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  • dba7dba
    Apr 18, 04:53 PM
    First off the Prada was officially announced by LG on January 18, 2007. The iPhone was announced by Apple on january 9, 2007. The last time that I checked, January 9th came before January 18th. THAT makes the iPhone first, sorry.

    Secondly the All of the other copy cats look a ton more like the iPhone than the iPhone looks like the Prada or anything else for that matter.

    As far as whether the iPhone and iPad are innovative, I respectfully disagree with you.


    From wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LG_Prada_(KE850)

    LG Electronics has claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. Woo-Young Kwak, head of LG Mobile Handset R&D Center, said at a press conference, �We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.�[9][10]
    LG later claimed that Apple stole both the ideas and concept of the Prada phone. A lawsuit by LG had been rumored prior to this announcement; [9] however, LG has remained silent on whether or not they will file a lawsuit.

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  • Don't panic
    May 5, 11:49 AM
    No reason to split. There is only 1 door.

    i agree, and it's not like there are many alternatves so here we go, so I won't waste more time.

    R3t2: we move on to the next room

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  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    Obviously Lion will not follow App Store conventions seeing as it isn't an app.

    Why put it in the App Store if it isn't an App?

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 12:19 AM
    If you really want longer battery life, then you should be hoping to keep the X1600. It's regarded as having the best "performance per watt" of recent mobile GPUs.I'd rather have a bigger battery and a Go 7700. I've not seen any decent figures for power draw on the mobile chips. The 7700 is manufactured on an 80nm process tho', so that should help some.
    Whichever uses less battery power is what I would prefer as long as it can still drive a 30" ACD or Dell when it's plugged into AC.Personally, I hope (well, pipe dream actually) they'll make MBP build-to-order like Mac Pro. I'd downgrade the CPU to the 2.0GHz version. It wholesales for $130 less than the 2.16, and $340 less than the 2.33. That's way too much to pay for a fractional speed increase.

    OTOH, the 2.0 Xeon is $370 less than the 2.66 and Apple only cuts the price $75 for two of them. That's robbery. So I guess MBP BTO probably wouldn't help me even if they did it.The 2GHz downgrade is $300 not $75. Where did you get that number? Apple probably pays a lot less for each so this discount seems fair to me. Seems to me the down and up grade Mac Pro processor pricing is geard to steer buyers to the 2.66GHz model. I don't agree with you Apple is stealing anything from any of us. I think your use of the word "robbery" is not appropriate expecially since your figure of $75 is a flat out fabrication of your imagination. :rolleyes:Bear in mind custom options effectively "cost" Apple a lot more due to requiring special attention in a way the rest of the line doesn't. More so with the laptop line due to the processor being socketted rather than soldered.Dyslexia at work. Laptop processors are directly soldered to the LB to keep the profile slim, iMacs & minis socketed.Personally, I think the 2.33GHz part price is insane considering the small speed-bump, but that's up to Apple.While I agree the 2.33GHz upgrades are too expensive on the iMac, I expect the 2.33GHz will be the standard part in both the 15" and 17" top MBP models - no doubt on the 17". Who knows, Apple's cost per 2.33 may even drop every 30 days or so in their contract with Intel.

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  • macrumors12345
    Apr 26, 02:48 PM
    The "overall user base" and "purchases from Sept-to-March" numbers are primarily pre-Verizon iPhone and thus provide little insight on current sales. However, the survey on consumers currently planning to buy smartphones is quite interesting as it confirms the (very limited) existing data on current sales.

    From the all the hit counter data, plus VZW and ATT quarterly releases, my best guesses for *current* iPhone vs Android sales have been roughly:

    ATT: iPhone outsells Android 4-to-1 (80% iPhone)
    VZW: iPhone outsells Android 2-to-1 (66% iPhone)
    Sprint + T-Mo: Android outsells iPhone infinity-to-1 (0% iPhone)

    Each group above has roughly one-third of the US mobile market, so overall iPhone share should be 0.33*0.8 + 0.33*0.66 +0.33*0 = 48%. This is exactly the number from the Nielsen survey regarding consumers currently planning to buy a smartphone (30% iPhone vs 33% Android = 47.6% iPhone share).

