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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 15, 11:10 PM
    [Gates interview]

    Indicating the iPhone or the rumored mobile phone capabilities in Zune?
    That's not speculation, a Zune phone is part of their stated plans (

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers 30 Henrik
  • New York Rangers 30 Henrik

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 10:22 AM
    But Don would never do that, he is an experienced driver for a 16 year old. And he was only doing 90, not 100. Big difference. There would barely be any damage if he hit a bridge at 90 - nothing that wouldn't buff out with a bit of polish and some elbow grease. Not that he'd ever have to worry about that, because Don is such an awesome driver, he'd never hit the bridge.

    so true.

    Even going the speed limit some random things can happen. I was driving back to Dallas a few years ago going speed limit (65 or 70 mph) and was common around a gentel bend in the road. bend end and font of my car is not facing straight down the road but off towards the side. I thinking "something is not right" clicks to me that I am sliding. From there I started fishing tailing and then just lovely skid and went off the road and spun. I come to a stop off the road facing the direction I was coming from.

    Threw off the fire chief driving from the other direction and the road workers who all witnessed it. To them it looked like I had a blow out and just could not recover from it.
    Nope what happen was TXDOT had just re-rocked the road and the new asphalt had not been pounded in yet by the cars. Complete a freak thing.

    Now they did tell me they would send the sweeper down to clean up the road again since that should not of happened. I will tell you that it was rather freaky having that happen. I can tell you that most people never experience a true skid at speed and telling you to turn into the skid works in theory but in reality it is very hard not to over correct.

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers 18 MARC STAAL
  • New York Rangers 18 MARC STAAL

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 14, 03:52 PM
    the original quote was to "G5/PPC fanboys," not "970MP fanboys." But whatever. My point is that it's hardly surprising that a bleeding edge chip beats an old one. That's kinda the point of technological progress, no?

    So then AMD and IBM are dead in the water? Somebody better call them and tell them.

    Believe it or not, the fact that intel is releasing new chips does not mean that the other companies have given up or that intel has "won." IBM's desktop and server chips have been and will continue to be very competitive. Apple switched because PPC was not cutting it for laptops.

    1st of all I said Apple not IBM or AMD. AMD is going to get a through ass kicking for the next 12-18 months till K8L comes out. The Turion X2 is a flop(that's also 6 months late) It's so bad for AMD that they are practically having a fire sale on X2/A64's come the 24th. Let's not even go there with IBM they are too busy making toy CPU's for M$ , and talk about the nightmare IBM/Sony are having with the Cell yields(what are they like 20-30%).lol:D

    new york rangers 2011. 2011 nhl all star nhl new york
  • 2011 nhl all star nhl new york

  • Wolfpup
    Jan 13, 10:30 AM
    Even at that level it's a real PITA. Seriously, not only it pops up way too often, but it slows down installations. Some older computers and netbooks just freeze for several minutes after trying to open large installers, while UAC is analyzing or something.

    Regarding the first point, that's not true at all. There's no reason you should be seeing it in normal use on a day to day basis. It's the same as in OS X. Regarding the latter...I haven't had that happen, but I did see on they mentioned that it can take a while with large installers on some systems with that on.

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers #18 Staal
  • New York Rangers #18 Staal

  • dondark
    Sep 14, 12:49 AM
    I think that Apple would make their phone a GSM phone to get more worldwide market rather than releasing it on CDMA. And I doubt they'd throw in 3G on a GSM phone because Cingular's 3G network is not the biggest right now. I think I read that Sprint's PowerVision is the biggest at the moment and still growing. T-Mobile just bought a TON of 3G bandwidth but isn't launching that until next year. So I don't think 3G would be in this phone because we aren't quite there......yet.

    As for UMA, I'd be surprised if it didn't have a Wifi card. There are a lot of rumors saying that T-Mobile's launching a giant UMA service, which I wouldn't be surprised with the 7,000 wireless networks they own.

