3 6 inches on ruler

3 6 inches on ruler. Ruler - 3/4” boring bit
  • Ruler - 3/4” boring bit

  • bobsentell
    May 2, 04:53 PM
    I wonder if this means MacOS will end up with iOS-style "multi-tasking."

    3 6 inches on ruler. 3 6 inches on ruler.
  • 3 6 inches on ruler.

  • jtaylr77
    Jan 1, 05:39 PM
    Jobs receives a call during keynote and reaches into his pocket...

    ...audience errupts with joyful tears...

    ...pulls out iTunes compatible motorola phone....

    ...audience sighs....and cries....

    ....Steve gets another call 5 mintues later...

    ...pulls out iPhone

    ...geeks bumrush the stage and carry Steve off on their shoulders

    3 6 inches on ruler. 3 6 inches on ruler. 6-Inch Magnifying Ruler
  • 3 6 inches on ruler. 6-Inch Magnifying Ruler

  • karlfranz
    Nov 28, 10:49 AM
    Last week I was at my local Best Buy with a friend and we stopped at the MP3 player display to see the Zune for the first time. They had a black and a brown model on display. We were commenting on the ugly brown color when the salesguy told us they had actually sold one of the brown ones. We asked him what he thought about the Zune and his response was that it really wasn't too bad a player and showed some potential. He then said that, unfortunately, both the units on display were already broken so he couldn't shows us any features. We couldn't stop laughing as we walked away.

    Two days later I was at another friends' house for Thanksgiving dinner. I told him about the Zunes at Best Buy and how I couldn't try them out because they were broken. He disappeared into another room and reappeared with a brown Zune he had bought a few days earlier. My reply to him was "So you were the one that bought the brown Zune"!

    3 6 inches on ruler. note the 12 inch ruler. many
  • note the 12 inch ruler. many

  • Sbrocket
    Jan 11, 04:55 PM
    Interesting name, corroborates with the poster that came out earlier.

    It also, obviously, fits with what's sure to be a very light product. Get it? Something in the air? Hah, I bet we can all tell who was the brainchild behind this...

    3 6 inches on ruler. Ruler category: Fish
  • Ruler category: Fish

  • spcdust
    Apr 20, 07:08 AM
    Sold my late 2009 iMac yesterday in anticipation of the iMac refresh so this is positive news for me. However, I may hold off until the end of May and hopefully pick myself up an iPod Touch using my education discount and the iPod Rebate Back-To-School Promo (that's if Apple are true to form and run this promo again).

    Regarding GPU - prepare to be disappointed as Apple always seem to under deliver in this respect with regards to the iMac - form over performance dictates this i'm afraid. Has anyone considered they may even stick with the current iMac GPU offering - disappointing I know but still possible. If we see an upgrade (and I sincerely hope we do) I guess we're, at best, looking at a 6950 which I'd be happy with, I guess a very unlikely outside chance would be the 6970 (Pipe dream me thinks)?

    I'd welcome HellHammer's thoughts on this as he generally has a well informed perspective on these things.

    3 6 inches on ruler. 3 6 inches on ruler. 1 2 Inch Ruler 1 4 1 2 1 2; 1 2 Inch Ruler 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2. myamid. Sep 12, 06:24 PM. The Eye Home does not have Component and HDMI
  • 3 6 inches on ruler. 1 2 Inch Ruler 1 4 1 2 1 2; 1 2 Inch Ruler 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2. myamid. Sep 12, 06:24 PM. The Eye Home does not have Component and HDMI

  • Farns514
    Jan 11, 07:00 PM
    I love these cars, i looked at the SRT8 model with the Hemi but UK + V8 = Bankrupt lol


    The Chrysler 300C SRT is a fantastic car, i think it was the summer before I headed into freshman year of college, when my buddy and i took his SRT to his lake-house. We got up to 167mph in his car on back roads, craziest/scariest/most fun experience ever. He traded that 300 in about a year ago for the Jeep SRT and man is that thing fun to drive....... Wish i could afford an SRT.:D

    3 6 inches on ruler. 4.25 inches 6 inches
  • 4.25 inches 6 inches

  • osxhero
    Apr 12, 09:31 PM
    People detection or NSA spoofer code. People should have the right to turn this stuff off. Hope FCP doesn't impose it without an option to disable.

