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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 21, 03:33 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!

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  • iScott428
    Mar 22, 02:04 PM
    well, if you are going to tell people their posts make them look stupid, perhaps you should consider your own, and read a dictionary before throwing around three syllable words. Your use of the word "eloquent" is incorrect. "eloquent" is not a word that applies to a software operating system.

    Eloquent: The quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing; the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness; fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking in public.

    As in; "your post was not eloquent".


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  • krcbkidz
    Mar 22, 05:10 PM
    The difference is Samsung outsources it's OS development, it's developer community management, it's app ecosystem.

    Cost competitive doesn't experience competitive.

    I think for 'spec' people (hard core coders, corp types that need to control configuration), Samsung (and more importantly, when HP gets in the game HP), will compete there.... HOWEVER, this is a consumer run market, and much like a Sony WalkMan back in the day, or RollerBlades([tm]... the rest were 'inline skates'), Apple is 'defining' the market... and the rest are just knockoffs.

    And unlike the old BMW pricing explanation(excuse) for Macs (equal specs and quality... from Apple HP and Dell are about the same in price) Apple is pushing iPad's experience at the BMW levels, but at Honda prices.

    And RIM and samsung are pushing mid 80's GM quality against a 2012 BMW at honda prices, when the market will probably demand Kia prices for the 'experience'

    Likes this :-)

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 5, 08:12 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience.

    There is a whole thread about that, though. Don't read it.

    Perhaps a little hasty of me, I was simply meant to say that in my experience I've not ever been required to deliver anything on Blu-Ray, and that to my mind it was a purely consumer format.

    I've been to quite a few film festivals that take entries on Blu-Ray.

    Apple has two mountains to climb: 1) to keep up with their competition where they used to lead. (2) They have to convince users that the mac as a pro platform is a good investment.

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  • Loading
    Apr 8, 04:46 AM
    Ok, I am amazed at some of the ignorance some of these people have posted. People here some rumor from an anonymous BB Employee who obviously knows nothing about Best Buy and there out grabbing pitchforks and torches. I do work for BB (almost 5 years) and I can tell you that we do not have a "Quota" for ANY product we sell as well as none of the employees work on any commission. We have been receiving iPad 2s, do we know when we are getting them...NO. But here is the thing, Best Buy had a reserve list for customers shortly after the release. Customers who wanted to get on the reserve list had to leave a $100 deposit toward the iPad (reserve list is now closed). When the shipment comes in those customers who are on the list get contacted and have 48 hours to come pick up the unit. If they do not come within those 48 hours it goes to the next on the list and they get moved to the back of the list. YES that does mean that we are not selling them on the floor until those reserves have been fulfilled. Now if we get some iPad models that we do not have anyone on a reserve list for (like a white/16GB/WiFi) those go straight to the floor for first come first serve. Again there is no Quota. Hope this helps clear up the process understanding.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 02:10 PM
    Is that your vetted legal opinion?

    We have a lot of couch lawyers in this group. :rolleyes:

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 07:05 PM
    Precisely. I've been using HTC Android phones concurrently with my iPhones since I have multiple lines. I happen to like both platforms.

    What the Android haters here fail to realize, is that they cannot act like adults and say I like this about my iPhone far better than Android.

    Nooooo. They've got to preface it with something derogatory like "crappy Android" or worse. It shows their immaturity and inability to act intelligent. They reduce themselves to childish dolts. Idiots at best.

    Maybe we can start a trend here!

    As a former iPhone user who switched to Android and has been happy ever since, I will say that I was very happy with my iPhone, but my Android phone offers features that I couldn't imagine living without now.

    Both iOS and Android are very nice operating systems, with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    For me, Android works.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 10:17 AM
    Stay classy Faux News:

    Image (

    I'm seriously beginning to lose my patience with idiots. Is anyone else completely sick of these fools?

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  • mwswami
    Jul 21, 09:53 AM
    Before thinking about Apple competing with Sun in the Server market check out Sun's recently released x86 server products. They are very impressive and much higher up the "food chain" than what Apple is expected to compete in.

    Sun Fire X4600 ( It has 8 sockets with support for up to 16 Opteron cores today and 32 Q1 next year. It is designed to be easily upgradable - processors are on separate cards connected via HyperTransport backplane.