    Ya, i know 3G isnt that popular in America, but i expect the iPhone at least should have built-in WiFi like many Phones in today's market. So we can use the iPhone to video LIVE chat with the other Mac users or iPhone users through the internet. Since many Universities have Wi-Fi covered the whole school, so i think it will benefit abot students. And more and more hot-spot now.

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers 2011 Wall
  • New York Rangers 2011 Wall

  • IntelliUser
    Jan 13, 09:52 AM
    Not if you have UAC set correctly, although unfortunately it was weakened by default in 7, because of whining.

    Even at that level it's a real PITA. Seriously, not only it pops up way too often, but it slows down installations. Some older computers and netbooks just freeze for several minutes after trying to open large installers, while UAC is analyzing or something.

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers v Atlanta
  • New York Rangers v Atlanta

  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 23, 12:10 AM
    you're probably the guy that's mad that apple tv is not 1080p even though content isn't available. lol

    have you used airplay? it works awesome.

    That the content isn't available is purely Apples fault and btw - as I would like to use the Apple TV mainly for slideshows - the content is available.

    And yes, I want the Apple TV to support 1080p60. I have high hopes for the a5.

    new york rangers 2011. Carolina Hurricanes v New York
  • Carolina Hurricanes v New York

  • aristotle
    Nov 14, 12:00 AM
    Wow. That's quite a diatribe. Historically inaccurate, too. English common law descends from the Roman system of laws that predates christianity (and which was not based on judaism) and from Saxon law, which also has nothing to do with judeo-christian ethics.

    And juries are given instructions to follow the letter of the law as explained to them by the judge. Further, in the U.S. system, only matters at law, not equity, are subject to jury trial, and, in many cases, only if the defendant demands a jury trial.

    You say:

    "You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not."

    Ok. So when your third grader copies a few quotes from a book for his book report, he is infringing the copyright statute. But, of course, you complain that it's not the letter of the law that matters - it's the spirit. That's why judges came up with the fair use defense (later codified into the statute).

    But what if the third grader copies 10 quotes? Still okay? A chapter? How about now? Where's the dividing line? What if instead of a third grader, it's another author who copies a few of the best quotes and competes with the first author? How about then? Gets more complicated, huh?

    And that's why the fair use defense has evolved into a complicated legal test involving multiple factors. Among the factors:

    the purpose and character of your use
    the nature of the copyrighted work
    the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and
    the effect of the use upon the potential market.

    Let's look at these.

    1) the purpose and character of your use

    This is often called the transformative test. Am I creating something new and different and worthwhile to society, involving my own creativity? Many people say that the use in this case was pretty creative and useful, but let's assume no. So this factor weighs against fair use.

    2) the nature of the copyrighted work

    Published works, such as these icons, are entitled to less protection than unpublished. Also, factual or representative works, such as icons, are entitled to less protection than creative works like novels. So this factor weighs for fair use.

    3) the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and

    A handful of icons out of an entire operating system? Seems small to me. Weighs for fair use.

    4) the effect of the use upon the potential market.

    By using these icons, is the "infringer" somehow preventing Apple from selling this sort of software, or preventing Apple from selling these icons? No. Again, weighs for fair use.

    You simultaneously argue that things are black and white (you either infringe or you don't) and then you argue that the spirit of the law matters, not the letter. You argue for a bright line test, then for shades of gray.

    Well, the answer is a little of both, but men and women far smarter than you have come up with the best tests they can to figure out how to deal with these fuzzy situations.

    You can go to church and pray instead of going to court, if you'd like, but for those of us that believe in the legal system, we take solace in the fact that things really aren't black and white, and yet there is a framework in place that let's us try and figure these things out.
    LOL. Please tell us which law firm you work for. That was quite funny. Are you a historian now too? Would the real cmaier please stand up?

    So the arbitration system comes from the roman law as well? Do tell.

