barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper

barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
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  • poppe
    Aug 28, 10:50 PM
    Because people are so scared of immediate obsolescence that they'd rather hope for a new enclosure than enjoy what is currently out. It gets really old.

    Acctually what gets old is a look of the same thing for the long time. Now the Powerbook look is awesome, so improve upon it. All of us wishing for a new enclosure are not screaming we want a 17" White MB no no no. We are saying just change it up.

    I always find it so funny these apple followers (not you, one I am posting to) that preach about how innovative apple is, but then minute another apple follower demands change, we get our torches, tar, and chicken feathers...

    My dream would be a refined Powerbook look. Perhaps in a gunmetal (that super dark grey) still aluminum looking though.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc wallpaper
  • arcelona fc wallpaper

  • MrSmith
    Oct 27, 08:25 PM
    So all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets in areas other than their stand? So they didn't smash up the Apple stand or invade Adobe chanting and shouting.

    They handed out leaflets and were ejected because no one's ever allowed to talk about the downsides of our throwaway consumer-trinket technojunk culture without being told to shut up.

    Heck, every trade show I ever go to has girls with their tits half hanging out wondering the halls handing out leaflets nowhere near their particular stand.

    Sad to see so many people now happy to have people's free speech stamped all over. No wonder Bush can dismantle the Bill of Rights and his lapdog Blair can swiftly remove centruries-old liberties with barely a whisper. I agree with Greenpeace's concerns. Vast toxic waste dumps with no proper processing are springing up across China.

    If some fat overfed Westerner's kids had to live and play near a site like that they'd be up in arms! But, no, let's pretend the problems are somehow 'made up' by 'subversives' and need stamping out with the jackboots.
    I didn't read every post, but the above nicely sums up my take on it. The reference to half-naked women at car shows is a stroke of genius. I mean, kids go to such shows. Greenpeace handing out leaflets, though, is an affront to mature businessmen.

    But Greenpeace aren't going to make a change at Apple. Only the consumers are going to do that. Not by forming a negative opinion about Apple's business practices/production methods but by not buying their products. Anyone here willing? Thought not. Me neither. Only the powers of the marketplace are going to force a powerful, important company to invest in change, and those powers need to be manifested as more than opinions.

    And sorry if this has been mentioned already, but in the picture on the GP site they're holding red apples, not green. Isn't that, like, stupid?

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. FC Barcelona v New
  • FC Barcelona v New

    Oct 27, 08:18 PM
    Just for the record, I hate greencepeace and everything they stand for.

    Just for the record, if you are against Apple getting rid of those toxic chemical compounds that can mess kids up, you sound like the type of guy who I would not want to associate with.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • Shadow
    Oct 27, 09:47 AM
    I. Hate. Greenpeace. I've wasted seconds of my life 'listening' to them and its all rubbish.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. real madrid vs barcelona
  • real madrid vs barcelona

  • La Porta
    Apr 4, 11:44 AM
    Wow, that's awesome! Good example for other criminals.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. FC Barcelona Wallpaper
  • FC Barcelona Wallpaper

  • e28
    Aug 24, 10:41 AM
    $100m = 4 days worth of iPod sales on average or 16 days of iPod profits.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 2010:
  • Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 2010:

  • philipcolett
    Sep 10, 04:19 PM
    Does anyone know where this will be live updated? macrumors, appleinsider? thanks

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. Ronaldo vs FC Barcelona
  • Ronaldo vs FC Barcelona

  • mwayne85
    Apr 22, 02:57 PM
    AMD Fusion w/RadeonHD 6xxx and Price drop to $799 for the 11" and $899 for 13.3" - now that would send the sales skyrocketing.

    $899 for the 13? A $400 price drop is a bit of stretch, don't you think? :D

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. match FC Barcelona vs Real
  • match FC Barcelona vs Real

  • gauriemma
    Sep 12, 02:22 PM
    where did the student pricing go? i guess there was an overall drop, but I was hoping to use my discount one more time before graduating

    The new 'pod pricing seems to be at the old Education Store levels anyway. So basically they got rid of it for students and gave it to everyone.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • BornAgainMac
    Sep 5, 01:20 PM
    Do you know a Tivo is a computer? It has a microprocessor and runs Linux. However, they don't try to make it a computer. That is why their idea has caught on.

    I agree. For the mainstream market.

    I don't mind having the more complex Microsoft solution (I have EyeTV) but Microsoft Media Center PC doesn't let me use it's media interface to play my songs on iTunes or play my Quicktime movies. Also it couldn't work with my iPod. It seems to be only Microsoft only files. That was the deal killer for me. I didn't mind the overly complex remote or the Windows virus operating system.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid:
  • FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid:

  • vrillusions
    Mar 23, 04:41 PM
    Funny, I just read in USA Today I beleve it was, that law enforcement officers actually prefer people use the apps...saying that even if the app alerts the driver and they change their driving habits for a short time, say, slowing them down from speeding for a few's a good thing, and they encourage it.
    Besides...who the h*ll is the government to tell Apple what they can and cannot do with their business? Regulations are one thing...such as safety regs and such...those are needed, but Christ...this is over the line.

    This has been reported on multiple times. Even before apps certain stretches of road are well known for the speed traps they (usually) have. The result is people always slow down (annoyingly to like 10 mph UNDER the speed limit) just in case the cop is there. Same thing with the apps. People go "Oh no! a speed trap!" and slow down. Since the purpose of the speed traps is to enforce speed limits it still works for them, they just don't get any money for the tickets.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. Real Madrid v FC Barcelona
  • Real Madrid v FC Barcelona

  • JAT
    Mar 30, 12:16 PM
    Just seen on Mashable that Apple is now releasing a new iPod touch aimed at children. Now the Catholic church is suing Apple because they are naming this new device iTouch Kids. :eek:

    Does stupidity really improve people's day? I don't get it.