    Sun Fire X4500 ( A "hybrid" server (code name "Thumper") with 28TB directly attached storage and 2 Opteron Sockets (4 cores) in a 4U packaging. The storage density is at least 4 times traditional NAS/SAN - you can have a quarter Peta Byte on a 42U rack!!

    Sun Blade 8000 ( A 19U chassis supporting 10 8-way (now, 16-way Q1 2007) blades. This platform will also support Sun's Ultrasparc T1 (8 cores, 32 threads) and the upcoming UltraSparc T2 (8 cores, 64 threads) processors.

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  • akac
    Mar 26, 09:40 PM
    Details found here :

    Gist of it :

    - less features than Samba
    - no more Active Directory Services
    - Just file sharing now.

    Samba developers have also noted that the true motive behind this move might not be the GPLv3 per say, but a more global move away from the GPL. Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Anyway, Samba v4 could have given them all the "features" they implemented and much more. Their own in-house version won't necessarily be better just because it's written by Apple. The Samba team does a great job with what Microsoft puts out as documentation (if you can even call it that).

    Note that from the article, this change only impacts OS X Server. The client was already an in-house solution.

    Although from my understanding from people using this today, the Apple implementation is dramatically faster than the Samba implementation. Just like WebKit started from KHTML and had fewer features than Mozilla, its ended up being the best browser engine out there. Leaner. Meaner. Faster. But it took time. Apple's SMB/CIFS implementation is going the same route. Now I've read elsewhere that it DOES support Active Directory. And elsewhere that it doesn't. The Preview version of Lion was 2 months old by the time devs got it, so its also possible that those reports are all just wrong in as far as what works and what is supposed to work (i.e. it may support AD, but bugs cause it not to work well or at all on some installs).

    You will be foolish to wait around unless you want to get buried in the on-slaught of new and improved apps to take advantage of Lion from day one.

    Exactly. I know of at least one major app right now that is going to go Lion only...

    Windows manages to run legacy apps still. Even if you do have to resort to using the virtual machine they've called 'XP Mode.'

    Fortunately, my one and only PPC program does indeed have an intel version that I wasn't aware of, so I'm fine.

    You just gave the perfect answer. Using a VM. Run SL in a VM for Rosetta apps :)

    It's needed for me.

    Look, Rosetta isn't a part of OS X by default. If it is installed, then it is needed by the user, and thus isn't "crap." If the user doesn't need it, it won't be installed. For most users, it will be "cut out." I don't see why having the option there for people who need it stifles progress.

    Actually its not a small piece. Its a big piece. EVERY OS X Library has to be provided in PowerPC code as well as x86. So Rosetta itself, by itself is tiny. But all the extra libraries that make up OS X is huge. And that's why its cut out.

    In SL, it shipped with all the libraries, but not the Rosetta piece. So it was a simple install of just the Rosetta piece.

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  • Jcoz
    Mar 31, 05:43 PM
    Man do these stories bring out the ignoranus fanboys. IMO if you have never owned both an Android phone and an iPhone, you shouldn't be allowed to comment because 99% just can't be objective about it.

    Now, I'll hop on my pedestal and say I owned the original Moto Droid, and now own an iPhone. The ability to customize your experience on a droid is what I found so attractive, and Google isn't taking that away, so IMO this story is nothing but good for Android. Better control, more polish, yet the same customization capability that the majority of everyday users want. All of the iBoys tooting their horns and patting each other are doing so for absolutely no reason.

    With that said, the polish of the iPhone is what I love the most about it, and if I could pair that polish with Androids ability for personalization of my device without jailbreaking and their much superior notification system, it would be the perfect phone. The next device to get it all right gets my money, whether its apple or Google.

    Polished like the pure Google, "optimized from the ground up for tablets" Honeycomb running on the XOOM right now?


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  • uv23
    Jul 31, 12:07 PM
    Apple will never ship a desktop machine so close in size to the mini. Impractical and too much market confusion. I'm expecting a ~25% decrease in size of the current G5 tower, making it more mid-tower sized. This would still be an improvement to the current behemoths.

