionally and then goes away, just like the Tablet Mac.

    Normally I would agree, but then Steve hit us with the Intel switch and shook up all my feelings about long-term rumors that come and go.

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  • ChrisTX
    Apr 20, 07:32 AM
    This model promises to be one that many will pass on.

    I certainly will.

    Even though it's already well known that it will have a better antenna to fix the antennagate issue that most everyone denied.

    The lack of a fresh new look will keep me away, especially retaining the tiny screen. Seems like Apples coasting this time around.

    A faster processor? Big deal, who needs it, a waste of money just to pump up Apples coffers.

    A true disappointment, this one is. I was so eager to dump my antennagate special.
    This model hasn't promised anything yet because no one but Apple knows what's in store. I don't see any cosmetic changes in store, and the iPhone 4 still looks better than every handset out to date. However don't count your chickens before they hatch!

    Here's another one:

    Stop making phones out of effing glass!

    5 people I know have had shattered glass (on either the front or the back) of their iPhone 4s less than year into ownership. It's a bloody phone -- it's not a museum piece or collectible. It's going to get used, it's going to get dropped or fall off a table occasionally, and it needs to be at least minimally able to survive a 2 year contract.

    Sorry but my phone has never been dropped. Speak for yourself when you say it's going to get dropped. Not all of us are as clumsy as you and your friends apparently.

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  • -aggie-
    May 3, 05:32 PM
    I would rather that you started leading us since you seem to be much more versed in the rules guiding us :).

    We�re doomed.:D

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  • Gepat
    Jul 30, 05:06 AM
    I guess the guy who told you that story can kiss his career (with apple) goodbye ;) There's not that many photographers who take pictures of upcoming Apple products ...

    Anyway, I can't wait to see the phone...

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  • wclyffe
    Jan 22, 03:02 PM
    Let me know how loud the volume is during a call conversation. If it is significantly louder than the TomTom, I may jump ship and get the Megellan unit.

    So hear's my initial sense of the Magellan kit. I like it better than the TomTom kit for two simple reasons..first, it is rock solid when I drive around no matter how bumpy the road is. Instead of the tiny clicks on the TT, it has simple detents at 12-3-6-9 and it locks in solid. Second, is the fact that I can just put my iPhone in with the case on makes it far more convenient. I didn't think this would be such a big deal, but in fact I'm in and out of the car a lot so its a significant benefit. The speaker is loud and clear, but I don't think its louder than the TomTom...about the same.

    I'll let you know more as I use it for awhile!

    I just ran into this review today so I thought I'd add it in for anyone interested...

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  • safXmal
    Nov 27, 10:22 AM
    I see the tablet as a convergence between a PDA, Video iPod and Remote Mac.
    It should connected through Wifi to your desktop computer and have the most up to date info available. You would be able to view everything you have on your Mac and stream it to your iTV or beamers (with the help of a dongle).
    It would be great if you could wirelesly connect it to your camera so the metadate is immediately copied to the handheld and you could do some realtime editing of it (by voice perhaps?).

    I would love it being made in the shape of a pocket book. The thick part would be a touch screen and you could have a flat keyboard on the inside of the flap for the occational text entry

    The 2 most important things for this to succeed would be the power life and effortless connection to other appliances. I don't want to specify each time when I connect something what the appliance is - Cell phone, camera, printer etc - I don't even want to know it is connecting to something - anything of mine that is in the neighborhood should be there and used.

    paisajes naturales hermosos. paisajes naturales hermosos.
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  • jephrey
    Jul 29, 11:10 PM
    So I thought... Would apple release a phone-only? No chance. It will most definitely have music features including wireless downloads from the iTMS (including a way to put the songs on your computer)... If this rumor is true of course.

    My hope is for the phone to work on the Nextel / Sprint network not just because I have a Nextel, but because they have had time with their walkie-talkie feature, and I'd imagine that that would benefit the use of something like iChat over the phone.

    Ah well, only a little over a week till the big day!


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  • the vj
    Apr 18, 03:13 PM
    So Ford and Sony and Boing will suit everyone for making products that looks and works like theirs? Just to give a wild example.

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  • Nuks
    Aug 12, 05:50 PM
    Why not?

    If they come out on the 12th, and the promotion ends on the 16th (in Canada), then they should qualify..

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 04:51 PM
    Sounds good. Hope it happens for those waiting for it.

