japanese cherry blossom wallpaper

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  • BC2009
    Mar 18, 11:34 AM
    Someone is failing... hard

    <soapbox -- move on if you are not interested>
    It's you. He's right. I could care less about the whiners who say "I need 10GB per month to tether all my devices to my iPhone." I don't like subsidizing that. If you use that much data on your iPhone directly without tethering then more power to you -- that was AT&T's mistake for offering an unlimited plan.

    But the "unlimited plan" they offered did not say "unlimited devices on one plan". It was very specifically restricted to the iPhone. To those who have cheated system, I applaud your brilliance for working around the rules. But when the rule maker starts cracking down on your circumvention crying that it is "unfair" is a bit comical.

    Everybody signs a contact with their carriers when they get service. They sure as heck know what they are signing up for -- some of amount of money every month for some sort of access to their network with some set of limitations.

    Sure, if you buy an iPhone it is yours. You can do what you want with it. However, your use of the carrier's network is subject to a contract with specific terms. If you don't like the terms then you don't need to agree to them. But if you choose to agree to them and try to cheat the carrier through unfair practices then don't expect others to be happy about subsidizing your practice through increased rates or degraded service.

    The carrier is going to make their money one way or the other. They are a corporation driven by profits. Retail stores raise prices to compensate for shoplifting just like carriers raise rates to compensate for network expansion and lost customers due to network overload from those who circumvent the agreement they signed up for.

    Any measure by the carrier to crack down on those who cheat the system is a welcome effort to those who choose not to cheat the system. They could be jerks and just decide that its not worth the effort to go after those folks and make everybody pay for it.

    Do I believe that AT&T will drop their rates once they crack down on the bandwidth cheaters? Heck no. Do I believe that the network performance will get better for the rest of us without added monthly fees, probably. Either way, what's fair is fair. Nobody is born entitled to an iPhone and mobile data. But the sense of entitlement in this country has gotten so out of hand.

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  • speedriff
    Feb 16, 10:34 AM
    Yes Android will surpass the iPhone OS as all the phone manufacturers are adopting it (the smart ones anyway, sorry Microshaft). That being said however, Apple does have a problem on it's hands. Google is refining its product and very soon it will give Apple a good run. Right now Apple is king of the good smartphone market and if you want one you have to go to AT&T and give up call reliability for it. Once there is a great option, Apples foray into the cell market is going to be hit hard. Other manufacturers are giving AMOLED screens and are getting better and better. Once they get a decent music program or they make their phones play nice with iTunes and get some really good apps (Hey Google I don't like shopping for apps on my phone) the iPhone will have serious competition. Hey Steve Jobs, you better quit being so hardheaded and give us Flash. Yeah I know it is old tech but most websites use it...get it? The other manufacturers gotta love this about Jobs. I am pretty much an Apple fanboy but I am really starting to think Jobs is a douche. Hopefully he will review the history of other American companies who get successful and sit back and let the others pass them by, taking the marketshare with them. If Jobs and Co. aren't careful that is exactly what is going to happen to Apples wireless share.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. Japanese Cherry Blossom
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  • Manic Mouse
    Jul 13, 06:11 AM
    Take a look at the iMac. Now, it's quite small, isn't it? Nice and thin, and silet as well. How are you planning to cool that 2.4GHz Conroe in a machine like that?

    Like I said, my laptop has a hotter CPU in it. I've yet to hear a good argument as to why a Conroe is too hot to put in an iMac when they had G5's in them not so long ago. If a Macbook can handle 35W then the much much bigger and thicker iMac can handle 65W.

    And why should Apple go for a whole different CPU, when they already have a great replacement for their current CPU: Merom. Only thing they need to do is to replace the current CPU with the new one. Conroe would take a lot more work.

    Personally, being a consumer and not Steve Jobs, I couldn't care less if it's more work for them to design a new MoBo for Conroe. I put my money where the best performance is, not what's easiest for Apple.

    Like I said, Conroes are cheaper than Meroms for the performance you can get. It would be sheer stupidity of Apple to put meroms in their desktop because it would cost them just as much to put them in there and they'd be getting lower performance. Which means iMacs would be over-priced and under-performing compared to any other desktop.

