photobucket quotes and sayings

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 7, 08:52 PM
    Good work! I've just double checked your figures and they are accurate (ahem)

    I suppose the original question should have been, "What have Apple got in there?"

    Maybe Steve Jobs has another hobby going, a new Xserve!

    For a while I mixed up exabyte and petabyte, so I thought a petabyte was 1024 exabytes which was 1024 terabytes. Now it makes sense.

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  • zen.state
    Mar 30, 06:09 AM
    Thanks zen.state. I'll look it up once the blasted screen turns up!

    This thread is asking about drive sizes for PPC machines but the thread on the apple site pointed to doesn't seem to answer the question definitively - at least to me but I'm kinda new.

    what is the max drive size for a PPC with with a ATA controller in one of the PCI slots?

    I have heard of the 2TB limit per drive before. I cannot confirm this 100% though as all my drives are less than 2TB. I have 3.5 TB total but it consists of 3x 1TB and 1x 500GB.

    I think 2TB drives are a great option for you. They can be had for as little as 75-80 each these days and 4 of them would give you 8TB in your file server. Not too shabby.

    I myself plan to buy a couple 2TB drives soon as I am running out of space even with 3.5 TB.

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  • Hellhammer
    Mar 17, 01:18 PM
    MacRumors supports Tapatalk which I think is similar to Forum Runner.

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  • tjb1
    Feb 12, 06:53 PM
    I would restore it, jailbreak with greenpoison, download the firmware you are using from to use in redsnow and just install cydia only.


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  • thenish
    Sep 10, 08:07 PM
    I've attached it because when I usually post it, it comes out too big.

    Anyway you could provide the original? I searched on google but wasn't able to find this one?

    thx in advance

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  • o1no1ne
    Aug 18, 12:18 AM
    I love the first one! It looks like asbestos, but friendlier and meshed together with quartz!


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  • gspannu
    Mar 30, 05:59 PM
    Breaking news: Apple have just released Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2.

    Downloading as I write...

    Read more here (

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  • simsaladimbamba
    May 4, 04:41 PM
    Have you tried Disk Utility yet?


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  • hansiedejong
    Aug 2, 02:54 AM

    Click for larger.

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  • Mackilroy
    Mar 17, 03:18 PM
    It installed fine on the Mac Pro I have lying around.


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  • sydia21
    Feb 10, 06:35 AM
    I know that this is out of left field but does anybody know if switiching from a 1400 family plan to a 700 family plan but still paying over $100 in monthly charges affect the yearly updgrade for the primary line.

    I'm looking to downgrade as I have over 7000 roll over minutes and save $20.00 but I wouldn't be worth it if I lose my yearly upgrade.

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  • jefhatfield
    Feb 22, 07:04 PM
    My average is rapidly approaching 6 per day. I've posted 50 times in one day twice so far - that's the most I've ever made in one day.

    I agree with you regarding edesignuk - those pictures always make me chuckle.

    6 posts per day adds up to a lot if you keep it up for five years straight

    i am at just under 4 1/2 posts per day and in my 5th year here, i am approaching 7500 total posts...i hope that makes me a "602" :)


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  • Kelmon
    Oct 1, 03:08 AM
    Well, it would have been nice but my company (delivers packages, owns Memphis) switched to Exchange about a year ago, mostly because Notes was too damned expensive. Oh well.

    For those of you still working in organisations using Lotus Notes, I guess this is good news.

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  • strabes
    Apr 20, 03:27 PM
    My family has three iPhones and an Apple TV, all on the same iTunes account. Do we count as one user? I'd like to see how these numbers are calculated.


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  • Melrose
    Feb 1, 11:57 AM
    Usually I don't go for chicks on my desktop, but I'll make an exception this time. at least for a couple days...

    original (

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  • kultschar
    Mar 26, 09:45 AM
    It needs offline maps. Without that, it's pointless on an iPod Touch, or any WiFi-only device. If I could save just one city at a time: say I'm going to London, and I will need a map of London all day, then I could save a given radius of a London map and it would be handy.

    What I do now is take screenshots of maps while I still have WiFi, but that's totally annoying to do.

    Yup - offline maps with the maps on iTunes allowing you to downlaod countries or cities of choice.

    I was in NYC last year and had to use hotel wifi to get the map up before I walked out into the street. Was great with the GPS but offline maps with info updates for places etc would be fantastic


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  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 4, 10:41 AM
    Thank you, Apple, for weeding out the companies whose business model depends on selling my information to junk-mailers.

    This is the kind of 'crazy-Steve-Jobs-control' I can live with.

    So because you don't like Financial Times it's okay for everyone that they are holding out iPad subscriptions. This is exactly what's wrong with you Apple fanboys.

    You should be penalizing Apple for allowing this to happen. but instead you jump for joy.

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  • Draelius
    Sep 26, 11:24 PM
    Everyone's been plagued by the same email outages...why should you expect special treatment?

    For the same reason everyone else tolerates inferior service.

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  • Detlev
    Apr 25, 08:25 AM
    I held onto one 3GS iphone at the last upgrade just for this. Gonna get me a white iPhone 4 this week :D

    Aug 14, 10:25 AM

    awesome :D

    Apr 20, 04:19 PM
    Open iTunes, click on your email address in the upper right. Enter your password and click view your account.

    Apr 30, 04:16 PM
    More specifically its supposed to be in Safari. Heres the link to the article (

    Apr 30, 10:13 PM
    Glad to see the end of MobileMe and couldn't stand the "Me" idea. Seemed to be a trend back in the mid to late 90s when I worked for a big consumer products company. They had an intranet MY[big brand name].com and YOUR[big brand name].com and none of us in corporate could remember which was for consumers and which was for dealers.

    Much better to think about it as what it can do for me, instead of being about "me". I look forward to learning more about "it". :apple:

    Sep 24, 08:27 PM
    i asked for a REAL reason.

    Please don't bring a religious debate into this...

    For some people it is a REAL reason, so please respect that and don't turn this into a "religion is stupid" thread. Then we'll be in the Political Forum for sure...

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