2011 grocery coupons

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  • Snowy_River
    Dec 1, 08:29 PM
    I do not agree that lower our demands for Apple with regards to security expectations. Now is Apple's chance to prevent getting an image that their competition has, with regards to holes in security. Apple themselves have advertised that Spyware, viruses, etc, are not part of the OS X experience (http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac_ads1/viruses_480x376.mov). In my opinion, that may be received as a challenge, or incentive for someone to make that argument a fallacy.

    Perhaps you missed me saying "Now, certainly, these issues should be looked at with all due diligence"? Again, I agree that Apple needs to keep on top of these vulnerabilities. With a little luck, we'll see a new security update within the next week or two that will patch most, if not all, of these. My objection was not to wanting Apple to fix these vulnerabilities. My objection was to the tone that suggested that if we didn't mount a public outcry, Apple would ignore these altogether, and by January 1st there'd be as many viruses on OS X as on Windows. It's the alarmist nature of so many of the posts here that I found objectionable. Give Apple the credit it's due, and trust that they are working on patching all of these vulnerabilities right now. How hard it is to patch them will determine how long we'll have to wait for the security updates.

    I'm still waiting to hear that someone--anyone--has actually been exploited by one of these "exploits."

    Yes, actually they're vulnerabilities, not exploits. There's a big difference. Determining a way to utilize a vulnerability as an exploit is no small challenge. And I'm with you. While I'm eager to see Apple plug these holes, I'm not worrying about the boat sinking until I see some water start to come in... ;)

    2011 grocery coupons. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Mystikal
    Mar 15, 01:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mystikal - that was a ton of fun hanging out, brother!

    We'll have to do it for iPhone 5 this summer - lol :)

    If im eligible for an upgrade ill be there. Love my iPad :D.

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  • belair
    Oct 24, 07:45 AM
    Would anyone happen to know if they changed the case design.

    The apple store is still down�

    The 17 inch looks almost affordable, almost.

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  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 22, 07:30 PM
    iPad 2 is thinner than the iPhone 4...

    And it also happens to be much larger than the iPhone 4... :confused:


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  • kiwi-in-uk
    Jul 12, 11:25 PM
    Before we finish on the bookfold tangent, I found a couple of useful sites that Snowy_River might want to peruse for his "booklet" style printing. This one (http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2005021608303265) sets up a PDF Services script. This one (http://word.mvps.org/Mac/BookletsFold.html#BookletPrograms) looks at three programs that take a pdf (printed from Pages, or for that matter Word) and print in booklet form.

    Back on topic, I am a heavy user of Pages (and other tools when they suit) and will certainly welcome the Charts and WP mode. Along with general usability tweaks.

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  • abrooks
    Aug 15, 04:01 PM
    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!

    You do realise that AIM is the largest active IM network currently, that is why people use iChat and Apple make it.

    Edit: Source (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3031796.stm)just in case someone doubts me.


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  • tigress666
    May 2, 02:21 AM
    my fear is the democrats will try to use this a political gain and that is so very wrong both to the military and for this good event.

    It turns a great event into worthless BS. It was just luck of the draw that a Dem was in power when this happen and it was only a matter of time. I already am watching some people try to turn it into political gain and it makes me sick.

    Oh, like Bush didn't use 9/11 to get all of what he wanted done? 9/11 was a gift to Bush and he fully used it to full effect. If I were into crazy conspiracies I'd believe the rumor that he knew it was going to happen and did nothing. I mean after all it was a great way of encouraging us to get to Iraq where he really wanted to be (Funny how he quickly shifted his focus to Iraq). And also do stuff like introduce the Patriot Act all in the name of protecting us from the terrorists. Great, who is protecting us from our government and our own stupidity for letting the government do whatever they wanted in the name of protecting us from the terrorists (warrantless wiretapping anyone)? The terrorists won, we did exactly what they were hoping for.