    I'm not interested in what revisionist historians have come up with the justify this perversion of justice that you call "law". The roman empire fell a long time ago and while Roman law may have influenced much of our legal proceedings, including the structure of civil cases, I was talking about how civil disputes are generally dealt with. Lawyers arguing a case are supposed to be the last resort, not the first.

    This process is based on Judeo-christian principles on how you settle disputes over land or labour. It has nothing to do with criminal law.

    Here is how disputes were supposed to be dealt with.
    1. You go to the person in question and try to talk it out.
    2. If that does not work, you meet in front a mediator such as as priest, local official, magistrate or arbitrator.
    3. If that does not work, you hire an advocate and make your case in front of the community.
    4. If that does not work, you take your case before the court which would usually have been a king back in the day.

    The bible frames it slightly different but that is the gist of how it appears in the bible.

    To put in a modern context:
    1. Go for coffee.
    2. Arbitration.
    3. Public Hearing.
    4. Court case.

    new york rangers 2011. vs New York Rangers 2011
  • vs New York Rangers 2011

  • grahamwright1
    Nov 13, 12:49 PM
    In simplest terms, Apple's objections to the use of "Apple Logo and Apple-owned Graphic Symbols" in the application led to multiple rejections of an update designed to fix a critical performance bug, leading to a delay of over three and a half months before the updated version was finally approved and made available to the public.

    This is very disheartening since they were using information specifically supplied by Apple for the use of developers. It's time for a significant revamping of the approval process before we see any more problems like this!

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers #30 Henrik
  • New York Rangers #30 Henrik

  • munkery
    Mar 16, 02:45 PM
    The client and server releases of OS X already have some form of software based anti-malware protection.

    The Snow Leopard client version includes xProtect to detect most of the trojans that compromise OS X.

    The Snow Leopard server version includes xProtect and Clamav (email scanning but database does include OS X threats as well).

    I would be surprised if both features were removed from Lion.

    new york rangers 2011. New York Rangers
  • New York Rangers

  • munkery
    Mar 23, 04:20 PM

    Much of the information in the PDF ( associated with this article ( is incorrect. For example:

    Page 26

    It refers to the bundle architecture as insecure. The argument presented would be true if security sensitive apps were not owned by system. Given that they are owned by system, malware cannot modify the bundle of an app owned by system without authentication when the app is run with user privileges in an admin or standard account.

    For example, show package contents of iTunes, Safari, or Mail and try to create a folder in the bundle. In relation to the example in the article, try renaming iTunes. The argument in the article relies on actions that can not be completed in an OS X admin account; these type of changes are even more restricted in a standard account.

    Apps not owned by system are vulnerable but without privilege escalation can not install rootkits or keyloggers. Even apps owned by system run with user privileges and require privilege escalation to install dangerous payloads.

    Mac OS X does not prompt for authentication if you install apps in the proper location for that user account type. When installed in the proper location, apps are sandboxed from the system level of Mac OS X by the Unix DAC model used within Mac OS X.

    Windows is less secure because most apps (Chrome only exception I can recall) install their associated files in levels of the system that require authentication regardless of user account type (unless Admin in Windows XP because running as superuser - no authentication required to install with elevated privileges - very dangerous). It is easier to trick Windows users to install a trojan with elevated privileges given that almost all apps ask for authentication to install and the user can not distinguish the intent of that authentication.

    Page 30

    The claim that the Application folder is unprotected is false. Security sensitive apps within the Application folder are owned by system.

    Also, security sensitive system binaries are still stored in /bin and /sbin in Mac OS X.

    Page 31

    The ability to read the contacts stored in Address Book could be used by a worm to propagate. But, malware that uses this to spread is not likely to appear in the wild if the malware is not profitable. It is unlikely that malware will be profitable without being able to hook (this is a specific function) into apps owned by system.

    Page 33

    Starts off talking about trojans, trojans are easily avoided with user knowledge in Mac OS X because most apps do not require authentication to install if installed in the appropriate location where the Unix DAC model protects the system.