    If that is true, then current iMac isn't competetive either. It's "overpriced" and "underperforming". Is that what you think?

    Why do you think Apple laptops sell so much better? The Macbook, as it stands, is competitive in the market in terms of specs/price but also has all the lovely Apple design and extras. Which is why it's selling like hotcakes. The current iMac isn't competitive, and you'd be mad not to admit that. 512Mb RAM standard? Underclocked X1600 128Mb?

    But all the things that are letting the iMac down now I fully expect to be upgraded in August, along with Conroe. Apple have demonstrated with the Macbook that they can offer Apple design at competitive prices. And it's something they'll have to do if they want to increase their market share.

    Merom is the logical choice. It's a drop-in replacement, it runs cooler, it's about 20% faster, clock for clock...

    It's also less powerful and more expensive (per Mhz) than Conroe. So it's logical for Apple to put a less powerful, more expensive CPU in their computers? Funny deffinition of logic.

    If it's possible for apple to put Conroe in the iMac (and it is) then they will, because it makes economic sense to pay the same and get a better product for both Apple and consumers. I think the effort of designing a new MoBo would be more than worth that.

    What I think will happen is that current 1.83 and 2Ghz Core Duo'w will be replaced by 2 and 2.13Ghz Meroms.

    And when there are cheaper desktops with 2.4 and 2.6Ghz Conroes in them what will consumers buy? It doesn't make sense to pay more and get less, no matter how pretty the packaging is.

    I intend to buy an iMac when I can get a 2.4Ghz Conroe in it. If they get Merom I simply will not buy one and buy a PC instead. Unless of course Apple unleash the "desktop" Mac everyone's talking about.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossoms wallpaper.
  • cherry blossoms wallpaper.

  • dante@sisna.com
    Oct 26, 11:28 AM
    Wow. You must be using some uber version of PS.
    I havent managed to break 110% whatever I am doing with my MP.
    You have the CS 3 or 4?

    Have you tought that that might be the reason for the high cpu usage? Eh? By any coincidence?

    No -- WE DO THIS KIND OF WORK EVERYDAY. We are a production lab with a 20 year history. We have used Photoshop in Isolation on multiple One Gig Files using Actions to process as many as 40 files at one -- so nearly 40 Gig.

    Run an RGB to CMYK conversion on a 1 Gig Photoshop file with embedded profiles -- watch activity monitor. See that all four processors kick in for this processes. Many Photoshop processes efficiently use all four processors.

    Besides the main point of the original post is that users don't see much improvement with Quad Cores --- this is just plain WRONG.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. Japanese Cherry Blossoms
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  • dumb terminal
    May 6, 02:42 AM
    I challenge you to walk down the west side, anywhere... but take 9th avenue from say... the 57th St to the mid 30's. Just get in a cab. Make a phone call in regular traffic. I'd be willing to wager that at least 75% of the time you drop a call, once, if not twice during that trip. It happens to me nearly every day.

    Heck, I work in an office in the Flatiron District, and on my work iPhone, it is literally an act of god if your call lasts longer than two minutes. I get slightly better times at home in Brooklyn (Prospect Heights), but I'm averaging about 5-6 dropped calls during the day. It's frustrating (and embarrassing at the same time) when I lose a call with a client, and after calling them back, they ask "Are you on AT&T?" And not to mention the absolutely atrocious data speeds.

    Strangely, my (personal) Verizon Blackberry has never had a problem anywhere in NYC. Hmm :rolleyes:

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossom wallpaper
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  • firestarter
    Mar 15, 08:21 PM
    True, many European civil nuclear programs (France in particular comes to mind) were nationalistic ventures perhaps more than anything. I wonder how the politics will play out in Germany.

    And now France are making $3bn EUR a year from exporting electricity - also probably laughing heartily when they see at the price of oil.

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  • cherry blossom wallpaper hd.

  • macorama
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    the users at macpredict got the nano and shuffle update dates spot on - shouldn't be too hard to pick the iTV Release Date (http://macpredict.com/events/Apples-iTV-Release-Date) in the lead up to christmas.

