love heart kisses

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  • Love Heart Kiss Brush Set by

  • ohaithar
    Sep 17, 06:52 PM
    Just got this for $30 :D

    Cool, where at?

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  • love heart hearts kiss

  • HappyPig
    Oct 24, 08:23 AM
    aswitcher, could you explain a bit more to me what you mean by
    "802.11n pending firmware upgrade..." since you're the first to mention this at all? Does anyone know if this new MBP will have 802.11n at all (for the iTV)?

    love heart kisses. Love, Heart amp; French Kiss Part
  • Love, Heart amp; French Kiss Part

  • beatzfreak
    Apr 25, 04:49 PM
    I am surrounded by windows, wonderful views, and don't want to close all my blinds and and be in the dark so that I can use my awesome reflective computer monitor. I appreciate that the glass may be wonderful for some, but understand that it is awful for others. The option for a matte screen is logical. Open your mind, respect the views of others, and stop being a tool.

    Me too. Large windows, high ceilings. It's the reason I'm still using a PowerMac G5, but the lack of support(for non-intel) and really no other options, I've decided to clean out a closet and will be using the iMac in there. Kinda pathetic, but Apple leaves me no choice.

    love heart kisses. loving ur heartkisses!
  • loving ur heartkisses!

  • Pillar
    Apr 10, 11:34 PM

    love heart kisses. love kiss heart collage
  • love kiss heart collage

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Apr 24, 01:13 PM
    That is a dude not a girl.
    We disagree.

    Polis, who said she had a sex-change operation to become a woman

    I'm going to ask a dumb question here: if the victim had already undergone the surgery, then how could the perpetrators know the victim was genetically male? I'm not trying to be snarky, but there's a logical disconnect, unless I'm missing something.

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  • love quotes kiss

  • chrmjenkins
    Feb 28, 04:43 PM
    It's happened before...

    And we reelected him. :mad:

    love heart kisses. Search: Heather
  • Search: Heather

  • shawnce
    Jul 21, 11:18 AM
    Lets hope this is a start of solid trend (I believe it is) but don't be surprised if the market share numbers are a little bumpy (up and down) as they inch their way up... Apple has relatively few products (compared to their main competition in this market) and as a result their product release cycles can contribute a lot of variability into quarterly market share numbers and depending how they line up with seasonal market aspects you can get even more variability.

    In other words (as I have said before) look for trends not point to point comparisons.

    love heart kisses. Pics of hearts and kisses
  • Pics of hearts and kisses

  • iSax1234
    Mar 31, 10:46 AM
    Looks ok, I don't mind it. I really don't care that much about looks more than functionality. I want something more like Outlook. On an exchange server Outlook does wonders. Email, calender, and contacts all unified in one program that offers great communication with the universal address book on the server.

    love heart kisses. stock vector : Love Heart
  • stock vector : Love Heart

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    ya no,

    any rumors on hspa+?

    The Gobi chip in the verizon iphone 4 supports it. If they use that for a universal iphone 5, the question is whether apple/at&t enables it.

    love heart kisses. A Swan Heart Kiss,
  • A Swan Heart Kiss,

  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 12:13 AM
    LOL! The market has stabilized, and the worst of the credit 'crisis' is over. The only recession concerns the housing market- which was inflated due to speculation.
    Maybe a little less NPR would do you some good...

    LOL... my friend, lets look at this logically. The United States debt surpasses every combined nations of Earth. Our currency is no longer backed by gold, 100% of our income tax pays the interest on our national debt. We transfered our producing companies to other countries. Most people have taken out equity loans on their homes and have maxed out their credit. The middle class will be no more and there is no getting out of our predicament. We are simply not producing enough money to ever get out of debt and with inflation out of control and devaluation of our currency a collapse will happen. In 1929 the good to debt ratio before the collapse was 1:16 as of 2006 it was sitting at 1:60. I have nothing to prove other than I'd cash out now and invest when this happens.

    love heart kisses. Love Collage Kiss Heart
  • Love Collage Kiss Heart

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 30, 10:48 AM
    The Xbox 360 has an updateable operating system so they can add new formats over time. The 360 plays formats now that it didn't support when it first came out in including AAC. Support for it was added after it was released. You can't update a car head unit's firmware.