    Viruses using the model shown in the article will not be successful without privilege escalation. This is the reason why Mac OS X malware is not successful in the wild.

    By default, very few server side services are exposed in Mac OS X and those that are exposed are sandboxed. Vectors for worm propagation are limited to client side. Client side worms require authentication to install and spread if do not include privilege escalation via exploitation because of the Unix DAC model used in Mac OS X. Trojans used to trick users to authenticate are less likely to be successful in Mac OS X as stated above.

    new york rangers 2011. 2010-2011 New York Rangers
  • 2010-2011 New York Rangers

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 4, 06:59 PM
    I think it is the highly anticipated iToilet with universal iPod dock and count 'em four AppleTalk ports.

    Sorry the iToiletPaperDispenser is already out.

    new york rangers 2011. 2011 All Star New York Rangers
  • 2011 All Star New York Rangers

  • WildCowboy
    Aug 23, 05:15 PM
    I see Apple stock going up on this news. $100 Million is getting off easy. Could have been a LOT worse.

    The aftermarket response for AAPL has been negligible...down 21 cents on top of a 31 cent decline in regular trading. Creative, on the other hand, is now up 36% in after hours trading.

    new york rangers 2011. new york rangers tattoo
  • new york rangers tattoo

  • maknik
    Nov 13, 01:56 PM
    There is no real-world solution to this problem as long as Apple insists on vetting every app and update. No company can be perfect in such a vast (many thousands a week) undertaking, so every developer runs the risk that his app will be caught in some bizarre limbo while an easily-fixed bug sits out there slowly damaging the developer's name. Unfortunately, there are only two solutions to this problem: customer pressure for Apple to reduce its oversight (followed by complaints by those apparently scared of having to vet applications on their own), or lawsuits. I suspect the latter is the only plausible solution.

    new york rangers 2011. 2011 nhl all star nhl new york
  • 2011 nhl all star nhl new york

  • epitaphic
    Sep 9, 08:56 AM
    This is interesting. So the frequency difference of 2.16 to 2.66 is 23% yet the MacPro is only 20-30% faster? So clock for clock, the iMac would be between 7% slower and 3% FASTER than the MacPro!

    There is no chance in hell there'll be a Conroe system for some time. This is also the reason the Mac Pros are all quads, a duo would be just as fast for all but the 0.001% of people that do stuff that fully utilizes the quad.

    new york rangers 2011. new york rangers wallpaper
  • new york rangers wallpaper

  • longofest
    Oct 12, 12:25 PM
    I hope people like Red, because this is definitely the iPod to buy... goes to a great cause, and doesn't cost you anything more.

    new york rangers 2011. Ryan Callahan of the New York
  • Ryan Callahan of the New York

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    May be Apple will give a silent upgrade to MBP before the special event just like they did with Mini and iMac before "Its Showtime"!
    What say?
    Perhaps, but the big question is:
    What is Apple releasing at Photokina?
    Aperture 2.0 - too little
    ACD - recently updated
    MBP/MB - at a Photo conference??? hardly.
    iPhone - again at photo conference??
    I dont have clue...

    new york rangers 2011. Montreal Canadiens v New York
  • Montreal Canadiens v New York

  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 16, 12:19 AM
    3mps???? :eek: are sure its not supposed to be 1.3?

    I don't recall the brand of the phone, but I've seen a cellphone with a 5MP camera here (in South Korea). The phone was rather big, but it'd be an o.k. format if it doubled as an iPod with decent storage space.

    EDIT: And I don't follow cell phones all that closely, so there might be higher-res ones that I haven't seen.

    new york rangers 2011. new york rangers tattoo. new
  • new york rangers tattoo. new

  • eawmp1
    Apr 25, 07:56 AM
    Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. The decision of the Nobel Committee mentions:[135]

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 1991 to Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (Burma) for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights.
    ...Suu Kyi's struggle is one of the most extraordinary examples of civil courage in Asia in recent decades. She has become an important symbol in the struggle against oppression...