    Yeah, so we can all shut up and be happy. :)

    In the last couple of weeks I was predicting Photokina, but I had changed my mind yesterday, thinking of the new iMacs as precedent--release the iMac, follow with an event the next week. Release the Macbook Pro C2D (Tuesday the 19th), follow with an event the next week (Monday the 25th.) I still kind of stand behind this, but I'll be happy either way, though I would be happier if they released them on the 19th.

    Though the Macshrine site lists Photokina as happening on September 14--yesterday. :confused:

    The Photokina event on September 14th

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 12:18 PM
    That is probably either down to your dad trying very hard to avoid tax, and/or the US tax system in its current state being too complex.

    Both of those possibilities can be solved without getting rid of income tax.

    I'd be equally optimistic about a reformed income tax system that was less complicated.

    he spends so much time on taxes because he has 8 different businesses to take care of, most of which are involved in oil and natural gas, which have even more complicated taxes.

    Please don't say "stop complaining, you're rich", because he wasn't born that way. He built those business from scratch, and i do not believed those actions should be punished with insane taxes

    paisajes naturales hermosos. paisajes naturales hermosos.
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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 9, 07:33 PM
    It's cut and dry simple math that you are over thinking. Why would you assume (9+3) is a power? 9+3=12 simple as that.

    Because there is no operand between the 2 and the (9+3).

    And I agree, this is the most nonsensical thread in some time.

    God bless diversions. :D

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  • Paisajes Naturales Hermosos

  • kresh
    Sep 15, 05:05 PM
    According to this review, it runs measurably (not necessarily significantly) cooler with longer battery life, etc.

    I hope so :)

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  • blow45
    Mar 29, 04:03 PM
    As threads progress, sometimes the conversation evolves. You added nothing of value in your post.

    Yeah while talking about Japan's protectionism of their agricultural production really adds to the topic of discussion... cause everyone here who clicks on this thread via the main page wants to hear about Japan's agriculture.

    Let's "evolve" the thread to encompass kamikaze pilots, kabuki theatre, zen Buddhism, sushi and whale hunting too...:rolleyes:

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  • paisajes naturales hermosos.

  • bowlerman625
    May 7, 09:08 AM is carrying a story saying there is a rumor out there that the MobileMe service will become free at some point.

    Interesting concept if the rumor is true!

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  • y con paisajes naturales

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 09:01 PM
    I simply disregard comments that have to do with religion basically.

    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

    Apr 18, 05:15 PM
    Maybe LG should sue Apple.

    they made a rectangular touchscreen phone before the iphone


    Aug 3, 10:45 AM
    do you think the macbook pro could get easy to switch hard drives like the macbook has? what are the odds of fitting two hard drives in say a 17" model and allowing people to carry multiple hard drives that can be easily switched via a port. like a bigger expresscard port but for hdd

    Nov 26, 06:09 PM
    I would worry too much about the swivel joint and the connections and cables within breaking, however I do use a touch-screen display ToughBook at work
    and I can certainly see where that option might be popular
    IF the protective shield to the touch screen could be easily replaced.

    They get scratched bad after using them for a while.
    I think the swivel mechanism is build to last. I have Fujitsu T4020 and it has the solid swivel mechanism. Passive and Active Screen have their pros and cons. Passive one is like the ones you find on Palm and Pocket PC. Active one requires the special digitizer which is made for active screen. For better sensitivity, the active digitizer unit is better. It's like Wacom's Intuos (pro grade) and Graphire (consumer grade which has less "sensitivity" on your input).
    With tablet PC, you need put on screen protector; no question about it. I use Vikuiti screen protector to protect the active digitizer screen. It is un-wise to use Tablet PC without screen protector. If you scratch the screen without using the screen protector, the blame is only on the user of that tablet PC.

    Aug 7, 02:06 PM
    If I had the money....I might of float away with a maxed out Pro but knowing that I can change up things is sweet enough....exactly what I was waiting for.


    Apr 25, 09:23 AM
    This may simply be a case of unintended consequences. Apple may have a reason for collecting approximate location data based on cell towers. That reason is not yet clear. It's also not clear whether this information is uploaded to Apple. Even if it's uploaded to Apple, that doesn't mean that Apple is tracking individuals. I can't think of a compelling reason why Apple would want to track each of their millions of customers based on very approximate location data. One unintended consequence is what we're seeing now. As usual everyone jumps to a conclusion before we have any information.

    It would be great if Apple clarifies what's going on, but that's unlikely. What's likely is that this will blow over in a week or so. What will not blow over however, is the sudden tension in many relationships now that spouses and other partners have a way to tell where their significant other has been for the past 6 months. That's the other unintended consequence of this.

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