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  • killr_b
    Apr 25, 02:06 PM
    As a consumer, why should I be subjected to this risk which doesn't benefit me in the slightest? And why should this data be "backed up," secretly, to my computer?

    The Wall Street Journal has found, however, that this newly-publicized database is constructed even when location services are turned off entirely.

    From the front page of macrumors, for all those who've said to turn off location services.

    This IS the type of thing that should be ruled on before a real problem develops.

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 19, 06:58 PM
    After reading some of the lawsuit, I had to post this..
    What is the pic on the bottom? That ain't no Samsung tablet. Looks like a photoshop job.
    All Samsung tabs have SAMSUNG blazed across the top of the face.

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  • manu chao
    Apr 25, 01:49 PM
    Ah, the perfect storm! A (probable) bug that does not clip the data the way Google does it,
    Natually this leads to stupid lawsuits. This is America, dammit!

    And Google occasionally stores random data from any unsecured WiFi network its StreetView cars come by.

    I now there were rumblings about government investigations into Google's data grab (which was transmitted and stored onto Google's computers) but was there also a lawsuit?

    Not that Apple should not have fixed this presumed bug when it first was reported last year. Either nobody at Apple was really paying attention to what other people managed to extract in terms of 'forensic information' or they were not organised (or motivated) enough to get fix done. I cannot help myself but thinking that a scenario in which Apple knew about this but decided to fix it only with iOS 5 is not that unlikely.

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  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 01:48 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    Even so, in the FIRST DAYS of the war, even the lefties supported the troops and the American military, they merely questioned whether we should be going to war.

    This Libya conflict is similar in that there are people on the left today questioning whether we should be "going to war" with this no-fly zone, but there are also people who support the reason behind it, but also question why we haven't gone into other countries where there are similar humanitarian issues.

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

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  • prady16
    Sep 13, 07:11 AM
    thats a killer system!
    Kinda like supercomputers for small businesses!

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  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 03:09 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D
    :dools: whoa, that'd be lovely. would they both also accept normal DVDs and CDs?

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  • babyj
    Sep 19, 07:57 AM
    It amazes me that people who are so opposed to discussion of upcoming Merom notebooks still click on the links to the forums with titles using the terms "Merom" and "MacBook Pro". If you're a regular on the forums, sure, I can see how constant discussion about the "next" platform might get old. So ignore them. Do something productive with your time.

    That isn't exactly what I said, I don't have a problem with people discussing new and upcoming products and features and when we might see them. Count me in.

    Its the people that are getting so worked up, annoyed at Apple, threatening to dump the platform and move to Windows, claiming Apple are three months behind Windows systems and generally bitching.

    Its all pointless as the same people will start up again with the next technology advances as soon as the Macbook range is updated with Merom.

    Jul 14, 02:37 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Agreed. I can make an argument for the consumer machines, where perhaps 512 MB is sufficient for basic users. Specifically, why force them to pay more for 1 GB if they don't need it. But when it comes to the Pro machines, as if anyone buying one of these beasts is not going to require at least 2 GB of RAM, let alone 1 GB. No one buys a quad Xeon Powermac to just surf the Internet and check their e-mail. :cool:

    Apr 12, 09:25 AM
    Naw, memory too. There's probably a lot I left out, it was just a quick list off the top of my head.

    64bit will just expand memory access it does not have anything to do with being multiprocessor aware.

    Jun 13, 05:27 PM
    congrats..but why would anyone pay 425$ for a 3GS/32 when most can get the iPhone discount for a 4G for 74$ more?..I have 3GS/32 black and Im going to keep mine for a back-up phone/iPod/maybe sell it later/ and I'm getting the $499 discount since I'm not eligible for an upgrade til 3/11...glta

    You got great price, me too sold my 3GS 32G less then one year old in mint condition got only $400

    Jul 27, 03:46 PM
    Well it's back to the future for all of us. Remember when the Mac was going 64-bit with the introduction of the G5 PowerMac on June 23, 2003? :rolleyes: Only more thanthree years later and we're doing it all over again thanks to Yonah's 7 month retrograde.

    Just so long as Steve doesn't say we'll be at 3 GHz in a year. :eek:


    Jul 27, 01:25 PM
    I never thought there'd come a day when I needed to know anything about what kind of chips Intel was coming out with.

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