    I just hope Apple isn't going totally consumer and forgetting the computers!

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. japanese cherry blossom
  • japanese cherry blossom

  • KidStallyn
    Mar 18, 11:47 AM
    ATT already requires me to have data with an iPhone. There is NO option to say no. If they find that you have an iPhone without a data plan, they will make you add it. Regardless of how you obtained your phone.

    Now, I "chose" the option to use "unlimited" data out of the 3 options. Data, therefore is defined as 1s and 0s at their basic level. Does it really matter if my phone is getting those 1s and 0s or if my phone is just a pass thru for those 1s and 0s. Does ATT incur any extra fees for those PCs 1s and 0s that they would not otherwise incur on the iPhones 1s and 0s. No. They do not. This is a great big scam to get an extra $20/month from those people who chose to get the plan. Is the tethering feature somethign that ATT designed on the phone?? I'm saying hardware and software. Did ATT design any software or Hardware on the phone that would allow or prohibit tethering. NO. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING required from ATT to enable tethering. Mi-Wi proves this.

    I would understand if ATT developed an App like Mi-Wi that enabled tethering on your iPhone. Charge whatever they want. But the fact is, they did not do that. My phone is allowed to use unlimited number of 1s and 0s.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. blossomry
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  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 08:46 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossom wallpaper.
  • cherry blossom wallpaper.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 05:18 PM
    don't thank me, thank ct2k7 for saying just why islam is a threat to democracy.

    So, follow the local law unless a sane muslim man commits apostasy (then sentence him to death as under sharia law).

    follow local law unless someone insults the name of muhammad or who is critical of islam.

    you say it only applies to muslims yet the victims in blasphemy cases in pakistan, for example, are mostly christians.

    I do understand that correlation doesn't equal causation. However, Morocco is thousands of miles away from Pakistan yet both condone honour killing, do you understand the significance of that?

    My view may not be shared by ~1.5 billion muslims but it is shared by the many millions of muslims (ten million in africa by some estimates) who leave islam despite the death penalty levelled against them for apostasy.

    Lauren Booth isn't a very good advocate to endorse anything, except perhaps anti-psychotic medication.

    Lots of intellectuals supported the Nazi party yet many would be hard pressed to not call the Nazi party evil. the Qur'an and Mein Kampf are very similar. Both are chauvinistic, misogynistic and supremacist. Who wouldn't want to join a group that told you you can do whatever you want to your wife/children and that you're "the best of people" and going to heaven for emulating a degenerate warlord from the 7th century, and that all other people who disagree with you are wrong wrong wrong?

    The "war" against islam that you speak of is being encouraged by imams, and at saudi funded madrassas in the UK and beyond.

    in the US more hate crimes were perpetrated against jews in 2010 than any other group. hate crimes against muslims had gone down in 2010. so, i guess the islamophobia is really poisonous and rampant...

    interestingly, as the muslim population increases so too do reported cases of anti-semitic hate crimes.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 09:26 AM
    What the heck are you talking about??? :confused:

    Yeah, he seems to have forgotton those personal computers known as the Apple ][, the Commodore PET, the Atari 400 and 800, and so on that predated the IBM PC. He's creating a very limited definition that ignores history.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossom wallpaper.
  • cherry blossom wallpaper.

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 11:11 AM
    AT&T MUST fix their accounting before they have a moral leg to stand on to pull a stunt like this.

    For those of you complaining about the theft of service, how about the theft of money from the customer by AT&T?

    Two separate issues.

    ATT can prove if you're tethering or not. This has nothing to do with how much data you are or are not using.

    Even if you use 1KB via tether and you aren't on their plan - they have a leg to stand on.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. japanese cherry blossom
  • japanese cherry blossom

  • ldburroughs
    Mar 18, 12:29 PM
    I wonder how long it'll be until Apple comes up with a fix for this?

    iTunes SP2??? I kid, I kid.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossom wallpaper.
  • cherry blossom wallpaper.

