1080p wallpaper

1080p wallpaper. 1080p wallpaper scenery.
  • 1080p wallpaper scenery.

  • fswmacguy
    Apr 3, 10:42 AM
    Since the iPad does nothing useful this appeal to the wimpy "feelings" crowd is no surprise. Replace the iPad with a pair of pants and this could easily double as a Levi's commercial.

    I don't think you understand how this works.

    Ads like this create mystery, excitement, and ultimately pulls customers into Apple's retail chain out of pure interest.

    I'd rather have ads like this than ads that shout specs in my face and exaggerate their knockoff plastic crap.

    1080p wallpaper. City Wallpaper 1080p (13)
  • City Wallpaper 1080p (13)

  • CIA
    Apr 12, 09:11 PM
    What the hell are you talking about? I use iMovie for home videos and I use Final Cut at work. If you don't use something then you shouldn't be bitching about it.

    This all started just because I said I hope Final Cut doesn't turn into iMovie. Somehow that turned into iMovie is pro and Final Cut is the Model T of editing.

    1080p wallpaper. FFVII Wallpaper (1080p)
  • FFVII Wallpaper (1080p)

  • mi5moav
    Jul 19, 07:02 PM
    Well, during 2000-2001 that was a long waiting period for OSX... and then of course during the Q4 of 2001 we had 9-11

    1080p wallpaper. 1080p wallpaper scenery.
  • 1080p wallpaper scenery.

  • QCassidy352
    Aug 29, 05:13 PM
    this is Think Secret we're talking about. I don't believe a word out of their lying mouths.

    1080p wallpaper. dead space wallpaper 1080p.
  • dead space wallpaper 1080p.

  • surroundfan
    Aug 24, 05:42 PM
    If there's a dual core base model after 4 September, I'll be very happy...

    Roll on 5 September...

    1080p wallpaper. festive 1080p wallpapers
  • festive 1080p wallpapers

  • macfan881
    Aug 24, 06:13 PM
    i hope theres a new mac mini soon id plan to get one but i plan to put boot camp on and play my matrix online and i pray this version does not have shared graphics cause for my game it is herendus playin the game

    1080p wallpaper. nature wallpapers hd 1080p. hd
  • nature wallpapers hd 1080p. hd

  • iSax1234
    Mar 24, 12:13 PM
    So someone who is sterile due to medical reasons shouldn't be allowed to marry either? There's no natural way for them to reproduce.

    You're twisting the argument. Guy + Girl have the possibility to make baby (if they're sterile that's an isolated case). Guy + Guy or Girl + Girl will never be able to have sexual intercourse and have children. Marriage today to most people is nothing more than a loosely binded formal contract, since it can be terminated at any time with little to no repercussions.

    1080p wallpaper. God of War 2 Wallpaper (1080p)
  • God of War 2 Wallpaper (1080p)

  • Piggie
    Mar 26, 09:34 AM
    People said the same thing with touch screens in airplanes yet the top-of-the-line fighters have touch-screen control. Admittedly, they don't use the touch screens as their flight controllers, but when you consider the volume and velocity of their decision-making, it shows it can be done.

    I think it will all depend on what you get used to.

    No, don't accept that, sorry.

    No One control method is best for everything.

    It's like saying I invented the button and now I should drive a car with buttons. No buttons are great for some things, wheels are better for others.

    Like a Stylus is a superb item for writing and drawing with on a screen for some tasks.

    Unfortunately, Steve Jobs role is a salesman, and he won't tell you the truth as he is selling a product. Salesmen lie.
    Steve says Stylus = fail. He does not really think that, he knows it's not true, but he has to say that as he's selling you a product that cannot use a stylus very well as it's designed for finger tip sizes touch detection.

    If you took brushes away from artists and told them they must use their fingers. Yes, they could create some pictures, but not as well as they could with their brushes.

    No 1 system is right for everything.

    The only MAIN problem and it is a BIG problem is too many people forget Steve Jobs is a SALESMAN for Apple, and he will tell you things as FACT that are just sales talk to promote his product he wants to sell.

    There are too many people in the world that can't grasp this and think what he says is gospel truth and cannot ever be wrong.

    1080p wallpaper. flower 1080p wallpaper
  • flower 1080p wallpaper

  • shanmui1
    Aug 25, 03:55 AM
    Sheesh! Do we really have to wait 'til May before we can buy any more Mac minis? This smacks of serious mis-management!! :eek:

    i think this is what they r talking about?


