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  • RebootD
    Apr 5, 06:13 PM
    Personally, I love CS5, even on the Mac Pro with 5870/GTX285. Hopefully this won't jinx myself, but I've had no bugs or frustrations, and I edit full HD movies with it.

    I'm looking forward to this version of FCS, because I've only played around in it with others' systems, and it didn't blow my skirt up. It will be nice to have both suites, if the new FCS proves worthy. I know a lot of FCS users, and I look forward to joining them, so get this thing right, Apple.

    I took the plunge and upgraded my CS4 Design to Master in order to take advantage of 64bit Premiere/AE. Really looking forward to this, hopefully Apple can catch up to the competition.

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  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 09:21 AM
    No I think you are confused. :) I meant "Is having more cores, lets say 8, more efficient than one big core equal in processing power to the 8 cores?"

    Well next time say what you mean. It makes more sense. ;)

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  • aaronb
    Sep 19, 10:58 AM
    The fastest?

    If that were the case, no one here would be complaining...

    Fastest in terms of the fastest notebook that Apple offers.

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  • zac4mac
    Aug 11, 02:14 PM
    I'm on my 3rd cell phone now. First was a panasonic brick and was CDMA. It totally sucked. Switched to GSM 2 years ago but initially Cingular sent the wrong phone - an LG flip. Reception was as bad as the CDMA but roaming was much better. After 3 weeks, I got the phone I ordered, a t637 and I love it. I have NO desire to go back to CDMA and I won't lose the tight BT link I have to my Macs with the t637, but it's getting old and due replacement.

    I'm watching and waiting...


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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:44 PM
    So, all in all, what's new? I don't know, but can't wait to see it on Monday.

    Here are some rumors I've heard, but don't feel like linking to. Check with Google if you want.

    *BitTorrent - Integrated into Leopard as a core technology, much like Spotlight. Used in Software Update and a new version of Safari.

    *iChat Phone - Call numbers through iChat as part of .Mac... I guess you could make a conference with a combination of multiple phone numbers/iChatters.

    *Maps - A new application designed to compete with Google Earth, but of course be much, much snazzier. Apparently, the next MBP would include a GPS chip so that you could see a "You Are Here" on the map.

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  • Easter Bunny Cupcake: DeathChill. Aug 7, 10:18 PM. Running the preview now some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what

  • bbeagle
    Apr 11, 11:43 AM
    Big mistake if true.

    I don't think so.

    Apple will announce iOS 5 at WWDC. It will have a lot of new features people whose contracts are ending will drool over.

    They will announce that iOS 5 will be available with the new iPhone 5 in September/October. This will give enough time for developers to make new apps and people to not jump to new contracts, because of what is promised coming soon.

    Of course, hackers will get beta versions of iOS 5 installed on their iPhone 3s and 4s to keep them happy, for the summer.

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  • shawnce
    Jul 14, 11:20 PM

    Whoever came up with that abomination should be SHOT! UGH! they could have put together a nice little slideshow or whatever...but no, they had to make some stupid video with a horrible song i'll NEVER be able to get out of my head!

    School House Rock - "Oh, I'm just a bill, a lonely old bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill" (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1569494088/002-8458341-9463244?redirect=true)

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  • danz1123
    Jun 11, 11:21 AM
    Anyone know if I place a preorder on the 19th what the chances are I'll be able to make a reservation for the 24th?

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  • iGary
    Aug 15, 11:39 AM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    Awesome on FileMaker and I can't wait to see how this stuff runs Adobe PS Natively.

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  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:28 AM

    Yet another unimpressive "major" update to an O/S that's showing it's age and irrelevance. (Hell it's already to most consumers nothing more than "That thing you gotta hook your iPad up to to make it work.) Compared to the iDevice world, the computer side of Apple has ground to a halt. Is it intentional I wonder...? ;)

    Enough!! Combine MacOS and iOS already!!! The transition is so painfully slow, would someone else in tech get off their lazy ass and prod these guys to move a LITTLE quicker?!?