  • MadGoat
    Apr 24, 02:17 PM
    actually it is not the fear of Death ... many religious people do not worry when their time is done ... for them "the afterlife" trumps everything

    You just validated the original point. the fear of death is why people embrace religion to give them hope of an afterlife and immortality so that they don't have to be afraid.

    Myself, I'm not afraid of dying, it's something I cannot stop. I'm just afraid of dying too soon.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. of lossom Japanese cherry
  • of lossom Japanese cherry

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 11, 08:06 AM
    I'm in Tokyo. The big shake happened around 3 in the afternoon. I was walking around outside. Returned immediately to my apartment. Lots of broken glass and plates. Books have fallen from the shelf and my office was a mess, but my old mother, dog & cats, and Macs are okay. The aftershocks are continuing.

    The damage in Tokyo seems to be fairly light. The situation in Sendai (northern part of Japan) is very serious. It's been hit by tsunami. The TV is showing these helicopter shots of tsunami coming in, and you can actually see cars and buildings and sometimes people being washed away. Can't do anything. I stopped watching TV.

    Do they take those "people washed away" videos off Youtube or something right away? All I've seen are the same footages of "stuff" being engulfed by the front. It almost looks as if the entire area has been evacuated prior to this. I tried to find ppl, but I don't see any....unless they like instantly die and sink to the bottom or something or are stuck in the cars.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. cherry blossom branch tattoo.
  • cherry blossom branch tattoo.

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 11:14 AM
    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. japanese blossom wallpaper
  • japanese blossom wallpaper

  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 12:20 PM
    Exactly what I was thinking. Screw the next 4 hours, for the next month I'm going to non-stop stream audio and video. I even disabled WiFi so I don't use my works connection I use only AT&T's.

    Blow me ATT.

    Netflix non-stop for the next month

    And this accomplishes what - exactly?

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. Japanese cherry blossom
  • Japanese cherry blossom

  • ArcaneDevice
    Apr 6, 03:09 PM
    Navigation on a Mac is far faster.

    If you know what you are doing.

    Every folder can be moved to any visible location in the finder even if it's just in the file path.

    Keyboard commands and shortcuts from OS 9 still apply. Everything can be navigated by CMD and cursors, dragging folders into dialog boxes opens the location in other apps, panel navigation is infinitely superior to the Explorer tree, CMD and clicking on a window title gives you instant path hierarchy, double-click still minimizes, you can drop any folder into the dock to provide access to anything you want to put in there, files can be viewed without opening the application, option and clicking on a folder arrow in list view opens all folder contents in list view, option and close closes all windows on screen ...

    there are hundreds of tricks and shortcuts that can be found to navigate the Finder that Windows 7 still hasn't come around to yet. Switchers need to pick up a book otherwise the flexibility of the Finder will not be unlocked.

    One of the basic failings of Windows is that even if you can see the location that doesn't mean you can interact with it.

    japanese cherry blossom wallpaper. Japan#39;s Cherry Blossom
  • Japan#39;s Cherry Blossom

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 24, 09:52 AM
    I have been blessed with an athletic and healthy body.

    Unfortunately, your avatar shows your butter face and not your hot bod....

    Apr 6, 09:27 PM
    Is customization really any worse than windows? I have never found customization in windows to be very intuitive, and one of the draws for OS X for me would be that it looks so much cleaner (by default). I've spent ages customizing windows and can never make it look good with solid-style windows anymore. It's either transparency or it looks horrible, and I am not a big fan of transparency or aero. The only thing I can imagine wanting to customize in OS X are the icons and I already know that much easier solutions exist than for windows.

    Apr 27, 09:47 PM
    The people who put the "blood" on Christianity's hands have never used the Bible to justify it. The mujahideen use the Qur'an and hadith to justify their actions.

    I understand the distinction you are making about Islam and I agree it is a substantial distinction. But if actions count, it's a fine point if the Bible was used or not to justify the actions of seizing and holding onto power and spilling blood in the process which is a historical fact.

