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  • klaus
    Aug 13, 04:30 AM
    Sure, I know Chipmunk and have used it in the past too.

    But since you cannot know when exactly the new panels were used, this data is useless.

    The product code is the same, and every lcd has a serial, but it's not like Apple tells us which serial nr was the last one of the old batch is it.

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  • eastercat
    May 3, 03:45 PM
    Just like communism
    Considering communism is dependent on control of the resources so they can be equally doled out, it's not free and open. You're thinking of anarchy.
    Your username is appropriate. :rolleyes:

    If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)I'm on an unlimited plan, so how do I pay for tethering? I use around 8 GB/month because I stream music, so I can't give up my unlimited. If AT&T offered the option to add a tethering plan, I would take them up on it.

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  • Macky-Mac
    May 6, 12:32 PM
    Of course we should . The free market would put him/her out of business after they killed enough people. :rolleyes:

    and it probably would lead to cheaper medical care since doctors would no longer be required to go to medical school or prove they know anything about medicine :eek:

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  • MacToddB
    Oct 11, 04:21 PM
    Pretty funny. One question though: obviously "there's a map for that" is a play-on-words for "there's an app for that." Isn't "there's an app for that" an Apple advertisement? Why take a shot at Apple with a similar phrase when Apple has nothing to do with AT&T's network? It's a clever line in the sense that it mocks another but it seems to miss the target.

    First, to most people, AT&T and Apple are joined at the hip. You can't get the iPhone without AT&T, in the U.S., at least officially. Secondly, it's a dig at Apple and maybe designed to pressure them into breaking the exclusivity deal to make their product look better.

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  • bloodycape
    Jul 26, 11:47 PM

    I will say that is pretty funny but the odd thing is Apple's formart support isn't the best either, especially for video. If it had or gets divx support that is another story.

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  • redalpha
    Sep 12, 08:59 AM

    Left Bottom (Itunes Videos)


    Transporter 2Transporter 2
    20th Century Fox

    Red EyeRed Eye
    Dreamworks S.K.G.

    World of Warcraft Burning CrusadeWorld of Warcraft Burning Crusade

    Enigmo2Enigmo 2

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  • baummer
    Mar 17, 11:34 AM
    Go back and pay the balance. Explain what happened. At least try to pay what you OWE. What you've done is essentially theft, even moreso by the fact that you know how much it costs and know how much you paid.

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  • Ping Guo
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    If that is a guy holding that phone he needs to cut those nails...Damn hippy!

    Ah but that's the old Chinese snot-digging nail.

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  • superfula
    Apr 29, 05:09 PM
    You're mixing up your kernels. NT 4.0 doesn't share a kernel with 95/98, NT 3.51 doesn't share a kernel with Windows 3.x...

    Windows 7 is Windows 7 because it's the 7th release of Windows NT.

    1- Windows NT 3.1
    2- Windows NT 3.5
    3- Windows NT 4.0
    4- Windows 2000
    5- Windows XP
    6- Windows Vista
    7- Windows 7

    That's the only way it makes sense.

    No, smitty was correct. MS uses version numbers that identify it's code. It's how software devs can write code that decides whether the app should be allowed to install.

    In a command prompt, use winver. Note the version listed
    EG, Windows 95, NT 4, 98, and ME are all considered Windows 4.x. 2000 and XP are both 5.x, Vista and Windows 7 are 6.x. So it's clear 7 is nothing more than marketing.

    From the horses mouth:

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  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Apr 7, 01:15 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Nice kit

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Nov 16, 12:44 PM
    this is totally bull. Apple is in no position to stab Intel in their back at this time. Plus, Intel is being very reliable delivering on schedule the chips Apple needs. Maybe in few years if their relationship deteriorate I might consider seeing Apple moving into AMD. But it is not happening anytime soon.

    I don't see any deterioration of Intel/Apple relations anytime soon, since the xeon and C2D chips are way better than anything on AMD's lineup. Plus, I doubt apple will bother making an obscure laptop model just to have AMD in its stable. It probably wont be pro status, and the fact that there are 3 different macbooks in the consumer level line makes the addition of another simply superfluous nonsense.

    basic resume examples. BASIC INTRODUCTORY MEMBERSHIP

  • Eraserhead
    May 7, 02:47 AM
    Not sure what's medically relevant about owning or not owning a gun, but still, why penalize a doctor for asking and not, say, a teacher, clergyman, mechanic, dry cleaner, etc.? It doesn't make any sense.

    Because guns are dangerous, and people who are mentally unstable shouldn't be allowed to have them.

    Exactly the same applies to driving.

