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  • SuperMatt
    Apr 25, 09:25 AM
    Hold up, so it's just that easy to get in touch with Steve Jobs? What's his email address!?

    Yep. Steve@mac.com

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  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 5, 01:50 PM
    Actually, Apple is doing them a favor. That's an ugly, ugly theme.

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  • Phil A.
    Apr 10, 01:14 PM
    I must say i just found this sight through google and had to join because of this post. I am a math teacher and the correct answer is 2

    48/2(9+3) is a different equation than 48/2 * (9+3)

    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288

    Sorry, you are wrong (math teacher or not!)

    48/2(9+3) is 48/2(12) (parenthesis first)
    =48 divided by 2 multiplied by 12
    division and multiplication have the same order of precedence so are executed left to right

    that means 48 divided by 2 = 24 multiplied by 12 = 288

    To get 2 requires you to make assumptions about the equation. If you make no assumptions and simply apply the rules then you get 288

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. a great photo of Las Vegas
  • a great photo of Las Vegas

  • Porchland
    Sep 11, 09:18 AM
    Seems to me the new 24" iMac is the "Media Player" - My two largest "monitors" are my 23" ACD and a 26" old skool TV. I watch DVDs on the ACD, as I get a little bit more picture and a lot more clarity than on my TV.
    Seating accommodations in my office aren't as nice as the living room, but oh well...

    It wouldn't be a huge leap for Apple to super-size the 24-inch iMac into 42-inch and 52-inch displays. The architecture of the iMac is well-suited to a plasma display.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. If you missed our Las Vegas
  • If you missed our Las Vegas

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 08:59 AM
    isn't dropbox the same thing?

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. Rio hotel and Las Vegas Strip
  • Rio hotel and Las Vegas Strip

  • Xander562
    Jul 29, 10:41 PM
    Maybe the key would be to offer the IPhone for all providers, make it run
    a mobile version of OS X with IChat video. I have Sprint and their music store downloads in AAC format. I have wondered if their music store is actually ITunes and they resell it as their own. Does any other carriers download in AAC?
    i second this, i would only buy this is i could use it with my Verizon account.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. 944 Las Vegas Editor Takes A
  • 944 Las Vegas Editor Takes A

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 03:21 PM
    What a stupid statement. Are you aware that Apple is an American company? So is Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, GE and other world-leading companies.

    What's your alternative? Can you even name more than one world-class Chinese company?

    *rolls eyes*

    While I would tend to agree that there are good American companies and not all of them have shoddy products, you listed a lot of companies that either don't have a physical product, or their products are manufactured overseas.

    Apple's computers are assembled overseas, Google's phones are made by foreign countries, I'm not aware of any physical product made by Yahoo, Microsoft is a software company......so on so forth.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • in Las Vegas, Nevada

  • TheUndertow
    May 6, 07:16 AM
    So I just bought a new 4 core Sandy Bridge iMac tonight and now this news breaks. Is ARM actually building anything in any way shape or form that competes with the Intel X86 stuff right now or is this just vaporware at this point?

    Rumors and Vapor...and for laptops/mobile devices...

    ...and 2-3 years before it's even rumored to hit.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Discount Card is
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  • Scottsdale
    May 6, 01:02 AM
    I welcome this idea. Intel is a disgusting anti-competitive company that cannot play fair. Apple is forced to use Intel's chipset and IGP instead of Nvidia which may have lead Apple to a decision like this. ARM is the future as is iOS, so like it or lump it. The low end Macs would probably have ARM and others both ARM and Intel. I would also welcome a switch to AMD.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 10:18 AM
    .What people are looking? The press? The "journalistic" dingbats of today couldn't do an expose on how to break out of a wet paper bag if their life depended on it. The brilliant politicians?! They don't know squat and are only as informed as (in this case, Apple), their source lets them be. Otherwise they know squat! ../

    Politicians and reporters? Why would you think they would be the ones to investigate it? No, I was talking about computer folks, hackers, jailbreakers, all the people who love to take Apple's stuff apart. It would be an enourmous coup to be able to prove this info is being transmitted back to Apple. You'd have every news organization reporting your findings.

