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  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 25, 01:12 PM
    Hideous? Erm subjectively the best looking laptops in production.

    Understandable, seeing as you wear Adidas. LOL. :D

    On a more serious and intelligent note, let's hope the screen and the rest of the body have a more seamless and look. The current mirror screen looks like it was slapped on a random body. They just don't go together like the previous gen. The Air looks much better.

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  • Techobo
    Sep 12, 02:48 PM
    Boo, where's my 16:9?

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  • MOFS
    Mar 30, 11:35 AM
    The thing to remember is that there are two words for "application". Apple use "application" (with the suffix .app) on OS X. Microsoft uses "Programs" (suffix .exe). Application is linked with Apple, so when they call it the "App Store" it is based on their previous use. "Prog Store" would also not be generic.

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  • mlrproducts
    Sep 13, 11:26 PM
    MR should be happy, as it seems there are plenty of new, naive and ignorant noobs running around.

    1) Read the darned article before you spout off about "well hows'I gonnda call wichout me dile pad?"

    2) There is a slim to none change this will be any type of smart phone. Scratch that, there is no chance. I would post numbers but I don't have to, because anyone with common sense could put together that the number of non-smart phones outsell smart phones to about a billion to one. (However aside from the obvious mp3/aac playing abilities, it will be "enhanced" in the sense that it will have bluetooth and sync seamlessly with iSync.)

    3) Touchscreen would be nice, but it seems as if Apple's patents never materialize. That, and 3b) any type of touch device [that already gets skin/hair oil on it] would be too dirty with fingerprints all over it.

    4) Quit complaining about a slider. 4b) They are popular (which for the economically challenged=they sell well=more money for Apple). Also, I would ask that you really think about how often you use your "most recently dialed" list or phonebook vs. new numbers.

    5) Technically the artist's rendition is not "nano-like," it is now "vintage retro-1st gen nano-like." ;)

    6) While I don't want to challenge Arn's sources, it would be difficult to make the back true "chrome" as the iPods, due to signal issues (unless an external antenna was used, which is unlikely based on a whole slew of reasons I won't go into).

    7) The phone will more than likely be GSM. You MIGHT get a CDMA version poor other folks, but not likely (and if so, perhaps only carried on Verizon, and not at release).

    8) And #7 leads to real issues re: business. These include: will Apple become a virtual carrier, will the release the phone GSM unlocked and only Apple branded, will it be produced by another manufacturer (ie: Samsung) and attributed as such (unlikely), or are they going to go with the obvious Cingular release (and the possibility of adding to T-Mobile after a Cingular exclusive period). Lastly, worldwide release/availability issues.

    9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).

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  • Spaceman Spiff
    Sep 9, 02:16 AM
    Benchamarks, eh?

    As long as it's not beating the Mac Pro, I'm happy.

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  • nagromme
    Mar 23, 04:45 PM
    From apps like this to radar detectors, I can�t believe it�s legal to release products designed to circumvent laws, resulting in preventable deaths.

    If you think it should be legal to speed, or to drive drunk, that change THAT law, don�t make it legal to circumvent the existing law. It makes no sense.

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 17, 06:36 PM
    The Safari exploit launched a Mac OSX program. How is that NOT an "OS" issue? The exploit could have just as easily told the Mac to delete a directory on the hard drive, for instance. So it's not just Safari that's an issue but the fact that OSX would let Safari execute a program outside the browser.

    I'd like to know where this idea that "many have tried" to create viruses and/or malware for OSX comes from. How do you know what people have done or tried? I'm not saying Unix is easy to exploit, but I know darn well it's not invulnerable. If they held an OS hacking event with a prize, I'm sure someone would prove my point for me.

    And this idea that nothing can be done on the Mac until a virus or other malware exploit shows up on a news site is absurd. There are plenty of tools out there, for instance, to point out dangerous web sites that could be a threat to a computer. Most OSX users wouldn't bother to install one if one was offered to them because they believe themselves invulnerable. So why worry about visiting a malware site? Some exploits are potentially cross-platform (adobe flash, for example). Again, I say most OSX users are far too comfortable in a foolish belief that they are not in danger from anything out there.

