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  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:56 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    A redesigned keyboard-should come in Mac Pro and white colors

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  • damnyooneek
    Apr 25, 03:50 PM
    the question is if the tracking info is sent to anyone or is it just a log of places that is in a file on your own phone.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 26, 05:26 PM
    I'll believe it when I see it. Merom rumours have been flying for a long long time now. Not that it really concerns me anyway. Just hope its what you guys are anticipating

    Thankfully this isn't a rumor. It was reported on CNET as fact. Of course, there's always a chance that any news source is mistaken, but considering Intel announced their merom plans at the end of July, I don't have a problem with taking what CNET reported as most likely fact.

    Coupled with the report of large shipments from overseas due to arrive on the 5th of September, connecting the dots to merom equipped macs seems fairly obvious to me. Whether it happens in September or October, it is going to happen.

    I'm sure it will be what I'm anticipating, but thanks for your concern. :D

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  • Malligator
    Mar 31, 04:27 PM
    what is this bash apple competitors day?

    What is this, "let's go on an Apple fansite and act surpised that it's full of Apple fans" day?

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  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 02:35 PM
    Why would you when android has at the moment passed apple on every standard out there?

    Android hasn't passed Apple on every standard. Please give me an example of that.

    But, Android phones are better smartphones than the iPhone, imo.

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  • fblack
    Aug 11, 01:28 PM
    I'm not sure it will be as feature rich as some expect--remember ease of use seldom plays well with complexity.

    However, I am eager to see what comes of this and preferably soon. As I am now on my 3rd replacement RAZR which is begining to have problems.:mad:

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  • gugy
    Aug 6, 01:48 PM
    "The Name Mac Pro is our Trademark, not Apple's"

    good luck for you.
    I would not put up a fight against a giant like Apple.
    Plus, I don't see having a computer named Mac Pro would interfere with your business in a bad way. Actually, I think it would be good thing for you.

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 25, 01:36 PM
    I would bet anything that these two "customers" happen to also be lawyers.

    They just can't earn clean money, always have to rip some one to earn it.

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  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:13 PM
    I wonder how "Time Machine" is implemented. I miss having a feature like this. I used VAX/VMS back in the early 1980's (before UNIX became popular) and of course VMS keept histories of files. So if I was editing a file and saved it I could always get any of the old versions back. It was great. The feature was built into the file system and of course all the applications used the file system. Finally now 20+ years later we get this feature. From experiance I can say the for certain, _everyone_ will like this and come to depend on it. The second part "come to depend on it" will be more true than many of you now think.

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  • noel4r
    Aug 11, 01:32 PM
    The iPhone rumor has been going on for years. I just hope it's worth the long wait.

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  • portishead
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    I can't wait. Exciting times for FCP editors!

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  • three
    Nov 12, 03:07 PM
    Here's the official release notice from Sony.


    as well as the car list and the track list.


    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only, and not surprised there's no Porsches, since I believe the license to use Porsches are exclusive to EA, no other game from any company really has them. But, I am hoping that GT5 will be released on the 24th, for real this time, instead of being pushed back for the 40,000,001st time.

    Today was a great day for Gran Turismo news. The Mazda 3 (Axela) I drive in real life is on the game, and the tracks look nice.

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  • braddouglass
    Apr 6, 12:56 PM
    A hard drive uses less than 2 Watts while reading or writing. Flash uses the same or more when it is used; it only has an advantage when it is not used, where the hard disk drive has to spend energy to keep the drive spinning (less than 1 Watt).

    So I suppose that standby temp would be low. and that operation temp would be about the same as any other lap top. Sounds good to me haha.

    All I want is a faster processor and a backlit keyboard and I'll be happy with it.

    Already with Flash HD and 4GB ram it should be wicked fast, but I'd like an i5 at least...

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  • miketcool
    Nov 28, 08:36 PM
    Something is fishy, very very fishy.

    Anyone remember the MS Zune being compared to a 4G iPod on the Today show? Matt Lauer said NBC and MS were business partners as a kind of disclaimer and Roker praised the iPod.

    Watch Conan O'Brien. Chuck Norris lever is the giveaway here! NBC owns Universal, right? NBC-UNIVERSAL

    So Microsoft says, hey, well pay you "wink wink" and then Universal pulls the rus out from Apple because Microsoft thinks it is in a position to topple Apple by denying them content. There is much more at stake here and someone is realizing Apple's angle.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 10, 07:41 PM
    There is a part of me that hopes Apple screws up and dumbs down FCS. This is the only remaining software that keeps me buying expensive Macs. If they turn FCS into a glorified iApp, then I'm dumping my Mac's and moving on to a build your own PC where I can run Linux and all of the industry standard professional apps.

    I think that with this new release of FinalCut, Apple is going to shove a dagger into it's professional line. In the last keynote, Jobs mentioned the "transition from a post-PC" business model. The only way that Apple can devote itself exclusively to iStuff is to wean the professional's away from using their products. Once FCS becomes a new video editing program aimed more for the masses running on iPads, Apple will be able to say that they don't have a need for the pro line of computers anymore. Say goodbye to MacPro anything.

    Whatever Apple announces Tuesday is going to be a strong indicator for the future of the professional line. If they announce an amazing FCS 4 for professionals, then we will know they are committed to the long run. However, if they turn FinalCut into some kind of cheesy video editing app for the mass consumer, then you better start rethinking your professional future with Apple - unless you make your money from making crappy youtube videos.

