countries in asia

countries in asia. in all countries of Asia.
  • in all countries of Asia.

  • Mystikal
    Mar 15, 10:45 AM
    Any eta on that I was the guy in the green oregon sweate. Had to take my friends back home and ill maybe come back. Anyone still in line after you holding out for another shipment

    There are still a bunch of people behind us. At least 50.

    countries in asia. of countries in Asia for
  • of countries in Asia for

  • Skoal
    Apr 13, 03:28 PM
    GLEE! Ugh! 'Nuff said!

    countries in asia. from countries in Asia
  • from countries in Asia

  • cjscribe
    Apr 14, 09:01 AM
    So am I the only one left with the original iPhone? Had it since Sep 2006. Was going to wait for the 5, but I'll just get a white 4 in a few weeks. I'm happy.

    I am in the same boat as you. I think you and I are the only people in the planet that has the original iphone. Not sure if I will get the white4 or wait for the 5.

    countries in asia. countries in Asia? quot;
  • countries in Asia? quot;

  • snebes
    Apr 15, 02:44 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?

    Stay positive!! iMacs should get an update soon with a free Lion upgrade. At least I hope.

    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    Basically all systems besides MBA and MBP are overdue for an update. iMac and Mac Pro especially.

    countries in asia. in countries from Asia to
  • in countries from Asia to

  • likemyorbs
    May 2, 03:13 AM
    Soooo basically they dumped him in the ocean. Good enough i suppose.

    countries in asia. Asia the countries of Asia
  • Asia the countries of Asia

  • infernohellion
    Apr 16, 11:37 PM
    I have a really strange problem changing the background wallpaper. Every time my computer goes to sleep the old background will be back again. However, this can be solved with a simple Shut Down before going to sleep.

    countries in asia. asia asian countries
  • asia asian countries

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 07:29 PM
    And how about if she has men's parts down there? Where does she belong then?

    IMO the Men's washroom ... until he finishes with the transformation ... he is still just a cross dresser

    countries in asia. map of asian countries.
  • map of asian countries.

  • md111
    Apr 22, 12:13 PM
    We design stuff for S. Interiors and other properties. In the meetings, S starts out by saying ... "We would like to be like Apple. Here are photos of Apple stores" Even there ads and posters are similar once Apple kicked off there ads.
    Not to stereo type, but they are excellent copiers. Not to strong on original ideas. And they also work there ass's off. Its war to them to win at all costs.

    countries in asia. Asia is
  • Asia is

  • mahonmeister
    Dec 1, 02:51 PM
    I have to agree with a lot of the people here who are concerned with security. Part of the reason OS X seemed so secure was because no one tested it. Now that we have Intel chips and a growing market share, vulnerabilities are being exploited. The day that I have to go out and buy virus protection for OS X is the day I consider going back to Windows. Vista looks like OS X so switching wouldn't be as big a pain.:)

    countries in asia. Top Corrupt Countries in Asia
  • Top Corrupt Countries in Asia

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 08:36 PM
    If you don't have a daughter, then you don't have a clue.
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    I could say the same to you. Your lack of empathy and understanding for people different to you through no fault of their own appears to be manifesting itself in violent bigotry.

    countries in asia. in Europe and Asia.
  • in Europe and Asia.

  • FloatingBones
    Nov 25, 12:34 AM
    For the last time, STOP SPEAKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE!!! You have NO right what-so-ever to speak for anyone but yourself and yet you continue to state that EVER SINGLE iOS USER hates Flash and is glad to be rid of it and yet this Skyfire app proves just the opposite.

    What I said: Users of the 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash plugins is completely true. There are no Flash plugins for this device. Nobody can run a shred of Flash content in their browser on this device.

    No amount of nonsensical shouting will change the facts.

    You have every right to give your opinion on the matter, but it is your opinion, not the opinion of every single iOS user in existence.