    Apr 24, 12:05 PM
    This book says there is an invisible man in the sky who made the earth. We know this because the invisible man wrote the book. He listens to you but doesn't answer. If you do as he says you go to a wonderful afterlife, but if you don't you go to a horrible one.

    If you do what he says? That's not enough - what have you learned? Salvation lies in sola fide, i.e. faith alone according to Luther. That is, faith in Jesus as the Saviour of the world. Protestants can do what they want and still go to Heaven. And if you're Catholic, you need to do good deeds and have faith in God - you can't get around the latter.

    So - what happens to those who live a pious life and die without ever hearing about Jesus? According to my Christian teachers, those would go to hell. Those who grow up in totalitarian regimes where religion is banned, such as North Korea, will thus go from one instance of hell to another because they don't fulfill the requirements for salvation. Sounded quite self-righteous to me, but I cut the Christians some slack on that point anyway.

    But what about the Jews? "Yes what about them?" They don't believe in Jesus as the world's Saviour either - not even today. "Oh, they are under some special set of rules so they will go to Heaven anyway." Yeah, right... The more I knew about Christians, the less I understood them. That's when I realised that something was fundamentally wrong (no pun intended).

    Mar 15, 02:07 AM
    Someone has a Geiger Counter reading set up in Tokyo (I assume that is the location). If someone can explain this that would be wonderful.

    LINK (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/geiger_index.html)

    http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/uploaddata/radiation.jpg (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/uploaddata/radiation.jpg)


    Counts per minute (cpm) is a measure of radioactivity. It is the number of atoms in a given quantity of radioactive material that are detected to have decayed in one minute.

    As to why theres that peak thing? Maybe a was the wind change.


    Come to think of it...it wouldn't be too bad if Japan had to mass evacuate because of contamination. I mean, that place might eventually like blow up and flood at some point in the future right? It looks like it's on the verge of happening actually.

    That would be pretty cool if they evacuated now. I mean, where would they go you may ask? I think they would mostly come the the US. I mean, we sort of helped them build their country up after WWII and we've always had pretty strong ties. Our economy is similar too.

    Hey, we'll take Toyota, and Sony, and Mitsubishi...and heck, whatever can fit on the barges. :) I think it would be pretty symbiotic too as we use a lot of their crap anyway so might as well bring it all home. They have like the best manufacturing in the world and the US can use some of that today. We have lots of barren land all over the place that can be used for industry and Japanese ppl have the money to build here, rather than in the expensive cramped up island of theirs. Jobs for all! woot!

    Mar 15, 08:20 PM
    If they really can afford to take them off the grid, then why are they running? Perhaps they are sewlling the enegry to other countries and don't want to lose the revenue? Or maybe the German government is unwilling to remove a domestic power-producing option in favor of fuels they have to import from elsewhere?

    An intersting situation.

    germany is an electricity exporting country so they were "makin' teh moneys" ;)

    some now other infos i have gathered: 2 of those power plants which 'had been shut down' actually have been powered down since more than half a year anyway (as initially planed in the 2002 nuclear law compromise contract) but haven't been started up for the CDU/FDP coaltion plan to prolong their use

    2 reactors are already confirmed by the local governments as being shut of for good (Isar1,Neckarwestheim I) and the chances for Brunsb�ttel and Biblis ,which haven't exactly spotless records, are more or less considered also to be 0% unless a miracle happens

    Baden-W�rttembergs ministers Stefan Mappus seems to have been moved rather personally: last year he was one of the main supporters of prolonging the running times of the reactors and lobbying for more nuclear power: now he already took one plant off for good and during the speech in the local goverment of BW he showed to be obviously rather moved talking about "many strong personal beliefs shaken" "the question of responsibility of nuclear power ... even for me personally" etc.

    it might very well be that this event could be the final nail in the coffin for nuclear power in the CDU. A majority party simply can't support a position which 80+% of all german voters oppose.

    edit: a note to add: in germany similar to other countries the local governments of the 'states' are responsible for allowing power suppliers to operate nuclear plants...
    in the 2002 nuclear law building new commercial nuclear power plants was forbidden by law ... not that after 1986 building a new plant turned incredible difficult/next to impossible anyway

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