    So munch elitism there it's dripping off my screen. Your post is funny b/c when FCP 1.0 was announced the many of "pro" editors of the time gasped b/c it, well, "dumbed down" editing, similar to how Pagemaker 1.0 dumbed down publishing.

    What Apple does best, what it's always done best, is define new paradigms. It sounds like that is what may happen on Tues. Clearly, for all your snobbery, you are a horse and buggy driver and not a buyer into the Model T thing. Enjoy your Linux, but physical media is still dying, nonetheless. Editing for the web needs a new set of editing tools. YouTube has a lot of professionally edited material. It's not all cell phone clips.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 12:21 PM
    The Mac Pro isn't for most people. It's for professionals and professional applications, which are usally multithreaded, and will take advantage of the capabilities.

    If you have a complaint about all these cores and not being able to take advantage of them, then this is not the computer for you. You're probably not using the software that will take advantage of them, so let it go and stop whining about it. For the those of us that do, this is great news.Thank you shelterpaw. And Bravo! Couldn't have said it better. Those who don't see the point of a lot of cores are not doing anything like what those of us who do are. :)I'm underutilizing my cpu nearly all of the time, but that's irrelevant-what really matters to me is that fraction of the time when I *am* asking it to do 4 things at once, and I want it do them at the same speed that each could be done individually.Zactly. This is the most reason - not that you need this level of performance 24/7. Thank you for that daver.http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0007US79Y.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg

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  • Macnoviz
    Apr 12, 11:36 AM
    There have been live streams in the past but last I heard Apple killed it for this meeting.


    well, if they were planning on doing a livestream, and all of the sudden they make it into a semi-stevenote, the extra traffic would probably kill the stream anyway

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 5, 07:35 PM
    That's (sadly) believable. See, now you're talking. I knew you didn't always pop round just to throw a cheeky non sequitur into the works. ;)

    Yes, but actual critical thinking is no where near as much fun. :p

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  • babyj
    Sep 19, 09:46 AM
    I am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.

    I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro

    I used to think that until I replaced my 12" Thinkpad with a (budget) 15" Thinkpad. A 15" laptop is obviously a lot bigger, possibly heavier and definetly more difficult to carry around everywhere. I'll never buy a 15" laptop again.

    It depends on how you will be using it, but one good option that works for me is to go for a 13" so its more portable then get a cheap 17"/19" TFT monitor for home and use it to extend the desktop. Forget Merom, I don't know how I survived for so long without an extended desktop.

    An extra 17"s really does change your life!

    Mar 31, 08:47 PM
    John Gruber's take:
    So here�s the Android bait-and-switch laid bare. Android was �open� only until it became popular and handset makers dependent upon it. Now that Google has the handset makers by the balls, Android is no longer open and Google starts asserting control.

    Andy Rubin, Vic Gundotra, Eric Schmidt: shameless, lying hypocrites, all of them.Can't say I disagree.

    I completely disagree.

    Going open sounded like a great idea in the beginning. Fast forward to today, and manufacturers have used the openness against the platform by creating custom versions of android that aren't readily upgradable.

    This has hurt the platform more than 'being open' helped it and google is right to start regulating what can and cannot be done.

    I think we're all pretty lucky to have experienced both sides of the spectrum to be honest :)

    Sep 19, 09:57 AM
    The pre-release tests I saw reckoned Merom was about 25% faster with 7% longer battery life. Though they are pretty meaningless figures and we won't know until Merom is actually in a Macbook and a comparable test can be made.

    I'd imagine there will be far bigger improvements to both with Santa Rosa and nand cache (which I presume Apple will support) than there is with Merom.

    Check out the iMac benchmarks. The actual speed improvement (i.e., not the Intel hyped numbers) are much more modest.

    Nov 29, 05:02 AM
    dang it microsoft.

    Don't curse Microsoft. They're just doing what they've always done - try to screw over anyone they see as a threat. They can't defeat Apple, but they can screw up the market so bad that it won't matter if Apple is king of the hill.

    Curse the idiots that buy the Zune without even knowing what they are doing. Better yet, pass the word. This isn't about the Zune being a nice device or not, this is about the DRM in the thing, and the tax you pay to the music companies even if you don't buy any of their songs.

    In the end, the Zune will fail, because it is big, expensive, and has DRM that isn't compatible with anything anyone has ever bought before anywhere. It isn't even Vista compatible yet! But this isn't about the Zune being successful, and I'm beginning to think it never was. The Zune is more about Microsoft trying to throw a wrench into the music download industry - and if it can make Apple less profitable by doing so, then so much the better.

    Sep 19, 02:28 AM
    I hate this "one week until new ******" -time of the year when I'm going to buy something new. Last time I decided to wait was with the PowerBooks. Someone said next tuesday (quite a few times) I believed it and I'm still using my PB G4.

    Now I'm the market for a new MacBook and ... Well.

    Damn. Though the interesting thing is I don't need the speed increase, My Core Duo iMac is too fast for my mediocre every day use. It still want Merom, badly, not knowing why.

    EDIT: typo

    Aug 22, 07:33 PM
    Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores.

    Do you have a reference showing that this translates to better performance in real-world application tests in a head to head competition?

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