    But owners of those 120M+ iOS devices are doing just fine without Flash. Nobody forced them to buy those devices. If they were somehow "disappointed" because there are no Flash plugins available, nobody prevented them from returning them or reselling them.

    That is NOT a shortcoming of Flash dude.

    Also incorrect. There are huge shortcomings of Flash, and you've never addressed them.

    You've never addressed the identity-leaking of Flash cookies: Flash doesn't honor the cookie privacy settings of the browser. More than half of the top 100 websites are now using Flash cookies to track users and store information about them. ( Do you actually like the fact that those sites do an end-run around the cookie privacy settings by using Flash? I can't find a single rational person that likes the identity-leaking.

    You've never addressed the quirkiness that Flash brings to the browser UI. On my Mac, scrolling works differently when my mouse is over a Flash region. Certain keyboard shortcuts cease to work. Text that appears in a Flash window is not searchable with the browser's text-finding feature. My Mac doesn't behave like a Mac inside of a Flash window.

    The engineering choice made for iOS is simplicity. Layering Flash on top of the browser would compromise that simplicity. Click-to-flash semantics would add yet another layer of clutter and obfuscation to the UI.

    You've never addressed Adobe's inability to deal competently to secure their software. Security experts believe that Adobe is going to surpass Microsoft as the #1 target for security attacks. ( Besides Flash, Adobe Reader is a vector for zero day bugs ( I really don't know how you do that: it's a PDF reader! The bugs have been around in Adobe Reader for years and Adobe still hasn't fixed them.

    If Apple enabled Flash in iOS Safari, they would be farming out the correct operation of their iOS browser to a company that has proven to be one of the least competent companies in dealing with malware attacks. Noted security expert Steve Gibson mocks their cluelessness:

    "[Adobe:] how is that quarterly update cycle going for you?" (

    I have yet to find a single Flash enthusiast who can address those issues. I'm hardly surprised that you can't address them, either.

    That is a shortcoming of Steve Jobs' choosing.

    Nonsense. They are engineering and design choices. If Apple made bad engineering and design choices, they would never have sold 120M+ of these devices.

    If you think they are a "shortcoming": there are simple solutions. Don't buy an iOS device. If you did buy one, sell it. Or maybe you can see if it will blend (

    One thing is certain: Apple will not compromise their iOS browser with Flash, and complaining about that is rather silly.

    Even if Flash is on the road to becoming obsolete, that doesn't mean people don't want to be able to access the entire Web in the here and now.

    Adobe Flash is on the road to becoming obsolete. Even Adobe acknowledges the fact (

    Between the 120M+ iOS devices, the click-to-flash plugins disable Flash downloads on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux machines, and Adobe's new Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tools (, the abandonment of Flash will continue to accelerate.

    You just don't seem to comprehend that.

    You are correct. Flash is a legacy technology, and its day has passed.

    You seem to have this deep seated hatred of Flash

    There are fundamental failings in both the design and deployment of Flash. I listed three of those earlier in my reply.

    The thing that got my attention was when I realized that Flash was maintaining its own set of cookies and that those cookies did not honor the privacy settings of my browser. I then learned about click-to-flash plugins to minimize my exposure to Flash. The shocking thing to me was how much disabling Flash improved the browsing experience: faster page loads, less flashing advertisements, and far less CPU usage.

    and I can tell that if Steve had said "I LOVE Flash" instead you would almost undoubtedly be here fighting against HTML5 and for Flash.

    You imply that I blindly agree with Apple's (and Jobs's) decisions. That is not the case.

    I strongly disagree with Apple's decision to prevent Hypermac from selling external batteries for Mac computers ( Hypermac makes a quality product, and they are filling a niche that Apple ignores. Magsafe is a wonderful technology, but they should be licensing this tech to third-party vendors. I fondly hope that Apple addresses this deficiency in their strategy and product accessories soon.

    If you search, you can find where I commented on this in the public record weeks ago.

    Yes, I honestly believe that. You have no vested interest in either one. You're just being Steve's doormat.