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 09:08 AM
    LOL at Android users naive enough to think their "free" OS, funded by targeted advertising, isn't collecting user data.

    Right, and boy is there misinformation being spread right in this thread. Apple is NOT collecting this data, your iPhone is. It goes NOWHERE.

    As I said, it isn't even doing that for me as I deleted that file on my Mac. Hey, instead of running around with your hair on fire, just delete that file. Wow, that's easy!

    Naah, better to pretend this is one big conspiracy from Apple and spread misinformation. Hey, I know, let me contradict Steve's explicit statements. I sure know who I trust more: anonymous snipers on the Internet over Steve Jobs.

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 25, 10:34 AM
    News Flash: You just lied about Steve Jobs.

    Here is how your quote appears on the iOS:

    News: You just lied about Steve Jobs.


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  • Wayfarer
    Mar 30, 08:30 PM
    iCal has been visually overhauled to look like the iPad version

    Very nice! I feel iCal was looking rather bland and needed some oomph.

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  • mscriv
    May 6, 09:16 PM
    Just for the sake of being consistent and keeping it simple for everyone. Could you guys keep posting your actions in the Round/Turn model that DP started with?

    R1T1: Loras group explores the start room.
    R1T2: Loras' group opens the top right door and moves into the next room

    This made it really easy for everyone to keep up and will probably help those that are less frequent visitors to the thread. I'm sure it's better for our storytellers as well. Just a thought/request.

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  • grahamperrin
    Dec 24, 01:11 AM
    Kaspersky …is a lot heavier on system resources.

    With Sophos, users may find heaviness in different ways.

    The default number of WorkerThreads seems to make the system unusable for some users of the current version of Sophos. That's heaviness of one sort.

    A higher number of WorkerThreads, for which there's no GUI, will use resources in a different way. That's heaviness of a different sort.

    A system that's consistently usable is a must, so for as long as there's uncertainty around http://openforum.sophos.com/t5/Sophos-Anti-Virus-for-Mac-Home/Unable-to-complete-login-after-reboot/m-p/1027#M599 I should recommend approaching SAV with caution, and with readiness to work around things from the command line.

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  • Number 41
    Mar 29, 01:22 PM
    Hard for me, even as an Apple fan, to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.

    Hopefully the situation in Japan improves -- for reasons beyond this.

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  • squirrellydw
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    Right and what is your point?

    If they weren't making money they would be sold off or shut down. They are high end cars sold to the rich. But let me guess you are stupid to buy an over priced Apple or iProduct right? Just like anyone that buys a BMW, Ferrari or Porsche is dumb. What is dumb is thinking one product is better than another. What is better, the iPhone, Android or a Star Tec? I guess if the only thing I want to do is make phone calls my old Star Tec is the best if it still works. My point is it depends on what your needs are.

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  • AZREOSpecialist
    Apr 18, 03:16 PM
    Wow apple is way out of line here, this is not right. That's like if the first company to create a netbook sued every other company who made a netbook afterward.

    Apple does not license elements of its OS to others, unlike Microsoft. There is no reason for one netbook maker to sue another when they both license their OS from Microsoft. The only IP among netbook makers is any proprietary software and hardware design. The two issues are completely different. Apple actually owns the patents to those things they are suing over.

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  • mmoosa
    Apr 20, 06:31 AM
    Boring. I see a lot of people jump ship. :D me to wp7
    sick of those notifications, boring same ol design etc.

