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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 5, 12:19 PM
    The TV makes a terrible monitor for any other computer use, and I just don't want the computer in my TV room.
    A current LCD or Plasma television with DVI or HDMI inputs can make an excellent computer monitor.

    For example, the Samsung 46" and 40" LCDs are 1920x1080, with VGA and HDMI input. They are excellent monitors (we use them in some small conference rooms in lieu of projectors).

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 28, 12:21 PM
    This really doesn't matter. Apple will update stuff tomorrow. Steve likes to wait for tuesdays cuz he's a rockstar like that. :D

    Apple announced the Intel iMac and MBP like 5-7 days after Yonah was brought out at the begining of Jan. It'll be announced tomorrow (75%) or next Tuesday (25%), but no later than that.
    If your right i'll give you hugs untill you can''t breath!

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  • macfan881
    Sep 5, 05:26 PM
    my predictions for the 12

    Video airport express with 8021n
    Aiport Basestation 8021n
    6 and 10 gig nanos
    23 inch imac
    maybe 120 gig ipod video
    Disney movies for download with all of pixar movies being availble at launch and special preorder for cars

    one more thing.... new mac core 2 duo versions of both macbooks and mac mini

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  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 01:46 PM
    So, here is an interesting argument, as app is short for Applications, and Applications are a strict subset of programs, doesn't the App Store technically sell Programs, not Apps? Thus, the term is no generic at all. "Program Store" would the generic term. It's the same as a club called "Liqueur Store" (which is TMed.)

    Interesting indeed. But i would argue that app, application and program are all equally interchangeable.

    A club can call itself "Liqueur Store" all it wants. It is not a store that sells liqueur. It's a club that sells liqueur.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 08:27 AM
    The cellphone providers are doing all they can to reduce bandwidth usage. About a year ago I switched to the 200MB/mo. data plan to save $$$ on my AT&T bill.

    I don't understand how this application of the cloud is very useful. It will be something I would consider using only if I am near a WiFi connection, plus the ability to use DropBox for any kind of file trumps something that only works for music.

    Is the practical application going to provide control over whether it is active over WiFi vs. 3G? I am not paying another $15/mo. (or more) to AT&T just to listen to music.

    I don't get it. :confused:

    when ur at ur home you'd be connected to wifi so usage wouldn't be a problem. i don't know why anyone pays for the $15/month plan that's a complete ripoff to begin with.

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  • cwt1nospam
    Mar 20, 04:38 PM
    Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?
    Only at shills, and I hardly consider them people.
    You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.
    You seem to be intent on ignoring the fact that whatever vulnerabilities exist in OS X, antivirus software does nothing to reduce them and can actually add new vulnerabilities. There's only one reason I can think of for taking that stance, and that is that you're income depends on it.

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  • briansolomon
    Sep 12, 02:29 PM
    I very much would like to have seen the prices remain the same and include an AC adapter again.

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  • BoyBach
    Aug 28, 12:27 PM
    I expect to see a speed bump across the entire range (excluding the Mac Pro) within the coming weeks.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 11:58 AM
    Now there's 100GB BDXL. There's plenty of time for Blu-Ray to keep on living on notebooks.
    Err... and how is that relevant? I'm sure Blu-Ray will live on in other notebooks, but Apple's? Unlikely.

    There were 100GB BDXL when Apple refreshed the MacBook Pro's this year.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 05:01 PM
    You might just get your wish; I saw this article/link while surfing over the MacNN website a couple of days ago (I'm still waiting for new MBPs myself, though! :( ):

    Ultra compact computer arrangement Apple Patent Filing - Looks Like Cube II (

    Hope this isn't old news for everyone; this is my first post, although I've been following the forums ever since I started thinking about replacing my old Powerbook (should finally have the money by next month!).Excellent find and an award worthy first post. Thank you very much and welcome to the forums.What about the patent designs that were just shown of the Cube 2?

    From Unwired View - Apple Cube reborn ( is very encouraging. Perhaps this is what Steve has to talk about on Tuesday. I am a Cube lover - still own two.

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  • sciwizam
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM
    Not sure if everyone's already seen it but this is a great read from Nilay Patel:

    From Nilay's post:

    Hardware and software trade dress claims

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  • berkleeboy210
    Aug 31, 10:04 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    Completely Agree. I think there were also rumors of releases on Sept. 5 so that could be for the laptops.

    The complete refresh of the iBook (now macbook) line didn't get any media fanfare, so I don't see why an updated MBP should be any different.

    just do a quiet press release on the website, and save the *new* products and download services for the press event.

    Then if they wanted to at the event, just say that the majority of our computers now have the Core 2 Duo processors and were introduced last week, and have begun shipping today. or something to that effect

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  • cube
    Mar 30, 12:30 PM
    App Store was not a generic or broad term used to describe anything before Apple made it popular. They put those two words together and created a brand out of it.

    That's not true. I always find it annoying when I hear "THE App Store".
    Which app store?