    Now you know better.

    I see no reason why ANYONE should have to convert to HTML5.

    Too many laptop users are tired of the CPU loading and battery suck of Flash apps.

    Too many users don't like that Flash alters the UI inside of the browsers: altered scrolling behavior, keyboard shortcuts that don't work in Flash, text searches that don't work with text in a Flash app.

    Too many privacy advocates are bothered that Flash maintains a separate set of cookies and those cookies do not honor the privacy settings of the browser. Commercial websites are using those Flash cookies to track users. (

    Too many security advocates are wary of using Adobe products because of Adobe's poor track record against security attacks.

    Even if all those four large concerns were addressed, websites have to deal with the growing number of users that use Flash-blocking plugins. Advertisers that deliver their ads with Flash have no guarantee that users will allow those Flash apps to be downloaded and run on their machines.

    Those are the reasons why Flash's viability for delivering web content is in decline. Even if you don't see the reasons, Adobe does (

    countries in asia. to 10 countries in Asia.
  • to 10 countries in Asia.

    Apr 14, 07:35 AM
    Nano. Like, obviously.

    Seems like everyone forgot about the somewhat recent rumors about a smaller iphone. (Ok, just kidding.)

    Maybe apple wants the rumor mill to get up to speed as they want to introduce anything but nobody got a hint or has a clue yet. Total disclosure is bad, but no rumors is even worse.


    I just have Macs, in various sizes. All run on Darwin.

    countries in asia. corrupt countries in Asia.
  • corrupt countries in Asia.

  • haddman
    Sep 30, 10:43 AM
    Yeah, I would estimate my dropped call rate is around 20-30% (Northern Virginia) sometimes higher depending on the day. They said they built a new tower near me, but ever since I got that message, my coverage has dropped at least one to two bars everywhere I go.

    Same here in Northern VA...this in addition to the 3.1 bugs is just maddening...enough to drive me to another carrier. Waiting on some Android phones to be released with VZW...Sprint has the the new HTC hero as well. Might be about the closest thing to an iPhone that won't drop my damn calls.

    countries in asia. country in Southeast Asia
  • country in Southeast Asia

  • gkarris
    May 2, 12:35 AM
    One of the biggest moments in the World's history, not only America. Osama Bin Laden, the number 1 most wanted terrorist is finally dead.

    I guess this proves everyone who doubted America and might have lost faith, that yes America can. Looks like Obama will be getting a 2nd term now.

    I always knew it would be Obama vs Osama once he was elected. Very proud day for everyone who believes in peace.

    Now, it's the Pakistan government which is in question, looks like Osama was chilling at a Pakistan Military hub for 6 years under the protection of Pakistan. And they said Osama wasn't in Pakistan lol.. he was living it large in a mansion and people thought he was in a cave.

    Short-term wise, i'm worried about the retaliation of the terrorists. Looks like everyone will be on edge for the next few months. Also, i'm afraid more and more people might decide to take up Osama's old position as leader.
    The war on terror isn't over, but this has definitely struck a very significant blow.

    Some bird tweeted to me that his death was like a "BOOM HEADSHOT!"

    Gee, thanks - this will make my friends who are loosing their homes to foreclosure feel a whole lot better... :eek:


    countries in asia. Western Asia Map; lank map of
  • Western Asia Map; lank map of

  • firestarter
    Apr 17, 07:59 PM
    To be honest, if you carry a TB to FW, RAID, PCIe expansions, whats the point of carrying an Air?

    Are you really going to carry all those? If you want to travel with the thing, just take what you need. I can see an Air + external 2.5inch RAID being a nice minimalist setup for video editing.

    Also, will they have to sacrifice a 2.0 USB port in order to intergrate a TB port?

    Sounds like a good trade.

    Idk why people say that the update affects only gamers. It affects almost everyone. OpenGLs, 3D, movies, etc.