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  • macnulty
    Sep 6, 10:25 PM
    Finally G5 Powerbooks.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 08:22 AM
    I rerally hope it is more than Aperture 2.0. The displays were recently updated, so... I am lost

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 10, 05:03 AM
    There's going to be a problem when PC manufacturers get a hold of this if Apple doesn't realease a mid-tower to compete. Conroes are faster than the Meroms in the iMac as it is, but with quad cores they'll wipe the floor with them at multi-tasking.

    Surely Conroe needs to go somewhere in Apple's lineup? Great value, fast and soon to be quad-core.

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  • headfuzz
    Apr 4, 12:17 PM
    The mall cop shot him? Really? The mall cop?!

    I thought there was an app for that.

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  • MSlaw
    Apr 15, 05:04 PM
    USB3=native to all platforms
    TB=Mac Only

    Sounds like TB just died.

    That's funny, I thought I first saw them show it off on a PC...

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  • joeboy_45101
    Sep 5, 01:45 PM
    This is great; I can't wait to see what goodies they will bring out.

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  • retrorichie
    Apr 22, 12:03 PM
    Have you guys never used computers 10 years ago ? CRT monitors at 1600x1200 ring a bell to anyone but me here ?


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  • alent1234
    Apr 29, 02:11 PM
    I would call more than half its life, counting today, to be "long".

    The division sold its first unit in being started (and costing money) well before that, no doubt. It didn't hit "black" until 2008. In big business, that's basically a miracle story of survival. If Sony wasn't making money elsewhere, you can bet it would not have even made the 360.

    both articles say the division/business unit that the x-box is in finally turned a profit. in 2010 this unit also included Office for Mac and Zune. the latest earnings release has no mention of Office for Mac in this unit but it still has windows phone and Microsoft's IP Television unit. ironically the big profit jump came after office for mac was kicked out of the unit

    i'm bet x-box has been doing just fine and that windows phone and the IPTV units are the loss leaders

    at some point apple is going to stop growing because the market penetration of smartphones will be at the point where you are just selling replacement phones. since AT&T opened the floodgates last year for early upgrades we'll see how things go this year

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 23, 03:26 PM
    As a long time PC user who is just getting frustrated with the windows experience, I am looking forward to seeing what Mac has to offer in the coming months.

    I picked up an Iphone 4 last december and when I had a problem, being able to go to a retail location where they looked at my device for 5 minutes and then gave me a new one was great.

    My wife is a mac user, and being able to go to a retail location for problems just can't be beaten.

    Now I must say, I have been a Dell person all my life, heck I am currently typing this on my 6 year old dell laptop that still works fine by me. Hell, she will still be fine for fitting my laptop needs. I have been using her primarily has a desktop hooked up to many many peripherals as well as a 2nd screen for dual output.

    In replacing her I have been eyeing the smaller Imac for some time now, hooking up a second screen output, and grabbing a magic trackpad that I enjoyed playing with at the Apple Store.

    Anything larger than 22 or so inches would be overkill for me, as I am planning for at least two screens. Heck I think I am just using a 19 inch crt monitor that is 11 years old and my 15 inch laptop screen right now.

    So a nice high quality screen with a 2nd monitor for surfing and chat room utilization would be all I need. My backup thought is a mac mini with two screens, but the Mac Mini's appear to be much lower specs when compared with the Imac.

    *1st post

    I converted to Linux in 2007 and Mac in 2009 after using Windows since version 3.1 and don't miss a thing! It's true what they say "Mac's just work."

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  • Squonk
    Sep 12, 02:59 PM
    In the past, when Apple has released new models, on the "deals" page, they would sell off the old *new boxed* stock for a little less than the new models. Sometimes these were a great deal, other times, not so much. Anyway, with the iMac and Mac Mini updates last week and the iPod updates today, it appears that there is no "old stock" products for sale from Apple. I was hoping to pick up the 5G/60GB to replace my 4G/60GB as I'd now like the bigger screen. Yes, I am looking for a deal... Or how about a 1G/1G shuffle for $49???

    Does anyone know how Apple is getting rid of the old?

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  • woodman
    Sep 1, 11:43 AM
    So are the MacBooks going to get Merom or not? I'm going to buy a black one, but am waiting to see.

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  • Mal67
    Mar 23, 09:11 AM
    Come on Mac Mini update; well overdue for a refresh. That Core 2 Duo is keeping me from buying.

    Waiting for this one too! Hurry up Apple.