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 6, 01:47 AM
    I'm also not sure about the bittorrent thing. It's nice in theory, but even with bittorrent, movies will take a while to download. The problem with that is that you can't watch a bittorrent movie until the whole thing has downloaded, whereas with traditional quicktime downloads, you can start watching as soon as you have a decent enough buffer. And iTMS is all about instant gratification.

    Well, the good thing (as far as Apple is concerned) with Bittorrent is that it makes it easier and cheaper to distribute content, the fact that it can make RECEIVING the said content faster is just a nice bonus. And who is to say that they couldn't combine the good parts of Quicktime (instant-on) with the good parts of Bittorrent (distributed distribution).

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  • pmjoe
    Nov 17, 05:16 AM
    So, if I associate an image with music or a movie on my Mac, Apple assumes it's OK for them to display it on my Apple TV? What about my copyrighted photos in iPhoto? I didn't give Apple the right to copy them to my iPhone.

    Oh wait, it's my Mac and it's my iPhone and it's my Apple TV. Apple needs to stay out of MY business and allow me to make fair use of my content.

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  • lmalave
    Sep 26, 10:38 PM
    When was the last time Think Secret had a rumor that turned out to be true? Who cares what TS claims, this rumor about "Cingular only" is not worth losing sleep over.

    Nevertheless, Apple is taking longer than I thought they would in bringing a phone to market. It does not seem like it will be introduced by Christmas and that's a pity.

    Heh, the entire iPod line just went throuh a major revision! Apple is being very smart here. They want people to put iPods underneath the Christmas tree for 2006. Then, in early Apple will introduce the amazing iPhone that people will be irresistibly drawn to buy even if they already have a new iPod.

    Anyway, by Christmas '07 I predict that Apple will sell at least 30 to 50 percent as many iPhones as they do iPods. I mean, if Motorola can sell 50 million of their stupid RAZR phones, then Apple should be able to sell as many iPhones as they can ramp up to manufacture in the next couple of years!!

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  • chuckles:)
    Oct 12, 10:27 PM
    i think it looks cool.

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  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 4, 11:58 AM
    I've never seen a mall security guard carrying a gun.

    I have. And it said that it was BEFORE the mall opened. So if it was night security.. it's different.

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  • bdkennedy1
    Apr 25, 01:27 PM
    Whatever the design, I'm sure it will be magical!

    Apr 11, 11:47 AM
    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

    True, but if you've just spent �450 on the receiver and another �100 or so on speakers you'd maybe resent having to shell out more for AirPlay.

    Mar 30, 12:04 PM
    By that argument, aren't windows and office generic terms???

    I don't think Microsoft sues or claims to send cease and desist letters to people who make actual windows. I think they know the difference between software and a actual window.

    Apr 18, 04:26 PM
    1. If you are on Salary, you contractually agreed to get the job done regardless of the typical "work week". If you don't want to work long hours, don't accept a salaried position.

    2. I am just as whole-heartedly against forcing hourly employees to work unpaid overtime. That would be "theft" or "servitude". Totally different.

    Ooohhh. So being on a salary, even a measly one for a basic desk job, means you are now at your employers beck and call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, come hell or high water? Got it. So, if more work comes in and the amount you are given to do increases substantially, you just suck it up and work that many more hours because they won't hire more people for the extra work? That sounds like a pretty awful world...but pretty much what goes on. Too bad people like you manage to convince people it's how life should be.

    Apr 15, 05:17 AM
    This is most unfortunate. Now that TB is a reality, it would be far better if Intel just kills USB 3.0 completely as fast as possible. There is absolutely no advantage whatsoever in having USB survive past 2.0 at this point. With 3.0 barely entering the market, there is no value in letting it get a foothold. It is pathetically obsolete compared to TB.
    What is with the comments about wanting USB 3.0 on Macs? What a huge waste of time and money - you should be wanting TB on more peripherals. Even if Intel is going to be dumb enough to keep USB 3.0 around, hopefully Apple will hold the line and refuse to put it in Macs. With Apple's resurgent strength in the computer market while everyone else is tanking, that would be enough incentive to get the peripheral makers to adopt TB.

    So you want Firewire thing all over again? Apple is too small to push and make hardware standards thats the bottom line, sure they can just ignore it but cripple their users.

    Now here is a kicker, what portable hardware can utilize the speed of TB to its advantage? HDD cant they are limited to their RPMS anyway, audio interfaces are fine with USB2 or FW400/800 and soon they will be switching to USB3. So that leaves you with video I/O devices that could benefit from TB. Niche market that is.

    Until SSDs becomes portable reality we will not see wide spread of TB. And only then it will be up to Apple to support advanced SSDs.

    USB is way too widespread to be ignored and belive me TB will always be secondary to USB kind of like FW is today. I dont agree with it but thats how it will go down probably.

    Sep 14, 12:38 AM
    sounds like a nice starter level phone/ipod.

    but what I and many other people want is a smart phone, for:
    Treo/Blackberry like functionality
    Camera with decent megapixel, maybe 3 megapixels (settle for 1.3) that moves.
    so you can have "isight" built in. also ichatav with video.
    Ipod, with 80 gb hard drive.
    Video capability, both from itunes, and even with streamed cellular broadband via slingbox or from more

    oh well... to dream

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