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  • dj2mc
    Nov 26, 01:12 PM
    To lay down some feedback of my own, I have used Sophos for a while and I am very pleased with it. I had Clam XAV for the longest time, and to be honest I never felt very safe w/ it because it never had the image of it was even scanning legibly, sometimes it would pop up with scan errors, corrupt updates, etc. The list goes on... Sophos is a prime example of an AV that has characteristics that others are missing. It's stable, fast, reliable and ultimately gives you the best protection because it's always scanning, and always searching the file you open each time. What more can you want?
    So, I tip my hat off to Sophos

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 2, 11:47 PM
    Sorry. That was not the intent of my meaning. I agree with you. But now that Core 2 are shipping, the 64-bit character of this new generation of processors will in the long term make a difference in the OS as well as in the Pro apps. There are also large energy management differences between Yonah and Merom giving the portables noticably longer battery life immediately.

    well i agree that 64-bit is something, but considering you can't put more than 4 GB of RAM in a Macbook now anyways, it's not going to help that much.(i know i'm just using the Macbook as an example) and by the time you need 64-bit because of software, it'll probably be time for a new computer anyways.....right?

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  • iBorg20181
    Jul 23, 10:38 PM
    I lost my post up above. So, I�ll try and rephrase.

    I don�t think we will see any portables with Merom for MWDC.

    Don�t expect Apple to announce early then be up to 6 weeks behind demand on delivery. This could attract negative publicity, negative image.

    Historically, Apple has been reluctant to upgrade portable lines, especially ibook, that had strong sales.

    Anyone waiting for MBP Merom should be prepared to wait until November/December.

    Not likely.

    In the "old days" (i.e. pre-Intel) Apple could do this, keep selling outdated technology to clear out inventory before updating processors, graphics cards/chips, etc.

    But now that they're competing head-to-head with PC technology, this won't EVER happen. It was not accidental that Yonah debuted on MBP's before Dell, HP and Sony started selling them. No, Apple will have them out of the chute as soon as anyone else does (Intel probably won't give Apple first dibs this time - that was probably a Yonah bribe to get Apple to commit to Intel), which means there's no way we'll be waiting until Christmas (unless some production snafu makes EVERYONE wait that long.)

    Announcement in August, shipping in September maybe?



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  • Erasmus
    Aug 4, 07:35 AM
    I do not believe that Apple should wait to announce their new 64 bit systems. They should (and could) give promos of complete overhauls of their entire Mac lineup. (Final propaganda for iMac Ultra)

    I think that Apple should concentrate on getting lots of switchers. Apple probably care about us old "maccies", because, of course, it is very rare for a mac user to change to using the Operating System That Must Not Be Named.

    I therefore think Apple promoing iMacs, Macbooks, MBPs, MPs, MMs, etc. would be in their best interest, as potential switchers would know that Apple intends to bring out cool machines as soon as they can, if not immediately. Sure, it would impact on initial sales, as no-one would buy any of their computers between then and the shipping date, however, Apple would catch many fence-sitters who would otherwise bite the bullet and buy a much cheaper (and much more pathetic) PC after Steve's Keynote.

    Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.

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  • mlrproducts
    Aug 11, 09:34 AM
    Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

    And also that it won't be out til January or later... plenty of time (closer to the 1st of the year) for them to upgrade..

    barcode reader. BarCode Reader
  • BarCode Reader

  • spriter
    Jul 21, 03:15 PM
    G5 PowerBooks on Tuesday!

    :eek: :D

    I think MacBooks will get Merom in their second revision. Either way, I'm liking Intel's relentless surge.

    barcode reader. 2D Barcode Reader
  • 2D Barcode Reader

  • UmaThurman
    Aug 7, 02:56 PM
    SO in the Paris expo is where we'll most likely see updated MBP? :confused:

    barcode reader. arcode reader to the PC.
  • arcode reader to the PC.

  • MrWinters
    May 4, 05:15 PM
    they're probably make it that if your hard drive dies, you need to go to the apple store and have them do it. If you don't have apple care, or if ran out, lol enjoy their high prices.