    ...In awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for 1991 to Aung San Suu Kyi, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to honour this woman for her unflagging efforts and to show its support for the many people throughout the world who are striving to attain democracy, human rights and ethnic conciliation by peaceful means.

    �Oslo, 14 October 1991

    OP - the ignorance with which you post, while having an avatar you obviously know little about shows your extreme immaturity. Please keep all the transcrips from your rants, and in 20 or so years re-read them. I don't think your older self will like your current self.

    Dec 31, 11:58 AM
    Hurf. There was a checkbox for installing a trial version. You didn't uncheck it.

    Maybe this is why you're using OSX then. It makes choices for you. Not yours, but you know...

    Just like the choice was made for you by Adobe to install completely unrelated software if the user doesn't happen to catch the checkbox. Yeah, that's so much better.

    Apr 20, 12:46 PM
    The fact that apple has a huge location database accessible by anybody with an app scares me. That's too much centralized data for somebody to do bad things with, even if it's not Apple. THAT is why this is a bad thing.

    :confused::confused::confused: Apple has NOTHING ! and NOTHING is accessible by everybody (except the owner of the device)

    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.

    THAT is why it is not a bad thing

    The governments have those big databases, but that's a different story.

    THAT is the bad thing

    Oct 12, 12:25 PM
    Regardless if its 5% or should be 10%. This is an initiative that Bono has been after for over a decade.

    For most ppl that dont like U2's music, they sure know who they are and respect Bono for his philantropic efforts.

    Motorola is doing the same with the RAZR v3i model.

    Kinda said how a passionate music artist must make this initiative when countries with HUGE sums of cash prefer military spending in their budgets (Canada included) yet not for world equality for medicine.

    This would be a HUGE BONUS for Apple. I'll be buying one for my wife it its true and available in Canada.:D

    Jan 13, 01:41 PM
    There's nothing to set up. You should increase the setting to maximum when you first install Windows 7, but other than that it has nothing to do with playing games online.

    You should have a unique identifier (password) attached to authentication mechanism (UAC in Windows). So, Windows users should run as standard users. But, using a standard account in Windows causes issues with some software, such as some online games, that require admin accounts (or "run as administrator"; superuser) to function. Many online games on Windows 7 still require running as Administrator (superuser privileges) to function. This requires setting the "Properties" to allow "run as Administrator" or turning off UAC. This is risky as the games connect to remote servers and download content. Trojans are installed without authentication if accessed with superuser privileges. This example, using online games, shows the problem with how software is being written for Windows. This problem lead to DLL hijacking exploits ( You definitely need good antivirus software in Windows to more safely play games that require Administrator privileges.

    The issue with online games found in Windows is not problematic on Mac OS X given that software for Mac is written following the guidelines of the principle of least privilege ( more so than Windows software. For example, I have played online FPS games on my Mac with standard account privileges that require "run as Administrator" (superuser privileges) in Windows systems. Mac OS X is much better insulated from Malware.

    Flash, Adobe, Java, etc. all have virtually identical issues under all three OSes. It's rare you see something that only affects one, unless it's a significantly different program.

    Vulnerabilities in those components in Mac OS X are attributed as OS X vulnerabilities because OS X includes them by default so this artificially inflates the number of vulnerabilities in OS X when looking at vulnerability comparisons. These components have worse security in Windows. How these vulnerabilities manifest in Windows is through Internet Explorer.

    Sep 12, 04:49 PM
    They mention battery life, but music is still 20 hours rated, so I think they only list more battery life because they have the "BRIGHTNESS" setting now! ha-ha. So I think my battery is just as good too?

    That's a good point. I thought maybe they put a higher capacity battery in, and I wondered if it could be replaced, but perhaps it is all due to the screen brightness. I thought the most energy sapping thing was the hard drive though, not the display.

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