    1080p wallpaper. Portal Wallpaper (1080p)
  • Portal Wallpaper (1080p)

  • hvfsl
    Aug 16, 08:09 AM
    I didnt even think about the wii.... :eek: I still dont see why nintendo and apple cant get in bed together, they both would like to see M$ fail, and they both could profit from a aliance, just imagine, pluging the ipod into the wii and then shopping for music on the wii... :cool:

    Well there are rumors that you will be able to download old nintendo games onto the new iPod.

    1080p wallpaper. HDTV 1080p Wallpapers HD
  • HDTV 1080p Wallpapers HD

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 16, 10:02 AM
    That is what i don't get, what is really going to be included in a wireless iPod? The only thing i could see is that it gets the ability to purchase music from iTunes or you stream internet radio or something. Also, the waste of wireless syncing to a computer. Am i missing something bigger?
    I have argued that in many posts that Apple need to introduce an iPod with a phone - iPhone or whatever it will be called. Assuming Apple have one of those more or less ready to be released, then I can see a point in both BT and WiFi.
    But wireless on a mp3 player??? That is beyond my understanding. Why not add a kitchen sink when there still at it?
    My personal guess, based on how fast cellphones with mp3 capabilities have evolved during the past year or two, is that Apple will release the mythical "iPhone" within a year. If they don't, Apple will most certainly lose a big chunk of their mp3-player market share.

    They just pulled it off their website a few minutes ago but it was a photo of the wireless iPod!


    I saved a pic of it in my cache and posted for you to see!!!

    It does iTunes and video and the screen is enormous!!

    Full screen iChat messaging is availble with the built in iSight!

    It is also in black!


    I can't wait to get my hands on one of these, looks great for watching movies.
    Hehehe...good one :D ;)

    1080p wallpaper. Wallpaper 1080p (33)
  • Wallpaper 1080p (33)

  • twoodcc
    Sep 6, 09:23 AM
    well core2duo would have been better, but at least they got rid of the solo.*

    1080p wallpaper. 1080p wallpapers.
  • 1080p wallpapers.

  • oMc
    Nov 24, 06:22 PM
    About ********** time ! :D


    1080p wallpaper. Women 1080p Wallpapers
  • Women 1080p Wallpapers

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 05:13 PM
    The US could have sat this one out and it would not affect your pension or your healthcare. The cost of this UN mission is spread among all 10 nations and the freezing of Gaddafi's assets.

    If the UN continued to ignore the people of Libya asking for the International community to step in ... Gaddafi would force the people to comply to him with deadly force.

    IMO this will be a quick victory for the UN and the Libyan people ... Gaddafi can go live with Mubarak.

    Nah, it's not that bad. It's not going to cost that much because they are just using up inventory that has to be replaced anyway. The bolts are rusting on those missles. And besides, if this plays through as planned, the rebels will need some stuff and we'll esentially trade them for oil...however you want to break down the money details. Plus, if this regime becomes bedmates like the Saudis, the "future energy reserve" will be pretty darn secure and will translate to benefits for your kids at least. That is, until the leader defies us again! ;)

    1080p wallpaper. x 1080 full hd wallpaper
  • x 1080 full hd wallpaper

  • bokdol
    Nov 28, 09:53 AM
    one of the key differences between the xbox and zune. is that microsoft only had to contend with 2 other players in the video game indistry. the ipod maybe top. but there are hundred of other companies to battle first just to reach second place. and also phone companies. spending money maynot help them like in the case of the xbox.

    1080p wallpaper. 1080p wallpaper.
  • 1080p wallpaper.

  • FearNo1
    Apr 24, 09:28 AM
    Aye, the usual overly dramatic reaction Brother Esau, like in the days you sold your birthright for a mere morsel of meat and still holds me responsible to this day...

    Brother Jacob

    Judging from the the overwhelming majority of responses in regards to personal privacy violation these days, coming from the younger generations in regards to issues of this nature and typical replies such as.... Don't Care, I'm not doing anything wrong so I'm fine with that, Let them look, They are not violating you're rights, you have a Tinfoil Hat on! etc , etc, etc,

    I would have to say that the Government is doing a fine job indoctrinating and spoon feeding everyone through mass media to the extent that we are actually breeding complacent spineless cowards that offer no resistance and have no independent thought process of their own!

    In short...You are all good little sheep!

    Why is it that no one offers any resistance these days? The problem and all of the problems this country currently faces is due to the fact that We The People no longer govern this country and protect our constitution & Bill Of Rights!

    We hire and empower our elected officials to represent our voice and our best interest as a society yet these people take what they want, treat us the way they want, steal from us, lie to us, deceive us & left to their devices they will kill us all in the name of greed. And we just bend over and take it and thank them for it!