    3 6 inches on ruler. You will need four 4 inch
  • You will need four 4 inch

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 12, 09:46 PM
    charlesdjones1, I think the picture you showed is a very likely new "look" for the iPod classic--the "7G" model. It will get a smaller click wheel but larger display for better viewing of video, and will up the storage capacity from 160 GB to 220 GB with the new 1.8" hard drive.

    Though I'm sure Apple wants to ditch the iPod Classic in favor of a 128 GB iPod touch, the current tight constraint on flash memory production may conspire against doing this.

    3 6 inches on ruler. Measures 6 3/8 inches at top
  • Measures 6 3/8 inches at top

  • dalvin200
    Oct 23, 09:33 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    same here..

    3 6 inches on ruler. Machinists Square 6 inch with
  • Machinists Square 6 inch with

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:08 PM
    From Wiki:

    Holographic disks: standards with 200 and 300 GB storage are under development and prototypes expected in 2008

    I've heard about Mac users waiting, but 5 years for most likely the first consumer device if lucky, 6 for probably first computer device. 2012.... yes exactly when I wanted to buy my next laptop after the next four I plan to purchase.

    As I said they aren't attacking the Consumer market because they have no Backing. Who can beat Sony when Sony pay's best buy to Disply the blue rays and HD-DVD no longer is displayed?


    This link says 2006


    This says 2006 for 300 GBS/ 2009 for 1TB


    "Late 2006"








    2006 - for 200 gbs




    2006... though this was written (2004) so...





    From Wikipedia (your source) - "160 times the capacity of single-layer Blu-ray Discs, and about 8 times the capacity of standard computer hard drives with space that accounts for year 2006 standards. Optware is expected to release a 200 GB disc in early June of and Maxell in September 2006 with a capacity of 300 GB and transfer rate of 20 MB/sec [3] [4].

    3 6 inches on ruler. Binder Calculator amp; 6quot; Ruler
  • Binder Calculator amp; 6quot; Ruler

  • DaveN
    Mar 4, 08:12 PM
    From the first article "A diesel Cruze would be about 12 percent more fuel efficient than the ECO, but diesel is about 9 percent more expensive than gasoline, eliminating the majority of the benefit." Also from the article, the ECO costs $19,000. In England, GM charges an extra $2700 for the diesel version. So it looks like you have to drive a lot of miles before you break even.

    Am I anti diesel? Hardly, I bought a diesel Dodge Ram back in 1999 and still have it. At the time the initial cost was several thousand more than a gas model. Diesel fuel at that time was significantly less expensive than gasoline and the fuel economy was a lot better. I still have that truck though for my daily commute, I drive my Chevy Lumina as it gets 20 mpg in town (much better than my truck). If fuel prices keep going up, a may commute by bicycle this summer... I may do that anyway for health reasons though not if it gets too hot.

    3 6 inches on ruler. You will also need a 6 inch
  • You will also need a 6 inch

  • Fubar1977
    Apr 17, 10:46 AM
    The German and Japanese stuff seems to be the best from a quality point of view.

    My Mitsubishi had a really nice old-school auto box in it.

    3 6 inches on ruler. Measurement up to 6 inches
  • Measurement up to 6 inches

  • cozmot
    Apr 24, 01:07 PM
    When senators weigh in on privacy issues like this, they betray their foolishness. A litlle study by their aides would reveal what a non-issue this is. Sen. Franken would do better by investigating our own government's spying on its own citizens under the cover of the Patriot Act.

    3 6 inches on ruler. chain about 6 inches tall
  • chain about 6 inches tall

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 20, 07:22 PM
    so i hit 6 million on 17 mar, and today (20 apr) i hit 7 million! that's about 34 days. much better than my last million, but still not as good as it could be. hopefully i'll get everything worked out and going smoothly

    7 mil; I remember those days, not so long ago... Grats!

