new android boost mobile phones 2011

new android boost mobile phones 2011. As well as announcing the new
  • As well as announcing the new

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:35 PM
    Doesn't every GPS based phone have something like this?

    Every cell phone is tracked .... don't know how many store it on the local device (out of reach for anyone except you), but the tracking data from every cell phone is stored on the providers servers and/or government servers - law enforcement could access that information in almost real time.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. samsung-android-oost-mobile
  • samsung-android-oost-mobile

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 28, 12:29 PM
    Yeah, we all knew this was coming. It will be interesting to see how quickly Apple responds to its competition and follows suit. Hopefully very soon, I'm eager to see what exactly Apple does, i.e. only updates the MBPs, updates the whole MacBook line, updates the Mini as well... :cool:

    Oh, and how about some Conroe iMacs? ;) :D

    I think there's a better chance of Merom iMacs. We're talking about a system in which they underclock a mobility Radeon x1600 to make it quieter. Conroe makes sense in a regular desktop, but I don�t see it happening with the iMac.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. oost mobile phones android.
  • oost mobile phones android.

  • runninmac
    Aug 31, 12:09 PM

    Apple will hold a special event during a week long special event!!

    Well you see steve isn't giving a keynote at the Paris expo... so thats why its news :rolleyes:

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. HTC Wildfire S Android
  • HTC Wildfire S Android

  • stainlessliquid
    Oct 27, 02:59 PM
    Considering that Apple doesnt make jack inside their computers, maybe they should be going after the other companies that provide Apple parts? I think that would embarass Apple more since I dont think Apple likes people to know that inside every Mac is abunch of PC parts.

    They could blame Apple for going with those companies, that would put pressure on Apple to switch to a greener company and would put pressure on those companies to be greener themselves so they please Apple.

    And yes a computer will never been totally environmentally friendly but people are managing to COMPLETELY miss the point of what they want. Other companies like Dell have stopped using parts that have certain very harmful "ingredients" since there are more than enough substitutes that work just as well and dont harm the environment. The only thing stopping other companies is cost and laziness, and considering the premium people pay on macs its actually rather absurd that Apple refuses to use environmentally friendly parts. They arent asking for the impossible and if it looks like they are singling out Apple then its because Apple is literally one of the last major companies to adopt a policy of not buying parts or recycle the things that contain these things. If Dell and pretty much every other major PC maker can use these parts and recycle then I would love to see someone try to explain why Apple is somehow incapable of doing the same. Its like if people bitched about cars polluting less but getting the same performance and having virtually the same price, do some people just like to screw the environemnt?

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. The big oost to Android could
  • The big oost to Android could

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 25, 04:33 PM
    Reading is so fundamental. It said "Quad-SLI-capable". Where in the article did it say it was in an SLI configuration?

    Reading is really fundamental considering the fact that you can't even read two paragraphs worth of an article you posted:

    "These two, combined with SLI, they will let you play something like Far Cry at a ludicrous 2160p resolution."

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Posted in Mobile Phones on 16
  • Posted in Mobile Phones on 16

  • YEMandy
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Apple has a 10 day return policy if they updated a product you just bought within 10 days. They will give you a full refund, or cash difference if the price is lowered (which it is)

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. By contrast, Boost Mobile,
  • By contrast, Boost Mobile,

  • BWhaler
    Sep 27, 04:43 AM
    Enough with the dance. Release the product already.

    Every cell phone on the market sucks in some way. I'd love to have an Apple phone which simply just works.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Android_on_PlayBook
  • Android_on_PlayBook

  • Ugg
    Sep 19, 06:30 PM
    I think the big problem with rentals is that Netflix has it wrapped up right now. You can get a ton of movies for a monthly fee, and I don't see any way an online service can compete with that, at least not without losing money on it.

    If you know your best effort won't compare well to Netflix, does it really make sense to try and do it anyway? Or is it smarter just to stay out of such a cutthroat marketplace?

    Netflix is great, but it's not ideal. They offer too few foreign movies. The wait times for new releases can be phenomenal and some movies that they should be stocking, they aren't.

    The only real future for online movies is by renting them. I'd pay up to $3 per rental but have no desire to keep a movie. If I want to watch it again, I'll rent it again.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. arriving on Boost Mobile.
  • arriving on Boost Mobile.

  • blackNBUK
    Apr 11, 07:29 AM

    As you correctly highlight, the significance of this isn't that it enables others to implement 3rd party Airplay clients for innocent playback... it's that it allows Airplay-based software rippers to be constructed.

    Want an un-encrypted copy of that iTMS rental movie? Stream it to an airplay-ripper you've downloaded off the 'net, and it'll be re-compressed in non-DRM form for you to play back whenever you wish.

    This is the biggest worry for Apple. They can't raise lawsuits against free software apps hosted outside the US in the same way they could block the selling of non-licenced hardware in the US.

    This isn't exactly right, this hack is only for AirTunes (i.e. music). AirPlay for videos works in a different way and uses the same FairPlay DRM as the rest of Apple's stuff. In theory AirTunes being hacked is less of an issue because iTunes music has been DRM free for a few years now. I doubt music execs think like that though! Apple probably don't either, especially if they have a music subscription service on the horizon.

    Unfortunately fixing the DRM might be pretty easy. It depends on whether the Airport Express uses the same private key as third-party AirTunes receivers or not. If it uses a different key then it's just a matter of pushing updates for Apple's own stuff.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. oost mobile phones 2011
  • oost mobile phones 2011

  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 24, 10:49 AM
    Sorry folks, but you act as if the Patent office was some kind of arbiter for what makes sense.