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  • Megakazbek
    May 4, 09:36 AM
    for drawing during class, maybe. there is a lot of stuff in chemistry or physics where you need to make a quick drawing. but for writing? i am typing way faster than i am writing with a pen. and in the end its way more readable. :D
    This is how my typical lectures look like and I don't really see how do you even try to approach typing something like this on a keyboard in real time:
    Actually, having stylus isn't really that important for taking lecture notes as usually they are available as pdfs anyway, but I don't see how you can do without a pen when solving math/physics problems.

    if you really need a stylus there are already lots of options you can buy and use em with your ipad.
    ALL of them have tips of enormous diameter. I've tried some of them, and you really can't write in small handwriting, your letters have to be big and in many cases you can't even fit some equations in one line. Those styluses are not a good solution.

    basic resume examples. This resume sample is intended
  • This resume sample is intended

  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 12, 11:28 AM
    Engadget is reporting that Woz will be in the audience today. When is the last time Woz showed up at anything Apple? This event could be bigger than we thought if it gets Woz to show up.

    basic resume examples. Sample resume for HR Manager
  • Sample resume for HR Manager

  • aokiqiao
    Oct 13, 05:01 PM
    After reading the above comments about having dropped calls I can also vouch to say that AT&T's network and or the iphone FAILS at keeping a clear call or even keeping a line at all. The reason I say this is because I've had Alltel up until the switch to verizon since last week. I say up until last week because my contract ended with alltel and I did not want to renew with verzion. I had a dropped call with alltel/verizon maybe every month or two and that was because I was in a room deep inside the hopsital (where I work)where even the radio couldnt get a station. Im not saying its AT&T completely because Ive had multiple coworkers that Ive asked that have both dumbphones and smartphones with AT&T (other than an iphone) and theyve all told me they hardly ever get dropped calls. So it might be both AT&T and Apple that have to work something out to fix this. All I know is when I look at my cities coverage map where the signal should be strongest I know the info is a load of BS. Sometimes I make calls and the persons voice is crackling or theres a voice echo or fades in and out and of course it drops the call. I live in a desert in west texas where its flat, harldy ANY trees or buildings and it still FAILS. Not only that, sometimes Ill be completely still looking at my phone and itll switch from 4 bars of 3G to 2 bars of EDGE to no EDGE back and forth.

    Also, sometimes my friends will get just portions (one or two words) of my text messages. This happen to anyone else?

    Im on OS 3.1.2

    basic resume examples. sample chronological resume.
  • sample chronological resume.

  • arkitect
    Apr 18, 12:42 PM
    Left handed people have always been persecuted and represent a significantly larger portion of society than homosexuals, plus they tend to do well in society regardless of the persecution.

    So you're cool with left-handers but not left-footers (

    basic resume examples. Take a look at the resume.
  • Take a look at the resume.

  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:37 AM

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  • Matiek
    Jan 15, 05:11 PM
    This is hilarious everyone is so upset that the MBA wasn't the product that they thought it should be. Everyone that's upset about it needs to understand that they weren't it's intended demographic. The MBA is going after the hardcore road warriors that want a notebook that doesn't take up much space, or add weight to their brief cases. In this market the MBA has a much lower price tag than any of the other ultra thin notebooks.

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  • iGary
    Sep 25, 06:40 PM
    In a perfect world it would figure out your specs and use what it can. However I'm betting that using a graphics card to do a lot of the heavy lifting enables it to run on far more computers than going proc only. Many of us don't have duel or quad cores, and our procs are also doing other things. Heaven forbid I use other apps at the same time as Apature to. However my graphics card is decent, and sits idle even when other apps are open.

    Like I said, perfect world you'd have your cake and eat it too, however for the time being, I'm not so sure the path they chose was all that bad. I'm quite open for discussion on this though, as I'm no expert :)

    Well I guess what I am saying is that the graphics card really doesn't have the muscle that, say, four processor cores do. You should see what my activity monitor does when I crush some havy stuff - it might use two cores if I am lucky.

    Sep 9, 06:49 PM
    I'm not ashasmed that our country was unprepared to deal with this

    i am.

    The blame will go straight to the top. Straight to George. He should have cut short his vacation on the ranch and been on a plane on day 1. This arguement will go around and around in circles, but look, people could have been saved if the administration had not cut funds to FEMA and redirected them to the war in Iraq. There were multiple interviews before the hurricane with people saying that the levy's would not hold if the hurricane hit hard. If Bill could get impeached because he got head, then is it unreasonable to hold George acountable for this? Am I the only one who feels this way?

    guess so. This is my opinion, and I am entitled to it.

    May 2, 09:29 AM
    No thanks.

    Oct 11, 09:42 PM
    Jetson, I'm glad I'm taking your word, as someone who doesn't even own a 5G iPod, over my own, someone who sees 50-60 iPods a day. I couldn't possibly know better.

    The fact remains: The acrylic used on the 5G is the same as the 4G.

    Jan 9, 03:38 PM
    Can we please stop mentioning the product please. This is supposed to be a spoiler free thread.

    Thank you.

    Apr 3, 09:05 PM
    A friend of mine works with the Xbox support team. I'll ask him if there's anything (legal) that they can do. You have my admiration for your good detective work!

    That would be great. I'm sure there must be SOMETHING they can do.

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