    3 6 inches on ruler. 3 6 inches on ruler. 6 INCH (150mm) STAINLESS STEEL; 6 INCH (150mm) STAINLESS STEEL. bobsentell. Mar 18, 08:45 AM
  • 3 6 inches on ruler. 6 INCH (150mm) STAINLESS STEEL; 6 INCH (150mm) STAINLESS STEEL. bobsentell. Mar 18, 08:45 AM

  • remmy
    Mar 18, 09:06 AM
    If we let Quadafi "win" which he would, by slaughtering or not...heck it's civil war right? They have a right to kill eachother in war and then the loser will face crimes for it as usual.

    They do not have the right to kill each other.

    Also why do we need two threads, one with a over the top title which implies allot before anything has happened?

    3 6 inches on ruler. In -x--inch squares inch
  • In -x--inch squares inch

  • eenu
    Aug 16, 11:04 AM
    The problem/concern would be you syncing w/ other iTunes libs (edit: and they're not just concerned about ITMS purchases.

    Not hard for Apple to stop this with something like a digital signature allowing your pod to only sync with your library

    As far as sharing in your range. Again a waste of battery to support this. I have what I wnat ton hear for the most part. I don't much care to drain my battery searching other users' libs (that will come and go as they wander around and in and out of range - oh great, I found a cool Streets video I don't have!! Oh wait he just left range!!!), it's short-lived enough already.

    Agreed but this feature could be used for you to listen to your friends ipod music if they have a song they want you to hear OR in the work place. You should be in range for at least 8 hrs of the day :p

    3 6 inches on ruler. 3 6 inches on ruler. 6 Millimeters Inch Ruler
  • 3 6 inches on ruler. 6 Millimeters Inch Ruler

  • leekohler
    Mar 22, 10:47 AM
    This shouldn't be available at all,but are you somehow implying that there aren't gay minors?

    No- I'm saying this should not be allowed to screw up gay minors. Adults can do what they want to screw themselves up.

    3 6 inches on ruler. Brown craft box - 3 inches
  • Brown craft box - 3 inches

  • netdog
    Aug 25, 06:38 AM
    I don't think we are going to see Core Duos in Apples for much longer, though it is possible that the base Mini will offer a Core Duo, and the better model a Core 2 Duo.

    Still, I think it much more likely that with this revision, both Minis will sport Core 2 Duos, probably Meroms to keep them quiet and lower-powered, and will feature the 965 graphics chipset which frankly is a very nice and inexpenisve graphics solution.

    What I am really hoping is that there will be an add-on base module in a similar form factor to turn any Mini into a full-blown HD/Audio media centre. Now that could really be exciting. While Tivos and Sky+ boxes are welcome in my home, we are just aching for someone to really rethink the entire home media experience. I'd love to see Apple take a shot at that.

    3 6 inches on ruler. Jun 3 2010, 10:06 PM
  • Jun 3 2010, 10:06 PM

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 06:32 PM
    I've always been a fan of the device that lets you remote access your computer (like a Star Trek PADD). Doubt we'll see one anytime soon though.

    Jul 14, 02:27 AM
    I personally would love to see both formats fall flat on their asses. Both sides are way too stubborn to standardize and are expecting consumers to waste money on one side or the other, just to have their super-expensive players become paperweights when a standard is picked.

    Not to mention, the DRM is so restrictive its not even funny. Especially on Blueray. It is rediculous that if you use an analog connection or a non-secured digital connection that blueray down-samples and then up-samples the video to distort it so you cannot somehow make a digital copy. Thats not how the professional pirates duplicate discs! Morons, all they are doing is once again hurting consumers. Blueray players even phone home to tell Sony what you've been watching and download new encryption keys incase someone broke the keys like they did with CSS. Sony has assumed way too much control with Blueray, so if I'd have to pick either format I'd go with HD-DVD. Lets not forget Microsoft is backing HD-DVD on the X-Box 360. Last week when I was at the game store, they said the add-on drive would be coming soon for around $100. Thats alot less than a blueray player. Heck, when combined with this fall's xbox price cuts (we all know its going to happen with the ps3 release), it will be significantly less than buying a PS3 for a blueray player.

    We've seen it with Betamax, MiniDisc, MemoryStick, etc. Sony doesn't play well with others, they like their own formats. Heck, take a look at the Sony DRM fiasco from last year with the rootkit CDs. Do you really trust Sony to be checking in on what Blueray discs you are playing and verifying your encryption keys on a dailybasis? There are very few features in Blueray which are consumer friendly.

