love heart sweets cake

love heart sweets cake. like a sweet heart cake
  • like a sweet heart cake

  • AHDuke99
    Nov 3, 08:50 PM
    how do you use a physical partition with vmware? i'd love to se my bootcamp with VMware ..

    love heart sweets cake. Picture of Heart and Lip POP
  • Picture of Heart and Lip POP

  • Kyffin
    Nov 16, 05:52 PM
    New dinner service

    love heart sweets cake. Not So Sweet Heart-Shaped
  • Not So Sweet Heart-Shaped

  • pmz
    Mar 30, 09:07 AM
    WWDC has always been a software conference, the hardware you see on the 1st day are for the consumers (and fanboys), the remaining days are always software focused ... Thats why its from 6th-10th :rolleyes: ... don't get it twisted, not every developer desires the new releases of hardware at every wwdc.

    Apple is at the core a software company.

    Yea ok. The new iPhone is the highlight EVERY year, and will be again this year. Fanboy my ass, it's the highlight of the event, everyone knows it, and if wwdc comes and goes without even of mention of new iPhone hardware, APPL is going to take a dive.

    love heart sweets cake. Baked with love from our
  • Baked with love from our

  • SMM
    Dec 3, 01:35 PM
    People, the single worst thing that the Mac community faces in the area of security is upon us right now...

    Little security experts who cry exploit.

    Thanks to the media jumping at anything that looks like it could be a security problem with Mac OS X, we now have security experts who are willing to make half-baked claims to draw attention to themselves. But even more frightening is the fact that the Mac community isn't a target because it is a good target or an easy target... no, we are a target because it is the most notable target these days.

    So, how do we fix this?

    Frankly, I don't know.

    ...........<text omitted>............

    The only thing I can suggest (which I doubt anyone will follow) is to avoid the hysteria. When a real threat emerges, you'll most likely hear about it long before you are actually in any danger from it.

    I am with you 100%. Every time one of these 'expert reports' comes out, I see a plethora of panic posts following it. The common theme is; 'we're screwed, someone save us, why doesn't Apple do something! :eek:

    I think the majority of the security reports are motivated by ego, or most likely, profit. When companies like Network Associates funds a security vulnerability study, it is not done because they are a concerned, benevolent member of the technical community. They are out to make a buck. What they promote is fear. What they sell is reassurance. Nice gig.

    love heart sweets cake. Sunday Sweets: Heart Attack!
  • Sunday Sweets: Heart Attack!

  • zulgand04
    Oct 23, 08:12 AM
    i was reading solmewhere the other day, don't rember where but it was sayin something along the lines of not being able to transfer a copy from one computer to another. example runing a copy of vista on a pc1, then get rid of that one takeing windows off it and wanting to run it on my new pc2 will not work. Due to the licences is resticted to the one computer you instal it on the first time. It was on digg the other day.


    love heart sweets cake. This sweet cake is a 6″,
  • This sweet cake is a 6″,

  • MacNut
    May 2, 02:41 AM
    Are we going to create a grave or a shrine to him? My hope is, that has been well documented with witnesses galore.I imagine footage will be leaked at some point.

    love heart sweets cake. Love this candy heart
  • Love this candy heart

    Oct 18, 05:47 PM
    Interesting that the mac program at Best Buy is being expanded from seven to 50 stores, and a new pilot program at a few Circuit City stores. Must be seeing some success for Best Buy to be alotting floor space in more of their stores. :D

    love heart sweets cake. Healthy-heart Sweet Tarts
  • Healthy-heart Sweet Tarts

  • arn
    Jun 6, 07:57 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    15 minutes?

    45 Seconds is all it took to get the facts...

    Google search: "android market return policy"

    First result:

    For those too lazy to click...

    "Returns: You have 24 hours from the time of purchase (not download) to return any applications purchased from Android Market for a full refund of any applicable fees."

    Summary: 24 Hours, not 15 minutes.

    This is such a great feature that would perhaps stimulate fair pricing and quality paid apps

    Problem with this feature is it kills viability fo many non casual games. Pretty much most story/campaign games can be solved in that time period.


    love heart sweets cake. Sweet Selection Birthday Cake
  • Sweet Selection Birthday Cake

  • rhett7660
    Feb 25, 11:31 AM
    They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

    Ha.... I mean he does have experience sending cars off a cliff!!!

    love heart sweets cake. Celebrate your love with sweet
  • Celebrate your love with sweet

  • RawBert
    May 2, 01:01 AM
    Oh hell yeah! I'm glad that rat bastard is dead.

    love heart sweets cake. sweet cake my loves,
  • sweet cake my loves,

  • daneoni
    Apr 22, 10:15 AM
    Give us a 4.3" screen so the phone would have to be somewhat bigger - big enough to support two chips for 3G and 4G.