    And my car is a 2009 and doesn't support AAC, so until I have a car that does play AAC, I refuse to spend a penny on AAC files.

    add to that AAC is not exactly a free. It has licencing cost to it. Mp3 is complete free and open.

    love heart kisses. love heart hearts
  • love heart hearts

  • Don't panic
    Apr 26, 11:05 AM
    hi everybody.
    vacation was great thank you for asking :)

    Intell, love the theme, of course. are you keeping it through the entire game? do we have assigned roles? :D

    nothing of substance going on on day one as usual so i'll vote for ucfgrad93 again because he is the least active (only without vote, if i read the posts correctly.

    and here is the current status (majority 7, deadline 5.05 pm EST)

    eldiablo 2(3) (nathan, moyank) + aggie, not bolded
    nies 2 (plutonius, appleguy)
    plutonius 2 (nies, jav)
    ibro 1 (chrmjenkins)
    chrmjenkins 1 (ibro)
    nathanmuir 1 (eldiablo)
    ucfgrad 1 (don't panic)

    didn't vote yet: ucfgrad93

    for those interested, i updated stonyc spreadsheet to this game, and i'll try to keep it current
    also, for clarity, when you change a vote, please don't go back to edit the original post (even by simply unbolding), just add the new bolded vote in a new post.

    love heart kisses. Love, Heart, Kiss Hug
  • Love, Heart, Kiss Hug

  • iApples
    May 1, 11:20 PM
    the sad part is that the US in most terms failed to capture him since it took over ten years. It's like entering a race and losing 99 out of 100 races and then suddenly winning the last race and obtaining victory, when in doubt, clearly was not enough.

    Yeah it's true. Even though it's something the US should be happy about.. In reality it's really an eye opener. It took one of the world most powerful Countries 10 years to find one single person. That's more of a loss in my books.

    love heart kisses. lion and love heart kisses
  • lion and love heart kisses

  • WildCowboy
    Oct 18, 04:51 PM
    Still not sure where you're getting this "less than half the total" figure... :confused:

    This quarter, Macs accounted for $2.213 billion in revenue. iPods accounted for $1.559 billion, plus another $452 million in music-related revenue, for a total of $2.011 billion. So, even without counting Mac peripherals and software, music revenue was less than Mac revenue.

    Last quarter, Mac revenue was $1.866 billion, while iPods sold $1.497 billion, plus another $457 million in other music-related revenue, for a total of $1.954 billion for the music end.

    love heart kisses. Woman Blowing a Heart Instead
  • Woman Blowing a Heart Instead

  • gkarris
    Apr 13, 03:43 PM
    Great. A 4K magical TV.


    love heart kisses. Heart Kisses
  • Heart Kisses

  • neonzebra
    Apr 13, 02:51 PM
    Makes more sense to me that Apple would work to standardize AirPlay as a built-in feature of all new HDTV's, blu-ray players, and other set top boxes like Apple TV. In addition to AirPlay input to the HDTV, the HDTV would do AirPlay output from a TV connected webcam/microphone (if any). I don't see Apple trying to sell actual HDTVs, but the iPad would make a great SmartTV content controller that would replace the need for an Apple TV module.

    The existing Apple TV could just evolve into an iOS app.

    Nobody is going to replace their $1000 TV with one that will be obsolete in 2 years. But a $99 box that hooks up to your TV is a no-brainer.