    Like I said, HD-DVD and Blueray both suck in my opinion, too many DRM controls, too expensive, not enough difference really over DVD for most people....

    So.......back to the main topic, what do I want Apple to do?
    Nothing, don't include either. I knew someone who felt very betrayed when he purchased a PowerMac with DVD-RAM drive. He was convinced because Apple chose that drive that it was where the industry was headed. A year later he could barely find media for it and he couldn't use the discs on anyone elses machines. He actually has always been a pro-mac person, preaching to everyone, but that absolutely infuriated him.

    Until there is a standard, Apple should stay out of the way. It doesn't matter if they put it in the highend mac or not, people say people spending that much don't care.........thats not true. They do care, they usually spend that much extra to get a job done with extra features they need. Compatibility and future proofing is a BIG DEAL to these people.

    So......apple should not put Blueray in anytime soon. BTO option? MAYBE....BUT......they should put lengthy and wordy warnings when selected informing users that it may be a paperweight in a year.

    Mar 19, 10:36 AM
    I sort of support this, but as has been said before I think its time that America puts a heavier burden on allied nations to provide military assistance for UN resolutions.

    America is constantly being blamed for policing the world and I think it is a criticism we often deserve.

    But if the UN / international community is willing to allow/support the enforcement of a no fly zone. Than they should bear equal responsibility for the execution of the movement, the US shouldn't be providing 90% of the military support and funds.

    This is being led by the UK and France... Obama has been dragging his feet.


    Doesn't seem to stop Obama from going on TV to claim credit though.

    Jan 2, 10:50 AM
    Or basically all rumors are messed up. No one knows whats coming except iLife and OS X preview. Talk about all the time wasted on these rumors :(

    What's this site called again? Oh.

    Apr 11, 01:39 AM
    The only automatic I've ever owned was a car that was only ever made in auto form: a Jaguar XK8. Fortunately in the UK most mainstream cars are still available in manual.

    There is another disturbing trend though: many modern manual cars (VAG group cars I'm look at you) won't let you use all three pedals at once. This is terrible for the spirited driver as you cannot heal and toe down the box. Kills the slight enjoyment one might get from driving a bland hatchback like a Golf.

    It is only a question of how fast you can shift and how good your are with the clutch and the throttle. There is no need to use all three pedals at once, when you know what you are doing. If you want proof, come over to my place and I will go fast with you on some country roads with and you won't even notice that I am shifting gears, except from the different noise the engine is doing.

    In the old times "Heel and Toe" was interesting especially for Rallye drivers who wanted to get the RWD car into a controlled drift by using the throttle and the brake at the same time. Something you will not be able to do with a FWD Golf anyway.

    Nov 28, 04:48 PM
    PS, that isn't hard :rolleyes:
    I just noticed that you are the same person I just (imho) shredded in two different posts above. Care to make a stand against anything I said as a direct response to your points? Or are you just gonna feed off someone else and reiterate yourself again?

    I don't have time to answer your lengthy response point for point at the moment, maybe later tonight.

    So, since my subjective opinion means nothing to you, I offer the following reveiw for your consideration from AnandTech. They compare the Apple and Dell 20" monitors. The link is the last page which has the conclusions, you can read the whole thing if you like.

    The short of it is, in their technical opinion the Dell is better than the Apple. What's that? A "consumer" monitor is better than a "pro" monitor? Say it ain't so.


    So, I'll stick to my guns and say the Apple 20" monitor isn't worth the price they are asking, and they are keeping it high it to encourage iMac purchases over a mini/cinema combo. It's only an opinion. I don't mean to come off like I know more than I do. My opinion is based only on my experiance with both monitors and my own decison making process based on price and budget. Since we can't see the actual sales numbers there is no way to prove/disprove anything.

    Oh, and the Dell was purchased for me by my work, the Apple by me for my home.

    And just a funny aside. The Dell was stolen a few months ago by theives who broke into our offices. They took our Dell monitors and a Dell Precision workstation but left my $2000 Powermac G5 the Dell monitor was plugged into. Go figure. :rolleyes:

    I got a 23" cinema to replace the Dell.

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