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 29, 10:57 PM
    I can see the crafty photoshop composites now...a keypad from this funky german gadget, a display from an old star trek episode, a set of floating M&Ms stylized as hot buttons...

    there we go!

    wouldn't surprise me, considering they ran the entire bridge of the Enterprise NX-01 in the series Star Trek: Enterprise using PM G4 Cubes

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  • Drew n macs
    Mar 27, 12:42 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Ugh, I don't want to wait till fall for IPhone 5. On VERIZON! holy crap I'm excited

    How about an Iphone 4? it did seem a little suspicious releasing a vz iphone 4 in feb when a new phone coming in june. It would not surprise me if they did release in june. I myself bought an Iphone 4 as i could not wait, either way people are going to be unhappy... those who bought an iphone or those who choose to wait.

    So I guess 2011

    So much for the year of the Ipad 2, Maybe the year of Ipads

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  • shurcooL
    Apr 24, 12:03 AM
    You could argue that when they pump all consumer Mac resolutions up to the limit of human perception, resolution independence becomes sort of moot.
    Almost, but not quite. Full resolution independence would allow you to change the scale/size of UI elements. Even if you can't see the pixels, some people may prefer smaller or larger "virtual" resolutions.

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  • Old Smuggler
    Nov 22, 01:31 AM
    palms os is severely outdated
    the only thing they have going for them is the abundance of software out
    i own a palm and will ditch it when something pda, osx feel comes from apple

    if apple makes their phone centered on a PDA and Confrencing rather than
    "its an ipod and a phone"
    i think they will gain some substantial ground

    having the ability to use the pda phone as an ipod would not be out of the question but solely a ipod phone ? i think they would be cutting their profits to a certain age group of potential buyers

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 05:47 PM
    I'll guess 12", 15" and 17". I read somewhere they're expecting a 12".

    The 12" is a unverified rumor to be taken with a large grain of salt at this point. I would think they would just soup up a MB and sell it as a MBP before they made a 12" again. Of course, you never know with apple.

    Apr 7, 11:41 AM
    They only need like ~100,000.

    Hummm... maybe Motorola has some spare Xoom screens they could share with RIM? Oh... the size thing.... Hummm...

    The Tab! There should be about 1 million+ channel returns coming back on the TAB 1.0... Samsung may have some stock that RIM could work with? A little glue and tape and there you go! :p

    Apr 28, 03:14 PM
    If not this year then soon I predict Apple will revamp the MP to be a module system tied together using TB. Of course, I hope they'll wait until the 100GB TB spec is ratified and in use, otherwise it will be a step backwards. But overall I think it could be a serious improvement for the MP. You buy the "brain" you want (mini ala i3/i5, a middle brain with Desktop i5/i7, and a "pro" brain with 1 or 2 Xeons. The brain would be CPU, RAM, USB, and TB (and perhaps wireless and ethernet). You can buy storage containers and video containers as you need.

    This system would be easily and quickly standardized (commoditized) giving continuing Apple's tight fist of control but letting them spin off the lowest margined, fasting changing areas of video processors and storage.

    I personally think it will work a bit like RED's cameras ushering a new era of embedded and server room technology. You could have a fanless I/O station and/or monitor sitting on your desk with all the fans and heavy lifting equipment isolated somewhere else.

    Apr 14, 12:46 PM
    Which is exactly what I said. But you couldn't help twisting the dagger a little bit by saying ...

    Democrats - "I am in favor of increasing government taxation, and I have the opportunity to put my money where my mouth is by voluntarily paying more taxes, but I am nonetheless not going to if other people don't."

    So are you, on your own, going to voluntarily give money to the government? Or do we get to lump you in with your description of Democrats?

    If you'd read and quoted the last two sentences of my post, you would have realized that I'm not in favor of increasing taxes as long as so much of it is spent on three needless wars.

    This sewing circle uses sarcasm time-to-time.

    Jul 31, 04:30 AM
    I would go for an Apple phone if they are as easy to use and featurepacked as a sony erriccson, but with that special apple-y goodness like a wifi voip mode or ichat voice and video hook up or something.

    That really would be very very cool.

    Sep 11, 03:25 AM
    n00bst3r predicts:

    1. Movie Store

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