    A clear and balanced argument ladies and gentlemen.
    So cogently valid as to supersede the need for evidence.

    Edit: Wait .. i just got the sarcasm .. damn!

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 05:41 PM
    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but Kentsfield will not be appearing in any of the Pro machines for some time.

    Apple will be using them exclusively in the Xserves, at for the most part of 2007. This will finally give Apple another way to distinguish their server line from their pro line.
    Do you have any evidence to back this up?

    Historically, Apple has always sold a dual-processor model of the Pro systems. When dual-core PPCs became available, they shipped a G5 system with two of these.

    In the absence of any other information, it seems pretty darn obvious that the high-end Mac Pro will have two processors, regardless of how many cores are in it. Which means it will have to be something from the Xeon line.

    Apple doesn't need to cripple the Mac Pro in order to promote the Xserve. The two products are designed for completely different applications and are not interchangeable for any serious applications. Nobody will ever want to use an Xserve on their desktop, and nobody setting up a compute cluster will want to build it from desktop boxes.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 05:10 PM
    But you're really forgetting 1 thing. International Trade Mark/patent law is a pain in the @$$!!! I wouldn't blame Apple for 1 min to keep it in the US for at least a test run. That way they should be able to keep the patent breaker-reverse engineers off their back for a least a little while (i.e. why copy something if you can't even use it anywhere other than where it's patent protected).

    If the rest of the world would get a handle on international trademarking and patent protection I don't think we'd have this issue of different standards of EU vs USA...
    :confused: patent intrusion in europe??? Are you serious? Do you have any examples to verify your claims where a european company violated US patent law and this wasn't enforced by the european judicial system?

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  • hobi316
    Jun 9, 06:43 AM
    RadioShack store manager here and i have some very interesting information if you guys don't already know this. Please quote this as much as possible to get the word out.

    How can I check which stores will be carrying the phone on launch day? And also, if I go into a particular store next Tuesday and pre-order, you're saying I will be able to pick that phone up on the 24th?

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  • majorp
    Sep 19, 05:08 AM
    Im still on for today, 4 hours and counting.

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  • zelet
    Aug 25, 02:46 PM
    dotMac support is horrible! There have been a ton of problems with their email service being labeled as a spam source lately. They aren't fixing the problem and there is no way of contacting support besides some worthless email form that only gets you canned responses in reply. They have no phone support either.

    So, for a $100 a year service you get a blacklisted email address and no support. Yay for Apple!

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  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 08:41 AM
    It's the future, you know, soon the clock speed will be irrelevant and we'll be expressing processor speed in number of cores octocore, hexacore, tricontradicore, hexacontetracore, hecticosoctocore, and such and such

    At some point your going to have deminished returns. Sure multimedia apps can take advantage of a few more cores, but I dont see Mail running faster on 4 cores, nevermind 2! The nice thing about intel is that they seem to realise that, and have invested in improved IO as well, look at Pci express and SATA, you can have the fastest processor in the world, but if your running it with 512megs of memory your going to slow down fast!

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  • generik
    Sep 19, 02:57 AM
    1. It's Merom. Not Memrom, Menron, Memron or even L. Ron.

    2. It won't be any cooler and it won't have greater battery life, period. Unless Apple has an amazing new design in store.

    3. If you really, really, need a Merom, you should wait until the Santa Rosa platform so you don't complain that you got the inferior Merom. :rolleyes:

    That is all.

    These kinds of arguments are always lame.

    1. People have lifes, not everyone is as much as a geek as you to know exactly how many transistors are in the next Intel processor. That is a code name by the way, Steve is not going to step up and go "Merom Macbook Pros!" on stage. He will look like a Moron.

    2. So? Who is Apple to tell me how much of an improvement I should expect from something? When's the last time you seen Ford advertise "05 Ford Falcon! Fuel efficiency lags behind competing models by under 10%, same old reliable Ford Falcon with 2 year old design, still at same old price of $19,999"

    If there is even so much as 0.001% of improvement you are gonna see Steve step up onto the keynote like a lappy dog and brag it to sound like it is greater than the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's sales 101 for you.