    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.

    love heart sweets cake. 8221; I love this
  • 8221; I love this

  • maxp1
    Apr 13, 02:50 PM
    If the feature set were right I would definitely think about buying one. I'm in the market for a new TV (current TV is 20 years old.) I'd probably wait for the second generation though since everyone knows not to buy a first generation Apple product.

    love heart sweets cake. WITH MUCH LOVE, BLESSING,

  • BC2009
    May 4, 11:51 AM
    OMG....I would NEVER take information as fact from an "ATT customer service agent". I have received so much wrong info or even been dare I say lied to, I would never trust what a random ATT rep said.

    Not to mention, the service reps are so far down the chain of command, they would not have info on when the next iphone is being released.

    Yes, once I called AT&T to get information on my partner discount. I called three times and got three different answers. I called about which data plans could be used with my Treo 680 -- I called three times and got three different answers. The moral of the story is: If you don't like what the AT&T rep says just keep calling back until you get the answer you want.

    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Certainly not news-worthy. Hardly a credible source.

    A real live AT&T customer care rep! Well that is as official as it gets. Everyone knows that Apple always informs carrier customer care reps of their future plans months in advance...

    Oh Wait. I heard from the Cinnabon guy that the US Government called him and officially informed him that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and being held in a secret chamber below Disney World or Disney Land.

    I heard the same thing about Osama Bin Laden from the guy behind the counter at my corner mini-mart. He just got off the phone with the President when I walked up to the counter. Normally I would not believe him, but he stated it as a matter of fact, so I knew it was true.

    Even if Apple and Google both make money from ads and apps... Apple still gets $600 per phone.

    Apple has the right idea :D

    "Android" can have their marketshare... I don't think it bothers Apple in the least.

    Steve Jobs cares about market share for one reason. He knows that the young Google founders whom he was helping and mentoring stole some of his company's best ideas and are now helping his competitors to take the market share that he intended to consume. It always sucks when somebody steals from you and then uses it against you -- especially when its the folks you consider your partners or allies. I'm sure there is more to the story, but I am pretty sure that's how Steve Jobs views it.

    I do agree, however, that the smartphone market growth we are seeing with Android is primarily made up of folks who are not interested in having a smartphone but are just picking up the best free or ultra-cheap phone. These phones are typically running a generation-old version of the Android OS and the folks who purchase them are really only interested in their phone ringing when a call comes in (i.e.: if they won't pay for a phone, then they won't pay for an app, and therefore are not tied-to the Android ecosystem).

    Also, the PC vs Mac war that Apple has supposedly "lost" has left them being the most profitable PC maker in the world (just counting Mac sales). That's pretty amazing considering they are not #1 on revenue or units sold, but they still make more profit than the folks selling commoditized PCs. Not a bad "consolation prize" for "losing" the PC war. Note that as the PC market is declining, Macs are still showing phenomenal gains.

    Secondly, let's not ignore that Apple is still the mobile OS leader worldwide when you count iPod Touch and iPad. Their current dominance with iPad is overwhelming and those buyers are not getting a free or BOGO offer like the folks picking up Android smartphones. Those folks are going to buy apps and buy-in to the iOS ecosystem.

    Finally, the smartphone market will very likely not play out like the PC market. Greg Cox wrote a very good piece ( on the differences on his blog.

    As a consumer I am both grateful and weary of the competition. Having a dominant Apple would help put pressure on the publishing companies and Hollywood (I hate publishing and movie industry folks trying to get me to pay for the same content over and over again). At the same time competition keeps Apple from doing as much "planned obsolescence". Competition tends to accelerate development in that it gives you somebody to set pace with and hence we probably get one or two extra features out of every iPhone release and iOS update. I don't think competition drives Apple the way it drives others though. Apple tends to have a proactive plan for the future of their devices that they probably make minor deviations from based on competition. Whether their plan is good (iPhone, iPad), lack-luster (MobileMe) or bad (Ping), they tend to stick to it.

    Personally, I wish Microsoft's mobile OS or Web OS was doing better than Android though. I say this because Google does not care about producing a great mobile OS so much as disrupting the market, generating a large footprint, and getting a platform whereby they can deliver ads to users. For Google, Android is a means to an end. MS and HP care more about the quality of the OS experience since the software is their actual product and they are the ones dealing with the customer support issues. Google has a reputation for leaving things unfinished and forgetting about them and not providing direct support.

    love heart sweets cake. heart sweets tomorrow :-)
  • heart sweets tomorrow :-)

  • ayeying
    Oct 21, 01:14 AM
    wow. i'm very surprised that ya'll are folding on an air. it seems the fans come on my air when watching a youtube video.

    Might as well right, the fan is pretty much on 24/7 at 6200RPM when I'm at home lol. The only time I see 2500/4000 RPM fans is when I'm at the library or in class. At home, I have music blazing in the background so a little fan noise don't matter.

    love heart sweets cake. Love to play with my paper
  • Love to play with my paper

  • kirk26
    Apr 14, 03:02 PM
    Things seem to be smoother with my VZ iPhone 4 opening and closing programs. I always though my iPTouch 4G was snappier than my VZ iPhone but I think they are on par with each other now. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just did a speedtest and I have yet to ever hit those numbers until now. I was averaging anywhere from 650-1200kbps and sometimes 1500kbps on rare occasions.