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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 01:26 PM
    Believe it or not though we are still gigabit to our SAN and while Fiber Channel may be awesome in this scenario do you not think Thunderbolt would have the throughput for say, a DAS box?

    Direct Attached Storage is a pain to manage : "Hey, XY server needs more storage space... oh wait, the array is full, we need to purchase a new array for it... too bad we can't use YZ's array which only has 2 bays occupied...".

    Centralized storage arrays with LUNs solves all of these issues. Running out of storage ? Present a new LUN and just plug it in to whatever volume manager you use and grow your existing filesystem, all with 0 downtime or even having to physically connect anything to the box.

    For data centers, Thunderbolt is a non-contender.

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  • Symbol Barcode Scanner

  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 04:24 PM
    We should also cut spending across the board. Cut spending on EVERYTHING.

    Repeating myself ...

    I find this approach highly irrational. If you're overweight, it's important to lose fat. It does no good whatsoever to treat brain the same as fat ... to treat vital organs the same as fat ... to treat limbs and digits the same as fat.

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 9, 08:38 PM
    Same brand scientific calculator, two different answers. :rolleyes:

    What mode are they in? From a quick search:

    If you choose to use a calculator to solve the math problem, your calculator must be in scientific notation. Only a calculator in scientific notation will follow PEMDAS and the order of operations. A non-scientific calculator will yield an incorrect answer.

    barcode reader. Click to view Barcode Reader
  • Click to view Barcode Reader

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 7, 06:37 PM
    And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC".

    You ask a very good question iin that first sentence. MS must have wrestled with that very same question and came up with the horrible solution carefully reiterated in the following wordy advertising (

    The Windows tablet/slate expects everyone to keep their PC nearby in order to enjoy the utility of their slablet. There is also an awful short video advertisement on YouTube for the Asus slablet.

    barcode reader. How about a ar code building?
  • How about a ar code building?

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 29, 04:34 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    How dare people think of themselves in any way when something bad has occurred in the world. People in Darfur have been dying for quite some time now and I haven't thought of myself or my interests once since conflicts began. That's what a good person does.

    Do you see how ridiculous you're being? There is no reason a person can't be concerned with supply shortages AND the Japanese people. They aren't mutually exclusive. Moreover, if you follow your flawed logic then no one could ever do anything for themselves. Horrific events happen everyday worldwide; tragedies can't stop us from living.

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  • Mobile arcode scanner

  • lilo777
    Apr 5, 02:20 PM
    It's: "Do not buy iPhone. Go with Android." That's how I see it. Companies like Toyota will have no choice but to double their efforts in serving Android users.

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  • arcode scanner gun. arcode

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 09:26 PM
    The current iMac's can't even run games at 2560x1440 very well, so an even higher resolution? Unless they want to stick a desktop Radeon 6950 (at least) in there, it just wouldn't work. Surely Apple sees how important gaming is with iOS and Steam?

    You don't have to run games at those high resolutions.

    barcode reader. Barcode Reader SDK
  • Barcode Reader SDK

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 26, 03:26 PM
    I wonder if there will be 400k new Android phone a day soon. The power of Android cannot be stopped now.

    barcode reader. 2D Barcode Reader.
  • 2D Barcode Reader.

  • seenew
    Aug 3, 11:34 PM
    Man, and I got an iMac in late June because I was told they wouldn't get Merom's into iMacs until 2007.


    I can still drop one in, can't I?

    barcode reader. Bar Code Readers
  • Bar Code Readers

  • cybermat
    May 7, 06:31 PM
    I hope free doesn't mean linking it up to their iAd service and pushing ads.

    barcode reader. Barcode Reader is the latest
  • Barcode Reader is the latest

  • Rad99004
    May 7, 08:10 PM
    I'd say if you own any Apple product the service should be free.

    I rarely ever use it and wish they added more features and data storage.

    I suspect this will also be the site of the Web based I-tunes of the future.

