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  • SPUY767
    Jul 12, 08:58 AM
    I doubt that Apple are able to charge the "normal" Mac premium after the intel transition, since it is much simpler to compare Macs with another PCs. Almost like Apple for Apple. ;)

    Name another consumer workstation with a XEON Processor in it. For XEON based machines, the Apple's will be a deal, much like the XServes were the cheapest 1u you could get with the power.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 21, 12:09 PM
    That's great! I want to put 4GB in my 8-core Mac Pro anyway, so I hope the price lingers there (or maybe even falls a little by the time I can get an octo core). I'd buy now, but I'd rather hold out on the chance that it'll drop a little more, or even on the longshot that they'd change what kind of modules the new machines use.

    I doubt anything with the Mac Pro will change (other than the CPUs) when the 8-core models ship. Intel originally was very committed to using the FB-DIMM type RAM in their systems for the next couple years. However, they have since backtracked on that and said that they will continue to explore other options. Who knows what that means... I thik it means that we'll probably see DDR3 on mid-range systems in '07, probably in notebooks as well at some point mid to late year. But I would guess that for the foreseeable future, FB-DIMM is the standard for Xeon workstations and servers, so Mac Pro and XServer should continue with this type of RAM for a while. When Intel finally shifts to the new 45nm process sometime mid/late next year, then all bets are off as they will need to increase bandwidth for both the RAM and FSB to keep in step with CPU growth.

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  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:20 PM
    The muslim extremists in my country always get supported by those who call themselves "moderate muslims". Probably because of some "solidarity" (blind obedience) code within the ummah. When they gang up together like that on controversial issues, it's very easy to see them all as extremists. That's how they strive to appear, even when they're not.That's the trouble with the Word of God�: it's just not negotiable. 7th century rules.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 21, 12:42 PM
    I'm Speechless. All I can think of is "Wow!"

    Makes 20" 1600 x 1200 look puny and the 24" 1920 x 1200 modest.

    Yep. Now that I've gone with the 30", I feel so cramped on anything smaller. The dual 30" config is awesome... More than enough space to leave all kinds of stuff accessible - it's insanely wonderfully cool.

    ...Which brings up my little learning experience over the past couple days. I fired up my 30" as the second display on may G5 quad and all was well. But I was starting to have second thoughts about crowding my desk at home. I packed it back up and took it to the office, plugged it in. Came right up, but I couldn't set the resolution on it to anything higher than 1280x800. Hmmm.... Both had the same video card, (or so I thought), both were the same system, the one at the office was manufactured 12/05, the one at home was 10/05. So I try some different software re-installs and whatnot can't figure it out. so I jump online and research until I'm blue... The 7800GT only has a single dual-link DVI port. Weird, I thought it had two? So I packed the monitor back up, took it home to see what was up... Before plugging it into my quad at home, I started to move the system to open it up and noticed the extra fan openign next to the DVI connectors and the round mini-din style connector. WTF! So I popped the lid real quick to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. This system has the FX4500 and I never even noticed until now. I guess I never checked. :o I had to dig out my invoice, it was a refurbished system I bought from a local dealer -- system was a lease return that made it back to them after only 3 months. It supposedly had the 7800GT in it, but nope - FX4500.

    Lucky me. :D My resale value on this system just went way up. ;)

    How do I look for dead pixels AppliedVisual? Yes I want two. :)

    Two kinds of bad pixels usually show on LCD monitors. Dead pixels are pixels that are black and won't do anything, somewhat rare, really. Stuck pixels are pixels where one of the R, G or B elements is "stuck" at a certain color value and won't change. Typically stuck pixels are stuck full-on and will stand out against dark backgrounds. The best way to check for them is to run a full-screen game or program that can show a black background, other color backgrounds can be helful at times too. Stuck pixels will be visible pixels in these situations. Usually, you'll see them when they show up as they do tend to stand out against contrasting backgrounds. Other types of anomalies on these displays are white pixels or sparkles, which can either be static like a dead/stuck pixel or they can move or come and go. These are usually caused by a poor video signal or too much power over the video interface. Sometimes can even be a faulty GPU. Multi-component pixels - where more than just one R, G or B component is stuck on at the same pixel location are often a faulty GPU. But sparkels and multi-component pixels can still be a defective display... I ordered a Dell notebook for an employee a couple years ago and it arrived with hundreds of stuck/multicomp. pixels all around the screen edges. Dell swapped it out, but I know it was caused by the system sitting on a loading dock or in a truck overnight when it got to -25F here. The LCD screen literally froze all around the edges causing irrepairable damage!