    So now I gotta ask, now that we got him do we still have to be in the middle east? I thought that was the whole reason why we were in there in the first place. Secondly, can we get rid of the patriot act now and go back to wiretapping being illegal if you don't have a warrant?

    Oh wait, once government gets power over something, good luck taking it away. I just want to slap the Republicans now complaining about the powers given to the government from when they were in power now that the opposition is in power (what, did they expect that the government would only have those powers when the people they liked were in power? Though I'm betting they always thought the people they liked would be in control. And yes, I've seen people who were telling me why was I worried about warrantless wiretapping if I had nothing to hide and the government was only trying to protect us from the terrorists who then got all paranoid about what the government was doing once Obama came into power).

    ALL OF THEM will use this as validation or some type of proof that we need to "stay the course" on our un-winnable wars.

    If anything this will have just made our foreign policy situation worse. Get ready for the blowback, because this event definitely pissed off some extremists.


    This solves nothing. What would really solve something is getting to the roots of why they hate the US so much or why many of them are so easily manipulated into thinking we are the enemy.

    I'm not sure stuffing a corpse with candy is very hygienic. ;)

    Seriously, though, we're going to treat him like Hector? Like he was some great hero worthy of our wrath and opprobrium?

    I disagree, we should wrap him in an army blanket and bury Bin Laden in an unmarked grave; the man's had enough celebrity already.

    Agreed. I think that this is a much better way of treating him. It's far more insulting to just not even give him the dignity of a marked grave but treat him as a total nobody.

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  • mark28
    Apr 15, 08:13 AM
    3rd party apps crash, all of the them :mad: The standard Apple apps still work.

    Terrible update. :mad:


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  • HMFIC03
    Apr 13, 04:56 PM
    top ten apple branded tv features.

    10. Requires itunes $500 remote.
    9. Costs twice as much and has half as many channels as other tvs.
    8. Can't watch bd movies on it.
    7. No pron.
    6. Requires 7 apple adapters to access all features.
    5. Tv bezel constantly runs iads.
    4. Not able to display politically incorrect programming.
    3. Al gore circuit turns off tv after 200 watts are consumed.
    2. Comes in only one size.
    1. Wooooo!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juh6ldz177k

    +1 - #3 lmfao

    2011 grocery coupons. %IMG_DESC_10%
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    Jul 24, 03:52 PM
    Do people really have that many problems with the scroll ball gunking up? I've had mine for ages and never had a problem with it (maybe I just keep my hands cleaner :D )

    naughtie fingers dwelling deep...


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  • erzhik
    Apr 24, 11:52 AM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    They won't. Even if this deal gets approved, T-Mobile will remain a separate company. Everything will remain as it is, except the fact that all revenue will go to AT&T.

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  • kirky29
    Jun 6, 11:22 AM
    Ouch, at least they gave them a refund!
    My iPhone only lasts a few mins after I've entered my password. So he must have been quick!


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  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 06:38 PM
    Cool. They'll need to make an iPhone that supports the T-mobile's bands if the merger goes through anyways. (right?)

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  • twoodcc
    Nov 30, 10:44 PM
    It's amazing how much the the price has increased for "pro" macs over the years, though if you look at comparable dell's or hp's they are often more expensive than a high end mac pro (without the add on's, Apple want's too much for memory and hdd's).

    I was thinking of maybe 2 more gtx 275's, that would make 4 275's and 2 260's. 3 would go on the i7 machine and 3 on the amd 965 and since I didn't have much luck with windows 7 running normal units well on the amd I may not get the normal cpu units running on the i7 either, all of those gpu's will make up for any difference though. That will probably be it for new horse power for a while, I may have to live with the idea that I will never catch up to mc68k :rolleyes: or even atlasfolding :D

    yeah, the mac pro is just out of my price range now. when it was first released in you got 4 cores, which was the most at the time, for $2499. i could deal with that. but now 8 cores cost $3299, and i'm sure the 12 cores will be the same, if not even more.

    oh ok. i'm not sure if i want to get 260s or 250s. i know the 260s get almost 2k more ppd than the 250GTS, but it might not be worth the price. i'm still thinking about it.

    yeah right now i'm just running gpu units. i wonder which uses more power, gpu or bigadv?

