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  • Much Ado
    Sep 8, 01:40 PM
    I remember that SNL skit too. That was great.

    Introducing, and i'm thrilled about this- the new iPod invisa.


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  • spencers
    Apr 12, 08:19 PM
    You're quite wrong there. AirPlay IS AirTunes. It's AirTunes + video equivalent of AirTunes. An Airport Express is now an 'AirPlay device'.

    Actually, he is right. The two use different protocols when streaming. The video portion of AirPlay is done differently and does not require the private key. It just employs setting up a "server" whenever its being utilized. I have it set up on XBMC, and it works just as it would on an AppleTV.

    The audio portion, that requires the key, has finally brought it full-circle. Can't wait to have it on my XBMC box.

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  • zombierunner
    Apr 30, 03:10 PM
    i really hope prices go down a little bit .. $150 atleast ..

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 05:20 AM
    Personally I believe all companies not only have an obligation to go public

    Let's just say that I disagree with you 100%. What if you start a small company, should Joe Sixpack down the street have the god-given right to buy shares in your company? If he does, why doesn't he have the right to buy your car if he wants to?

    ...allowing actual democracy to pervade rather than increasingly fascist corporatocracy.

    You do realize that the "fascist corporatocracy" that we have today has been created, maintained and exploited by public corporations?

    Personally I'd rather pay a lot more for my Macs, have them updated a lot less often and even suffer decreases in the rate of performance improvements, if it meant that the people who manufactured the computers were paid enough to sustain themselves and their families in comfortable, suitable housing with enough money left over for an enjoyable life.

    What makes you think that they are not being paid enough as it is?

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  • jafd
    Apr 25, 02:38 PM
    All new Macbook Pro. The thing you were waiting for.

    New, razor thin design. With Unibody introduction, we have removed the soft plastic bezel around the corners, so that you could be hurt by sharp edges more easily. Now we take another step forward —*now, the cutting edge is really cutting. The edge of the new Macbook Pro is so thin it can slice bread, and your weiner can be sliced too.

    The Apple technology was always hot. And now we take “hot” to yet another level. Previously hot as in “hot chicks,” it's now also hot as in “hot chocolate.” A case this thin ought to grow extremely hot. If you have the balls to put your laptop in your lap, they will be fried deep in mere five minutes.

    SSDs everywhere. Man, this is the next cool thing. Now we put SSDs anywhere, with no other options to consider. The whole whopping 256 GBs of SSD in all new Macbook Pros! Forget about the days when you were wondering what to do with all that free space on that bulky, clumsy and old 1000 GB HDD. Now you will have one hassle less with our proprietary 256 GB SSDs. See how blazing fast it is on our specially crafted tests, and never mind Logic Pro giving you “The disk is too slow!” alert now and then.

    We also ditch Firewire for USB and Thunderbolt everywhere. Throw away your old faithful and perfectly working recording rig which you've once sold your house to buy. You won't need it anymore with USB, which is high speed enough (never mind it stutters and loses data under heavy load and full duplex data exchange, especially via a hub which you will require because we've given you only one port), and with Thunderbolt which is even faster (and which you don't have any peripherals for).

    As if previous Macbook screens were not glossy enough, we both increase the resolution and applying more gloss all over our displays, never mind you'll need a new pair of eyes to see anything on them and that they have a 6-bit DAC, but man, they are so sexy on our marketing photos! You are already feeling an immediate urge to buy one. We also ditch the matte option; who needs it when you have so sexy glossy displays?

    With shiny new apps, we have merged iOS and Mac OS X 10.8 Рussу. It has no Unix legacy. Why use grep, sed, awk or diff, when you can have the glossy apps all over your glossy screen? Admit it, you don't need a powerful tool when all you do is posting <excrements> on your Facebook profile. It just works with apps. Pros? Who just said “Pros?” This is just a money name.

    Enjoy your new Macbook Pro. We'll enjoy your money and watch you crawl to us, asking for more.

    barcode label software. Barcode Label Maker.
  • Barcode Label Maker.

  • epitaphic
    Sep 9, 01:25 PM
    Handbrake FPS readings vary a lot between the analysis pass and the writing pass - much slower writing on the second pass than studying-planning the writing scheme on the first pass on both the Quad and the Mac Pro.
    That's because the second pass only uses one core.

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  • Barcode Label Maker Screenshot

  • milo
    Sep 13, 09:16 AM
    I have never been more happy to be proven wrong. But now: Steve has been lying to us about the capabilities of this great iPod 5G for nearly a year now, just so we wouldn't anticipate the iTunes Movie Store.

    Lying? Come on. It already supported 640 in mpeg4, he never said it couldn't support other resolutions in the future with a firmware/software update. Did he ever say, "The hardware makes it impossible to ever support 640 with h.264"? No.

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  • gugy
    Sep 12, 03:22 PM
    Good updates,
    But I rather wait for the widescreen 120gb video ipod.

    barcode label software. Easy Barcode Label Printing
  • Easy Barcode Label Printing

  • primalman
    Aug 23, 09:02 PM
    So, in summary...