    Who acts this way? It doesn't matter to this situation whether the current patent system is logical or sensible. We can all agree that it's run amok, but that changes nothing.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Boost Mobile recently
  • Boost Mobile recently

  • mdntcallr
    Apr 25, 04:32 PM
    personally i dont like the idea of a smaller MBP without optical drive.

    to me that is more consumer.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. 28Apr2011
  • 28Apr2011

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 8, 01:18 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it

    You're correct. As soon as the new iMacs were released, they were immediately excluded from the free iPod offer. If anyone is hoping that MBP's or MB's are updated to C2D before the 16th so they can get the free iPod from that promotion, it won't happen. If you want the free iPod, you'd better order a MB or MBP before/if they update those systems to C2D. It sucks because I was hoping to take advantage of that promotion when/if the updates happened before the 16th.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Boost Mobile is joining the
  • Boost Mobile is joining the

  • KonaBlend
    Mar 24, 04:29 AM
    I reckon Mac Pro will get Ivy Bridge Xeon...

    Maybe in 2013.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. The new business-oriented
  • The new business-oriented

  • vitaboy
    Aug 24, 04:37 AM
    You have to wonder how tenuous Apple's position was considering that they have settled so early (in huge lawsuit time). 100 million dollars is a lot of money to spend to get Creative off their back.

    Hardly any at all. Apple has $10 billion in cash in the bank.

    Even at a measily 3% interest, Apple will make $300 million in interest alone, not accounting for the fact that they are adding about $3 billion to their cash horde per year.

    To look at it another way, iPod will generate tens of billions of dollars in revenue going forward for Apple. For Creative to settle for a measily $100 million out of tens of billions means they were desperate/forced to settle. Considering Creative all but accused Apple of stealing their design to make the iPod, settling for pennies on the dollar is not a sign that Creative was bargaining from a position of strength.

    Rather, it was Apple probably dictating the terms.

    Look at it another way. RIM - the makers of Blackberry - settled with NTP for $450 million after spending tens of millions of dollars and years fighting NTP in court. NTP, like Creative, claimed RIM infringed on important patents in making the popular Blackberry device.

    During fiscal RIM made $2 billion total revenue. That's about as much iPod makes each quarter.

    In other words, NTP was able to extract 4.5 times the licensing fee for a product that generates just 1/4 of the iPod's revenue.

    I don't think it was Creative who won here. Creative, most likely, was desperate to settle so it could move onto other, more important battles, like figuring how it can survive the Zune onslaught (which is why becoming a paying member of the "Made for iPod" club is suddenly significant).

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. The new HTC Desire S too gets
  • The new HTC Desire S too gets

  • mondesi43
    May 3, 11:47 AM
    So where do I buy a TB cable to hook-up my MBP to the new iMac so can transfer files, use the iMac as a second screen, and hook up my drobo to the iMac for storage? Or are all the peripheral and cables coming in summer?

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Boost Mobile announced the
  • Boost Mobile announced the

  • harry20larry
    Apr 11, 07:51 AM
    I am confused. If your Mac is networked, why not just share your music folder on your network so any computer etc can play the music from the shared music folder on the mac?

    Because what I ultimately want is an airplay/airmusic station ready to play from any of the 9 iOS/iTunes devices in the house wirelessly in the family area.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Moto i1 Boost Mobile Android
  • Moto i1 Boost Mobile Android

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 30, 12:00 PM
    Examples of uses (Dvorak in his references to "killer app"):


    What I understood is that the word "App" by itself is not the reason for the lawsuit, but the term "App Store" is; both words used together.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. cell phones Boost mobile
  • cell phones Boost mobile

  • min_t
    Apr 22, 11:29 AM
    Should I be pissed having bought the new SSD MB Air 4 months ago?:confused: I deserved some TB speeds.

    new android boost mobile phones 2011. Boost Mobile Announces Samsung
  • Boost Mobile Announces Samsung

  • Machead III
    Sep 5, 03:20 PM
    Of course Apple need to do more than just impress general Mac users like you guys. Like with the iPod, if they want big success, they're going to have to get to grips with an entirely new scene, culture even, and bring it's adherents something new.

    As someone who considers film as influential in his upbringing as his family and friends even, I'm looking for Apple to honor the spirit of film rather than just crank out downloadable movies like the lack-luster businesses who suck all the art and atmosphere out of the DVD market.

    Forget music, this is the big one. Apple are dealing with the most powerful art form on the planet, they'd better do it justice.

    I'll reserve judgement until I see what they have to offer les fanatiques du cinema, but I'm optimistic.

    Oct 12, 12:21 PM
    Red in the aluminum would be nice I guess, although 5% isn't much to give away.

    Sep 14, 08:59 AM
    Ditto on the chip thing. The chip does NOT make THAT BIG a difference! Spend your energy on working a few extra hours so you can pay for a RAM upgrade or a 7200 RPM hard drive. Those two upgrades will make more of a performance difference, and my guess is that overall battery life will not be all that different, but we'll see when the machines come out.

    Yeah, but a Merom equipped MBP can make tea and fight terrorism. FACT!

    I agree. I don't get the hype around a Merom MBP. The performance kick would be pretty small. But I still think Apple need to do something more to distinguish the MB from the MBP.

    Aug 31, 06:31 PM
    but itunes selling movie?! silly idea...

    Why is it silly? iTunes has proven that millions will pay to download music, videos, and TV shows. I don't see why people won't download movies as well, especially considering millions of others download movies, at questionable quality, illegally all the time.

    Apr 20, 10:01 AM
    WOW this is a major privacy breach.

    Aug 28, 02:18 PM
    These are products that are now competing directly with the products or the PC industry.....

    Apple has always competed directly with PCs and related products. that Apple is using Intel Processors, all they really have going for them are their ability to run OS X and their design

    When were those not the only distinctions Apple had? I mean, who really bought Macs because they had processors based on a different ISA?

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