    Yet it does not happen. Because no one can find any evidence that anything Steve said is wrong.

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  • treblah
    Aug 3, 12:40 AM
    Two reporters sitting next to each other with same Notebooks Except For The Processor. Doing the same things. One makes it to 3 hours while the other makes it to 5 hours. Did you watch the video on my revised post with the link to it? These guys were at the Core 2 Duo launch last week. You gonna call them liars?

    What's with all the anti Core 2 hostility here?

    Jesus christ, did you even watch the video? They were not reporters they were Intel staffers. He even says that the CoreDuo lasted 3 hours, not your claimed 2. This isn't scientific AT ALL and I would much rather believe Intel engineers who presented the info at IDF than some random marketing drivel with absolutely no information provided on the hardware/software. :rolleyes:

    Now stop claiming that dropping a Merom in a MB/MBP is going to result in two times the battery life. That is not true. And if you think it is I will make a bet with you right now.

    I'm not anti Core2Duo, I'm anti disinformation.

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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 5, 10:55 AM
    i predict something cube shaped

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 06:05 AM
    We all have our opinions, likes and dislikes. Personally, the things that you three cite are reasons why I have tried four different Android devices, and returned/sold every one of them. I, for one hope that Apple continues to march to the beat of their own drummer, and continues to go after the simpler aesthetic. Every Android device I have owned has seemed like a cheap, kludgy "Window-ized" version of the iPhone. More married to specs than to user experience. Don't get me wrong. I can geek it up with the best of 'em. But my first Mac several years ago was nothing short of a watershed moment in my computing life. It made me realize how tired I was getting of having to spend hours and hours customizing my interface just to make it usable, and tweaking my hardware to keep it running optimally (or some semblance thereof).

    When I see links such as the one earlier in this forum, showing the hacks one must put in place just to make the battery on a Thunderbolt last more than half a day I shudder to think of all of the years I spent with (virtual) grease under my fingernails, and how nice it is now to just have devices that help me get through the day without having to constantly tinker under the hood.

    Not to mention that the "openness" of Android allowing hardware manufacturers and carriers to conspire against subscribers has let the proverbial fox back in the henhouse.

    Sure, I'd like to see IOS continue to evolve and wow us with a few revolutionary changes. But, IMO following the Android model is not the way to go. To each his own, I suppose.

    Well said. +1

    BTW... had to go check out the Thunderbolt battery reference you made... unbelievable! How could they release a phone with only 4-6 hours of life? But only 39 steps to help optimize it. Great example of what the other phone manufactures are doing to compete and they're being sloppy.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. mr las vegas. Elvis
  • mr las vegas. Elvis

  • applesith
    Mar 29, 03:14 PM
    Because it's rapidly becoming the case that EVERYTHING can be produced more cheaply in places like China and India -- even things that were previously thought to be "safe" industries (medical X-Rays are read in India / China, legal documents are authored overseas and sent back to the US to be signed) because they required and educated or advanced workforce.

    So, I turn the question back to you -- how will you afford to buy an iPod when you are asked to take a substantial (50% or more) pay cut because an individual in India or China can do YOUR job more cheaply.

    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    And then the price of labor in those producing countries will rise. Then return to other countries. it cycled back and forth.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. Las Vegas Snow Globe
  • Las Vegas Snow Globe

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 12:29 PM
    Prefrences > mobile me > iDisk ...Set iDisk syncing on and a local cache of your iDisk is created and synced automatically. Just like dropbox.

    Dude you are ********ing great. I've only been a member since Feb and this is the first i've heard about it. Thank you kindly.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. Las Vegas - VIVA LAS VEGAS
  • Las Vegas - VIVA LAS VEGAS

  • weedy
    May 6, 03:53 AM
    This has to be one of the topics on macrumors with the highest ********-per-post ratio.

    Seriously guys, didn't you learn anything from the PPC->Intel move?

    Go learn something about ARM, the industry and Apple itself and then have an informed and imaginative opinion. ;)

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. takes over the Las Vegas
  • takes over the Las Vegas

  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:31 PM
    For anyone thinking Apple will release a new iPad in the fall... don't bet on it. The last two releases have shown that it takes AT LEAST several months before supply is able to adequately meet demand--especially when you look at it from a worldwide perspective. Do you really think they'd risk a shortage during the holiday season? Not a chance.