    The 30" makes such a huge difference in managing windows of different applications simultaneously. I can see why you wanted 2 AV. Tell me, is there a significant improvement inthe design of your 3007 vs the 3005

    AFAIK, there never was a 3005 model, only the 3007. Dell didn't announce their 30" display until last December. I ordered mine on Christmas Eve last year and received it the first week of January. It's a 3007 model as well, Rev.A00. The new one is Rev.A02. Both are identical except I find the old one to have a slight tint to the whites. I had to tweak the color profile for the old one a bit to match the new one, but now it's fine. I don't know if it's a difference in revisions or just normal variation between models or what. The difference is slight, and is only noticeable when the two are side by side, which they are. :D On the bright side, with that Dell forum coupon, my new one was nearly $1K cheaper than the first one.

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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 9, 01:03 PM
    Hard core gaming is PC gaming. Why because you have to really care about the quality of your games to go out and spend 1000 plus just to play games.
    Second iOS devices are not competing with nintendo or Sony's portables. People buy an iPhone as a phone, not to play games and the same goes with all the iOS devices. People Pick up a Portable game like a DS or PSP to play games not to listen to music not to surf the web or watch movies. You are comparing a device that does gaming as a secondary function to something that was developed for the one purpose of gaming.

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  • hunkaburningluv
    Apr 9, 11:17 AM
    That's not what he's saying. The premise being presented is adapt/evolve or face the consequences of a rapid moving technological world. Doesn't mean the company goes out of business.

    that's the thing, ninty have already shown that they can adapt and disrupt a market, they did it with the wii, the ds and they will do it with the 3DS...... they will still remain the kings of hand held gaming, primarily because the NGP will probably price itself out of the equation.

    Ninty couldn't hold it's own when it came to the horsepower of the 360 and PS3 so it went in a different direction and that gamble payed off for them big time.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 15, 12:35 PM
    I'll skip through the massive flame war that's probably going on in the comments and say nice job Apple :). I'm glad you're taking part in this project, I'm sure it has helped and will help a lot of teens.

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  • pdjudd
    Oct 7, 05:04 PM
    I will not be surprised. This is similar to what happened to Apple and PC makers back in the days. Just the sheer volume of PC producers finally lifted Windows above OS X. I believe similar trend will follow on for mobile market. More and more phone makers will adopt Android or Windows Mobile and overtake Iphone OS.

    So why hasn't Windows Mobile ever been really successful? I think we can rule them out. Like most MS products, they don't dominate the market enough to succeed. Cellular phones are very saturated market wise.

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  • -aggie-
    May 4, 11:39 AM
    If you Google "Mac Defender" you'll run across any number of sites that will tell you the same thing: Don't install it and remove it from your system. You don't need to be a MR forums reader to find that out. After all, the information about the threat didn't originate from this site, and neither did the solution.

    WTF? MacRumors is not the source of all knowledge?? You're talking crazy, right?

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  • G5isAlive
    Mar 18, 08:04 AM
    You do realize the phone, aka the system, was designed to do this and that AT&T is going out of their way to charge people double for what they are paying for?

    It would be no different if your home ISP tacked on a $20+ charge each month for having a router at home.

    I'm waiting for the class action lawsuit as this is wrong. The service that people have bought is not somehow giving them more bandwidth or a higher amount of download data simply because they are tethering through the phone. The phone can only download so fast to begin with so any device you connect to it will still be limited.

    I am amazed people keep justifying their actions. Phone companies are like insurance companies, they balance service with costs to make profit. They tailor their plans to do so. Making profit is in the consumers best long term interest. Unprofitable companies go out of business.

    They can calculate if they introduce certain plans just how much gets used and not used and base costs accordingly. When people break the contracts to do whatever they want, it eventually costs the rest of the consumers in increased rates. The reason there isn't unlimited data plans is some people would go out of their way to use as much bandwidth as possible just because they could. So AT&T had to put on limits. But they did so with a business model in hand.

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  • ccrandall77
    Sep 12, 03:24 PM
    This was the product I was really waiting for. It's cool, but I'm disappointed it doesn't have a DVD player and it looks like it probably won't work with EyeTV. So, I guess I'm sticking with my MacMini on the TV and hoping for a better version of FrontRow soon.

    Of course, if this is like the Airport Express and can be used as a WiFi router (and hopefully it's 802.11n compliant), then I could see moving the iMac out of the bedroom and just hooking this baby up to a small LCD TV. I can always use Handbrake to create a streamable video file.