    I Mean WTF already people? When is everybody going to learn that if everybody would just do their little part in society by being involved on the most very mundane level, we as a people and society would not be plagued with all of these current crisis that we are currently facing in this country!

    STRENGTH IN NUMBERS! If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem! It's that simple!

    Now c'mon Kids call me crazy and say I am wearing a Tin Foil Hat. Just Remember It will be my Generation that brings the fight, not yours!

    1080p wallpaper. Wallpaper 1080p (87)
  • Wallpaper 1080p (87)

  • balamw
    Jun 22, 06:33 PM
    In fact, I would much rather see dashboard disappear and iOS take its place, because let's face it; dashboard is worthless due to its horrible implementation.

    In many ways, the appeal of iOS for me is that it harkens back to the simpler, days of instant-on 8-bit computers. Even more so than the quick, reliable return form sleep on my Macs that seems unreachable on most Windows boxes.

    If this means that I can run iOS apps on my iMac or MB/MBP/MBA (down the line) to quickly send an e-mail or something like that it sounds great to me. I already often reach for my iPhone for simple tasks.

    Dashboard "failed" due to a lack of apps, and the same is true of Windows' widgets. Apple has access to a huge assortment of apps (some very useful, others less so) for iOS that would instantly eliminate that problem.

    Make it so. Please.


    1080p wallpaper. 1920 x 1080 wallpapers. lilies
  • 1920 x 1080 wallpapers. lilies

  • (marc)
    Mar 20, 08:24 AM
    I actually think having troops is better. "Firing missles and bombing" from great distances has a "disconnect" between people. When you have actual people fighting and even dying alongside you, both the citizens and the warriors appreciated it more and form more of a bond between people and cultures. It builds a "comraderee" of sorts and helps secure a pschological future between peoples....whereas, in this case, perhaps the only interaction we really have with Lybians is that the generals and politicians might go to meetings. Something the masses never experience for themselves.

    After something like this is over without them actually "enduring victory and suffering" with Westerners hugging them, many Lybians will still think...oh yeah, those are the infidels that helped us get Quadafi with their big guns. :p

    And even in the eyes of the opposition, it can have a negative effect in that you don't see them face to face when you kill them. It can be seen as a sign of "weakness" and "chickeness". This is what happened with Clinton shooting tomahawks at Bin Laden and then walking away brushing his hands. When you look in their eyes and shoot them, they know you mean business and respect and fear you as a warrior. Then they might think twice before they try to blow up your buildings when you're not looking. ;)

    The jets and rockets are there to prevent Gaddafi from killing civilians, not to prevent Gaddafi from winning.

    1080p wallpaper. lilies 1080p wallpaper
  • lilies 1080p wallpaper

  • Surely
    Nov 24, 12:25 PM
    ^^^Picture thread, dude. Picture thread. ;)


    Dec 23, 09:59 AM
    I was trying to watch when you hit 3 mil but you beat me to it, congrats!

    thanks! :)

    I had two of them (on two different machines) just stop, all eight cores using 0% CPU.

    Prior to that I'd get one done about 2 days early (with killer points) on each machine.

    So I've restarted the client (dumped prefs/reinstalled F@H) on each machine and now have a completion date of ~12/25 (fingers crossed) for both machines.

    Congrats to twoodcc for hitting the 3 mil mark!

    hopefully they will work for you this time. and thanks!:)

    I've found that starting from scratch sometimes fixes things, so hopefully that will work, good luck!

    yeah i agree. hopefully it'll work out this time

    Aug 16, 04:19 PM
    iPods were pretty popular and quite a money maker when only US customers could get them and, later, when only US customers could buy online if memory serves...

    As are the iTunes Television Offerings...

    Jul 20, 04:55 PM
    That's funny that is not what they told us when I worked for Aldus, although there was one time that we could not trade.

    I think the blackout period is only for execs and VPs, most of the time.

    Last company I worked for, there was a blackout period for everyone, but it was longer for executive and sales staff, or in fact for anyone who might have had detailed inside knowledge. For instance one colleague, a software engineer, shared an office for a few months with a sales manager, and during that time he had a longer blackout period than the rest of us because he might have overheard some insider information.

    Also, we weren't allowed to short the company stock ... since that's kind of like athletes betting that their team will lose, and you might be tempted to release information that would tank the stock.

    Nov 26, 07:14 AM
    Holly crap i have the same thing! You have ethe Blackberry 3G?
    Ya I do :D Also just bought http://iweb.cooking.com/images/products/enlarge/313920e.jpg

    Mar 27, 10:02 PM
    I have it all back together now and hope to ride it tomorrow, weather permitting. The paint chip didn't look like this, but I love it! The original silver frame and pipes contrast nicely.

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