    Apple pays Creative a one time fee of $100M to licence their patents.

    Creative joins the 'Made for iPod' program making accessories for their competitor, Apple, who gets money for 'Made for iPod'.

    Creative still HAS to defend it's patent against other competitors - that's the nature of patents - or licence it to them. If they do, Apple takes some of that money too. In a round-a-bout way, Apple is getting money back from it's competitors. Nice.

    Creative have a much better case because Apple settled.

    Creative still owns a valid patent. If Apple had won, there would be no patent so anyone could copy the Creative/Apple style interface.

    Apple continues on as if nothing has happened. No long court case delaying sales. No injunctions to halt imports.

    Explain to me why people think Apple lost here?

    Creative knew it was about to get reamed by Microsoft's Zune which it's players aren't compatible with. They knew to get out of the market. Instead of legitimising Microsoft's offering, they've tied up with Apple. It might bug us that Apple have legitimised a bogus patent but it's otherwise very, very smart.

    Yes, this is the reality. It was a wise business move, thinking long-term. Someone said it earlier, but Apple plays good chess, this is why they have over $8 billion in the bank.

    The quote above should have been the last post.

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  • For DRPU Barcode Label Maker

  • nagromme
    Oct 27, 09:40 AM
    So, basically:

    * Greenpeace takes actions that hurt their own worthy cause (the problems are real, but the ranking stuff is the wrong kind of attention-seeking) :o

    * Apple takes action to suppress the message and instead draws even more attention to it :o

    The fallout from the above missteps, we should hope, is that Apple AND other companies DO improve their environmental practices. For ALL our sakes. Apple should be praised for what they have done right (which is a lot--look at the shrinking of packaging in certain cases) and should not be let off the hook for what they still should do better.

    Still, there are always people looking for a reason to be pro-corporations and anti-anyone-working-for-good-causes. So that bandwagon has seating available :)

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  • Nightarchaon
    Mar 24, 07:44 AM
    I bet you think the iPad makes a better e-book reader than the Kindle as well huh?

    Im with you on the glossy iMacs, there AWFUL to actually sit in front of and use for any lenght of time, talk about eye strain.

    MATT option iMac and im there in a flash, but im not holding out hope, the �1600 ive sat waiting for a new desktop is more and more likely going towards a home built i7 sandybridge rig, and windows 7 so that when i sit with my back to the window the screen doesnt just refelect the outside world and i have to squint through it rather than just see what im working on. I dont need a tree or a bus in my spreadsheets or word documents thank you apple.

    I Love my Macbook pro, with its MATT screen, i cant justify a MacPro expense, and the Mac Mini just doesnt cut it at the graphics card level, so that leaves the iMac, love the form factor, love the OS, hate the unusable migrane inducing shiney screen.


    the iPad i prefer the glossy screen, same with the iPhone, but then the occasions ill be using an iPad require me to have a bright colour screen for PDFs, and the lighting is usually bad enough that the reflective qualities are not a problem.

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  • jessica.
    Apr 25, 08:49 AM
    Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?Higher moral ground? Read your posts ... pot meet kettle. :rolleyes:

    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.I believe it is you who believes he holds some higher moral ground here. I believe that it is you who feels the need to punish someone. Everything you say about her and what she did to you is exactly what you're doing to her. Honking, flashing your lights, tailgating, and break checking her is punishing her for traveling at a safe speed. Just because you're a child in a car that is too much for you to handle and too expensive for a punk 16 year old doesn't make you a ****ing law. You're going 90, I am glad she didn't move and glad that it has you so worked up that you came here to cry about it.

    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

    -DonParenting, no license required ... clearly. I think I'll keep an eye on the news in your area so I can see just when and how you kill yourself or worse yet (and much worse yet) someone else because of your awesome driving skills.

    I personally love how I get the bad rap, when the woman was the one going under the speed limit and attempted to breakcheck me first. She got what was coming to her. Had she just had some common courtesy and moved over, nothing would of happened. Instead she decided that she had to play traffic cop.

    You people are all laughable.

    -DonYou're 16 going 20 mph over the speed limit. You are not a COMPLETELY safe driver, not even a little. Your mother supposedly allowing you to do this is equally disgusting. The driver was likely not trying to enforce the speed limit. Just because you're speeding and people are getting out of your way, doesn't mean that her unwillingness to let you by is her way of enforcing anything. Newsflash, just because you're doing 90 in a 70 doesn't mean people HAVE to move. Most move because they fear for their own lives. I also call BS, I bet she wasn't doing 65. You're no more a safe driver than you are honest. Your first post you already concluded that you would have lied about some animal in the road. Doing 90, chances are you wouldn't even see the animal. You are laughable at best. It is not common courtsey to move out of the way of some guy honking, tailgating, and flashing his brights at you. You speak of courtsey and yet you have none.

    When someone like you comes knocking on my ass you get to stay behind me while I chill on cruise control. Keep in mind, all those people who moved are witnesses. Should something have happened, at least one would be there. The so-called law and your so-called awesome family member who can supposedly get you out of all of this are powerless when it comes to you touching metal. Rear-ending someone may be 100% the fault of the person behind you until a witness comes forward and explains how the accident came to be. Animal or not, you're screwed.