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  • Povilas
    Oct 7, 12:03 PM
    Android is a mobile OS. iPhone is a device. Android is and will be used in many devices by many manufacturers. iPhone is only one device, but if you add iPod Touch which runs the same OS I don't think Android can surpass it by 2012.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 26, 05:04 PM
    You're wrong: I use a quad at work every day, and I have a dual (G5) at home. Unless I'm actually rendering something, I cannot detect the difference in speed. I use Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Cinema4D extensively. You people who think that a quad is helping you fly through Illustrator are full of crap, sorry. Nice delusion to have, but it's all in your head.

    EDIT: I should note that if you're doing heavy multitasking (like renders in the background), then yes, it could help. I've also played WoW while doing 3D renders in the background, and the quad is pretty nice for that (although the dual does a surprisingly good job with that situation as well -- WoW is still very playable).It's not placebo. I am rendering video most of the time. Glad to hear you also use a Quad. You just have a different frame of reference than I. Not trying to be right and calling you wrong - just sharing my experience as I see it. We're both right from our different points of view. I don't use the Adobe suite much at all - mainly only ImageReady. So we don't share experience with a common set of applications.

    I'm just trying to explain how my workflow keeps me from enjoying a DC or DP PMs any more. Maybe that will change when I go C2D Intel someday on a 2.33GHz Merom MBP for example. But meanwhile I need more cores more than I need mobility.What I meant is that you're wrong that I have no experience using a quad-core Mac...not so much on your opinion...My bad. I misunderstood your meaning. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion.Sorry if I reacted strongly...yes, it really does depend on each individual situation. All else being equal, sure, more cores are better. I'm just saying a lot of people, probably the majority of people, don't need and will rarely put to use more than two of them.This multicore stuff is very individualized experience. I think it depends on the unique set of applications and the way you use those applications in what order that can determine if you will benefit from a lot of cores or not. I also think a lot of younger people will learn to take advantage of a lot of cores through the clever planning of multitasking that older people may never imagine.

    While I agree many may never feel the need for more than two, I also think it will be a seriously large minority that will feel the need for at least four and a smaller but still large group that will need 8 or more.

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  • ATD
    Nov 2, 01:25 AM
    How well does Maya scale when you use 2, 4, and 6 threads?

    I'm not sure how the app (Maya) itself scales but the rendering in Mental Ray scales perfectly. 4 cpus render twice as fast as 2, 6 cpus render 3 times as fast as 2. That's if all the cpus are the same of course.

    Is that what you were asking?

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  • orak
    Oct 6, 10:16 AM
    OK, it seems like Woodcrest was officially unveiled by Intel on July 27 and the new Mac Pros were available for purchase (same day they were announced) on August 7.

    So if it goes like that, we could see these things as early as late November, right? Just doing some wishful thinking! :)

    Ugh, it's gonna be hard waiting until December or January. I just hope the price won't be so much higher than what we see now.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 24, 01:02 PM
    I was always under the impression that reincarnation was considered a kind of living hell, like reliving Junior High School over and over again.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    or better yet....wouldn't living forever a hell? who would want to go to Heaven and live forever...

    What makes life so sweet is that it is NOT everlasting

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 30, 11:47 AM
    If I was running upcomming Leopard OSX, a few osx apps, the full upcoming CS3 Suite (not necessarily Batch Processing), have After Effects rendering a 30 minute clip in the background, downloading *legal torrents, watching internet tv (muted), while burning a DVD and listening to music..

    That keeping in mind I won't necessariy be rendering-multiple scenes, while encoding, batch processing with a multiple of applications while running SETI@home ;) .... yet

    Would that kind of Multi-tasking benefit through Multi-threading on the Octobot's 8-Cores..
    Or slighly / not significant enough to warrant Going Octo over Quad..IMHO Definitely. With the Quad each process you describe will run slower and/or flat out bog down the Mac so you can't even word process without waiting for characters to appear. I know this 'cause I already have this happening to me a lot on the Quad G5.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 12:03 PM
    ALL Catholics are called to chastity. 100% of them. It's too bad you don't know what the word means.

    What? Oh please. That's simply not true. How the hell could you have kids if you were ALL called to chastity?

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  • SandynJosh
    May 2, 03:44 PM
    All macs do have built-in anti-malware:
    Don't know how good it is, though.

    NOTHING built-in or installed later will protect a computer if the user is stupid.

    You, as a user, have to be wary of allowing yourself to do what the malware creator needs you to do to circumvent whatever protection your computer has. Oddly enough, there's a large enough number of village idiots with computers of any OS to make it worth writing malware.

    May 31, 06:53 PM here's the deal...

    I've been on AT&T for over a year now, using an iPhone 3g. No dropped calls at all, 5 bars everywhere in my area, and full 3G coverage.