    What if the 3 was pitched as a new tier, rather than a replacement? A retina class screen would probably still squash the margins to levels unacceptable to Apple. If they could simply sell the device for a higher price point, or slightly drop the iPad2s price point, then there's no real shortage risk.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. Las Vegas is the place to be
  • Las Vegas is the place to be

  • Plutonius
    May 6, 09:59 AM
    Just waiting to hear from Aggie if he will temporarily form his own group as per "Don't Panic's" plan to get back to the starting room.

    Overlook Grill Las Vegas. Lake Las Vegas
  • Lake Las Vegas

  • fivetoadsloth
    Apr 10, 02:12 AM
    I didn't quite read the whole thread, and I've seen people trying to present definitive answers representing multiple possible answers. While I don't claim to be an end all source, math is one thing that I can do and do understand.

    I was tempted not to post, but, I think understanding the order of operations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations)/etc is something that is relatively important.

    Multiple people have quoted the order : P(arenthes) E(xponents) M(ultiplication) D(ivision) A(ddition) S(ubtraction).

    As stated, that is NOT totally accurate. Multiplication and division are the same operation, as are addition and subtraction. Thus, the order between them can be flipped. That is, P E D M A S is true, as is P E D M S A, as is P E M D S A.

    If multiplication and division both appear you go from LEFT to RIGHT.

    Parenthesis are implied multiplication.

    So, first, in the parenthesis we have 12, so, 48/2(12). As that is written, one does 48/2=24*12. So, as the problem is written, the answer is 288. While the method of writing the problem is certainly not the best, the problem does, to my knowledge, only have one true answer.

    An important note: not all calculators correctly apply the orders of operations. Any scientific calculator form the last 5 years or so should, and if it is outputting anything other then 288 I would be interested in knowing. Some pocket calulators with + - x � just go left to right.

    Wolfram is, as usual, right. (http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=48%2F2%289%2B3%29)

    Aug 11, 09:47 AM
    So all this rumors about the Merom MBP are getting strong, all I want is to have it available at the end of this month or the beginning of the next, do you guys think this is possible?

    May 7, 11:44 AM
    As amazing as free MobileMe sounds, I find this HIGHLY unlikely.

    Why not? The Pros outweigh the cons.


    Ends developer confusion on the app store about whether to support MobileMe, Wifi or roll their own Cloud sync.

    Benefits mainly Mac users (nice iLife tie in) but also benefits those running Windows and Outlook with Windows MobileMe Control Panel

    Will clearly sell more iPhone/iPod Touch/iPads because consumers know their data will be in sync across the devices.


    Cost - free means a LOT more users which means a need to beef up infrastructure. Apple does have a new large data center being built.

    Current members - do I get a refund or does Apple announce a free version of MobileMe and boosts the features of the paid account creating a Free/Paid tier?

    There are certainly plusses and minuses about the strategy but make not bones about it people want Mobileme they just don't want to pay for it. A free "lite" version satiates those people.

    Let's face it the popularity of Google stems from the fact that their tools are free to the end user.

    May 4, 04:10 PM
    I didn't read through all 5 previous pages, but it doesn't seem like anyone has mentioned this hidden restore partition that the Lion installer creates. This definitely lessens the need a bit for a bootable install disk/drive. Obviously, if your drive dies completely, you would need a way to do a full reinstall.

    Mar 28, 10:58 AM
    Not cool. Coming from an iPhone 3GS, I seriously don't want to wait.

    Same here...I don't need it Day 1 but I don't want to wait till 2012 when my contract expires in Sept...I can go month-to-month but was really looking forward to a phone with more storage and better video/camera. By Sept/Oct there will be a lot of Androids to try...ditto for 2012.

    I also want to see sometime this year a new iPod Classic and maybe a new Mini. iMac would be nice but they are still too pricey for my blood since 90% of the stuff I/we use our computers for are web-driven tasks (email, bills, web surfing, photo sharing, family blogs/website, etc).

    Nov 26, 02:34 PM

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