    "I felt like **** yesterday, but then I said something that lowered my IQ 10 points and just cheered myself up!" Ok.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • brentsg
    Apr 4, 12:11 PM
    OMG.. I'm with Felt. "Security Guards" shouldn't carry guns, and if they do there should be training and good sense that goes into using it. Shooting the suspects in the head is criminal.

    Having been about 5 feet from an armed robbery, mid-day in a popular mall where I live.. I say it's justified.

    I don't care if it's noon or 6:45AM, people who decide to carry (and use) guns to commit a crime deserve what they get.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. la liga fc barcelona vs real
  • la liga fc barcelona vs real

  • monaarts
    Apr 4, 12:30 PM
    Apple needs to start paying it's employees better... Seriously, it seems like there is a robbery at an Apple Store every other day. Maybe TLC will make a movie about it soon, "The Deadliest Retail Job" HAHA

    - Joe

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. real madrid vs arcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs arcelona 2011

  • wwworry
    Sep 9, 06:25 AM
    I am curious about the iMovie benchmarks. One might think the mac pro would be over twice as fast but it's not. Is that because of software limitations in iMovie?

    I am about to make a purchase of either an iMac or a 2.0Ghz. MacPro for monthly workouts in Final Cut. Hard to decide.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • extraextra
    Sep 12, 06:40 PM
    I wish the games worked on a 4G iPod. I guess I'll have to wait for the warranty to expire and then for it to die before I spring for a 5G. Hopefully by then there will be a 6G widescreen iPod!

    I'm more curious about the iPod nano 4GB = $149 and then the regular iPod 30GB = $249 pricing than the pricing between the 30GB and 80GB.

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • runninmac
    Sep 13, 09:13 PM
    Well, Steve did say he would be seeing us soon :p

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. Real Madrid vs Barcelona,
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona,

  • Freecity88
    Apr 20, 10:09 AM
    Good for CSI :D:D:D

    barcelona fc vs real madrid wallpaper. arcelona fc vs real madrid
  • arcelona fc vs real madrid

  • jamesi
    Oct 12, 08:04 PM
    except this isn't about a band. its about a charity.

    same deal to me, its a publicity stunt

    Apr 28, 05:18 PM
    You do realize that this image could end up biting Apple in the butt? In 3 years time the iPad will be where the iPhone is now: Loosing some (not all) of its marketshare to the knockoffs.

    Unless Apple has a new iToy (I.e not an MP3 player, phone or tablet) ready for say 3-4 years from now, they wont get any bigger than they now are.

    More likely scenario: in three years time both the iPhone and the iPad will be where the iPod is.

    With the iPod, Apple started with a high end, expensive device. People still bought it in droves. Later Apple varied it and introduced cheaper, smaller models. There are no effective competitors.

    As the device matures and the Market for mp3 players is saturated, Apple takes it in a new direction and adds iOS and apps. They sell fewer, but most of those sold are mow iPod Touches.

    With iPhone, Apple again started with the high-end. They haven't even begun to produce differentiated models.

    With iPad, Apple has hit a sweet spot really early on -- the competition is in shambles and has no-where to go. Where are the competitive knock-offs at any price, let alone cheaper prices?

    In three years, Apple is going to:
    A) have three more years of experience with these devices (and who is matching the maturity of their devices today) -- particularly as Apple products are often the bench mark and define their respective industries/markets.
    B) have a fully operational data centre online for three years
    C) have even more and better control of components and supply chain
    D) have even more high profile shops in more countries
    E) have even more sales in China and India
    F) have even more experience at designing and producing their own unique SoCs for their devices while competitors have to make do with all the same off-the-shelf power-hungry parts, and same off-the-shelf half-baked operating systems.
    G) still remain unconcerned about its marketshare, having been making HALF the revenue and profits of the ENTIRE industry already!

    Really, no-one even three years ago predicated the success of the iPhone or the existence of the iPad. What makes you think that three years is going to be more favourable to Apple competitors than to Apple?

    Anyway, I wouldn't count out the possibility of new "iToys", but don't forget the MacBook Air, either. This redesigned, second gen model has been flying off the shelves the last few months. Lion is about to be released and MacBook Pros are getting refreshed. Apple never has stood still, why would they start standing still for the next three years!

    Apr 19, 10:45 AM
    And then Apple would ruin Samsung, cratering them with winning lawsuits. Also, Samsung would lose their reputation in the supply chain as well as their credibility, and it would likely damage the Korean economy as a whole, and South Korea politically as well. You're talking about one company causing problems for tens of millions of consumers, and a mountain of negative news. If Samsung wanted to be bankrupted within a decade, this would be a way, for sure.

    That would be true if and only IF Samsung were an electronics company only. Again, they own everything in South Korea from grocery stores to construction companies, to apartments, to cars, to electronics. The last two are their newest branches. Samsung are doing well in every sector, but you have to remember that firstly, they are a grocery company, then they are everything else.

    Samsung's total assets dwarf Apple many times over. There is no fear of them falling down (unfortunately).

    Apr 20, 02:10 AM
    The logo on the center of the record is an apple sliced in half. Again, it looks nothing like Apple's logo.

    You're right. Apple doesn't use an Apple for their logo. :rolleyes:

    Apr 20, 10:12 AM
    I doubt the information is accurate.

    Update: The information is inaccurate.

    World Citizen
    Mar 30, 11:37 AM
    Lets sue the name "apple"

    "the compound noun 'apple' means simply ' a healthy object created by nature wich will give you pleasure and a longer life,' which is merely a definition of the thing itself--a generic characterization."

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