    (Picture will resize if it is huge. I apologize. It just takes a little bit of time for Photobucket to catch up.)

    Don't believe it! Everyone here thinks it's lies! :rolleyes: :D

    love heart sweets cake. A heart for your sweet.
  • A heart for your sweet.

  • aswitcher
    Oct 24, 08:36 AM
    Great -- that was my only holdout. Where did you see the info about 802.11n being included?

    Just an educated guess.

    love heart sweets cake. Ice Cream Cake Towel
  • Ice Cream Cake Towel

  • caspersoong
    Apr 13, 05:00 AM
    As long as it isn't 2011.

    love heart sweets cake. People Also Love: sweets
  • People Also Love: sweets

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 25, 05:26 PM
    "Readers should realize that while Apple continues to publish patents on technologies that never make it into shipping products, the concepts described in this patent were referenced by Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou in June 2006:"

    What other patents does apple have in which they didn't make the product?

    Probably millions.

    love heart sweets cake. The Cake Slice: Chai Cake with
  • The Cake Slice: Chai Cake with

  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 06:02 PM
    You know, that's a good idea.

    Here I was so caught up in the idea of getting it to be a final version, I didn't even think of that. Let the machines that are designed to do this do the work....

    (I'm not even going to dignify the other snide poster with a response :rolleyes: )

    I'm sorry if my comment came off as being snide.

    But it really bothers me when people post how wonderful an app is and how useful it is and how it completely replaces a much more expensive app. When in reality it is only a simple consumer level product.

    Others read this forum and buy Pages thinking that they can eliminate the use of Word. Then they find out that it really isn't that compatible with Word files. If you email a windows user a .doc file exported from pages, 7 times out of 10 they have problems with it.

    Most pro printshops, publishers, law firms etc. only except word .doc files. Almost all law firms require a revision history. Collaboration tools are useally also required. Word handles this expertly. Plus it has table of contents tools, book publishing tools, bibliography tools, direct faxing,multitudes of custom templates, VB programing hooks, etc. etc. None of this has an equivalent in Pages.

    I'm glad you found a solution to your problem and I am glad that Pages satisfies your needs for word processing. Maybe someday it will move out of the "consumer" ranks and into the "Pro" ranks when more functionality is added. Apple seems to know the niche that they are addressing very well.

    Nov 29, 08:20 PM
    These sunglasses are definitely on my list

    Oct 24, 10:02 PM
    alright! and i am going to give the bigadv units another shot. but it's not looking good right now - just under 43 min for my first 2 frames. not sure what's going on. i've gotta install some updates on ubuntu and see if that helps

    well nevermind. i got it around 36 mins now for each frame. i had been messing with the bios earlier, and forgot to put it back how i had it (overclocked)

    May 1, 10:14 PM
    Mission Accomplished now?

    Jul 24, 10:22 PM
    This is old news, the prototypes where shown last month. They actually use Apples igesture software very cool stuff. If you swipe your finger off the screen to the left it is like reverse, finger swipe off screen to top is volume up, finger slide on left or right side mimics scroll... I can't remeber where i saw all the different igestures will have to look. I talked about this about a month ago regarding there new code name"Freedom" let me see if I can find an older link on my ramblings...

    The new Ipod has no buttons, no scroll wheel, no headphone jack, no dock connector. In other words freedom from everything. The most aesthetic piece of technology ever conceived.

    1. Power Supply through SplashPower. Similar to those toothbrushes and razors that charge through there plastics with magnetic fields.(strange they haven't updated there site since September 05...did Apple acquire them?)

    2. Transfer of songs...Wireless USB

    3. Headphone jack...Bluetooth

    4. Navigation...virtual touchless/touch screen. As your finger moves over the ipods screen a virtual scrolling interface pops up allowing for more screen real-estate. fingerprints?? not to worry you don't actually have to touch the screen, embedded in/behind the lcd are capacitors that can tell, which direction your fingers are going. Igesture software will be used to give commands(Apple needed to add another way to input besides pop up scroll wheel... need some sort of tactile or directional point to start from... otherwise on a completely blank screen, which end is up??) I guess this way you can still activate and use the device while it is in your pocket, and even a blind individual could use igestures.

    5. Hold Button/Power On fingerprint screen identification(great for if your ipod is stolen)

    So, there you have it a completely enclosed ipod, so elegant as not to have a single button or port opening or anything but a beautiful screen... Apple will release the in 2006... Freedom... free your self from everything.

    *ipod Nano will still have dock connector for now.

    Oct 21, 07:16 PM

    Not that I usually condone this type of thing... I want to do it because I have never built a computer before, and just because I can.

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