    Aug 31, 02:52 PM

    Still can't get excited about any of the paid video content on iTMS myself...

    I'm still hoping to see 540p files that iTunes "automagically" resizes for proper DVD burning and iPod use, while using the 540p version for users with HDTVs attached to their Macs... Have the video DRM work more like the audio "FairPlay" DRM...

    Until then, I'll be happy to download the free episodes that sometimes are offered.. But I'm waiting to pay until Apple provides me with the quality of some of my favorite *FREE* video podcasts.. (MacBreak, TWiT video, DL.TV, CommandN, TikiBar, etc)

    What I'd rather see announced, is Core 2 updates to the iMac and and MBP.

    Would love to see a mini tower/Cube neo/Mac mini Extreme... Core 2, 4 ram slots, one or two (for SLI/Crossfire) open PCIe slot(s), 3.5" SATA HD.... sigh...

    I suspect we'll get ourselves all twisted 'bout this, tune in only to see iPod HiFi v 2.0 instead..


    Just my $0.02US


    Apr 11, 09:36 AM
    Ever heard of Home Sharing?

    Well, thank you, I've heard of Home Sharing. I use it myself on my desktop and laptop. I was referring to an one-click streaming solution like Airtunes. More like "click there to stream music to my mac which is connected to my sound system" than "go to preferences, enable sharing; now wait while I browse your shared library".

    So, Airport Expresses are luxury but other WiFi routers onto which an Airplay hack could be installed are not luxury?
    You can rightfully slam Apple for not including Airplay into the Time Capsule and Airport Extreme but that is about it.

    I think you got it completely wrong here. How is my WiFi router which was given to me for free by my internet provider a luxury? Who talked about hacking my router? How could possibly a common router provide me with audio output?

    And of course Apple is getting greedy by not adding Airtunes to other wireless solutions they sell. One more reason to skip them altogether and go for a hack or other software solution. Once again, don't get me wrong, I love Apple and their products, I but there are some use cases where they just don't care or have completely other interests.

    To stream between computers, you only need iTunes and Home Sharing, which is, btw, free. And you now welcome/wish for a third-party hack to stream music and then in the same breath say that installing even bonafide software like the free Airfoil Speakers or iTunes is out of the question. What is it, you could convince your friends to install a third-party hack on their computers but not iTunes or Airfoil?

    Once again, my words are misinterpreted or you just don't understand.
    I just wish to stream to my mac which is connected to my sound system from other Airtunes capable devices. That involves a hack only on my part and nothing at all to be done on other computers or iOS devices. Call me cheap, but that would be convenient to me and my friends.
    And as I said before, I can see myself buying an Airport Express (although I would prefer the Airport Extreme, if it had an audio output) for a computer-less streaming setup, but for my current setup - which I think is the most common one - and budget I will opt for a tricky hack.

    To sum up, all I want is a Banana-TV equivalent but just for audio. It looks like it's just a matter of time.

    Apr 30, 03:30 PM
    Because that huge base of thunderbolt based devices is overwhelming! :p

    Who else should break this infinite loop than someone from Infinite Loop?

    Aug 23, 08:45 PM
    So, in summary...

    Apple pays Creative a one time fee of $100M to licence their patents.

    Creative joins the 'Made for iPod' program making accessories for their competitor, Apple, who gets money for 'Made for iPod'.

    Creative still HAS to defend it's patent against other competitors - that's the nature of patents - or licence it to them. If they do, Apple takes some of that money too. In a round-a-bout way, Apple is getting money back from it's competitors. Nice.

    Creative have a much better case because Apple settled.

    Creative still owns a valid patent. If Apple had won, there would be no patent so anyone could copy the Creative/Apple style interface.

    Apple continues on as if nothing has happened. No long court case delaying sales. No injunctions to halt imports.

    Explain to me why people think Apple lost here?

    Creative knew it was about to get reamed by Microsoft's Zune which it's players aren't compatible with. They knew to get out of the market. Instead of legitimising Microsoft's offering, they've tied up with Apple. It might bug us that Apple have legitimised a bogus patent but it's otherwise very, very smart.

    Oct 12, 02:02 PM
    i saw this being filmed while on lunch this afternoon. The GAP that's about a block away from the Apple store was wrapped in a bunch of (RED) garbage too.

    Bono, Oprah, GAP, and APPLE...

    The world is going to be turned upside down.

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