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  • FireArse
    Nov 26, 12:30 PM
    Rather than a traditional laptop/tablet idea, I'm envisioning a small device that truly combines
    1. music/vid player
    2. cell phone
    3. camera
    4. osx capable computer

    Not sure there's a place for a cell phone, but I agree with the rest of your comments! This thing would be so sweet! I can't wait. Bet there'd be a $100 premium for a black version!


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  • six flags rides kingda ka.

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 11, 10:06 AM
    I'm holding off for the new MBP because from what I've seen, the current ones still have issues. It was Apple's first Mac to go to Intel, and although they've made some changes, it's still "first generation". I'm hoping the next revision will have more than just a processor upgrade.

    The iMac was the first to go to intel.

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  • six flags rides california.

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 12:53 PM
    Oh wow, your previous arguments about how "because spotlight says 2 therefore it is true no matter what" are just so convincing!

    Failing with math and now failing with reading?

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  • six flags rides in georgia.

  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 07:00 AM
    In the not too distant future we will be getting convertible iMac's. You have all seen the patents that Apple have applied for, where the screen tilts into a more horizontal position on your desk and is usable as a touch screen device.

    When in this mode the screen will be a lot closer to your eyes and would greatly benefit from being higher resolution

    That really is such a bad idea :(

    Can you imagine the terrible usability in having a screen tilted on it's back and having to lift our arms up to do finger painting.

    Who wants to cover their display with their hands?

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  • six flags over georgia rides.

  • cincoaranas
    May 6, 08:12 AM
    Moving away from Intel in their notebooks and desktops would be a HUGE mistake in my opinion. Intel is the big dog and they have the resources to keep innovating. I guess if they plan on making everything iOS then it makes a little more sense, but for true blue OSX machines Intel has the muscle.

    I think they can pull it off. I watched as they went from Motorola 680X0, to PowerPC (which was huge) and then to Intel (hell froze over!) So this happening would not be the least bit surprising or concerning.

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  • new ride at six flags new

  • steadysignal
    May 6, 06:59 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    nor can i.

    i just remember all the problems i had with those processors in the past.

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  • six flags rides california.

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:38 PM
    No, they come out with new phones every WEEK, and you actually mean "cheaper and ********". This is not coming from a fanboy, I own and use daily an android device.

    I would very highly doubt if they actually delayed the release. Techcrunch doesn't have an amazing track record, if I remember right.

    True, they got tons of them comming out.
    They might be cheaper but some of them do have better hardware specs but when it comes to the OS and the way it runs everything they sure are crappy and cant compete with the iOS.

    I'm going to laugh at all those who say iOS 5 wont be delayed when it actually will be :rolleyes:

    I give it by July there will be a new ios out and a new iphone.
    Just my guess judging by the last 4 years but we will see how it goes.
    Nobody really knows.

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  • Superman ride at SixFlags.

  • shaolindave
    May 4, 06:07 PM
    But that's the point, there is no reason to believe that it will be handled like every other app. Because it's not an app!

    Your car analogy is perfect. If all cars have four wheels, and your next vehicle is a car, then you can logically predict it has four wheels.

    But if all cars have four wheels, and your next vehcile is a Segway, you can't conclude that the Segway will have four wheels. Because its not a car.

    You can't logically predict that Lion on the App Store will have to follow the rules of the other Apps. Lion does not fit the definition of any other product currently on the store. It's an operating system with different issues to deal with than a simple app.

    As I mentioned previously, I can't conclude that it will be handled differently, but I also can't conclude it will be handled the same. I can only guess that Apple recognizes the issue regarding system restore and will handle it in some fashion.

    IF they handle it differently, cool. IF they don't handle it differently, there'll be problems.

    that's what i've been saying all along, yet you're flaming me.

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  • six flags rides in california.

  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 06:51 PM
    1 GB Sticks are only $125 each from Third Parties.

    That isn't a heatsinked FB-DIMM.

    RAM is truly the dealbreaker here. EDU prices bring the 2.0 model down to a reasonable price, but I want 4GB - I'd like to scan my 4x5 film, so the more RAM the better - thanks to Xeon and the need for the ECC heatsinked stuff, I'm looking at $800 from Crucial. No way, man, not gonna do it.

    The more I look at it, the more I believe a reasonable mid-tower option has to be in the pipeline.

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  • A music video for Six Flags

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:57 PM
    Well, the US spends 20 billion a year on agriculture subsidies as well, so we're in about the same boat. At least Japan uses agriculture subsidies to support small farmers. We use them to support DelMonte.

    Sorry, there is no comparison. US agriculture does not have anywhere near the level of protectionism as Japanese agriculture. Nor does any US industry, with the exception of defense contractors.

    And what makes you think a small farmer is somehow superior to DelMonte?

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  • six flags rides names.

  • MacNut
    Aug 7, 02:12 PM
    Its about time they FINALLY hit 3ghz. This is a big step for Apple.

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  • six flags rides in california.

  • keviano
    May 7, 10:23 AM
    I've heard similar rumors about MobileMe going free. Makes sense if Apple could leverage the new iAd system to generate targeted campaigns, and effectively subsidise the cost of opening the system up to more users.

    It would also pave the way for multiple cloud-based user accounts for the iPad.

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  • six flags rides in new jersey.

  • wclyffe
    Nov 8, 10:41 AM
    I was at a local apple store and they are selling the tom tom car kit already. What a rip off, because you have to pay for the app seperate. I got the griffin car mount for $20 at frys and the navigon app, works great.