    Verizon has 0 bars in my area, and their phones are crap...

    Way to go AT&T!

    WTF? Why do people buy phones without knowing if they work in their areas first? If I went by what people say on these boards, I'd have bought a Verizon phone that wouldn't work in my area, and on a phone that's crap....


    :apple: How would you go about finding out if a phone or carrier service worked in a certain area if you didn't consult other people or credible sources? Wouldn't you have to make a decision based on 'Other Peoples Opinions' in order to find out? If you know Verizon service yields 0 bars in your area do you know this as a previous Verizon service customer, consult someone directly or take the 'Opinion' of the AT&T salesman?

    Are you so inflexible as to believe no one in the universe has occasional connection problems? Do you live under an AT&T tower and never stray far from it? I'm looking to get an iPhone in 2 months and I hope it really is as reliable as you describe.

    Oct 4, 09:52 PM
    I had Verizon and live about 4000 feet from their tower. Got where I could not even get a decent call or receive one unless I stood outside and held the phone a certain way. Tried others phones, same problem. Had them check the tower, at least they said they did, no joy. So, I got AT&T phone, it worked in my yard in my computer room, worked in back of grocery store, so I switched to AT&T and never looked back! I occasionally get a dropped call, but so did I on Verizon, no worse on AT&T. Having worked at phone company for 35 plus years, I find it amazing that cell phones work as well as they do given low power used in them.

    Mar 15, 06:48 PM
    I've found that most people don't care as much about their country as people believe (or say they do). They and their families well being come first above all else in almost ALL cases of people. They only care about the "country" when it benefits them in a way that they know (or are used to).What evidence do you have for this beyond the purely anecdotal?

    Not that I hope there is, but if there is nuclear a threat to their health, or their (future) children's health, you better bet they will move along to better pastures.You think there wasn't a nuclear threat in 1945?

    As for "moving to the US" one of the reasons why the US is so "advanced" is not because of age old traditional Americans' feats, but the immigrants who were given the opportunity to migrate here to "escape" their country. You didn't think we invented rockety, did you? What about nuclear power? E=mc2 itself was discoverd by someone who really didn't love his country! And a whole slew of other the early computers. Mostly all of this was by immigrants who left their country to go to "the land of opportunity".Usually either because their country was in ruins or because they were under threat. Neither of these things applies in Japan. There has been a major natural catastrophe, possibly more to come, but if they managed to rebuild and thrive after the wholesale destruction of WW2, they will manage this time, too. If your thesis were true, then Japan, Germany (and most of the rest of Europe) would be depopulated wasteland. Some people clearly feel heavily invested in their local cultural values.

    Phil A.
    Aug 29, 04:00 PM
    Well that's more to do with Blair being uninformed and making decisions because he likes to sound better than he is. If Blair hadn't been a pillock and stuck to the realistic, achievable timeline that everyone else stuck to, then it would have been achievable. Why he said we'd double those targets is beyond most people except the monkey labour spin doctor that suggested it.

    What the Greenpeace report is saying, is that Apple don't even have a strategy (timeline) for restricting material use (bar legal restrictions) and that is a black mark for the company when compared to a company that does. it's doing what it has to do, not what it should be doing if it wants to be considered the best. Dell is similar to this but is further along.

    This is also related to Apple's almost nazi-like paranoia about secrecy which is harming its reputation on several fronts.

    As has already been asked on this thread, why couldn't Apple release details of all the materials is uses or equivalent detail to other manufacturers? Why couldn't it be pro-active and understand the impact it could have (like putting it up at the top of this report)? perhaps because it's not actually as all conquering/superior and clever as it likes people to think?

    I completely agree that a company that has a timeline for implementing change should be marked higher than one that says "we'll do it" but gives no dates. I still maintain, however, that companies should not be given full marks until they've actually delivered on their promises - at the present moment neither company is actually doing anything to protect the environment in those areas

    Aug 25, 10:17 PM
    SJ said it takes 2 years to build a cell tower in the bay area. compared to something like 6 months in texas

    it's not a sf bay area problem nearly as much as it is a san francisco problem.

    i live in the city, and i swear - while the rest of us are working - the "neighbors against things we don't understand" go to each and every city board meeting and derail cell antenna applications.

    even though we have huge chunks of the city with electrified light rail wires overhead emitting their own em radiation, it's the cellphones that must be stopped.

    i'm not making excuses for att - because i think that they have experience deploying in plenty of difficult markets - they just choose to not work the system to get things done.

    and let's face it - service always declines in a single-provider model.

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