    Also, how funny is the article image here? The analysts who are making this prediction should have a big L stamped on their forehead.

    love heart kisses. Love Smart Kiss Heart Picture
  • Love Smart Kiss Heart Picture

  • hexor
    Apr 21, 10:41 PM
    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    So by this logic you should just give away any work you did to figure out what sells in the market free to all your competitors.. yeah.. that's a great system.. and for your specific criticism, Apple has already prepared to switch manufacturers for some if not all the Samsung parts.

    love heart kisses. heart, kiss, last, love,
  • heart, kiss, last, love,

  • elvineet
    May 3, 08:10 AM
    Anyone else notice that ('s front page is all about the white iPhone 4 even though it was updated with new iMacs? The new iMacs get a little tile on the bottom left.

    Pretty obvious who's the favorite ;)

    love heart kisses. love,heart,candy,kiss,coloring
  • love,heart,candy,kiss,coloring

  • RodThePlod
    Jul 11, 03:08 PM
    After really looking at the photo, either Micro**** literally gave the 3G iPod plastic surgery or that is completely Photoshopped. It is SO similar to the 3G iPod with added ugliness to make it Genuine Micro****.

    After looking at that photo I believe it's an ergonomic nightmare. Well, maybe not exactly a nightmare but certainly it's not the most ergonomic of designs. Having the play/pause button on the bottom right like that forces your thumb into an unnatural position to operate it.

    Bearing this in mind, I proclaim this image REAL!!! :D

    Only Microsoft would produce a design as dumb as that.

    Lets hope when it ships they get class action after class action for people claiming it gives them RSI


    -- - for iPod users who love to travel

    Apple 26.2
    Apr 22, 04:47 PM
    Ugh. As if!

    Mar 14, 01:51 AM
    At 10:30 this morning Bristol had a few white Verizon pads and a few black 16GB WiFi pads. Neither was what I was looking for. I went to MV, Spectrum, Fashion Isalnd, called Brea and Cerritos - all sold out. I am going back to Bristol for opening time tomorrow.


    Bristol Apple store? Ill be going to Best Buy (Tustin / the District / Costa Mesa, either of those) to reserve an iPad tomorrow. If they happen to have one, ill get a black 16gb WiFi. Ill probably call each store before I go though. Either way, Ill have one by the end of the week it seems.

    And if that doesnt work, Ill try the Apple stores (Irvine and Fashion Island and South Coast.)

    Then if I am totally empty handed Ill just expand outside of the OC if I have to.

    Apr 22, 04:40 PM
    I switched from ios to android after selling my 3g and getting a Captivate. After owning the captivate and using my friends iphone 4 quite a bit there are 3 things that can get me to switch back.

    1. Bigger screen. I'd take an decrease of pixel density over smaller screen size any day. I'd love a 4 inch screen but 3.7 is okay.

    2. (puts up flame shield) Iphone 4 feels like a brick. HEAVY. My captivate with a case is feels MUCH lighter than i4. I'd like it if apple could trim the fat somewhere without sacrificing it's great battery life.

    3. Better notification system with some sort of widgets (or at least some relevant lockscreen info and quick access to settings). I can't believe it's taken this long and the few rumors of ios 5 haven't been getting my hopes up.

    I'm over flash on a phone, I barely ever use it, but I still would like something to fill the gap in the tablet space while html 5 matures.

    To the iphone's credit, the overall package is much more polished than android (except for notifications-those are just embarrassing)

    and as a bonus, my captivate gps doesn't work for jack so I'm not being tracked. :cool:


    Apr 12, 08:58 AM (

    IJ Reilly
    Jul 22, 11:22 AM
    Microsoft bought 150 million in non-voting stock. Hardly a controlling interest. They have since sold most if not all of that stock for a tidy profit. Apple in turn dropped the "Look and Feel" lawsuit (which they weren't going to win anyway) and MS promised updates to "Office" and IE. Microsoft has NO significant financial stake in Apple.

    It had nothing to do with the "look and feel" lawsuit. Apple had lost that one five years earlier. The legal issues still remaining between Apple and Microsoft in 1997 were over multimedia.

    Edit: And FWIW, Microsoft's "investment" in Apple amounted to about 5% of their market value at the time, which would hardly have been a controlling interest even if they stock bought them any votes, which it did not. Microsoft is thought to have divested the shares in 2000.

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