    I think that in the end, TomTom's iPhone Car Kit is going to be more valuable than their app, or their full blown Nav devices. Look back at my earlier post (#50) and you'll see my reasons. It's currently at $87 and will keep going down over time. It is easily the best dock/car kit out there, and I agree with you about Navigon. I have used both apps and Navigon is the easy winner.

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  • six flags rides in california.

  • bloodycape
    Apr 18, 04:55 PM
    Apple brings out the 'App Store'.. everyone copies them....It's generic.

    except the appstore is/was nothing new. They just took what handango website was doing and made it into a convenient app instead of going to a website.

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  • Related: Video: Six Flags#39;

  • Radoo
    Apr 18, 03:43 PM
    Staring at a point for 12 hours has more sense than this suing kinder game. But, whatever, lawyers have to earn their money one way...:D

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  • iJohnHenry
    May 3, 10:26 AM
    I like my miles, inches, gallons, and pounds.

    I like my inches in centimetres, because it seems longer, and my pounds in stones, because it seems lighter. :p

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  • This little disorienting ride

  • rmwebs
    Apr 21, 05:02 PM
    How is the so-called "Pro" market larger or more worthy than the IT/enterprise market? "Pro" users didn't sustain the Xserve sales any more than enterprise. Xserve was not just a server box.

    I manage 600+ Mac workstations, and I can do so from 2 or 3 Mac OS X Servers, using services which are either not available or impractical to build and maintain on Linux and Windows, such as NetBoot, MCX and Apple SUS. Our "Pro" users would be single digits.

    Go back and read my post please...thoroughly.

    I am referring to the wider market. Sure, you manage 600+ Mac workstations. But on the grand scale of things, thats not worth anything to Apple.

    Put it this way:

    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers. See my point? The server market for Apple is clearly not worth it. Yes, it sucks big time for people like yourself who rely on it, but at the end of the day Apple will focus on products that bring in cash, not products that break even at best.

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  • six flags rides in georgia.

  • Xtoo
    Nov 5, 11:33 AM
    Has anyone tested the unit with Navigon? That would be the only reason I would buy it.
    Also, with Google coming up with a free turn-by-turn navigation app... what will happen with the ones we have to pay for?

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  • Tilpots
    Apr 9, 09:12 PM
    Because to teach kids the correct way to do math, teachers make up examples in which some actual thinking is needed to solve the problem. Written the way you just put it, it does not teach pemdas, something this math problem is obviously supposed to do. Your math teacher obviously taught u wrong or you just forgot how to do math as my numerous facts supported by searches prove. I dont need to call anyone, I taught SAT review courses for over a decade and my wife is currently a math teacher. But please take my challenge. Go to your local school and ask any math teacher how to properly do pemdas if u still can't accept the fact that u are clearly, beyond any shadow of a doubt, wrong.

    BS. The only lesson to be learned here is that teachers devise lame pneumonic devices to confuse kids. If you're so damn smart, why wouldn't you properly write the correct equation with proper groupings in the first place?

    Look at the poll, the groups divided about 50/50. Great job you and your teaching pals did. So much for "perfectly noted." This example is a classic glass half full/empty exercise.

    Tastes great. (who's with me):p

    Sep 15, 04:20 PM
    MBP updates? About time too!

    Mar 29, 08:07 PM
    You are talking about imposing beliefs to a guy sporting a gay marriage signature (which I am all for, but I wouldn't want to push it down people's throats via my signature here, which btw is a political issue and the only way he gets away with is is because he's best pals with the moderators here)? In any case I called him an uber belief commisar but as you say, there's another word for that, and I was implying fascist of course, but I guess an expletive would be best suited.

    All of a sudden people can't offer their prayers to people suffering in Japan, because Aiden Shaw doesn't believe in God...whatever lola wants, as the song goes...:rolleyes: I would have banned this .... on the spot for calling someone's God a "spaghetti monster", it's one thing not to believe, and quite another to mock what someone holds sacred, but this guy is apparently un-bannable here...

    Although you do seem to have some sort of personal vendetta against him, your points do seem very valid. I didn't follow this particular conversation throughout the post but I did notice it initially.
    I myself am agnostic, but I would never knock someone for their beliefs. I simply disregard comments that have to do with religion basically.

    May 6, 06:26 AM
    Both this rumor and the recent rumor about the iOS devices moving to Intel as a CPU manufacturer ( are rumors about an upcoming Intel ARM processor it seems... These don't have to be taken separately, this can be the same rumor as Apple is moving to consolidate all their line-ups into 1 processor family and 1 processor vendor (meaning better volume purchases).

    Let's not forget that Intel used to manufacture the StrongARM ( line of processor after acquiring it from Digital Equipement Corporation, so they already have experience in this line of work.

    How well would ARM laptops work ? Let's hope better than the ARM netbooks that are sold. I wouldn't trade my Intel laptop for one right now.

    May 4, 03:31 PM
    Usually, "Preferred" means one will be more readily available (download) than the other (Physical).

    So will this mean waiting in long lines and trying to beat scalpers?

    Apple items are the quickest way of making money lately... :eek:

    Apr 21, 04:10 PM
    I'm sure that if they make it rack mountable it will still be able to be used and look right as a desktop/workstation.

    If they leave the only expansion card the video card and add thunderbolt ports for other IO I could see them going this route. Though seeing as though thunderbolt carries the monitor signal and has to be built on the motherboard, they may have to come up with some new type of GPU card that just supplies the raw power and sends the video signal to the motherboard and out the thunderbolt port. I don't know if that's in the realm of possibilities of what PCIE video cards can do now.

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