    3. Meroms support 64 bit code. 64 bit code like Leopard (although we don't know for sure), or code like Vista x64 (that is 100% for sure). Sure, you might not mind running things in half arsed modes like some Frankinstein hybrid 32/64 bit system like Tiger is, but some people might actually *gasp* appreciate the ability to judge 64 bit code. Get off your high horse already, if you disagree just keep it to yourself. Not like your arrogant rants contributed anything either.

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  • QCassidy352
    Nov 28, 08:38 PM
    "It would be a nice idea."
    What does that mean? I have lots of nice ideas for getting money when I didn't do anything.

    my thoughts exactly. I think it would be nice if apple should give ME a percentage of the proceeds from every ipod sale, but that doesn't mean I deserve it. :rolleyes: Greedy ****s.

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  • bokdol
    Aug 18, 09:22 AM
    hey bokdol, you and i can start a business and help all the intel mac pro users dispose of their old G5 power macs

    we can go into business :)

    i'm in
    we can start today

    Apr 6, 03:37 PM
    What you are talking about are these "tablet netbooks" running on the Intel Atom. You can swing the display so it closes to hide the keyboard while still showing the screen. Models like ASUS Eee PC T101MT-EU17-B and Lenovo Ideapad Tablet are what you are talking about.

    IMO these "tablet netbooks" are the biggest sleeper product out there. Cheaper than you typical iPad, runs Windows apps and are quite compatible. I have one myself alongside with my iPad for development and IT issues since this is what most whom I work with use. I'm impressed by both.

    Never heard of that but it's been a long time since I shopped for a non-Apple computer, I'll have to check out Lenovo's Ideapad tablet. Thanks :)

    Apr 20, 01:49 PM
    These ipad clone tablets made by samsung are not worth the price.

    you forgot to say "in my opinion".. please don't speak for everyone.

    Aug 11, 12:28 PM
    My bets are that it will be either with Nokia or with HTC.

    Nokia make the best phone interfaces in the world, which is a very Apple-like thing to do. They're also very experienced at phone hardware desigh and integrating it smoothly with the interface.

    HTC are a taiwan company that design and make the best phone hardware in the world, and then sell them to companies like O2, T-Mobile etc to put their brand on. Most HTC-built phones run Windows Mobile, which Apple may be interested in replaceing with OSX Mobile...

    I can quite easily see Apple commisisoning HTC to make a Apple phone, these people are simply the best at hardware phone design and manufacture.

    Someone suggested Blackberry, but Blackberry is more geared to corporate use - not a very Apple-like sector - and also are quite heavily dependent on having access to a Windows server to get the most out of your phone.

    Overall, I feel it will be HTC and OSX Mobile...

    Aug 7, 04:58 PM
    Not a glimpse of the Finder...! :eek:

    Here, here. I have been a very happy Mac fan for several years now, but the Finder is a POS. Although specifically mentioning a new Finder might be considered acknowledgment that it stinks, I think Steve could couch it in favorable language. Bottom line, Leopard better FTFF.

    Aug 6, 02:45 PM
    So to post my top bets for WWDC...

    1) A much clearer roadmap for 64 bit support in Mac OS X. I believe they will outline full 64 bit support across all non-10.4 deprecated frameworks (I believe in the initial release of 10.5). Of course it will also fully support 32 bit applications run side by side with 64 bit applications.

    2) Resolution Independent UI will be ready for main stream use with display products possible with in the next year or two (would love to be surprised with 150-200 DPI or so display of course).

    3) Quartz 2D Extreme will be ready for main stream use along with some good news on the OpenGL front.

    4) Full roll out of the unified user interface look and fell across all frameworks and Apple applications (at least most).

    5) Improved Quartz API to allow for more advanced window styles and effects.

    6) PowerMac replacement with Quad core model... a true workstation class system (likely similar enclosure to what we have now in the PMG5).

    ... gotta go.

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