    How does it effect movies? This new GPU is easily powerful enough to decode video. Do you watch all your movies on fast forward or something?
    And what are you using OpenGL for that needs that power? Most apps run fine without much acceleration.

    Although I do believe the CPU will have an amazing boost, I think the GPU sacrifice will be a very huge one. But only time will tell.

    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    countries in asia. ASIA COUNTRIES MAP

  • tjb1
    Jan 26, 01:12 PM
    Great game so far, who ever said I'll have loads of issues gaming on a PS3 must be dreaming and should probably get an upgrade from a dial-up speed Internet..

    Everyone has to bash PSN because its free, only problem I have with that game is people playing CTF for kills...camping with the flag. NFS: Hot Pursuit is a good game, just got it monday and so far I like it, a lot better than GT5

    countries in asia. By thesailor. THE MAP OF
  • By thesailor. THE MAP OF

  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 22, 09:58 AM
    I dont know of any wireless phone that could support real 4G speeds. Besides on a mobile device, do I really need more than 20mb down, 5 up? Thats already faster than my cable modem lol.

    That is also true. What is it that you're doing on your phone that is requiring all these speeds? I'd rather have all the companies come together to make an LTE type of internet WIRELESS network, which will bring the cost down on both them and the consumers, and we'll have these speeds all over the nation for both phones and any wifi enabled devices. But that's probably wishful thinking lol :)

    countries in asia. Asia-Pacific Countries Set Out
  • Asia-Pacific Countries Set Out

  • MacVault
    Nov 4, 06:28 AM
    That native partion support to use virtualization or dual booting would be awesome, having the best of both worlds (Boot Camp & Virtualization). I look forward to it!

    YES! That would be sweeeeet!

    countries in asia. countries in Asia that was
  • countries in Asia that was

  • hayesk
    Jul 25, 10:41 AM
    It seems like a major problem with this would be the fact that you get no tactile feedback. However, I have tapping enabled on my iBook and I don't find it odd or uncomfortable at all then I "click" on something. I'm sure it would take some getting used to, but I imagine that it could work.

    The 3G iPod did not have physical feedback, and they worked.

    But the problem here is everyone is assuming that none-touch means you don't even touch the iPod. Did it occur to anyone that it means you don't have to touch the screen? This allows Apple to put a more durable transparent cover over the entire face of the iPod.

    Think about it - a nice smooth seamless iPod face. When you put your finger over the display, the controls appear. Your finger touches the cover, but not the screen underneath. This allows for easy cleaning, and protection of the actual screen.

    May 1, 10:16 PM
    Interesting when seen in terms of NATO backing off about deliberate attempts to kill Daffy.

    It was UK prime minister Tony Blair who helped George W. Bush on military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, Bush sucked so bad at being a president.

    Apr 16, 10:45 PM

    Apr 13, 02:26 PM
    I don't think so :rolleyes:

    Mar 31, 08:31 PM
    265 negatives. 95 positives.

    Wow, tough crowd.

    IMO it doesn't look THAT bad. You all have to understand Apple is really pushing hard to get (iOS) iPad users to switch to OS X for their desktop needs as opposed to Windows switches. There are so many iOS features that are being built-in, I guess Apple figures they'll add the same visual cues in their applications to make it a simpler transition.

    It's funny though, the OS itself is more monochrome this time around, but their applications are much more...."festive". :|


    The audience here are the most toughest critics, but general public will appreciate the changes.
    I personally see nothing wrong with making software look like a real thing. It's one of the most natural user interfaces because people know how to use books, paper, and folder tabs.

    Apr 26, 01:04 PM
    I do not care to put my itunes media on the cloud. However I would really like to see mobileme have more storage and a lower annual price. I am using the gallery more for posting old home videos for family to view with AppleTV and other devices. Besides email and a small web site, that is the most I've utilized this service. The price is just too high even with the recent increased usage I've had.

    If they plan to offer large capacity media storage for itunes media at $20 a year then mobileme needs to be around the same price or part of that over all deal.

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