    Mar 30, 01:49 AM
    Well, the percentage of suicides is a lot smaller in Foxconn employees than in the US population.

    wired had an article about this a couple months back. The suicide rate at the Foxconn plant is lower than the suicide rate in the rest of the Chinese population (possibly lower even than in the US, I can't remember the article exactly).

    by mass rates you mean lower than the national average? :rolleyes:

    I'm glad that there are people out there who did the research to find out if it was really that bad compared to other places like I did.

    I hope you know that cell phones emit radiation.

    Although you are factually correct since a cell phone does emit non-ionizing radiation in the form of electromagnetic radiation, I think the original poster was implying that they had a distaste for ionizing radiation which is hazardous and does cause cancer in large enough doses.

    Apr 26, 04:36 PM
    These smartphone stats are quite interesting. We have a open plan office and when I look around me I see about 5 iPhone 4's, 3 iPhone 3GS's and 1 android. :rolleyes:

    Also look at how much money Apple has in the bank now in relation to their smartphone market share...

    Mar 29, 09:58 AM
    Okay, nice, guys. This is MacRumors, not AmazonRumors. Who gives a crap about Amazon? Move along now.

    Of course it's not but just because this article isn't specifically related to Apple does not mean it has no place on an Apple rumor site. There is a lot you can take away from this article in regard to what Apple has in store for the future based on their competition.

    It drives me crazy when people dimiss articles on here just because they don't have Apple written all over them. That doesn't mean they are irrelevant in regard to apple rumors.

    Apr 22, 03:08 AM
    doubtful, this is a key switcher market... it would be crazy to axe the very thing that will continue to switch the PC builders/gamers over the next 5 years... this is a key ingredient to apple taking the industry over with time.

    Apple will not take the desktop industry over, at least not whilst it's using intel processors and chipsets and charging far more for them than other vendors.

    You are essentially now using a PC with EFI firmware and OSX operating system. The only advantage over a hackintosh is that it's all fine tuned, modified and tested under one roof together with Apples software and of course styled with a modern, warm, minimalist form using quality materials but which does not leave any room for custom modding, water cooling, tri-quad SLI\X-Fire etc that PC modders crave.

    In my opinion with virtualization age starting and conventions/standards now being more robust we are coming to a time where it's going to be all "same ****, different logo and GUI" and the cheaper, more feature rich option will win out.

    The desktop market has been exhausted and its time passed anywhere, so now it's all about mobile and portable computing.
    Nokia is partnering with Ms, those are two big, strong boys right there and will give everyone a run for their money. Add to that Microsofts kinect technology and you have new ways of controlling PC's, HTPC's and even mobiles. I have a feeling we're in for a surprise. Apple had/has its prime time with the ipod, iphone, ipad but now the innovation chip has changed it seems.

    Apr 7, 05:01 PM
    What Microsoft has doesn't transfer to the tablet market. Ok, they have cash. They have enough money to give away 80 million tablets. If they do that, over the next three years, the cash is gone, and Apple + Android will still sell more units :D

    Distribution channel? What distribution channel does Microsoft have for hardware? They don't. Zune was a failure. XBox and tablets are two completely different markets.

    The developers are writing iPhone / iPad apps.

    And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC".

    >Ok, they have cash.
    They have enough buy RIM, Motorola, and HTC if they really wanted to.

    > Distribution channel?
    MS has probably one of the widest distribution channels on the consumer and enterprise markets...BTW, Im not saying they should make MS hardware, just the OS. They have contacts with almost ALL the manufacturers and resellers. One thing I learned was never to underestimate Microsoft. (I agree that their hardware products are mostly failures)

    > The developers are writing iPhone / iPad apps.
    I agree... that's why they have to leverage their existing developer communities.

    > And how would Microsoft go about "leveraging the desktop"? People throw out computers and buy an iPad. People don't say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy a Microsoft tablet to go with it". They say "well, I have a Windows PC, I will buy an iPad so I can get rid of that old PC"

    Not true. People go with what they know - and Apple/Google are quickly setting the new OS standard for tablets; But do not ignore that's LOTs of people that are familiar with Windows (over 1 billion window users. Are they going to throw that away or find a way to leverage?).

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