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  • caity13cait
    Sep 19, 02:41 PM
    Yeah it already lets you watch while downloading and frankly I think that this is a very important feature that is not often discussed. People bash it saying that it takes 1.5 hours to download a movie. Well if the movie is 1.5 hours long than wait 5 minutes and start watching. It is close to instant. I know that on my computer it only took 70 minutes to download which means I can start watching it right away. With Verizon rolling out their Fios internet with speeds of up to 30mbs even 1080p will soon be no problem. I am not sure just how big a 1080p movie is but I am hoping that within a year it will be do able for more people.

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  • boncellis
    Sep 4, 08:55 PM
    This makes sense to me, although it likely has some functionality beyond what has been described. Apple wants to move into a new forum, why reinvent the iPod when it's been done so well? The iTMS has the potential to be bigger than the iPod--big enough to drive sales of computers and a new video device as well as the iPod, it would be anathema for Apple to limit themselves.

    The streaming technology is already there through iTunes, is it not? If you have a Mini hooked up to the TV, can't you just stream video to the Mini and play it there? If so, this has to be something new--something that Apple can market alongside the Mini. (Either that or Apple needs to cut the price of the Mini to make it a more realistic set-top box option--maybe Apple sees this as an improved implementation of that idea).

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  • poppe
    Aug 28, 06:49 PM

    merom is better than everyone anticipated... --->

    all the people who said it's only marginal at best can stick it where the sun don't shine! suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzz

    Cool find, but I dont much believe it completely.

    Just my thought...

    I just trust that Arstancia website (how ever it is spelled) They did a core 2 duo laptop review and got some performance increases of around 10-15% but never 22%...

    barcode label software. Barcode Label Software.
  • Barcode Label Software.

  • Silentwave
    Sep 14, 09:34 PM
    Don't cry - a tablet would be the absolute worst interface for edit digital photos, so there's absolutely no chance that'll be happening at photokina.

    Hrm... for aperture i'd agree probably, but i'd be interested in trying one out with Capture NX :D

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  • Platform
    Sep 14, 08:23 AM
    This can be good...does look like a photo only event....but we can still hope (iPhone with great camrea ?)

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  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 5, 02:57 PM
    They already sell Showtime Shows on iTunes

    Ya, but not movies. They get certain distrobution rights that may cover some kind of download service (they have PPV/VoD broadcast rights, for example). They may be able to get a decent library of downloadable movies for a price that works for Apple... the fact there are Showtime shows on iTunes certainly shows they are willing to work with the iTMS, and the OP may be on to something...

    In any event, unless it's HD (720p is fine) I'm not interested. For that matter, when they give me Lost in HD (and a good way to get it to my TV) I'll check out the TV shows.

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  • daneoni
    Apr 22, 12:18 PM
    It doesn't happen because what they should really be putting is Blu-Ray.

    Unlikely to happen except for maybe the Mac Pros. Apple wants you to get your media from iTunes.

    Oct 12, 01:10 PM
    Granted, this is a good thing.

    But does anyone else find it ironic that the iPods in question are being made by people who according to media reports could use this type of financial subsidization as well?

    Jul 14, 09:14 AM (

    DailyTech reports ( that the Non-Disclosure for performance benchmarks on Intel's upcoming Intel Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors was lifted today. The new processors, code named Conroe, are the desktop versions of the Core Duo processors which currently reside in Apple's MacBook, MacBook Pro and iMac computers.

    Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme processors have a plethora of new features including Intel Wide Dynamic Execution, Intel Smart Memory Access, Intel Advanced Smart Cache and Intel Advanced Digital Media Boost.

    The Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Extreme could make their Mac debut in Apple's PowerMac computers which are rumored to be released on August 7th 2006 at the World Wide Developers Conference.

    Intel is expected to start shipping the new processors on July 23rd with an official announcement on July 27th. The Core 2 Duo will have clock speeds of 1.86GHz, 2.13GHz, 2.4GHz and 2.67GHz while the Core 2 Extreme will clock in at 2.93GHz. All share a 1066MHz front side bus with between 2-4MB of L2 cache. Pricing for the chips range from $183 to $999 per chip.

    As mentioned above, a number of benchmarks of the new chips have been released today, with DailyTech providing a roundup ( of many reviews.

    Apr 14, 01:10 PM
    The real question that I haven't seen anyone ask, is will this be Intel only or will other chipsets/manufacturers support it as well.It appears to be Intel only for now and it is a rather large controller compared to USB 3.0 ones.

    Intel gave many other vendors a field day for profits by not supporting USB 3.0 on their PCH. Though this did drive boards costs up and certain vendors preferred to wait for Intel to simply include support. To be honest, it only appears to be Apple.

    Apr 16, 10:35 AM
    Looks like 2012 is the year to get the Ivy Bridge Macbook Pro :D

    Sep 26, 06:58 AM
    Oh man. Verizon early termination fee, here I come.

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