    At least with my mac pro it is quite usable while running bigadv units, it doesn't feel slow at all and the wu doesn't slow down very much.

    Are there gpu, pci-e, power connectors inside the mac pro? I forgot to look the last time I had mine open.

    I will sell my 2 copies of win 7, and go back to linux, when gpu3 is up and running, it would be nice not to have to buy another copy right now but I don't want to wait for gpu3, which could be weeks or months before it is ready. I guess it is out for alpha testing, I don't think I'll bother until it's past the beta stage.

    my mac pro is too slow for the bigadv units, and the regular ones only get about 3500 ppd. i'm getting over 15,000 ppd with the 4 gpus.

    your mac pro might have those connections. mine has 2 x 6-pin connectors for video cards. i really didn't look for any 4-pin connectors.

    i don't even know where to look for the alpha gpu3. but yeah, i'll wait. i wonder how long the wait will be though


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  • iLilana
    Mar 31, 10:43 AM
    integrate iChat and face time already!!!!

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  • blipmusic
    Apr 18, 04:39 AM
    It's not a marginal increase. The Sandy Bridge 1.4Ghz ULV (expected to be in the new 11") is 40% faster than the C2D LV 1.86Ghz chip that's currently in the base 13" in some benchmarks.

    Good to hear, thanks for the heads up. I'll live with the Intel IGP if that's the case.


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  • basesloaded190
    Apr 11, 03:03 PM
    How are you going to reduce the number of cables? It seems like you would still need the same number of cables.

    reducing the number of cables connected to his computer is what he would be doing. Just one TB could possibly handle all of the cables through a hub.

    2011 grocery coupons. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • ratzzo
    Apr 27, 07:20 PM
    What an amazing piece of machinery this will be. I am looking forward to acquiring the 27" "low" end.. which will surely last for years given their specs. The only downside would be the lack of SSD but that's understandable given their price/GB. Nevertheless, these iMacs will be blazing fast and a joy to operate.

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  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:23 AM

    Looks completely different to me. ;)

    How are they different? They are both round with a 3D look and have a triangle with the same alignment and angles in the middle. They even perform the same function, to start playback of media content. Are you really going to nitpick about the colors? That's not different enough, Apple should definetely sue.

    Apr 30, 04:30 PM
    Both AAC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Audio_Coding#Licensing_and_patents) and MP3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3#Licensing_and_patent_issues) have licensing fees. It's also a complete mess on the MP3 licensing side.

    Great read. Thank you for the links! Kind of blows the open and free notion out of the water.

    May 4, 09:27 AM
    I'll be quite disappointed and most likely skip my first generation of iPhone if they don't integrate 4g antennas. If they're going to delay release (from their normal schedule) we would at least hope to see competitive hardware features with the android phones that come out on a seemingly daily basis.

    To chose a 4G phone over an iPhone in 2011 is a poor choice and the result of marketing and nothing more. Unless you live in spot with great 4G service and never plan to leave the house, you won't see average speeds any faster than an AT&T iPhone. Not to mention your web browser won't render pages half as fast as Safari, so speed differences are utterly negated.

    Apr 22, 12:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Jun 6, 01:35 AM
    There is a 15 minute window after entering a password for purchase during which you can click "buy" and not be prompted.

    Apr 21, 11:45 PM
    yeah, apple are stupid....they havnt got a clue what they are doing have they... :rolleyes:

    ooo come on kiddo :) may be you should advice steve jobs on how to run a company... the guy has only turned apple from bankruptcy to one of the biggest and most admired companies in the world today. but he surely doesnt have a clue of what he is doing :)

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